Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1972, p. 4

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Whatever Mcrseglng retro What kl senrmet tpnors HaveBight To saekf Sirong Action On Hi C10ka llresotturt nod by pilots to dlscourvV gs blinkinger is understandable and certainly Justied lu heir eyes The Internellonsl Federation of Atrltue Anodrtlous bee threatened to gound most of the worlds Iiilures for hours June unless the United Ne fllone lskrs effective quon spin the zprrctloe liUscbtnghIIbecomoIIhroettoerery Lbemn who teker pIIue It oen oorur II sny ttrne and my piece Too often It is sewn enlcd by sliootln Iud loss of Nielsen yllhesbeconve weepon oi hoodlurnr who denund bttge sums of money to spare the liver of penengerr Sonretlrnee it Is employed by persons seeking asylum In some count thet does not have In exirrdlilon tree Tire pilots strtke threat come few hours Idler Itl Creates hIIIcked Czecho slovsk strcrsit to Neal Gennruy killing the pilot in the struggle to teke over the tplsheIhe this thI Isked III union Eworkcrr to pin in hoycottoi the sir Ickerr Oube rue retired to err Alrituu But no it lest Friday with the if Algiers lIIcklng without ertr could reduce tsovrIssIoomrovm elfsnrner Dror tobeoooulets Artist son gooersl Insurrnre Frsrt tuet office Mlu Shier drewnre ous hlttoenrmviree upu tod mu one In re Co Tiltlllli momma photogvrpher Hurlburtehoe tiere With Frank rfn county court Iudge Wlerner sentenced Trtnlt beet zloerl whiskey for to left for three chu rnonthroneon ouofpertury ts then the oil pilliofs is roommmuminoi stop lines of Ill countriestbst give retuge to each nation Ire Algiers Ind Algerian government hrs pro return 00090 reusonr brought by two American who blisded Weslr et to on week sgu onbsd nmsdersoi II to whet would be done Ickern declines to return the cub by the It would nudge nations dilion freeiter to do some Ihl few or without world trIvei is flu mlgtst Inge their minds working arrangement between all nations to refuse Irylum to hijackers hijacking dIIItchily With no safe hIIen It the end of their ride hijackers wottld be forced to think before putting gun to pilots herd Strther check of Ill peseengers st sir termlnrle should also be carried out The Iverege rtdegwouid welcome check In lheintereds of his or her safety Dom muons LINE Armstrong weszieeding hetler DeweyI Benin Fumlner June Ii 1922 Serb tlopperweronmound Cookrtown not form Apple Coure wss thyloserr Attirend Frank lsclt Open House return engegement by de mrnd of movie lite Sheik sierrlng flu odoth Valentino Ind Agnes Ayres Foster pitching Ind Gordon outer rtrrring It bet Ind shortstop St Andrews 101 In tunior berebett It Queens PllIf Duster Clrrlt on mound for Presbyterian wss rifles JennierSteedof Wellterton was In not up to wet form Jrck Kennedy hlt arms In connection with urgentdn for homer for Anglicans Fete curt ntsrtoFederItlon oiWonsen ers Ind Hunter Kennedy skipped winning Wome licetiioonr opeood tn rinks In openlngbsrrie Levin Dowlln nuns on Durif littlemrdepgodw WW filerrts Works llcklln prodded iorsanhuel St ode oodiorecure took mm psrto formerberrle tilt earl IdsyoiJohn Club tournsrnen Town Court to control trufe which iml peded firemen bItIllng Duniop St blue on St AtNewt Msny complaints trom citizens rc bl Whining on streets Chief Itobert rig ordered todrsrge III ceughl riding convention on sldswslltr the new livrrieVes Irrlo esprs Sunon School Auocn prsInntrttt wsrmemoriststlortofitce mlnmeekorwsrtlovmdtBeverte of Squrre will pity Church Excelsior lirlc fr lieutensntno Block Co to Draw uan St next to Under teke pert In be dedlcefed by Ontrrlos vernor lion htr Coeltehutl reduction In old Ber June 28 Premier Ernest Drury will ceremonies Inntrfll Illr shoefrctory llsrrie besebell plens township perlr for nicnlcr swim rlub opened season