Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1972, p. 1

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Illortlreal Strike Tvnppeersnedrnhd tral moeu oh the Mrdtetioo Iineelheworherswslxedoil ltrpeoltieneod loo Herr Quebec Labor Federation Oliroraily filontes into Being ftcrrIsame unneeded lion with thaCNTUIID AmeHreDaI CNIliIlofpluldUIUI DI Indoor Dionmrnd Resolute Treaty With canadh Urgedglly US Gas Executive orderand also herin to re Itur pany emu lord Canadalnarnerereaiiatie Cumin IIIIN at live me today the union urn Mummy oolenrerca Caneden nationalism which ol or domestic Ination oi U8 burinesrmrn LI rim hernia to panic some Americen ply Mb Canada INTI on tutural re in ewanncsr within horde oi rotates itr maturity Ind potential ha illerhert ltl Sampson vtce raid in In lddtua to the Inter preaidrrtt oi Northern Natural Itato Oil Cornpert commission iII Co at Omaha Nob Hill Statste orlorrirallon devoted however that belore attornptinI to oil and cordervatlun ioneyotateruch treaty the Text ht remarks In re up must our to hours in restrooms CAfPSULE NEWS Discuss oducinglnterestitates uorrrrtuu cornee II IleNolI oi Montrrhi president oi oi Canadien Blhhra Association saidtodaythe hanka met with Hoench Minister John Trrrnrr durinythe mum to new ways to reduce shortterm nsorrey interest rIteL Coast Guald In iryIlosurnes innIIer tIrIa or staiea corn Guard board hi to eaulhed heIrlnn today to In ettort to determine rAurt UUsyedrtwofrelrhtrrI to collide in Ilonday in the st aalr River near Port irrrera Clrargd Provocatien it shut Chinese ihlltlh9iidliidillltllhi liHHIIUIllalhIhineefheople Ind piedred Ila resolute Iuworl to Vietnamese people CompanyRsired To Cut Operation lrerroulo CPIInternational ureteren oi ems no out ttaooerrtloer in honour by more than to per cent today in In root to whee harry Ilr poihrtien which read 11 on the prov incea indax Intern It In In Iir manervroeol branch otltaiai raid gt Britain ProtestsLibyan Statement wrloort lAIlErltlln unruly preterled to any today Nth till letth trill ll dl IlItI tor loreiro attain Joseph Goober summoned Ben Amer to In ollleI and delivered Umnod Italrnentettrthutod to Krdali Israelis Re ortori Piannrng Tnai TELAVIVI itaraeli Iultreriii no reported preparlos there trill or Rare OIInsoto rurvlvlny member all the lneItln ewaplperI tor Im 1an becIuee it emote Ill crowd ot 1min correspondents us Pilotsiisir About Recovery United hater oliotl orleonerr at IIrNIEhWNmIUIUrlI Id about tier doom Walter motors Senator lite htraoveroe earnptlrn and con so vellum lN Solomon runner TheVuIehIrnlba Barrie We Shrineroi pandaNI Samuel Grampiain ItIrda IrI BrrtrIm hill lien and lrr linttot RamI Mote were the snipers have ever put thehevoltbeceriaeend la MMMmrlruoralm wmmrhmawmummacuuurorh Inthertrunnthrtltitrrlronr hleteesttmatethenumherol injured Element them and Story emu theltnrrrrurers in Bal on inBenie Wayne Howell II Iceornpariad try troInIetl tar on Page tExImtner Photo inIurIncI tario reared llood It claims today loi veiled thoulh some lumen to reel disaster treat that dev iouea Iceuntely In it centres low temper It Ir Momma ll ln Torontol It in Peierboroushsnd st in wind the Aviation oincielr toured Ioree ot crops injured by treat Sunday but deemed it too only to users the drum aelt Milli Antarlture Minister Willem stewert ol 0nlIrlo Ito lied tobacco tIrmr Ioulbweet oi tendon Ind reported that while he saw some badlydamned Huron otherI were not hurt It Ooeol Ihemainnausrs hi concern In the utenlot the damn lo tobateo lieidsa ttllmlliiooIylar industry in the province Ih Iome pIrir et Orind UNITID NAMI INVIKCNMIITAI CONPIIINCI moron mwmm lOilY0 AF President Nixon has invited Emperor Iii rohlto to visit the United Stator aeriaeelteory unread lodlv as his wetland visit to mend role times between the Nixon adrnln trtrItioII and Japan ended Ir told oervs cooler enee are rlor Wuh lrrton delire the invite lionto Premise Erato Bate ties to and thewrr or recent interview to llrno run In I15Intiwsr activist who tailed with them Satu Oato raid In re daytheroLreIhort la in Kent Ind Norton counties pcsrlndrln also im oe eonrrrarntivelv llshttr thh few lIrrIIerI will be able to replant It IppeIred Sun Ituolromr tobacco iantr We been rivinI our Growers Unhetinl Bold This has pot to be the hil on teen in the at our Ive been twins to ace Mr Ilium raid the loss eortId run into mUIlorII oi doi lars lie lured that ii the TIle eIed Icreere could not be re ealr iania Iii Iastwrek planted the crop would lnlI to pIorHte thIHIero abort Iaid short oi the expected lot million itemi Miuenr Idlrector ol the pounds anticipated this year United Nation will have Irri ProssButldonotbeiierewI willlrii bTOuCIIOIhI CPI Despite the politieai clash between Orion and the United States and other meter Motions hiaurlce Stroll oi Canada remains cooll