Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jun 1972, p. 5

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geoun to re program their oneplod rich and it eon breriI Canada devote underlie Wdlil aeorromb Sao Paulo eeotrea but and our re ball itll in Ettore ago no out the In had un lar elder no keep the For exam time unto the time todaya rol at babirr are being All too much or our Rite broke tool hour the alter at It own lull mcnr or tree iiiS WAS AMP oueeec wit 22 55 g3 in To SEEE Angrnlirellall Tender Accepted notional uncut mu murmur reunions Corporal bob Itorne it An chick the technique oi the eittiiaa tire tighter employed on department at national de Initructing at Canadian tiaeNell oi liaiitax Syd Pain cam bare bolden tire iimi ece elation eblel at bolden are training corapeoy halt to and bob Ovarian ai PeiaIawa right are Cpl llerne terry tNeiionei Deicnce Photo Highon 26 Traffic WASAtlA blACIl bllort vibe Ontario trans lien aa communication eperimeni Ii eladezrertag to Icarry out rifldia 0T III Widtltliltl iraiile hoodlum along illgbway It corridor are being iotlnwcei etih internal In this village and area tutor at the riudy to llad rmoei ptlrtlcal mean at increarlog tbe trittic carrying capacity oi the corridor pro voted to the iortceeble iulula ecreailon iraiile proceeding nerlh irom Toronto on Highway tie and then ongtag weri to ward the Georgian bay are oIIen leIultiag in weekend trai ilctllttpl tractor ram Widening end eiraigbteeing Highway to or eonairuclim new highway along an er route are eternal propeaeta itudlcd hibllc meeting were held at Sunnldale Cornerr Edenvaie and Stayncr at which the van tour milliliter were diacubled with at residenta Earl berger chairman at bunntdaie Cornrrr uled tatelelied participant to view on the highway with It wa egpleined that ten we for review and tudy by oi rial Involved and the revolt will be prevented to the audience at later mcetlnge Poralble changer and the pp rent router were above on it It was explained by department oiitrtal that an Improved high to vouId be qur time eerily tor teli needed Immediate attention rather than planning ior ll be hit car ahc Warden Lloyd Prid graiod that light hould be arpeyer who her to meet the at Sunnidala Coleen which in loancial burden but would pro been the recon oi quite law this greater aiety and better accident over iii in lo Tbewiden iee exploited concern over eutttn up good term It new ht way go log to be convirurted other ruprted the view oI the warden any ialrncr were redeemed over whether they need acece Ilom one iarm to an nb and to the town oi Stay II new highway construct it would be totally controlled he audience were told They cle advised new hI ghway WARDENI TIER There present at the meeting moved more concerned over prevent condition which they lierent lugeatloni Goldwater View tin Planning Aloe made tor routing new highway mLDWAIlR Stall VIP gr we oi Goldwater has been plac eh mm with Iiedoate township and in partoileylnooeoili ed government we meet concern Immune oi SIch my great number in net hbortng townabl oi mm mm mm mum toll 1enraga beach Na wondered angel the area but could itin gnalllvidw Co water and tindohit them come wIiH Till View on the icaalbtliiy oi the mm um wimpy gut planning MW ii Wm stated was dertroytngWariga ruent irom lee dents my mm each with parking iota er and water service lul Cold Concern nice we bewa with water resident when we here to getting through iraiile all county pay terourowa ourrelveli an read and Increasing iaiety eu ed htedonLeleaidcnt dircuir all trailic arterlee log the panel Illa that till might or recommend as iuiuro municipality under regional gav lilitll CONSTRUCTION elnrnent WASAGA RMCII Stall Orillle townahlp hiedonte and Couetrueilen wort continue bury Ilalcitedaxh have been uted to Waiage beach with permit bible puiltlonoiiha contract plated by brpiunber ant lencedoonamtoheieeetcdoa the well