Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1972, p. 19

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Youre Sure To Get Bite If You Drop Line In The Want Ads 728=2L414 SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGEle VALUESIN THE HOME OFFICE AND ON THE FARM DiAL 72824 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Luann TITURATTAY JUNE II In REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Monro WW 7280674 in MYTDZLD sl nanniz COMMERCIAL AND INDth WWII ANDvREIOENTIAL invest to Ill Orvlag Barrie EXECUTIVE MONTY IIOILE IIIDHURST got so It liaisbed living me alone Ilrrpluea in den and living room wmAalbIltonypIUoviomdumroom Bllutlhdly horieepod treed lol garage Wlil couider trade or smaller home Darrin CIiI Dave or Dolly IIorlIU mllld SOUTH OF BARN Nev rloecplil linlsbed lImily room with Emilee lot 75 no ntelient residential area Oil Daily Noyteli name ordeal PROPERTY New preetige lpiex in the hospital ll Writ Irwt equity br your present home or down plynrerrt on Dave Ilortell mme BEDROOM urrlrunlshod apartment roarenlenlly located near new Dell building an linylirid Streld Slade peraon prrlerred Now MING bedroom apartments on the terror at Wellington and Refrigerator stove Ill militia Included per month Ilorlv TAIL Wt IoIi DAVID 109 BAYFIELD ST 72 DAVID WASS Ml RON DECARIE nEltlil RICK IltCLDCKIJN mom NA ETII ONO le DOWN dl acres at loll teeed lend Illh stream Excellent lrr luidng Pelt lion today motions AREA alnnnlno rm 11 acres Show Valley Road close in Snow Vuilry Wril trrerl lvvllb small stream 36500 cash Dave uvoumuaswrwusranour eeeoo Vacant and dared Owner Iranslerrad out ol tron Call anyvoe moo nnoucnn rnorl moon Alerel liduplil with bedroorru Illacbed garage arrll hrnad born Owner Iranslerred Dust be sold Iloruo only one your oil Dali anyone Win lTTli GINO $19M Ibarhoomvbtingelovv our store and LINE Nice Irnerl iul int rise to It too Oat Risk unooo omen 5mth Ulenrla nil LI in Shinto garage paved ririvr Presently aarrtee lrn ttoo mlhly Call anyone PROPERTY FOR SALE Nlrrsorr HIMTOR rte ounrnr room ronanro Irene RR APPRAISLIO arm FINANIING DEBT Ultra mi NLlldolquareleet IllIIIollIlAluiiy lirnIdoonildlnislled muUumleIMIbeaoomaodIalcelmanaata WmmWIIWMWIhrumnrnme YOULL NEVER REGRETlb day you linIIII derided to look ltllilbeeulihriabedroornbomewhmdurmbeglns Itthe boat door latlulu lad lelllrrr Is panelled llmlly mm and lienwilh IM large hrldi Lildlrn Illarhrd gIrIgI Ind many eatrIs Call lira Ilaltr mam No in DAIRY EARN TN WNTE TOWNSHIPloo Icres with bedroom brick house llip rooted barn equipped with steel ehiour and an nrlllr house Nee Illaulloatly level prodrrc eolL Scenic area core to paved highIn lllneae torces rate at 1000 To lee it call Del lermey man No vu mUhlllY DUNGAIDWIm square loot btmgriow IiluItod on 15 not lol EIreplnre palla doora lloiiyviood kitellen View ol rolling cormtryside Asking $5500 Call ilrI Tlrliush Mil No in TDOKTNG FOR IIOILE WTTII SPAClOUS GROUNDS The gar dens already planled and theres room lor pool or llnnls court on this It lore lot larvoUl nurrhen living room with tlreplace bedrooms largo tlnlshrd area in basement plrrs games room attained gIrIge Asking price um Clli Irene Forbes mm ARE YOU LOOKING FOR HOME WITH SOME OPEN AREA AROUND TTI Well we have IL located about is mileI lroln liar rie Iix you old three bedroom bungalow with repanle dining room and loudly room with llreplaee Ill overlooking the Wye River This home Is Limited on l7 urea For more lalormaiion contact Mary lee Inlimrr must No 157 no Acmononerweeo Ilorslshoe Valley and