Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jun 1972, p. 4

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be announoernent is rd 35 it one rget or iall to mliu that egrrdtea at where it evetnu hlratlilil may we irreparable daerrage MIMIC ovluciai relat rai put another In the politic eoiiin oi the iederal liberal govern Thele were two International air ln Canada one Ibronte and one lionireat both have been crowded ior long time and both needed come tm prevententa On oitiraiwhiiernolethand0 owner at iraiile irom routhern Ontario Toronto rue Moi ttotnt only three lrliner were at there and 17 In lion aet lhtaberceuaedeconomiclt and inconvenience to the net mite oi cmdiaa all irwleidere better they havehadendrtitthavetotiyto Sienireei heiore they could leave tire con tinent tor drama datinattom in inergdm mmuut ted erarne and tertedihneiidtug MW jznadond airport at be Minnow It II III VIA AOO IN TWIN barrte Examiner tune it 1912 Stay John little proclaimed Maggi hoi they during aiternoon tor cation barrioVeeprolanisiti war memorial eat Oiiiee Sguere Connritttea merribel who arranged program Dr Robert Speott general continua htrr bdwia lengthen Dougie it Stewart Wetter Duit Dariet Quinton Dr Fred tioretteorge Violin hiaclaren Thoma bee croft Alex htthre Oliver Cameron elected lerldeot borrte Aquatic Club untried attempt to revive port on dmnmt William Salter ti nice at iii Go on longrnan and Gordon eeve rccretary and tlerrirer tacit Stuntman head eottvtttea cornmthtee Duneaalt timvlg propert Cooke bytelien Chore celebrated Torn learn it drown ow lmveit In ehuloit levgue rcritol bareball YltCA beet St Andrew lld Prod Plant war winnv trig pitotter tor Allendale oiub Collier blodrodi balm beet lrtndy Angbcan lot mutton Emma piidietl allelieg ior barrel with Tomrn button catching and John Dobrea or tag rial St Andrm Kr chtnolmt YMCA 113 with Ken tic ri ie re Cowan and bill Tltbble elrong uanaunnu fiov pint motional Airports known that Ontario not going to he not to lie tor long and that common eco renae wt donned that international air ureter be gone allow ed to land in Toronto YettbeygareSiOOmilboniolanatn In Cuba Ihldt rate not be needed theMmoniop Hontleeih Dor rat wild owe It orermwdedoel and Iandettde banner only to the arbitrary moreover that beep the piano away irom Ibronte ThentogtveethtietoOntertoJrey decided to build an airport at Pickering be we would have an airport In lieu tree one in Ste Sdio one in atten the prevent Toronto ermtien aliandtbenewoneinlickcrlng Meanwhile the untenable rituailen about the international carrier landing right had to be eorleded mellow the government tineliy made whet can he accepted calm in at end allowed Allltshi the airline lead in Ten on That promptly angered Quebec The government had to re mode that Quebec will keep the rig rigbil Itbarnowandwillnottoreiie egee dcepile the tart the trend an conanon reaee dictate the oppoaite So title overnnrentr activitiee new mean iour rte centurion oduneeo oomioal dirtrt tion at lending rtgtde ai Ienatton oi Ontario beoaure lt want II Mid and alienation oi Quebec becauae ttwentetohaepwhetttbrrgrowu acorn tomed to Artde iron the economic darn it doea title government lore in In both Quebec and Ontario and make an antler out oi the two prorhtcer becaure Quebec run to blame the Angler oi Ontario when it eveMuatiy love ntort oi the airline it aeeoaanodttee new In odrer word it mere Compared to this abortion the macro meat to Ottawa created the pro oi whore ianri eirould be emropriated vvherw and when to leeiiy very minor problem With arena renev decirtone on verge nobodyedendorireeewbouaee htttallla ewmmh retdto mite per our or era on treet conditione Rev led ee Ipatter Collier St tlethodlet Church in into lbuitlo elected Plerident oi Methodtat Contereace at Toronto Coop order ior borden tented Lt Col Alexander Cowao tor divorce olert erv June iota tiaior tieorglr lichetn haired dtiitant At New eanrierid movie hoiire Pllrciila Deal In Wild Honey and Hope Ham on in Fannie Hurrt Stardue arcing at litu et Point pavilion Wednesday and Saturday evening Illedaie ilold