Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1972, p. 13

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Twinin tollllhuodod onmto IIIonusmmnou mvognrmncnmru SEA CADET BAND WINS TROPHY mummmo mmnmdogtd DOII Buchnun Illhl LI lll Mjldl ll NIP FROM 1117 Gut HM SUPPL mm III drum InIIoroIIbI III IlILKNIIYRIoJI proddIot oi the ANAI Unit of ma roIp band Ind com Ilmprueninlihn mono 365 no Jim Woodwnrd In omeg om mp SpInLI the band lender Itcopt II III ANAI hIII Inllootog miner Photo Im mu my the trophy the band Ion It the 5mm mudll mode by It will on wind by tho ertt Engineer Itinlotry on out IIoInrnunieItIonII IIIo 7th Ave an mmymmutrnlxugoimmnm om on aw tIval egms myhobtunhdiryutlinutorbynnlloddruoodtom Indoor II the Iboro motioned nddreII tom or In Me not many weird IIHI runuo Horrors Announcmenrs NIAGARAONIIIE LAKE toundnd In on by Erin Dob and in motion Iuno III DEATHS Ont tommm tutu1 no turn Ind tamer IIIqu leu the molar MIXIMAICIIJICCAIIEIItGREENIOMAIO beIInI It 11th IurnIner reason Boondny ptmright who with open tor Iix oixhts In lloot on Dog Mime mm 52 VMwm tool with It Intern pro nIIIm Ictor MIIIII Peetnotd rrnlI IIIIIonnruvI ThoItre WWI minimums HEN1 REIlSHES 21h Im IILINJMII dwcemzdrbyceeIIIKIl The testian tho only prqu Ioour It wuhunonmhn MM Filter noon thentro in euxum no mm mm tor Ih Pu 3htoJdoIoniIitli Nk voted to the works oI Irish pIIy mm W0 No on mnouu 35 LWII ILIIIIIIIII I111 NITMRI IIIIIIIu be mounts MIN IIIII oII II tm woniumm All It wlIIIncIudo productions ot Sstmfh my buod on tho live at tho IImouI two 5wa plan Getting IIII pt by my 50 Barrymore IImll oI AmerIrIo hold Milo motion In tho We mm my In COMINO EVENTS mm pexnls Julio1 tobnod mm mm II Ictolrn gamlungnirioltttd by IN IOMAIO 5AUE Wit1 Wm In Idditidn ILen zfpnadod moo Ewmw Smarty Fad Originlynrrtedjthoorxiy now Ier REIT Mummy BINGO mmm mumWm hing naming Sh my ms momm IN v1 John topmth Aug on Mum mm previotuiy no prerenlzd WM max 10 star semuu noun nu Beerbohrn iuutl It1 it WIIII rout Ethanol min ktlo WWIIJUNE nigh llioil IA II will am by WW II oznru II II to Iodin lnniud mono gt run tho tutumo produo Vi ml ugh 49 In tusrlon on son view oi the mnhniufmnoy lions will he presented In tho II in Ienentton up with mild poy 11th Court IIoqu Ihutro Construo to In III artistic mm ll MN ICIMIVIIJI CIrroll DIvII JudIo mmI 111 mmpku tlon In under va In now IouIboIrt rornrr ni Codrlnpion 702911 humus Jm um cm Wm mm IL011A ywum unto Iiormtr Imrnvmunnnn liol mm oi ml pm 311 mm lidiilfm hlusl TndIy EAST unnu The limit PIIooluI ItoIrd one Furhs oi Ensi notion 32 mm rim mu cnnnun liiilioiiiiiiimilif 91 wit 1N5 Wli Ni0N5 MUSHIWMS InhobitInII oi the Inn to Ii tlIhedeorId record Sunday by GIV TUESDAY ThI touto nod III 22 with re IrI Ir vi Ill odtovlothII InoImII it moon toutngtho veto III town Io reIuI IL mu Ind otter ibrtrreeomodnuou tunrto rum aunnn nquIobIeved by PoinndomI WM in WHO Nlm tollowod