wills 1M win over KookstownJloolderlzhthsnder Leighton lllh line rnlnr Ind sports It leto Simone and of Ileneger Ed Sheer has new Itilsppyl Emmi pitched etron gene for Iuntor field lacrosse team herd et prer guests with Fred Morten crt tng Frenk tlceAngcuiturst Fsrk OTHER EDITORS VIEWS VAIINIIHID WOODIN Um tinndon Deity Matt nice wativsrnlrhed lltlle wooden csr it Just whet the eoptslettcsted motorist es been writing for No rusting Ind no uncturer Is our weitvreesoned pine wheelspurr son the motorway lust ksit mothe oeet msgleheve Its ontltslorsirsnchpo onsityou have to war about ere woodwotvn Ind dutch olmadreese And when tummy gives up tirughost why then hrvo nnough firewood to test you through the lrtntcr WEIGHT OF AFRICAN MAJORITY itandon DItty Melt When five million peopl have been ruled rept politiest expression for yerrr heir opening campaign is likely to go sywlrenliut the tiny guns fired It two II also tire dsy thet sit the complicated groper plane for llhodestr were suddenly onirontedgwith the potittcrt wet of the African majority Opposii new IQUEENS PitiiK II close believe that popuistton thII It is ctrr For the to firm Ily DON OillAllN OIeIur IIrk Isms Of The Eremluer There days there In three strengu men st this rest at omen Btreltgely In thet though they re supposed to be Irnong the IItirnportInt men here our ctdomhesrs Ibottt them The men Ire Provlustsl ilec Itsrter Alan strencs of tits cs 8er lAwrrnce ol neturet lemme Ind Robert Welch of liut the virtues hIs turned out lobe stele honor It leIst II fsr Is publicity II concerned end is there Inythlng deIrIr to roiltlolsne helrtf For In their of tour they ers coardlnstorr not doerr It new yard II to he built Trrnsporistlon prd Communlcs llonr Minister Gordon Csrton announces it not llrrt frw rence ttlhen cnnvrtesvcnt rer is in cluded re port of the heItth pro fem It hendled by Iiertth Ilnlvter Dick Potter not Dob Welcil NM TNEfiIvIUIINIMI This applies not only In public Itstsmenir but Itso to utter IionI Ind debrter in the house lh minister handle prIctI es verytltlng In leetvon one of occeslonr when it hu come up It hsr been made deer lbst It Isntth bustutrs at MMm octet deyetopnwnt ler iii Iupsronlrttrtrles tn the mutilation eI the govern srs members of ehulrnuru of pulley eotutrtl old miubtrlvl the terms of the proposed settlement not confined to the towns The rurst rtcens me not know much Iboul the detrltr but lot of them plainly dont Mr Smith the lthoderlen iesder will ever willingly Illotv them any reel power MO CANADIANAUTOMOBILI Kitcheneriisterloo Itecordl isrrei with pulrtton of three mll llonyhsr derigne Ind roduocd distinc tive sports cer the be re Sweden with of eight million designs Ind mrnufsotures the Volvo so successfully big export item to help the Swedish brlsnco of trade Cuneds with po ulItlon of 22 million no longer inskes Itinetivoty Crnrdlrn mort prrt we turn out copies of cars designed Ind engineered In the United Steier One tnterevtln ere lion II the Volvo assembled in ova colts frctory which Is branch of the Swedish TheyAre Little Men Who Arent There the paltry recretrrler to discuss depertmentel mItIrrs This mesnr thII Ibuut the only Ivcnuo they have to set before the public II through but Ilrie speechmaking end It present in mnni pcoplc they srdlyerlsl One consequence of this II that their time In the houre an be quite uncomfortlblo The Opposition derides them end tndicestsr not too Iuhll it thinks the premier boosted them to bury them lrnbebly this will rhengu evunlunily The new form of government still is in its lnrmrtlve stIge Eventurily it will probsbl vsiop th will It role but for now they Ire very much the little men who start lhtrh mummwunmmwm Amazing Canadian Pioneer ly Nil BOWMAN When the Censdlsn breed crrting Corpurstlon built Its rrt bightpuwerod trsnemllier on