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banned irom Daopesn Football tlnioar com petitions tor the next two sea ms because ot thetr sop Mara misbehavior it was so anttnnd here today censor in ft Gerard itlvlrvtwihlr hm deteaalvo obloh trash amend emerqu that could have slapped gov matth labor contract Mm elm Pill end at as cc em ones this month Labor hilaistar lean Conr or ooyer said Ihrovdsy he has to eeived cabinet approval to art Juno so deadline by star or live weeks In hopes that most at collective moment the emeraency ksllhn passed alter Morn nonstop Ont WIWWW years in the Ontario Bothy Association edtodsytheyareriropptrayootottbole ea ital Ovtnnon mom in debt with no chance restina capacity at the arms SaysCICMemborsShouldloinNDI bl persons tied and more than there wotlndtld The Hunorr is one oi live Japanese terrorists who plotted the milsdly open as sooa siter June It thajllys exoustivo curiosities thllillltlxJIM QmwlulIhaprorln an AMI 11 ordered an teach civil with school board board worterai public some Doorstops the Mile service are meat would decree letiris that would Inrca until midml rsday that merrrhers oi on Independent hands should lulu the NDP Police lineal Suspected Terrorist WKYO lAPlJl wanted in connection aese pollen today snorted you Will the th Avis sbport massacre in which irving Receives Prison Sentence NEW YORK lAPtCIillonl Irvin phy ill American Iridwtrlaan itmrd 50000 to licravvIlillvas srnlroeid doytotli yesrslnprlsonsndatit mad turno Maa IIndilisWorirli MONTREAL 2de laid arson or continua pmmluvm itudaes and sold it in its Districmonrt to tine tor conspiracy tnd ooPellli It Wists gigmivollidglgiacddllround Wreck rut dial halliiblhh illicit ttsor end to In ttday strike by smarts non toaoitd prior worsen and police say It also am common thont mega Jan to Had it led mm win 31$ Mazatlan It an arm meat was respond tian govern contract remain In said to Iiittsagjtllll thlvfmhmwmwm today riiualrri CAPSULE NEWS Royals Drop Out Of league Royals Itter arts 11 Senior leszuegannolsne Iyua beam at tiaaaeisi Roysts prestdcaat said the elicit ts oi breaking even with the limited