iiiiiiiiiiii an or gr NailirdlScieiice risohool Mar Follow Anguslroiect coravirnlonr Enroler stall Witter mhumiei no urine and etodcate gt sum Street AchpollnAugue Arebrcnbirolv ed Ill hilttrel klehch tleld Irl Aeremtseecaiipeiee Instru ments tor measuring the height of trees Wildtong thotarltt up the ide laid hlr itooe III the etud were behind it All whlch may be the bcdnttlng at natural Idem echoul tor Sim mt my anmhthelioalolmntatlon My tl IN wtthldeiepatlmolllprlndpah MIIOIDDLVI er coca AisI physical my my glam Ith Illtlihmll Ant natural science school on ID II II noer In mm lm rte plat ot laud neariiid on rp an lust west oi the village at New mun Rm km Putnam Ami emporium lesson preceded the students ymdm leaving tor the Irip Dutlnl school hours they made Illtho TRIED FOR YEAR neceAAry equipment Including htr McNech has been Alter For Parking Lot Theltinislry ul Government Servlces will probably be given rly Mr Harper Add the min lot would not reduce on tho goahead to construct Alag vaIne and consoles like the new letter puking lot on the former St erie diurrli Import At Itulcuter and Codringion the area Irons RAL new altoed an lament building orethe Alta tot contourchi wrs approved May It hut tiual approval could not be given until public hearth was held iltthe hearing Thesday even IAIN Ixee residents is pressed little concern About the lot es eepttn Isl assurance the trees around the lot would be saved Plnnnlug board chairman George mtthouse will probably Attgact more commercial interests lie said the value ot the property In le am 37 $11 he leaned or Menuhin23 mm In the late tut ure In on years their property will increase in value lie assured the group the park lng lot would be permanent and an Apartment but gwnuid not getbmlt on the site AtA later He also pointed out the parking lot will relieve pirtinr problems termitotd the group naming on llocdonald and Voreiey op eubiniltedbythe gorcrie MI meal the trees at the perimeter The planning boards recom ol the lot would remain as they rnendutiuu tor rezoning will now are go to city council tor approval OMers were runccincd the and on to lltu Ontario Municipal parting Irt might devalue their Board or tinul Approval Planners Ilpprove Road Plan In Bayiield Candles Area of Barrie planning board responsible tor any liability clay night approved road should the Ontario Itunlclpal plan iora block oi land lmmedy hoard not agree with the plann atrty to the west ol new sub ing boards awrrveL llr lied dimion north ol tundch Road den explained the iirm would like and east at tinylirid Street sub to lay out all the roads while the to the approval at the on equipment and men are avail necring depart not able to save both time and tell lluddcn oi Dll Consult money ants Ltd on the board he and The board also ineludeela cou the developer oi the land to the dillon that the northwesterly two west at their property had met totsbe reserved tor lulther road with licnleclr loud Gerry connections lt necessary Tamblyn ol the city stall and an The planning board has not yet agreement had been ruched approved the entire subdivision bout putting road through the Questions were raised As other developers land to BAy ut the density which Includes licld Street To semldetached unite and eight The road through the at he Alngle landly units but no ltIIDn developers load will enter Bay was taken Iieid Street across irom pro Iii Madden explained there is posed road in the Chen lirll new in increasing need tor sentine elopment taehed homes and there is poi The plan alas calls tor road shillty the land to the northeast north INm mndlos Iload and which is now ioned residential road COHIINIID to the erisiing holding might eventually be Ioop In the new inde on come commercial creating Dlt Consultants Ltd be greater need for homes TllO CARS Damage has been estimated at berlsnd streets Driver oi er which received modem as llorsl tt liarleln Angus other vehicle was driven John Gillespie RR roud ESPAA FIREFIGHTERS The Vespra Township Ireliglie in Association elected Its slltr oiliccrs lest hltt At One Veda Fire llali The new citizens Iltobort lhornc president orris Spence vicepresident lt1 lluih Elrlrit secretarytree uonr rnAiLEE NIIISIDIT lnvoiviru host LOCNLIIIID GENERAL too Ililtko Kauptinmntt Copper Clill was the driver ol the car pulling the boat and trailer They reccirctl stoo damage car drivcn by lllciur CDlItrh 19d Burton Ave received I150 dam age roNrRALis AWARDED lrench Motors has been award ed the contract lot pick up truth and truck cab and ehas its by city council lost oi the pickupwill AMINO and rat at the cab and chassis will be those CONSULTING Elle NHIJIIS Gore IIANI Storrlr Ltd onsult inz engineers will be hired to complete the