by peIIorIrIIncoI in min to or II Itmltckn earlier In tho dIy elm hid httiru III Wills Rorhrrier NI Juno Ind The IIsItrol Innciutiet 5e NOODIE NUMIER ooIIlctIIEIII Berlin newo mtuwnoithmuroiucllnm Itrtoz Irency ADN Id ItIsI Form my nitht with commlo N5 iii lfk mm WORLD BRIEFS pomWWI ma mm In It Putin IN own June IIICED cIusIIro no Ins Bus Runs Olt Brid einio River WIlOUIN Sarscmuans DA if NEW YORK AP Iiudy oI mentty decIuIltled cone Ipondoneo between President IrInktln ItooIeIoIt Ind Winston Churehlhl I331 they Rnd Itron or on cy more In on xknown durind the nor yIIrI tho NIII York Times to peril The IIInII IIyI MW limo oi eorreoponden non IrIllIhio to KbolIrI he Itoosovrli IJA NY Inn II with both US ItIIo dopIrtmrnt historiel Ind the mo EritIIh prime min IIterI mornolrn Although Churchill aid to hit IIIouoiunII hlIton Tho Sooomi World WIr thII be met with So vltt Frontier StIltn in Moscow October ml with the III Mt wrlnot oI lpptail Ind tood will burn Room umbo nI document rontrndlct vonion IIII mornper Io punt IIyI VIrIouI doumntl Indiuto he Churebitlsutln routing omInI It tho height at noosev ltI tut enmIIIIgn tor roetw to In unprecedented Iourth no aroused him II tho the Mouse IIII IImeI nyII IPolicy Difference Shown In Letters Churchill requested that tho thon Imbusndor to Moscow Averill IIIrrlmIn ho IIIIIrIed to the motto Is In counter the Iccountr and mossnno Io IIIrrImIn Irorn Roosevelt told the president would qun much proiomd In hove the next ooniortnro between the three oi Killed In 1968 NEW YOIIK AP Newp mk rnuguzino correspondent Inid Sunday us term killed Itngprrlnp number oi Virt nImeII IlIIIInnI In toot In em oI pulilontlon protrom rIllod Soerdy Express III IIId one oIIlolII gut the number ot Ile Ilrru In 111 Lott In report rmitd In this weekl inouo nI anowoet Kelvin Buckley Into the III monlh opernttnn It Kten lion in the Mekong Delta mm the lily LII mnunero look trittlng ll moon to Stalin IIII Itory New and mm InyI diuoclotlnn the United vmmm mufn SIotII Irom Iny doeIIIonI ruched It the Churchlitostnlln otimsgmifg meeting Id Iho Irtlcio lay Roosevelt In my opinion IhI US mliI IIIInInrnt It the amino oi tho tIry hII been guilty ot Inan IN linItI oonlmnco thIt thnn IIIIIIIInIII II no In AmerInn did not pIIn to Imp lievo be documented thIt thou llKl Irmy In Europo Iiter tho undo ot VietnImm otviIIInI on believed It the time to hero bron killed rIIIIheutIIy by vae IurprIIed Churchill Ind be US Ioreeo Io lndirnttd In IIII memolrI But the drelnultird docu ments Ihow the mount Iddo thIt II book In November lotto Roosevelt Ind Iniornted Churchill oi his desire to brlnr AmIIIIIn troops homo up Idiy II IrInIportItIon problem will permit IIior tho EuruprIn mended npanese PremierMay Resign Iter Session IIParliament KYO IIP Premier Ll tu Soto IIII quoIiId be will hiI roolrnItton when Intrusion at tho Diet pIIIiIInInIends Irl in oilico Ior nenri III eIrI liter