dry war big comer home team won hire ball tournament Eirnvalr won aoocel tourney tack Martin and bill Davenport oi oi lliiladrrle won tennis event health Dr Lorne er ind Will Anderlon oi tra vaie In Inii Railway brotherhood oi Attendaie attended memorial ervice at Em Road Prerbyterlan oured whore Rev Witt preached on hold at St George Anglican Oh tor new rector llev Roy Melville Slayer lohn little we chairman lent weld oi welcome extended by Viotol Knight George beten and Edward little lvy with riot bette ol brothel Herman and Elwood Jcrmct beat Thornton lid in South Slrncoe baseball WW INTERPRETING THE NEWS African Policy On Blocks Restated Hmmhnqoiih who The Iateet Iltiillltl demonetra lion in louti Airlca eoaatliuie ooeeitbeilretmuaopeettueroi rapport anion are cool that ar population tor the edit hluk rlgbta big denoutreuoi to ball bepealtog iudeair con government bane eel one procaineui oi the Aidlener corn cle oi Prime lbtlfllmeb to iiet Iii rid If Harld barbelll up but leien rat bit the in eIIIdai etudeute who velaitie are concerned One remit oi the diaturhaace II lulthe revulalen agalnat Velatelr government In part oi the world outrtde bout Some obverver go In iar pgere that the Venice ed nitriteraiien drawn Irom iha rattle at the Alrltener National he been deeply the pollceItudeat number oi rluctel con ihleih item meieumilihbiim MI tall retro letcih Airiean South Airtran nemt ranpbe ln terpretedaaihe the Willmitittii are are overan meritobetoitiiable one One eithe mottlrnportentt thebegIIabrpeaiiag whiter By White Students at in wild main with llbdwlnglng police In the time be court to end wh they term the lepreerlva pati hed by tM Ehl ape atudanta can win wide university per aupport among the thinner Among South Airltel ll mil lion whiter the Alrliaeeleor the dercondaaI ol the emtry Dutchlocating lotionm up obtain in ority Many oi the white protert ae ilvltle tend to be re more to the Eugilrha aldng Airllrencre at he Vol tend to write them oi continuing hatred by agilih rpeellng South Airilaee tor the majority group ameirg the whites let er that it some thing algrdiylag genuine palgri on beholt oi the court id million bloolta Moreover nonwhile rtudeai have long remained aulptrlou oi the ploierl made in uppert oi ibemrelvta and the two mil lion miredrare roioredi by inlete etar black unl MIR rated to to Must Have Pla no on bLIIIIPliIlIT rot him To DiSrcord Litter doctor Ill bi The lxaeetaer dirt matter How aieiiid or could one carry boil Tale Mil watt beoolne million oi rem thla ycala lien to ttukto tiller to be an education campaign raubetenliel adverttelng budget to be apenl tryI to convince that title dirty habit the Area ole oi thubIggeH iedaetrte really cant be all that dirty Iberele one big bitch how ever Yo can tell and perhapa irate merit not to litter but It they or they have to be veo eourewbele pu An litter they have to be ver eeruewbelr to put it An act oi the Ilon Cheat lull wont make It dtrappear And it litter to be limited tire recepteeiea mart be prov lded tor it In our other and town at taut They arent there new Cigirette butt midi well be the lnoei comruoa Item ei litter though not dedicated and literal do have an avariton to catieltng cigarette butte lt that an my aveveien to live with Recently In downtown Toronto butted cigarette and tented tor converter to ad rid It at block tater iilt carrying it tpoclet really arent made tor cigarette builr hnalty Iotard city two can Not litany oi ue are really going to do that very oiire Aeelnpal witbeuicane one mightier puttingtlrritbirgr record SORRY PRACTICE And pretty lliy matter One ol the pltimvai political practice here in announcing lovemmcnt work protect and eppolatmenli tilt Inuit Eventide it be iletd Street Ontario Telephone Whit Second Clare liall Redatration Number Milt lteturn portage guaranteed Dallyi Sunday and Statutory IIoildava excepted Subecrlptlon rate daily by carrier the weekly titre yell Iy Single copier lie by mail barrio at yearly Simone County moo yearly balance oi Canada All yearly other coururiea error yearl lioior throw oli tam yeary National