dost calling tenders liltl an it too at direlier and near resulted in constiucllon lor new iorre dllllltolastnlihi lh main rpm the Toronto Street atooourerinnliighwllyill pumping station to thA water we Aoulhbovudrempto pollution control plant lfmnRIurie than uni Aorttur Lenin mildru tor abouldiht nan Aretha endhls comment me trlnledra greAI deal oi help llltTIDWlIlndlYl out beieltr Boos said hlr licNeieund its TAM werem elorle the etudeute orestryonaattho HEW diniuglhetedAylnthA Under their direction theta dentalbnwtotaiaatree cotmt to estimated boaidtootan In woudlot Halli the Iin oi Ireeoepnt commas pests and diseases calculate an and eiia and mm soil prniilu In dttv teienl areas at the woodlot air twining Andthlr Boon taught the lttdenll orienteenng tlndingyour way around the bushwlthonlya Aetrlneurvemhethlrdpert unencumuamea tn repeal AM aquatic Insects are most numerous tinder dit terenl stream conditions monomer Armed with acrreul quart hot Ilutherritomelen sitters and screens the students looped In to stretchol Oates Creek which winds through hire Wlid touts properly Ami evadudid their experiments havent been out on trip like this with better group at AlgdentsJ sat htrahoos in no wemr Mmum tent wet and fl light Into that Attreeny to tin out what roads The Atudcnts made such obser vations as rate or flow extent oi shade temperature stream ml or and bottom composition everything they could thlnk to ciassiiy the stream end ac count tor the lite inside it The second aspect oi the pro gram orienleering was supervis ed by Mr llildtong SOME GOT LUST Two routes one Ior and onelor maxi ortentecring were marked out across the pro perty and the students let out in groups oi live estimate that only to per cent got really lostdurinc the hike said Mr Wildtong and the ones that did get lost were really lost Some tried to rein to gel cross the swamp Andl hadnt even Included it in the route Others were heading due east when Inund them and they should have been heading due west The purpose was really three lol explained llr Boos First IT anied them to have an enioyable learning experience In the wiotdoors and to really come to grips with several as perls oi nature Secondly we wanted to teach them some problem sulnng stilts in the areas or mathemtr AngusParenie Tolleet WithEducatioiiepuiy delegation at to parents or children who attend Our lady at Grace School In Anglia will meet with George Waldrurn deputy minister or education next hton day todiscttu the demotion oi Philip Pilon human tor the pascu group in ceivcd co mation oi the so pointrucut this morning Spiritual Giiis Oi Psychic Research ltnv Stanley hiatruiilclr an ordained clergyman hall as Americas most Gilled Spiritual Artist will be in Derrie under the auspices oi the Barrie Society or Psychic Research He will appear at Cedrington Strect school Thursday at porn Rev hialrunlrt Is graduate ing on Spiritual Gills Ior The NewAge Han and will demon tea and science and tinelly we hoped they would come to better appreciation oi our natur Al environment IONGER TRITD Meet at the students said it was too much to try to do everydilng theylplanned to do in lust one day and coiuensus was the trrp should have been one week long Their enthusiasm and the suc ecssotthalrlps hasiod hit Door to discuss the idea oi county natural science school with several Area principals and bin hloltelce Both are hopolul thaboerd at education can see the benets which could eometrom having place in the and ion strident in county Ilr liooa said It Is likely other schools in the minty will under take similar Mum next year even it the Bord at Eden tlon does not Implement the sug gesliou GARDEN SUPPLIES Could hlil IOIA or Small Garden Mot tor sale Plow and artilher atlats were its Pleosg telephone in FOR FAST ACTION CALL EXAMINER WANT ADS mitt In one way or Another moot ottiia the annual barbecue sponsored eel pom School hooves while mothers Aer salt driuhl and hated As teAseA Constable Georg tlc are plrsscd Ally got Into lite said htri Touch 11ch that it at ulucalionl will run lacs lutuwnJa its thiuu aidc The martin step in tlic thircnte elmrglc to hero iii ItItll Is Topic ill was reboot complishesi art rtnr at junior high so he had lie lourul lty to plane eitslnur scrin help the trallio rolli ve he llCIISSIIIT or daughter Sand Sandras girl tnr Paul looks on Ilia tlili he Speaker at Li pl psiolihesrhuel la slid ILlyjzh Ollie Dorrie Examiner cm news WEDNESDAI ltNl II In II Sculptor Pitches For Art Gallery Barrie may have new com sl art gallery it the com mittee oi Adnistrrieut agrees to rezone tha old Sheltered lliorti shop on Bcrciy Street trout non cnnlnrmi Institutional to non comerciel The city planning board last aim toll hallo and Rich ard