the rs rtcr th Iris LW llrucklrt shower dtrlrvrtrn of the rd of governer rug gelled thIt its cell letters should be Cilliii This we to honor the memory at Henry Ii Iy There er lltlle Interest in Clllldilfl diet in those dIyI Ind CDC oIIIcIlI hrd to do some seedln In hurry to teens who lie ey Ill iteny no In ImIrlug cher utsr test be vourtr msn with for thI Itudronr Baden It ort Nelson In we as to member II ye Stensyiudienr in Their hunting grounds on the Pretrles It us site hoped thet he would find wster route more the continen in the Pacific lislse felt Fort Nelson on June lilo Ind got Ir tsr west Is prerenldry SeskItrbe wIn On the my he nemed one plIae vDeerln Point Iftrr one of the NBC trectorr It is new ths Psr blru itsth wee the first white men to buthle hunt on gen Aug fort Tits indlrnr cutlrd him MlI Top Ashlrb which meant Uttte OlInt becsure he mud on lndlsn In fight with two beers Kelsey kept diary much of which wII written in bed verse lor InIlInre he described his deprrture Then up ye filter with her hcurt Did Take my my end from Ill Erltjtlrh pIrt Tu ve Irnongys nstivcrof this place if God pcrmitr me for on two yeIrs rpm The liudrons Iin Co did not went hlr die to be uvIl bio In In Inquiry in to its quIIrr some yerrr trier end it dtIIp pcsrod it wes not found untll me when it Iurnw tn the It brIr oi Cutie sl Cer rlckerlur Northern Irrlsnd Before other white insn went to the Prslrtes lteleey hId spent nearly to yerrr It lltrdeon Bey where he wII repturod by lbcrvltie to tilt on son Examiner ts bsyfietd Street um ontrrto 1kiepbone 1in tieeond CtIrr MIIl Iteptrtrrttm Number 04M ileurn postego guIrInteed Dally dundryr Ind Strlutosy llotldeys Ixucptcd Subscription votes duty by carrier the weekly steer yerr Iy Single copies Ilc fly melt tirrrtc user yeIrly imcoe County film yeIrly balance of Csusds tidbit yerrty All other rountrrcs him yearly Ifotor throw off $1700 your National Advertising nillccrt db Queen St West Toronto till Cdiheltrt ht Mantresi Member of the Cunadtun Freer Illd Audit IIuresu at circuts tons The Crnudlen Iresr Is esriur Iver entitled to the use for re pub teItIon of III news dispatch II In this pilot credited to it or the Arrow utcd Press or fleulnr Ind steer the Iudli nuwr publishs etl therein the bum ltxrntiner cIItrnI yrlght in all origlusl Idveu it rng Ind sditorIII mstertsl ere sled by Its employees rid rs produced In thlt newspaper Copyrlrhl ftegtrtrstlon Num ber mild register et CAPITAL contour Name or IIolida ttr restorers ruerrrcrou Ditties Isms of he lumlsrr Those who like to chip Iwa It otrr million In mIklug so other move now to rbrnge the nuns oi Cenrdsr not us ob rcrvrrtrs Ind nItlouIi oildey Dominion Dsy Tieceuily Prime Minister frudesu Iudlceted the ovrmment phoned to bring in egiststlon for this purpose end there who support thet view thI been renewing thet Itlio chvugs the nerve of the July celebrstlon to Csulds Dry or Contederetlun Dry liven the fennel trend in such meitcre thu country Went yerrr thr little doubt thsI the heme Dominion Dry will be rsplsred perhspr even in time for the me ubrervInco llcwever think it might be helpful if those people who feel so strongly Iboul this nImI ngs were in underrt It titer Iboul the blckgrbund of the words nonunion Dry Sir Iaonsrd Itltey one of the Fetherr of Confedersttort ts tty given credit for the use of the word dominion In ref rrencs to Jamie When the Fstherr of Contrderstlon met to discuss the terms Ind conditions of conicderellpn end the dull tug of the llrlllrh North Amer Act there wsr Willidmbid discussion II to whet the new united Csnude should be cIlted As so often hIpoenI when petiti rtItII get together It seemed Impesrlbto to get concrnsus of view and the dlrcurslon on the nrme er left over until the following dIys meeting crrnrrnu rnoti tri AI wII Sir Icons sruslem