ride at the building lot lead oi the earl aide tang diocuued the new tire ball will house lireItghtlng it tor the An division liraa tire gadc The ball at Thornton will be coatin been tied chili Bail OIIIIIIIII ban reported it call during the month it Iron Airng and thraellorn Thornton Peel Duilerin Getting Ready mm iSalIl iriie Stewart Smith local tllgh liberal and Coarcrvattve ban the church mIaIrter liar amounted log chosen their enndidnlee New Democrat oi Peel Duitcr Iii ugrill omluaiion Selectionir cemed to in to be made Itameellngp the timing ltd tor brampton lulcr in the month to blame lldi ready in make re atlcn tor gremlectien Wheat Agreement Sought by board liarlieitrig cement deleil concernInuit mcrope bell lb able in epcdal evenu and htr Van Reiaier gave at One marched haN way ioluienio and Jinn barbie pa Iiccaae and are avail at which greeting were attend ad Dr it meant err rioe North Simona David to Phillib president at the Simcoe County timed Anode tloo Warden Lloyd Pltdbanr and othere All Allah Irooalda oi aahego who was the guert peaher atresrcd the Impedance oi mala latnlng totclctt In past eventn Dr Lighthourna raid the dedication among TRACER Telling oi his research into the Ictlvltiea oi the Old core ny oi Sheree Foresters til held raid they took part In anorrat camp at hlaaera ooebetete ior ycerr believe they did re uri tlI in liver Great War he raid tie raid be levied the tint Oro company we under the command at Cal It Obrieo ot the Wood tent in Shanty Mirroring School To Hold Concert hlINBINil iStrtlt the voice that will he icaiured at the annual eprlag murtcat and frede Inrcwrli night at lilacs ng Central reboot on Thurrday tune ii at pin the that witth irom the in icrmcdlale ciaucr Year One Rhythm band in the Opal little black lambo and atrn Ten little Indiana and the band and gym club irom the Intel medlat Club The concert will be presented Ittha titerslag community can DISTRICT BRIEFS iRIEhIORI FESTIVAL CliEEllOllH ISteili no rated by the Crecmole one club rumour irrilvai at rah aret dentr will alert at thee rriore alone or Saturday night Inner hi Phille owcr III minillil draw with rain to competition motion we paeeed to en gala Derek Little municipal pianist eoneuitant to prepare comleheastv gbLIaw tor the villagel in comp ea quietly as pauilile breve ltoberuon Introduced Allan ticlean chairman oi ih Nottawuaga Valley Conservation Authority aAl his aaeociate ti Van Ralalcr morn llanag er These men had been Invited to ma to mnclt about the work at the authority Itr hiclear explained the act up bl the authority by the Ontario foremrneai how the municip tea levied and gov ernment grant aIloied Inc et arenmery oI projects which have been completed or are un derway In the are and aug gerted other houtd be cl Igible inr grante ill tlcloaoauggciicd that Wang mid beneiit irom ilood line meplng and river channel improvement tlv Van Rutter outlined the Sweep protect and rain her crew eouid clear the river oi atlcn trrce amt da hria ll replicated Code will read letter to the authority Siriicoo Riding for Election School teacher and Unite ti Intention ol arching the NDP rd the date oi which to be an oouncrd room All Smith learhi hleiory ganglaph and warld politics at Stayncr olicglato and active In publtehlng party tibiallrilrr tn the riding The native ot Item ittun came here Irvin Sidhuly iour year ago It was erdalived In OltIlIa In alto wintelwbe he not yet tu two year Coven north hem edited idle to re oi Regina and then Iol two nitifnlt mall high it re iuai made by Ontario Producer Marketing board binding raid negotiation plo crediog between the marketing beard dealer and preterm have ground to halt alter two cutona with Ittll little rn than month Ieit prior to real The mall obetrurilori to act tlemcnt involve an Irrue being pierced by the dealer represen ativea concerning licenetag oi term operator ae dealer In wheat Ironically the ierue not