sign 0mm lional Centre Partly woodtd and partly cleared rparlsmans parIlilse linking sisvoo Call Ilrs Young at mun No no FDR LEASEOdin space In new building Lils square lrel Partitioned lo Itrit your requirements Includru Ill utilities plus lireondilioniug llnitor service parking and drapes Iurmedale possession Call Ills Atkinson mm Ills No 36 Juli EMORY REAL ESTATE erronean FOR sare CHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR ll IDro Collier St lavvie miror RR Vs ain Sr Dorrie 72625l0 Direct Toronlollne 3646625 GENERAL INSURANCE YOUR OWN POOL Get In the hill Why drive to the beacbr This to Tool pool Is lies to lImily home just Initial lor you bed room family room lueplace broadoom double car garage Ind acreage too Call IlIrion Newman LIWILE PROPERTY plan localod In Strand llurlri lng In good repair Iully rented Why not live in one apartmenl and let the other pay the mort gagor lean Garrick rum RUNGAUJW 0N BURTON AVE our newly dtcurlleri alone lungelaw on bus route Large living room separate dining room and bedroom on main oor Basement has rec mm Ind third bedroom Call lrnluy to view Joan Garrick maul MKETRONT WAGE bedrooma living room lIrge klldlca lrrrlde conveniences Deautllul lol DoalhoulI portable dock to minutes lrom liarrie ilannah Prntlarnl aura NORTH CENTILIL iii000 This Iltnctlve bedroom home is near schools and but Large finished rec room driveway parrd to double car garage on good sized lot liinrlly call llvan hleDInrmlrI moan oneva unnono An older home in Danie Pick your own price lily client has cash or could assume any ex isting mortgage inst phone you are under no obligntron to list or sell Phone ll llamillon IT VMNT STREET lmoenlate Moon home bathroom hall blamed lave borne to shoe mine Jade ROD Mr BEDROOM IUNGAIDIV Breton Ave lovely eorner lol MI house In immaculate con dition Hohhot rec room In beselllem milky room garage in peeled condition throughout Dori Allan 1101 MW DOWN PAVIIEAT bedroom home screen lrorn Irbool one block lroln shopping in quiet eomnlrrrlly Call now for appointment Gold Wrighl 06565 to ACRES in MINUTES HTDII IIAlllLiII otter horn in good rrpair L1re living room large lire place huge barn Tronling an paved road Deerleot hobby lIrm Priced at mono rerlh lernu Clare Robinson metre BE YOUR OWN ROSS lllrllarnlPenelang real money maker Is this compact billions at gas service eunnI lrr and busy general storr Crossing over $200000 in choice location between lllrse boom irrg lotillrt towns Ultra modern brick iivlnl lguIrlerI Dont miss to inspect it today For this and other properties in this area call ilarry iiIgedhln norsueer or MOW ll ACRES ilODUY Frill Older llyie home bsrlrourrrs larle living room lITLpIJtC kitchen dining room trrge olrl er barn nrerls some repairs lronling on paved road dose to poll ailing excellent snowmor llilc country Clare Robinson Will ACRE BUILDING LOT Just oil Nollawasaga River Besulllnl acre registers buil ding lot Large ravine on alga oi properly beautilul view at rirer loo ll lrom prrhlin braclr Asking only some Call layouts at month or drop Into Anne REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ILLS Ilelilul 1231071 Appraisals listing Invited JOILI IL WRIT rum TILE11 nuvevl NEW COUNTRY IIOIIE to basic models Nelly ranch split level IrIi rrrrlltplrxesl Ier lberiroonrs Ouloruize your on borne You an build vveU designed hams It the lowest pussrble rosL Lal owners may be able to Ilrrt buildin with irllle as can dorm Color catalogue with floor pllns earl details lust IN Phone George il Warren 53 lllngsdown Dr JlbOroilgIl tllll