Iurtoeding Itlyoto Ittdn Disease Breaks Out ATLANTA OI AP div Kidnap Victim Freed Sunday CARACAS IRputtr Carlo Domlnruox VonqurlIn tin rIn mililnnnlro wu IrIoII SuodIy by HanpoeII who grobbed him Irom his III to dIlydI Igou high pollen Iouren ll Dominguen known It Veno IurIII tin no hint IIIIerI Irom hurt tundltlcn writton three not IineI being kldnnoped Juno urning Ibo ovornment to Mt III Innnhunt or tho kidennerIurho pollen Iourm Iuboeouentiy ldentlltod IIInorx lieomen Iho IImly oi tho rnilllooIIrI IIId It hId poki rInsonI III II nmplpert IIId Said it Width 1104 WWW mIIIIoIII Iew dIyI In tho kid uuestion In Iepanto wlih torn oi Ihoroo in Central AmerIcI Ind between WI Ind mo In Two months but the lbdlttlou In communique denlrd thIt run strongest contender tor hir tut year has broken out again In my mused tn Forelrn IllnlIior Token ln Rounder tho Contro IIr Dio molly ot ldrpodning motto do It Ind KIIIIII no It mini ItrnIIotInro trIdo Ind Industry IIyrIroId premilt IIso rtpurttd to nIvo noted In tend IInntn ior coopero the ordIrty lrInIter oi Iothogovcrnlnr II DIInoerItlo only at 5m to pmident IIId thoIrena IInIIII tor Shot In been InteIIIIIIId II Iot rerord In post IpIuoII politltr III use Control hero but reported The disease VonIIuIIIn oouInI ennphaionyrlitlr or Iicoplng Ilokneon hu broken out to tho IItn when Iimile opidomto ocmrrod In It nnd proud into ContrII Amerirn oxlcn Ind the United Stnten Iho CDC IIId thII Ipproxi mototy no Ml rown th ed III II tho Erundor outbreak About It iIutiIIn rum oi tho diImo out door IItII hlro hm been ro oorttd lo IhIt country lions LOTUS IINIHIIII IM liOCKENItEllI Wort Ger many IAII Erneroon little III oi IIrIIII won the Jocon int timeout IIIcI South by drIIInI his IoiuI Formuln bun to victory In both 1H1 bIItI Fitnthlllln Jun Pierre III Inudl hrlbhnm wu pinned Ironnd Ito wot Iourth In tho IirIt hut Ind urond boblnn IIltlonldi In no mood but VILLIEIISDOIIP IA PI Abuut so persons were heiieIId Iidwnrds SIn ion stIIo lini IerIiiy prninroor IItd Sniurdny Killing At Least 50 Persons Humans lVOLPKG37 drowned when bus in nhlrh th wero IOIIIK no oil brl to into river IIII sundIy tho Suth Mrirnn Press Aub tlntlon reported Tho Iehltin nu ornpieteiy Iubmrrgrd TIIOOP IIIIIENGTII DOWN SAIGON tlirutert United stotu troop New In South VlrtnIm It tho oi thI IIrIt week in June wot IIM men IornmInd IpoteImIn Inld lion dny III rIporItd thIl 1300 rol dierI thn been pulled out IiocI tho buinnlng oI the month Ii though IhI number II US rm In men on wIIIhipI oil tho Vi rtnImeIo eoIIt remIlnI roo mm It Irnund 1000 DECLINE NNTNUES NKYO AP IIpInI rurIl Kopuiotion droppe by LII nIli on penpin or II per cent be tween Ions Ind ImI whltI KIPII reieIIod sundny tho orno IIIIlrI IniniIIry III Tbo pnper IIld tho derllne In rurIi populntlon to continuing DIET 61m BLAME IDNDON tIIIuIerI Itore thIn onethird oI III odulto to En lnnd Ind WIlro hove no nII urI teeth Ind