Green their easiest and least expo route tor itltlllc In would he thmupJA the cone nuttee oi Adjustment which could change the toning trom one non conforming use to another The air Is currently ioiicsi residen his psrnlntloa to the plan beard llr Alto said the gel named Greens Gallery Will be hnuird iii the our trout portion ot the esut my house with living units in the upper storey and north pd tion or the house its said see at the rcar oi the houra or special onaiions such as larger crowds DIIIDING LINE Bcrrzy Street It the dirldlnz line between the commercial and diniially zoned land hit it said however the recon ing would not be significant IL In to complete the moth the II street partinp ould be proud evl tor tenants In double gare Parking could also be provide on the property tor customers Aailo said although the ct yet approached the buss both real estate attire and ceanln tiriii nearby have parting lots which might be ITEM openings that would attrhet tcration The proposed running at the property will not Alana ranlly alter the intent and panel iinns ot the oiticint plan nor de tract nor imp the development at tho rcsldcnllst character at the nice cast ot heresy Street he said lie pointed out the olilciat plan provides tor rtdevetopmut oi the communist area Adlaimt to the downtown core to the iorm ol allices and service com monlat laciiilies but does not lie clude retail commercial uses its said an art gallery homage not be considered the same as an ordinary retail outlet In that it proved both public and commercial service to the crane nativity lle raid the gallery will not upset tho rrtsil balance In the ty and this type at Mattias eter eres lie said the hu rig leads Itsell lo Ith type at enterprise since at Icroltuits have made it more wilt ahie tor gallery than mid cure llr Islto also pointed out III entrance to the gallery will he tram Decay Street so that the tint ow on Blair and Dublin streets will not be trirpeded The gallery will observe lar store horns hlr AIME except tor oprnlngs widen mean the will be relatively quiet at es llr Green who will lie unto ing the gallery Is graduate at the Ontario College ol Art EA is sculptor Tree Falls Kills Toronlonian David William Douglas ll of tutorial Toronto on unto by letting mailer by the tree Tuesday uttcrncon while will on the arm at his Page Stratten In Rose village nine miles cst ol Allistou Police said Dmiglai was cut ln do It toot lrco till putter Aamu lairmicd in th tr thing tractor villi treat Ils lie TriesTo Free Power Saw end loader Douglas was trying to rcliere the tension on the law when the tree led lie toured oil the machine but was planet by the tree no use dead on arriral at Steinem Memorial Hospital Police said Douglas was std dent At TheUnivorslty of Guelph studying physical edtzae lion Youth Demanded In Custody Barry Blachitt it at Inglis his rcmandcd in custody unlll June to alter ho WISCOHIIEch in provincial court Tuesday at three charges hiachicr was thargrd with at lie was also charged with wit atiyi enioys mont in ovation aticr hcr dot to lie provincial court Tuesday iter Iul damage to salt drink maclo outside Allan Zabbas store in Angus outlet liter he hide the glass on the machinh with his list had he was charged with BIS lag to appear Int trial on the Ill Iul damage charge on Oct Drlcnse counscl Bob Ilc said that tilactier hadibb employment at Rose qu slim that iniormalinn beevisa ght that Elachler should cetvc jail term on all char Judge llenriicks ordered pit sentence report prepared Toronto IIIarIAGels 14 Days Wayne Earnhail It at Tavern in way sentenced tu tt days In tail attache appeared Iiipro viioiAi NOTE Tuesday tor sen tracing Barnhart was convicted on ltay so at ialeinp bulbs and jactrt with total valu 5201 item Sayrctte Li James llennlcles ordered sentence report Drlrnss counsel nob ltchui Veltcr Rruce lirllough tlIpI Allistoii was placed on proton ycurr utter he appe sentencing heiiough rni co clerl bit so ot possession stolenoog valued at tLtsl prom lance report nun told Judge Rennichs Thru day that Darohart had been an probation at the time at the ole tcnw but that ha wanth one last chance to prove himself llo said he did not think that tlarniiart would bonetit from Jail tcriii Crown Attorney John litrphy said Baruhart had been treated too lcnienlly iii the past and that tall sentence might hm his resolve to rolorm himselt My n1nt iP ooviiiourririinrurrassociationinherent MannG Im parents got Involved IIulwhlffnfggfii search ot Kettoughe reside during which material tram lover coostmction firms and we state en motordycle were totmd Deteer counsel Bob lilnnnn toldlum James Rennch thiea daytlial hellouglt Is RIM table citizen IlltIlIhAL It was tinttime to bed huhchem