new or visit your nun est Beaver Lumber Inre rl yr similar or IMiIllI nelm ILm lunar usrrsa All mi Mr or Iklnlty one Ailll min roll malfea rl ylwuvr lnlarmrlm rrnnm lbelIIIl am no am lulvav Eucallu rnrrnu bllhl rlw Menace lII ua Iu your dearvea ll In most Coolie Ian and pin Ylitnmm hill simmn NIJL JILI vIrvavl IILI In none hem slomlrom Iioivre theorems MM am drubll perm llulll one lol Alllmale rm or our vili onm mom nrll 5800 DOWN Inlvally Metro beovam hilvpr love all Mala min lav Ilia monthly Frill avree ll and no irrr Daevr vrovlplos ohm 2er rue tom only nvrtrweron em on NI islet rim Whom nowhere or livlnqdrvllpp Iver arm on silica two vicinity room om mm llmlla IIIKlld OAYIO DIM menuy lama llmlx Jvl SIIANTY RAY rumplelrlv remodelled lluey neaoem heme large bathroom Nev lupqlhlhl room mom zrrls wrlirovl arsonll Lot air It lrnnb REAL ESTATE neurones wanreo nevus auvIIreIIvelao vim prim one run ml sm to buIIMi Iv Irrn It were noel rune ml in Deeartv mm me my last em Insult aou MORTGAGES 90 Loans RESIDENTIAL llI3 RURAL Serviced llelro Unlervired Wylnle COTTAGIS IOIIR 2nd Ilarlgsges llu CALL DIRT urns null Approved Correspondent lor The Ilrarlgage Insurance Co at 31 as The Real People Piece IIUNEYAVAIUULE FOR VACATIUN CAR DOAT MORTGAGE CONSOLIDATION You ssro money when you eii borrow llom your own liARRlE COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION COLUER sl risalur mas st Easy Mortgage Money from Associates Easy to get The amount is than Iled only by the equity rlu have in your home it could he 000 arrow maybe IBM or more And there are never any bonuses or brokerage ices to t1 Juli Ionrwaunmllrworuoem our cw rv nrveo orlvr mobility Me truer valwiou Easy to lake Because youI one umnoyr sum howledIto bedroom bungalow with broadloom in living room Ml NEON mm All tillIII Mill lull llddalonl llreplIcE ball haula wrlh 67 Dub yy Bum complete Gneral lnsUrance Illmll lIKlII re Iawel or in interest mil with llpllwl on at in mruMMancsum Mr Iggy ml 19th rrrosr Muggilourhisiru millisans uonrorons thNoilel Broker Jack lleyden Iianagcr PARRY SOUND AREA torso 250 on sale salxiy beach SLOW Cali Ilme lave mm mUNTRY LIVING ON CITY WATER5M Uri alwey and halt More bedroom living room kildreo and dining room Iron down Olll IlurrIy Love mom lovva none on Ilrmll Icrovlot Droerdoom In living room nice recreation room bedrooms carport DIM For inspection call Iilke Lysablid moose LAILISIIORE ill OHM bedroom borne with Large living room and dining roorrn Fireplace Exceptionally well kept properly Doll house marine railroad car garage hlany extras including Ilunn bath and shower Dont miss lilil II 559000 Gail Ron Splotlie tavern OOUNTNY LIVING at its best Deaulllul home on iiig Dry Point Road large Lehaped living roomdinlng room with broadloom loads at kitchen weenie bedroom Ree room lull base meat car garage Spatial lolly nodded grounds tuner Call Illilo tynnblid most lid ACRE7th concession ol Hal Zbrdruom home on properly yoorrlrv lawn mm Min Itamllten John lltthl Marion lumen Marion norm In sum ea Donmlly DIN Ind Mevl mortar Nlnnlh PMIIIM Leon Garvch nlrvacnlo Em MtDlevIvlld ntllvlpt rilenaive leio am em terns vie rooms in mm tall IilI lehmlw evlhiml mm am irmrl av Smith Cnnnull lo Miami home on MR am lel rrvr mlnou tvom the ily thpe living mm with live wm built in have and even and silvwnin rum Electric hall Ing alumnanee vacrnr Own mm It laid crll Mn Glilihlth In re LOTS FOR SALE null AIIA Third in la rue loll some on river rm Katy It not on m7le LIMII eveningsg lpreId the tale over many yesre which means lower monthly