Advertleirig Oittceri Queen St Wert Toronto ree tilt Wt Celhcart Sh Montreal liernher oi the Canadian Prone and Audit bureau oi Citequ dona The Canadian Plea exelur tvely entitled to the tree tor re piib lcatior oi all new dllprtcb in tile paper credited to It or The Allec ied Price or neuter and aiaa the local new pollute rd therein lhawblarpte lreman ctglm yr it 01 mi and editorial nutrrIaI cre ated by It employee and re produced in col newrpapcl Copyright liegletratlen Numv her retire lecture at iotbeeein It be long re very long been the coolant tor the go alumni ram oi the mambuler the riding not member bap pen to be Coueervative the nlnirtrg oi government renter via the ntorraaliao at new or dam will tune plea relearr raytag bilatetel oi Government belv icee Non ielnee Snow and Jane blew rnelnher tor Nev elNeve announce II Iia in an opperliion ber riding then lien ment can them the local Convervatlve aaeecldtlao uoo memberr gotta rllhi have complained about corny practice but they eidom draw even comment Recently however Titltnder bay NDPer Iacb Stole brought It up again Tbt time ht remark draw lbi interjection irom Provincial WM my mm Secretary Aden lewreuee Wh dont to at weirdly oddball him am mm hm mm Elva WM ii We tatolaoothedevelnpln netloar meat and common Mm mill or bi own but ometllnee In reoce neerty became PC leader Wm Mm Oil other head pen ff mi iii on car no em new get out to premier ticiana And til law out be indeoger interviewee umwmrrvhworamm CAPITAL murmur Kierane Give Stand On Investment Bill by PARMIR itldlliilTON Ottawa bureaa Oi The leanriacr blue bl dictated to leave the cabinet Irtr Iiielan ha been an leivegueoi vlillor to be Comment ll he been an even more inheouent epeaier Kltilyldl that area that when edoeupe receive more iiienp og attention Recently til Itleraur entered the lteta dultn debate on the government bit to control tor oigri lnvetment whim cloee to at heart tor too time To let the record allude ea in where ltr literal riled or the bill becaure ii email te iorward and recruiting ie be tel titan nothing but ibl all the gov merit can bring iorward relpooeo to the kind ol problem that lol elgn ewnarrhp repreaenia the government would have been tier eii not to have brought It iorwani at all Pelh It beuId atlo be made ear that Mr itlalane not wttdoyed radical but an eceaolnilt who he bed elere connection with the burincra community Yet the amber who ioiiowed him the New Democrate Ilnenetat elttlc liex daitemen noted that when be we allied her many paait er the NDI intended to put up he had lied three our you count citierene til ltlarao apart nildt portion oi ht time dllcuerng the rowing role oi multina ilouat corporation and the more recent thcode advanced that there boutd be rert oi opranationei authority with charter granted by Untied Nations Title authority would Ali tvtile oi the by law to haircut in it mlnutcr national government and won viriuilly mate the international col ration iaielaea con troied through omethln an international companla til tileran dercribe iii an attempt to place the multi bianrh multinational corpevo lion beyond the reach at pelt tlca lie reieeir tile theory while admitlln that corporate plan oer wit their reroulcea rrpi iai technology and manage meld little can oltcn elo iiilriia better then but they cannut pie how leeourcea would be allocated hir liter an argon ii lenrtih aat deiine what the airliania ii elaie think are the problem that ehoold he eolved rather than the multinational corpora it rematm Iona no tel what their daltnl miller techni catnvture ll MW What alto beln along with the tree or oitaiel naiioaat capital to im tlow oi ownerablp and property right While tlr literati agree with the tree flow oi capital be no pore any giveaway oi owner btp It recall the well known example oi the intent United states being built with lateral ttonal capital meat at It Irora the United iiiiyron but the ca ital was In the term oi Ionru nture and hold while the ewneleblp control and equity in the tutor wth oi the country American hand The nine pattern be not devel oped to Canada The other