legal iactor In the terms oi the negotiated agreement but be lag wedged Into negotiations par tlcuiariy by the dealer body re way would hea part ettyhceatrol ioaendlepreaentatlvextoameet covering artimaied valua oi Iliumliliniiiiliilim led iounlane route at median centre in on Wedaeaday evening to building iotetdag irreioooo diacue regional phoning iar this year Recall Cookstown Ercr gOi Stage Coach Runs tilDttUltSt Steii era when hereedlewo tnae coerhea were operated between Cooke town and barrio receded by an old Irrua ot the bent North ern Advance dated October to ANGUS by line DUCKWORTII Sympathy to extended to tile Eidcn latlmcl iarrdly and rei eiivea In the paulag oI huaband taiirrr and grandiather tire to lamllic ei Walter Dunn who paurd away June at bi home on King St Itan Seonor trove on Julio It to Pine lilii Dtvtrrity College llalllea NS to complete theological iudiee beet wlahe go with him ill and tire Ed Garliy brampton vteited with Air and hire lion bearer and attended the Eueiera star unit in Am gin United Church hiay it lirr Alvin Pierce bullIn toa viii cd brotherIn law All and tile bearer ou tiondey lire Ductwortlr Centre hire handle to ill and tilt in worth brittle other Iew day with in and Duchwonh irom Toronto to Cotltngwoed at Juno the attending were tile liltea brittrm and tile Jean EI vldre Toronto hi to can end athrm buralngei use which now at the com cover mm hm We notice or abertii eeia Ionatbao itil or operated the roachitne wblc took on barren Hit get etCooheiown at em on nanny county clerk county ratio and Friday and We police told oi an Impending ap iii lit ii duo in was made at put both data mum In ahetch In the newapaper rbewed large liege than tour bones The regular ch ula oi runawcre during lh tor plo tectioa oi the buying public barrla town council aakr ior tender tor work at the begin louivuadrlid FftnllltlriIoELog are an mm mm in Home tlcarge Lane we the mm Min uquorg town clerk Aooiberadverttremeat told ot mm mm mwwczml An honorarium oi to pound to mmmou mummm the warden toward ht upvrra Inetln lam the lime gfrh in ceua mm mm council The council than hell memberr the brewer old aired in the It rt irom commlelioncr oi berrte aIeon Wine and liquor ot the heat nullity aloe liiillilumbuit Sim Md available along with oyeter by WHOM to will Midi the leg or can Ether alliie Illndllttiglldn relat til 0M em govern wngldnxm 39 meat to the Northern railway tlaerneai went on larva run The council doleated motion ply el lnmpe oll chimney and to peail tide on improving the rte alwaya or hand Then roomy reed known the Sir lamp lveaclearloitllgiiilultv road eating irom the iownebip ed to and well adept tathetownot barrio ed tor rea They regura rcercgy any evening or trimm Ing th erpenaedoea not lion eleven exceed on no avert crate WESTONARIA South Attica our to iAII ieyei it Joubert Train lulu irom barrIe to hell he been told by conservative liven and tire through train to tone down bl mod garb and clip hie long hair becaure they were ediertlrad trawl ibinlt it bringing bad publicity illenioiToreaiowuauperlnten in ibia mining town louberi dent raid he was rated to give up hle Derplla relatively cheap pro rpieet tor reelection or be perty pricey the paper contain cbucted on liceoclng explained by All Sthandlng under authority oi be endinlecedt month rev oral iarm later have made application or dealer lirencca practice not prevteaily expel Icuced to any great extent hir Standing raid the issue it to be dlrcusicd at meeting at ocgotletlng reprercnialtve all three ride and olilclele oi the term lOdMIkaMICllbg board thigh tori iiiiiili liltiii iiiiriiii Iiivltiiiiiii Iiiiiiivii litiiiiilitlil liillllill iiitliii iuiiilii truce teat hitdhthivenuu acutelyaid ci LI till all it me privilege card ant graded iar thi peelal en gagenreni Riilii it Willi ST IARIII 0N1 rotarymanager It on product marketing year at brechin iv tiiiti rig or ramp on engineer