he reed uhsptsr frnm the Barrie Library bible when he more the neIt morubtg Iud hrppeued to choose elm 71Verserwhich reeds shell thI Dominion rise from see to see the thought struck him thet the Do minion of CsnIdI would tasks Ierrdid nsme tor the new llllt on end his Ingestion wsr rdoplsd by the FI crr It lhIt mornings conference neme ties In Ilsu with Oenndre Letin motto bird Usuue Ad ItsreIrnm see to see Ambrn the members at Par ltemrni who will oppose any cl fort in rhengs the more Do nrintun Day to Prince Mend it May Be Changed EL has Eire ag brownie lesdltrg oeodldIleur tlou ou the bertIoi Igruellisg Ierlseoi prtrnsry elodlcu legnI rem the tlulted AI berm fete erp tip uellct the first inlot tbere dete nom Item to believe nuts thet he can be denied once lb deiin btu them in their tree Dominion Dureeu ol Stettstl Dmrirlg oi the from tImller DB5 would vaI let undesir Ibte impiicellort it mined for the present moment to find wuy drott this difficulty by reurmlng the Igency Stetlrv lieu CInIdI with thet sbomlue lb lion StelsCsu II In Ibbrevlev lion thoa who we concerned Iboul the Idea there Is some thing Intl Ind eotonlrt Iboul the ward omlnlonsbouldrecrll thet ll wIs under this word Ind title thII cInIdI Ieblsvrd Its Irds schnllt Illll Williflltewn fully recognised Independ rcenirt Mrsth Mscguerrie ItII csrrtod on vigorous pslpt over the yerrr to sin the origin of the word end to deny thet It use my connotsttan rl ioonleliem its points out for tnstruce thet mrny people think the word wer Imposed on Csnudu by the British In fact the eotonlrt secretory wrote to the Queen II that time rtstin It on he desire of the Brit North Ittnertcrns thet the word dominion be used CInIdr slendr in the western hemispherc unrlunily worried Iboul Itr Identity end in Ippsr ent fcIr thet will be men over not lust economicstly but eultureity One of the things lhst murkl CInIdI Ir different from the Unttcd states and other western hemlrphcro nIv llonr is the word Dominion Ind yet mrny people prefer the usegc of Iweilltnown Untied stsics word Marsh The itecicnrlo ltlrt tseurcnt governments first to attempt to downgrade the use of the word dominion end one of the more humorous stories concerning thlr rIfort Mr Munuerde stator pe we will clesveio sumo thing thet Ir significant Ind unique to Crusds the rrcslton of proud tree srtd ibdtptlid eni dominion Fail Programs SuitChilren TORONTO tCPt anIIIIv le block of liildftldilfisfbii rcttr rogremm on ur dr murnlnr is one of the high II II oi to sit schedule re tensed todIy by the CW net work Then of tlto three hliihdtlf shows feslure pu pets this Is our show about some underwater them The WItervltle terr cuncemed ebout the envt ronment The other Ir Puppet It People qulr shotv with ench term to conIIIl of child Ind monol Tlte IInII third of the block will be reruns of this Icrsonr Story lhculru series In addition now Morninule No serious coalition to Ifctloveru her emerged Irsut now other To each his pueltloh McGovern hse come lormldsbte list eirt lie wII little known to tlouei electorate despite thin rtiinl Tredeuulouylepsdczs Solute rtvsiruotsbtyr Edmund sud Ilubert Humphreywere rnnrldered to use meder er erstla vmcrr When most Importent III McGovern er widely gIrded Is beluth redioel such issuer II VIelnIm beirlotcertelute Imncriy for drrft evederr durilonr In deirurevpeodtu Ind in reform ilruy ubrervcrI here item It despite his ichorInr her red been ttvety tested It the polls busts of his ptItIurm In mrny Iiries witte Govern deiegetes were Iul the victory hsk been ted tsryety to superior tion Irdovem supporters mare doorbeltr ntterrnvt delegrte conventions up more voters MIT ger rImle mode then apponenls orree no rust mttrnrttnito there Ire there thet the hiuecoiisr workers ronrervrtlve ruburbentter the tncrcurtngiy Ip tttctlovem rsllics