mater point lir literaa mater eenccme the eymbloaie between the big ration and the bureau cla to ill colorlui words eymbloele meen haclcin up or little together It hclevex our hi or echelon public alrv4 ante rarely talk on an Individual harle wit lalmer or email burinemen instead the lnalor meeting oi mind in ot tawa at the level at the erec uiivee oi the large corporation and the bureaucrat oi the large government departmentl liiiilAR GOALS bob have lndlar goal ouch ar pulrlug the economy ter ward to reeter growth and reater tec ieay Technology or what htr literati elite Ito note that one ol the currently popular prIolIlIe would have anada iii devcoprrwnt oI Still air crait re opie can go Irem 0i advocated lnetead oi two hourr do not ave how many people lea than one Xel lent ol the population wot ever take advantnge oi auch aervice can ee haw moot would pay out lovo mil II to provide uch thing more rotting better heum and the thine we need In re many areal do not agree with allot til lilorana argianeot but he certainly provocative and lilf cred In lmulatlna emr laicr ettln diaruraton The Common will poorer tor the lad ho doe not intend to ronleat the cooling election til CALORIES ime mediumaired ell eon ttla at calorice or tilt million into Tilt WORLD TODAT Economist Worried By HaveNot Notions JOIIN NARBRON lrom unumnlx ea deve ea the can an duce petition is against them to prevent induetrlallaaiion irom uct Iural econolnlee but the gap between poor nations aiao loved milaman at the UNCIAD ln the lhlei oi braill lite at recalled underdeveloped or it called both develong nation at our globe oped ly and an lira Wald like all common law Wine where you look at her ll deeply wanted ut the in bladder cities like are becoming Indurirtel lite Toronto and tioaireaL the maxim Auralou thorraaea New barber Ward the renowned end readable brtilrie eeonomlri and writer eolncd the ex re aioa the poor nation tchantiori tier relerenc to the ten wealthy tuiuiirat lied redone oi the world com countrtee The two llin liooa bottle tire cent id in Stockholm ed Illin how aeriourple thir gap and bow dlillctrlt any eitorie to narrow II are going to be TWO WHYle The Alat eoai lence called UNCTAD tIiaii Nation Om iereoce on Trade and Develop mentl met tor live week and dealt limerily with tile prob lem oaecond conlercnee the United Nation Ooolalence on th Numan Environment dealt directl with the remit oi the prod Inn ot the Indtairlaltsod countrter it Stockholm the developing counirte iruggilog to tailor trietll around the wealthy tiea being the worlde main poiitdera but even more later erting they accuecd them oi preventing the delete og ceun rlc irom indurtrtarlag be came they would only add to the world Induxtrlat pollution some oi the meta volatile del BIBLE THOUGHT AM lie eiib Into them Why mien governmeotwadpd Slalom REMINDER The bleeitiao deteata ihpcrlodul one or piece daring lib VchtorlIdlum rou tilt and ea One hundred year on durtrteilrte at brdled control oi environment well wortera Meantime bee everyone getten about all the rolved problem which poor nation pooli when will the itching oi the population Ieli ilnally go oIil In It tales you to lend uma handled maybe thoueandv born ihloudtout Atrtce and Latin America The litany people or pollution ran atrangia earth hiuii we choeeet are yr teartli ya at httIa tall The alone and re bahed the aad the eat and there we neat erlra atattlrew Sill lani Ii atrlnge that we oi Ian grow up adult retain eve thing that childlike hH POOR IiilAGl VENIA Netherianda lerI cow that on It way to rlaugbler and etampeded through town bed to be dertroyed Eaceptyobecomoae It became enraged children ye bril In petieuetlml and Inclialgrd er torn en nor God liave ialth In God aiore IT HAPPENED IN CANADA NSINOIIS OldMS Iticitihbiitiitlo bruitqu Ivocoeanvolorl iiurtltiieiw bomb PIMth PLANS dill TRAVILINO Jimmie urotiritueimooro liILbINOhtitdiOdAV oil ago we JUiI icoor Ni htINOtoowvtiidlliT 1r FilteTtIliSSPAOttoHuillvPZi mrcmeerovowe MIMMNdfoddaiMlm commencementroe TIMItil AvailMt tellbung

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