god in air 55 E2 partial admlaeIsri that Dr or nsni may have sonrethi ilaa Cortland answer went like CANADAS srorr lune 13 Historic hand to medical reboots are rated more apediirallr as seen iivea to increase the number vt mEgE Erasers medical shtdenis and are not merely used at the discretion oi non sowauiu work on the railway use use rn lloara lie And are m4th werahalalnd nuusKttigd notallocatedalthaldlscreilnnol Wm th in boot ENDANGERED SPECIES it biotin all it mth Maladlfhwmtbmlidehm thatbtmhlaum TRTam minute horror THE WORLD TODAY II duvmmw Nest rain to city alder WOIIhWhe 3991011 eform WWW millionaire OilRich leYQ arm they obtained into to ltlu$tiililhillrliiiil ed erratum mldahl with till01am Iain mot Etienne Wbila it is generally mepteddttre aslioiro Toronto This area is too divert Wish exploration ot the Drula the ligai roan to aacaod mm 5mm Jud mm the boardl twonaigovammentdaaoga not his tiled ior that Rural and urban totorm mum gummy Mum mm mum arm new simia Mwn muwt nom mg Mimimnumwnrmmr tloinhdldtdrmnsmhf aohm been made abundantly olsar that two tier level oi admhatsbalion is desired by most rstepayers lire system ioliowed in the adrooi ad ministration ohanga oi tour earl ago that oi having county boar replace am and local boards would not be de slnble ior moraiadmlniatratlon it is clear the oi the El meritme an thla country lrvora reta omy Revision oi boundaries and some amal gamationa in the interest oi eiiicientz are to be anticipated but rmmicipal minimviola on strong level should be contimred even ii wtreamlioedtreglonal administan should replace county council the muoty ltreli could update its ad ministration to meet modern demands on serve the purpose Representation should be alloted on lair basis in leap ing with lalton and assessment smoothing has been considerably out oi line in the coilrity administration in recent years The county council recog nized this aspect to an extent itself in movin to adjust its membership with Vlodu oniaomhhboidmembereriait log pent year it the two cities Barrie and Orillta ultimately Join the regional overnment this red solution should carried out iuriiaer regional odme letratlott of 30 to 35 merrfoers would ap pear reasonable Bart it would be serious mistake to to model any Sims County regional istration on onetier system such lotoiullaocounttiaiisectionsaretobe given their fair voice into Paddle Coutiurtnda Mg and neat broudit about war mg mg at Brim Drill detriment tor the that The countys planning eludy board in recommending ll planning sreasior con itthimdhliidi thought that this mlmtbe starti basis ior municipal reorganization it has been mentioned although there has been some objection that to or even 20 mun maot Willa to cities oi Barrie and 0rli its there are now ill mu altties in the county including some haventa broad enougtrtax bare to raise the nec essary taxes to maintain nunlclpal sorvv ices up to the standard people lme come to correct today Ditierent county councillors have related out that adminiairetion at local eveie closest to the people appear to be the most responsive to pabltc on it than advantage some wou say democratic right which shouldnt be regarded lightly At one time an 0000nrlolnnrm pop ulallon was suggested as guideline ior municipalities oi the iulure not to be iollowed rigidly but to nerve as general basis tor municipal redevjopntent En ceptlom could be permitt where Just iitsd as done elsewhere Whatevor is done it is important that every care is talten in Europe County to protect the iullrlghte oi ratepa era lhe convenience of taxpayers too th muni clpal administration within easy am also should be receiving prime consider on DOWN MEMORY 10 YEARS AGO lN TCWN Barrie Exarntner June as 1052 One arioe education system is obsolete and horrid be overhead declared Proies sor George Comm College oi Drhrcation trustees Clvsroh disousred na to establish stealth tor Dutch immigrants in Slnrcoe County Group Ca rah non oonmanding er RCA rn Bordeo congratulated lioose Squadron Dante Mr Cadets at annual inspection FL Ronald Entry is cadet CO with lack Oates DFM adtutant Pro wrest ltn opened rt Barrie Arena Reieree was Jeri Dempsey oi New York iorrner worlda heavyw ht borin champion ed ger Billy be Brazil and rd Lou Dohsry and son Carnran oi olnt urobasod lbioot gower boot mother to ileet on emp Day CNR engineer Joseph eni llowoaoit toolt retirement run trom Mea lord to Allardale aoco soled by son Nonnanaaiireman rs Otto Raw earned iii numbered Barrie Pros more Womeoh Missionary Social NM littlch thrilled as pre ant hr nu liraptei Bots Sigma or ty succeeding Miss itchy Kidd lira Leighton Clarke continua as sorority director with line Oliver