lilltd vhsrethe seuItor rm msny ot the issues To thou who ucstlen itevernr IBM reply thut her sire ottrtreted thet be user odds Ind sttrsct votes Itornls primery Iuerdsy forced thl position When it comes time lcnge President NIIonI lion McGovern will prove to the Job his supporters Neverthct If Nixon point to revived economy well Is successful Icy he will be tough November SettItor seems likely to need suslty discontented reed for drultc menus build winning combtnsttou voter BIBLE tletty morning show for Idutir Notes On Books iILOIIY by Vlsdlrnlr NIiIoltuv This brilllrnt short novel me first published In ilursirn in till II PODVIO gel lured Idaiescent oml eventually dlrI forever behind of Soviet ltuIIlI And Ill In the spirit at mlttyrdotrr Ind high Idveniure in this novel II in his other writlnyr Nabokov reverie him reifto be both mIItcr Ilyltrt Ind lrrltrtlng verbal rtymnntti Ar tonlshlngty rot and Ylldll tier urfptlonr stternItI III ctlIantr some IIilnI words such or Martin forever he litiilu or porcr III of Title Ibeurdtlles at its most IIcred or trying morn rule and one her the ronv1r llnn thIt he Is poking derIItve fun It the chief citIrIctrr the reader Ind himselft White IItuI Mono and behaviour In or true to life rpontInueur feel ttg some how II tIcklng ferhsps Nebu kov has been chrrtng too mrny butteries All the seine Diary is probIA th his most driving work of fiction The reader unlImlllIr with htswrltlnge would do well In reed It slung with limits Memory his rutohlogrrph trip or then his pretentious novel for Merlin sporer to owe gresl out to the youhtfut NIbokov L1ANl7li AND NEWEST liy Irctnter Mound Author mrintetnr thet III liv the reruttol purely hittrim tIl Ind succeeding gcnctlc mui stlou to men berod on chsnce perpetuated by the necerstty of chemtcrt rasctlonI Arming thet astute Ir oboettve he dismisses the uni mils pvclftcslty bergson Tetilvsrd him who Irrume thet men II the ovoiulionsry end result at tile CONTEMPDTITIW tilllflil T0 ltCONOMlCI PEACE AND ltAUOllTltll by John Kenneth tlslhrlllb The were on rcattouvicr in to be relied CInIdI All run during the whnt uftcrNliCr Tode shuw Among the mung Stolen rogrsms Io cdulrd are The mil to which Ilu gadgetlostl tent or will bits Med to be pstlerncd some nltod Probe tllirlcn pler end Iain to guide vs at lyprt The Streets of Sun From troubled wrterr Dig And be III In put of the rhlp III plilowt end they ewsh my Into him IIIetIr thou not IbIt we perivbdy till lte does ceret fetus clrco police show with Itsrt ur my home Sebsetten CIhot elude ileihrsllhs iImottr rrrey on flow iteyncr ruins In Amcr ch together with esruyr which cotelh some of the most influ cnilei economic litres of our time those on peucu glvs tlII breldtr views on how the fun clgn galley dtrIIterI hi the out my sevoided in this We and the find group qughicr cone tutor series of wlttlly perrcn rpersonei pluser un Nixon Albe Spear tlllsm If lluck lcly lirurchev John htclnbeck ec IIIE ILU IbiOUNTAINl OF CHINA ii liudy Wiobe bros ssre recounting the night of the Mennonites from IiusIII end their subsequent wendertngs around the world including Clilltil 11Iit TWEUTII billIi fly Ferreutt tInudtIu Iuthor writing In the style of AllItIIr Itsrlcnn ortnunv accountantsrescue bust mar Lou Itovrtte rvorrso orphan ntur ifkiltbbb Ivt lllbiillmllb VITIIIA Cit In Itdldtlli Mulder Ghost Story tcrturtng your cares upon him clh for you out 100 eutuubwl MIMIIIOWWIDWNIMOTIIWT EMAMillills utrrvsnvvtvonrrinert uuots tItdtttsnlrbuii on no metre trounce iLUllW iilRHCMtIW IMINNN tikilbib HIMIIIOFAIITDrI unto MING ltlltIlLF him ililnrlili MAI WWI htl viorw erreu MCI CO GOV tells story of lnlernrtlonut ln trigue with most of the ration tsklng pIIcI Inside the It rnlte Iugtbinu Iuctudlug men ltmlteiilleneruvrr

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