who we choeen attrr Lryumm mm the titling member brace Dccr ue announced in Intention ol evuoav uroor reuuov retiring atter to year mene sTAYN Eli tStellI Pie are her at the liberal ovrmmrut being made here tor Ccritennl 511 mill 10m Width Unlcd church Solid chool lo county warden and tom uien whlcblr lobe dun sin er Coorcrvetive NP will en any you pg giggling dcavor to make comeback Coueervntlva atandardbenler DISCUSS TRAILER PARK gill Ile presented the old Iiellu Slmroe riding during IIAXTEII lSleltt Propoeal the to alter ielmrr Ontario ior establishing temporary lieutenant governor Earl Rowe trader park on Conccarien oi we appointed to the Ontario base we diecumd with Sara poei til Itowehid replereaied council by Norman shoemaier thin riding tor about as your oi All nitric NOW PLAYING TILL FRIDAY Ill Illlliilliilli Adult Entertainment insert liIANE PRESENTS RICHARD BENJAMIN THE STEAGIE ANAIICODABLSSVREIEASI COIDREYIAWIEIAB Now Pinyin be new uhibltahi out rate had toH uir Reicenre alao wan the Riel rebellion at 13 the arrival oi Canadian diiionnry trace larder Go Frederth Middleton pin the rebellion and captured Itiel In pcaklng at all Orb telgb laid it we once aa Simproor corner The nrnrtty at one time had duel iactary and creamery be alae commending the the neighborly recalled the rite at blacksmith rprrltanddeepleellng hewnior ahop which was once bltay each other by the reatdcnta piereandthaiorlnarpoeteitlte Flag Delivered To SainteMarie billilAth Virilela in the Iiag arrived to iidiaed an inn century piileadee button Sunday hiay Ia irom Perry and huildin ol SaluteMarla Soiirld and Pentium and Among The prlvtl arrived at Salnieiiarte lrtdei oped to Ice an annual and lnier Janette bilmbark canoe eating event recently died by Midland Power ibcy wilnured the ceremonial pastCmnmandcr Paul Noeeh arrival at the tint vrrict under and present Executive Otlloer Sitruiodrnrhng Oata Ilialren an oc roti In ancient recomtrurtni canal it EQIWIE and waterway ayaiem lock The ceremonial expert oi the hm in llli All Wind in elilrlenl titlecn minuilx lit which travelling error my mm mm mum Canada tht aummar irom guadronto aguadron and eehed mud mum tried to reach lleliinx In AurusL momma landiu basin their diet eorneene Ibo raid the raid we ever re the turned mind and marched mc tleary Neuieldt tewnrblp eicrh acted ae chairman to the ceremony and beer Allan it tdctreen welcomed the rtaiten Lt Col Janie Putt otlIcvr commanding Redmond at them and stereo Foresteri est Minn Willi SPIRIT There are not many place In laid Dr Ryoard tn ilnal deitinallan oi the Flag ovume gym will be the in CPS coulrrence In Toronto in November one one in date alter the flag rot out lrorn Venmuver island on tte aulorggg ctouinnhdu teur Thrill we rent on it Dave llIIllJOII then ddresied Inii November by rctirtng the erremhled crowd oi over ten hiei Commtndrr George titer and explained the Ideal brute rhuiiillgc to Cana Iiy oi the CPS ilegaadttarlsit rtien Power Squadron to bow tolhe eite the conclusion at all Canada hit it ag now tile the ceremonial Ibo itag departi over Squadron orilviiiu irom ed onre again by ca ilrtarlatolialrlax later to Dave lludaon Chart andon broking ruln eniiaer lo the Tron inlaid on each lcg at the arrest Waterway Syviem andt ed at big chute to another eratt more vice are noted with added item Commander Alec Alien oi Ortlha at particular Iniclcrt iol hoet Sovlldm irom Ihiclt Mill it er in tech Squadron em went on to barrio ve Plehap and Delivery mete hi blary St Drivel Location WAWItIiitiiillleW iuiliiiuliWOLDHNnEM nevuootwr eute III JAMES litllill is Still unmovmmmmt iiiiiummiuiiib ntl=tillllitliilt mi outeraiwlnl TONIGHT Iteetrtcted Admittance Secret oi Sex and Otter Whoa Coming To BIQIHIIIT Now Playing rottenlei liepgilltlya Nicolaatlolter Jaeli Walden hdtreh WWII HrNI Mariameeriva Fo averyrtrln ll HEAT Nowelrerele

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