wear Iull don turu odd report pubIIIhrd Sundry b1 dentIt hrnith Iouo dIIIon report IIId IIrItIln II In the nip oI denIIi III beIltb ooIderoIII Iltributnblo Io bile Innonnoo Ind IIck oI In mt Iltlt Ind IoIgy dirt wII IiIo biInIed IVILION MINE Illil VIENNA Aullrin MP timid WIIIon tender at tho British hbowlrty Irrivod In BurIIIIIIt Eu Iy tor unit to Iiormnin tho Ditklli RomIniIn nowI Ireney IIorprrII re ported CLEIIKN 0N STRIKE mussels it out rtorto went on ItrIkI In Itch rlum MondI Ior more my Ind III work In on non bInk clerk In BeIIIuInI CIIInII nrrt tor on non IrInu tttll IItIry IIIII month better IIIIIy hot to IIIIII rItIli prim Ind Iour weeh boIIdIy onr Ibo Ioont bInhInx mm to noon moo Irnonih LEAN IIOIIIID SAN JOSE CIIII AP lo tween too not too CII oroiI born MOMMA Ihre rntd with eIIInrtion by DDThm been lighted outing III the Vrnturn tout Dr Gordon ho mndo tho obeertntlons by III Ind by nir on Santa cm to IInd Ito IIIo riIImed Ieelng In nbundnnre at to big no birds on South Coronado IIIaIuI Inuit oi Sln IIiIIo MOTHER OI II KILLED INCASIER Onto lCPI Ito ert Lnlonde oi Inocu ter wnx IhIrIrd Sunday with nonr Il murder in tho drnlh oi lint Fox to Ilso oi Llncns tor The mother It II no found dead enrilrr Sundny In husheo near her home Lanmlrr II Ibuut II miles out at CoranlL WARN TORONIO mourn UPI ran Univerolty Iorioiotirt DROle thIt IIeIropolIlIn Toronto will II who torrent In III rrimn me unless growth II curbed The hlmr Ihl rItv tho more rIIInI per pill Ind this proven IIII II Iinnn told the rnemberI ot ApprIluI InstitutI oI cIn IlrtropolitIn Toronto bu Inoro Ihln two million residents CITIES BREATH EASY TORONTO CPI NeIr IreIIlnr trmprrntures Ind IIIIII windn drove TorontoI IIr pollu tlon Index down to IeIo satur dIy Ind SundIy In IIImlitnn tho Index was live SIIurdIy Ind three SuodIy Ind in winer pollution rount at seven on hot uIdIy dropped to two why In SudburyI bowover rendlng oi two on SIturdIy owed to Is on SundIy AItI OAKS TAKEN TRENTO itIiy Mint ThieveI broke nio pIriIh church hero Ind Itolo wooden mines rIndIIIb Ind other workI oi Irt worth lIoquoo CLAIM NEIEIJ OEIEAIIO KAMPALA UgIndI in Iho nitlrIII Burundi rIdlo IIyI tho er IIIInIt Ina oountryr enemiro will continue even though It rlolml the bottle IIIinot rebok who IItIIIIpttd cow II who no bu been Iron At IoIIt 30000 people hm been killed In Iiurundi Ilnto rIvoIt It tho end It April by etemento oI tho motorlty IIutu tribe II Iowrnnn KILLED IALLIPOLI Itlrkey AP Seventeen IhIIkIIh Iotdiero wero kIIiod Ind III tutored SotudIy IIIII tho mllIIory truck they erI ridlnr on non III brldII our thlo town on the Dude oIIIII sirIit IONIO IOIIID SUPERMONT AND SLICEDI RINOLESS unenncou In rum IIIan III nm In ooIIIIIIIIo IIIIenVI nnouoit IIIquII IuIII mo Im BETTY ROCK SEA WAVE PINK SALMON 39 Red Brand Steer Beet suoppm ROAST I5 suouuun IoAsI III nusun nun II

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