Cameron one set Diplomas presented to it oya and is by Very Rev Dean lanres Clear at th rd annual graduation exercises 9t Jose High School John Woods was val otorlan Message to raduates given by Rev Chaie Vioartlen eral Searboro Missionary Seminarz lire Nell iaurie was hostess at brea last part ior class prior to Mass at St Marys mh Formal party was held at home oi llarytllilen llcVelgtr and an per party at home of hire John Wu Mrs llarold Cooper entertained at her home on iioss St the bridal party hetora rehearsal for wedding oi ills leipaiitiea the matures in realign smtt Xiimiirlinih to tha area the name Quadra was dropped in till the CPR transconti rental line was being extended man its oridoai terminal Port 94qu Moody into Vancouver door mm um Keeier nephew at one at at clearlnr tree to melt Wertarri National horn opera Tiler sideration have started trend oi tai Vancouver was sent to deal mm wlIIa iipsoleh oitlcera there mm In on lie and Commander Doleeg gm Quad met at North and do mm Toronto to Dradiord was tirat in Upper Canada to has throne realCold was discovered at Latiavs Rivar NS altsCans an easll wu at Sault Ste Marie lassNorthern Railroad tram rat is daily some oi lbs in aatmlllt lha iah Republican Ann unity gamblsaculanthm to ill Qadai iiahed mm ll NW Im Itlll hitieriy Iiilchd iellow Arab leaders chiey Kin lllnieashrd the worst cane rain at Jordan mu el hatred against lsrael We wer in September root alas the lata prasideat liar asr oi Egyt and Preadmi Sadat his as eratiliog surrey LNatlonaured Ilia roller oil iarrliory was on companies to lihya with sudden it Dawson the apt and arrogant nourishes thus an tahllshlog his control over about militia Ia given the 1011 rsrsnrrt paaaangsr train no cent oi the worlds re moll reservea umpis ground lor some Sti mmg WWI this use who ware going to BIBLETHOUGHT HOW ABOUT MOVIE TONIGHT more let as worship and Ital dmi ltd Ia heel beiora the lord oar Alain Psalms 010 it is rather easy tor person to be talen up with church without having really over turn ed their lives on to Christ Neat lords day open the door at your heart and mat claim on liean in Jesus He laid behold allnd door and knock it any roan will my the door will come 0hr Instr Elohim 10 BI aid and Ontario Telephone nssm Second Clara liaii Radatratloat nines out Return postage guaranteed Dallyr Sudan and Statutory tinildava excepted Subscription total daily by carrier the weekly sun year ly Singla topics 11 By mail Barrie erase yerrlyr Simone Couty salon yaarly Balance at Canada siaoo yearly All other countries $000 yesrir liotor throw all moo year National Advertising ornm as Queen St West Tomato sot ilior esp Cathrart St Montreal Member oi the Canadian Fran and Audit Bureau oi Ctrciiln lean Harris and Kenneth Cooper at um Central United Churolr Feslivai oi hands will beheld rt Barrie Arena to raise loads to dietary cost oi Barrie Col ieglate Bands trip to adage to on term at Amorloan MidWest Band on icrenco laclt Mildrinson general manager was chairman tor dinner party at Barrie Work out to honor company vtcepresldent Corkey on retire mom blr liltdhtnson presented to guest oi honor small gold lated iron which gas 2500000ih pro uci manuiaotured ere Canadian Press is exclue lastl entitled to the use lot to cation oi all news dispatch aalotblaogxreredltedtoitor Aaa Press or ileum also the brat naws publish ad therein thrillsrte Esamlrrer clalrna CoEyrImt in all ortrloal advar its and editorial material ere aied by its employee And to produced In this newspaper Comm Registration Nuns her rotors register It IITIIIWIlIT Adult Entertainment JOSEPH LEVNE PRESENTS RICHARD BENJAMIN now PiAYlNG TILL FRIDAY Robert Fields Magplliilyl Nicolas Desist lacltWanlsn ihnroiinll shriotme Allin my Bair ohmsAll Hhhlvdhsngu mlaerbaana Aooounoed he will aid ttnao rlia moat who wont sup andImli tips at tacl aralast iaraaL moths rormlah Fri taping rathar than our what thla astresniai glean thtchaoce aa Ili pt Venezuela laatyaar would moan this obscure righteous hyara colonel could et petroleum llaa tactical otnisar bomb against Iaraai with no warning to allies or the world it such worlds eltiy iorhlddeo arnoh damlating loshamnt came detlnltaiy New Pia From Russia With ova at pm Goldiln or at vii Entertainment Plus Dasirln many private ears in his coon tom years ago had dared one aluminum anna Inciudlo modem Illihlj and Canberra beaten his kingdom Peraauda mambo eouoli oi the organisation at Contain hold stat tor innoula which would yield me man tortillas to the countries and less to companies All the DEC sue Libya was the toner to tahln harder Rita in otgo tween the ow the worlds international oil notations To do it agal