payments it you need cash call us abolit lsl or 1nd Mortgage Loan Its easy moneyl AFrtd Grant sr mud assocmrns nuan CREDIT LIMITED sirinanetrimaran IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere Service ransom Wsn FIRE AUTO CASUALTY LIABILITY Cali Joe Dirracolo 7260567 or 7284401 11 Bum HOME Am Im In acres at bran ems oi grach rest randy loam Cali Run 0M5 RUS broldloom bedrooms and panelled recreation room all in spot 5m AND mnlnlEnmI 1m coalition moo down Cell lor lurther lniormatiop lo rnrrir 59 mm mgywmlury5l2 moonlitins arc Blrnrendyk moron luIl lrwo BUILDING WISJust norLil oI ilidhurst each to acre Can Appnrlsms VALUATION be sold separately or logother Asking price stool eudl Please It You Need Money mam Merle Slmloh mini ll MAPLE AVE rank otlerlo lillke millimeter more norisrno lav raorlm Ill OTo consolidate debts In mm WINE my 73mm pluslo can and selling This tar is pay on My Mam oncrrul marl room mo mrrmr La It DOUG BAKER mm in Arm myrm hoovhasa which Is thapm Ill rr 0r mortgage coming due hi it hi omit Llllll rirl amt mnmvemrnh eelrhIrrrmye run rver though lith more learn warn on James MaeIrlI new piece bath living quarters pile Inepalata two bedroom apartment Any worthwhile enuso 71 mm mm Newer lereed ale oli hrruaee garage For more inioruralion call no DUNLOP iiitaiii AWAilarUTE Afioriidrii Write or Phone mom lule INNMAIIOII eIlI nuns Illa Peter Gubbels mm my Funding TM arm Prime em 12 Duulup St Mine omce iiiiiriliiiiirihiNORMAN if Em All M05 0MB Hyman mm russtlretllwlteo Mortals IN double lot north or New Tonsil Priced at only Irrsoo Cali Jim 7263422 RUSSELL CHURCH mm Amman ONeil Wit Fill Nelhl Mil CM iron nnrrnnsmur SPECIAL yar loo bedroom apartment main oor metiruously Ilept Two bedroam apartments upstairs lose to shopping and bin route Prime residential area Evelyn hlclIren twill No 59L SCENIC oolnmovvooo Anni ssooo Situated oavopen rand Uhllet site building permit IvallIbie Evelyn hirLrren 72a EDT No TILT UllUllClilLL mm bed room brlrll bungalow with base roenl apartment lirrpiacrs double windorrs large lo cellenlviewAhohl down has built No air tom and Dorothy Pituimmlru AMT0 SIRDUD msoo Starry lad hall aim home plus hinge on highway or be rooms loads at coaels hard and soil water Illnesv lorccs Slit NV too Tom and Dorothy Iilzrim mill 562620 50 ACRES Well tread lnnrl bear Creel runs through prep erly location Essa Townshi mean hike1 WHOM LAKIIRONT HOME Ib5 eel lrontage It Big Bay Point btdroomo oil heat permanent Irome bonthouse lumishcd Price $59000 with $1500 down DIN Purvla mm evenings Tram No bit RIVER FRONT WTTAGE lovely bedroom aluminum collage insulated and panelled with electric heat and an IL lloatage on the river Asking H500 with $5000 down Anne Spencer MIT Ne XISY LITTLE WTTAGE er collage on nine quiet street close to lake Sirocco tur hlshed with only $1500 down 500 Dorothy Oolbouroe ltd rear No essx WATERFRONT WAGE Lite 900 South ol Barrie bedroom cottage Oil lurnace piece bathroom Birch trees pretty lot Lillian Roberts moon No B53 class To BARRIE 15 acres Would male good subdivision BEDROOM How at St PIuil only lnilen south nl Barrie Owner hns been tvnrrsierred and II lorced to sell this spacious new home Broadloom llerth replace glass doorI trout llmily room to large sun deck Attached garage Price has not been re duch to $5500 For appoinarrent phone lilrvey MD NEW mWFLL ARMt bedroom bungalow ll piece bath one turned air all lurnIee SltuIted no acres Placed to sell at only 321500 0311 Peter Gubliols mm QUIET RETREAIEIIT IIOIIE on county load In New Lowell Tastefully domrnied cottage with piece ball Ind electric heat ing Surrounied by well llndscoped lot Asking ulnar Call Jim ONeil llIll reassuresa bedroom home kitchen oiling room largellving room hrll basement with shower tamed air healing On nlca lot Only crease Call Ddrod drier more siris ERNIE need was was writ new never ousreu mans AL null instill eencv Folio name KEN MILLER SAMMY IENNAM mutt oovrp sachcen ILnnen es elite mm usslra Ion FLIWELLINO JIM mien ilemr Joe ohms loss IunwlIL MIKI menu will COLE ION ROUTE JAN KLoosrlmIl IrIIvnv wllll Real Estate Ltd APPRAISALS TORONTO LINE Slit1103 MOORE ILLS Realtor 7282642 Res 7285l 87 Ill DUNLDP ST OPPOSITE ARENA lsabel hiorm mam it rev iNDUSTELIAL conunrrcurr lNVESllliENl RESIDENTIAL MM Wm EN ST in Dunlap st malls so ow No Image and buy tst and Ind 72667i3 mm Iiabcl IlIrlhIrl new North Sloddlrl mail Hwy00M Ron Treat rooms Inver side split on landeelprri GM mu 7mm lot Priced to sell at moo my NORMAN DUPLEX suites OOUI bedroom all large vooril Priced II ezvnoo Solid brch Close to all laclli Ltd Mobile Homes SALE RENT Paris and Service Norlhlander Travelux General Glendale Cash or Terms up to ll Years 11 llwy Burton Ave nausea lF TRAVEL TRAILERS It CONTAIN IIMI trailer lwlr lully eovlroed in new rarroillorr Nilsh Included luau Item Tria more mom roll IM NIAMIO ll loot IvIl Ill any time allev ion at tenv nut vroelh end at Dutkwoelh sl Llirla lel Juli IORAI rIllIelvllnl Nomi TITO Nuth irron Milli mobile htvrles lmlnllo ITII ouch It all sundlek is It loop leimhovr lroairae Midland in MI BU OPPORTUNITIES DISTRIBUTOR required to cater Ill territories youth at Huntsville to include Barrie and surrounding areas New type at SiUsII rult drink prrscnliy throrrgbuut Canada and the Us IF YOU NEED FIRST MORTGAGE Try The Municlpa First 90 LOANS lPrime rata Iliie Oilant Service OTho only Corporation under tho than and Tnul Corpora tlorra Act having Ils HEAD OFFICE in Barrie Wt also purchase enlsllng first mortgages Contact DOUG CHERRY Bus moor Ru mIM THE MUNICIPAL SAVINGS AND WAN CORPORATION no Dnnlop St East P0 Rea Ill Barrie mm In hUnirounr lnvet td noon in massiniirriqeuiilo ISTIZNDG 3RD Asking moon with reasonabo stuuuecre 50 clear 50 IiEAD OFFICE BARRIE no DAYIlELD ST moor MORTGAGES REAL ESTATE BROKER down payment Bill Purvrs bush Lillian Roberts 7W es rnorrr Sn OREHA or 0ND llIm AM this RAuLlOR gigmm ans Sportsmans pIrIdIse Swirl PF up Wm we ARRANGED 5231 dill runny TUMRTMIII Ws Wm in not overruling nxctusrvn realm InveIIlv rrorrIs morn mm Inna rr Properlles vllrr Illlllllb or eale our In lel AND OPEN mm 7W lvrlnrnur Photo Iris Delllvr Inn in Ewavvrimv an CHOLKAN run no mo ppm Ba ILLS Realtor Photo Ills Realtor REALTOR to Oolller Street WJhNAhm ml evenings moral No til No lieu lnIl mm mm mm Millet Morison mun Hum Inw WW OPEN WW EVENING 11 our initial rkllnl and eolllal 72 FREEZIR ONTllllO LIMITED Egiwvgbnwu RR MULLION tree RIM BeIthtllln mitt Dwrll some or arm Ill ooael hlnd Priced at only p1 pith new guy 505 NW Ami Mvecond are cut new Roger Sheiswell error or Don rliin Road 193993 Elm Derlde mas rm wooland on mm mm comment nearer Iril Ivrrrs mm WIT mm gawglishmfn Ilium On Prime immune AND MRI ll iii W533i itll HOMOWE MONEY lowing mil mo in will Call ii JENNINGS moor mm mg mum DWI III ulIII sotrieo Illll oer ynlln brown hire car garner eovlul Elm MII II TNLIIALKNEAS mom runner OALLANT nearer Tim mm myemm tgy it lWNiMuiurili uou snlliioiils norna IlAllY rlcrtnnlrra noon in mm ml 111511 maa asylum IM mu room mm Ml eros Mom in mm

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