deol that the mind Nation err vironmentoonleremlii rand Neuron on or Ind aotiorscllan lor launching global Itla on pollution it we hit here thenthe lured arm blow the cooler enee secretarygnerat void in an interview II the Canadian themed big step alter this eonlarerrre will he to try to trouble tbsbasin deeiarattorr on the human enrirorsdseot Into international ianruare lhir will huavemto Wat by Iteplt Ipace heading in tbe moon We have decld to re tor the moon hut Britishiroops Battle Catholics Rnd Protestants BELTIIISEMtRollingI Brltiltlit or II Illhln Cathoiido1 Ind Protee innit early today alter an eveniru oi violeoee that tell at least tour persons dead in Northern ircland The round hot nIire Ir hernhtn IIII eI throtyho the aveniny end into the early hourl It the morning In Bellut We are beln tired on or heth lactiooa and harm lrtIde several hits an army Ipohen man rats In llret deathsundIy hi we will have to do it Reply believe the next live years will hwmtilral tohour or In ry In plain his own tImllytlva chiidnrron what he dumber II In iootinr the BIIIVI oi Oak lake Man rise It wars to meet the dayto day pressures and threats to eonlermu that has your to llt countries with the entry at Bnrlatenh CITAVIA OP The even ment is expected to yuhllah leerpremisedlerlsiatien today that would pour more millions Into noIv hourlnr land easemny and renovation el old houses and neirhhorbeodr But chancer are remote that the bully retorm package will get the necessary parliamen Conservationists Training hrea SUFTIEID Alto CPI Ilab el tabletop Irarriand which eeoservItioolsts IIy Is unique enou to he preaervod er sari park brtomaI one oi the worlds larlut militia lroinloa areas this week Wield military ream toooeouerernlle deselste area oi anemone mm Into loet of Medlan Ital in earth war to leodenderryvhen he can In re rhot MHUUCINIUUHUJII Hitler et prlalrl worrldbeworl neer drannehlortheVblh ehrerVItien near the Cathode Bonide UT Intern will let the weilphr Mum and theI punch Irtl dnduiieryrourdnrlrtinr nine hum Irons In gmnnawnuwamhaaatm Maa Govt Eupected Promised Housing Legislation total on lenses were Ontario Flue01nd lobtee Ind export markets would be lost Three mid tneiude the new Iyopened market in mainland Won May to Agriculture him later Stewart announced that about memo oi Ontario to bacon had been Iold to Poking At the time elated memberr ol the Mario Iiuelhurd To batco Crvwen hlIrhItlnl Board said the sale could horrid an important new market Ccrncrdicrn Ceniident Oi Pollution Attack Strong ind be reIiizrd It the outset that politics would in trudo into the environmental de bate HI anticipated that there would be trouble between Chloe and the US over Vietnam and thattherewouldbaarhalle and poulhll cheers to the UN antipollution doctrine the dreil declaration whieh ls on deryelnr close under and pre poeed amendment by eonleo erree committee To Publish tIry approval to be put Into el lect Iooo The houalol hill to be Intro duecd is the 15th ed iorlrin live meuurer remixed by the yoreromenl en the eurrent nation bed Fob It By rr Iyltth IiitlnI dIy oi the Iessioothe Olmmons had passed only live oi those bills phra tvo routine measures to authorize rovernmenl tInIannr Protest In lliherta North AtiIntie Treaty Orrarrin lion Ieca in West Germany hove been lliinr into the am time Renday ll lueIday nlsht there will also oi them really tor three ureha ol battle manoeuvres over about no roulre miles It the reserve lThe trIinlrrI la the elba year erreemen lwren nds and rltalnmt year Income or the Blthh to send more at not to tote IoldierI lo mmua tor threaieel Itinta belleen Hay Ind November oath rear cornmanrllna no Notional Guards troops to Rapid City volunteers and sold the reseue chin nunmurs TER SInater Georre him Ind Gov Richard Ilnelp visited the demulnd area lease on no uccmn railed tr morobodin dutnxtlonanduidhaiordd da Rapid Qty the nearby BiIcI ltiila Ctvll delenee oilteisia esti mated lb mining II and raid today that it we Impossi At least shoe persons were Iell homeless and damage III estimated at more than lrbo million hillGen ihrnne Coming Iaid about noon men worked lnio the nlpht turninr over any debrla that misht hide body Were startiox to work up thI meta Ind drst to look lor the bodies that we Inorv Ire thereI onto said htaor Donald llamctt tor Feud re pmtodlwn eur II on the oily at 00 III by the more then soon rtviilrn eamI Immotirhed II murh drrioa the drytirlrt hours aI they did worirlny IroIrrId the duel lhI volunan and ponds troops have been at work rinee dayllsht Saturday horn alter err crashed throth In earthen dIm at ralnmliwn Cnyonon late on the western edro ol Rapid City The water Imashrd throurh the rily nippinr rare rruahlnx trees and lining heron oil their oeuieted tor typ halted nirht reareh operations tl annulmentopmidr ea lrsordinary reilet lor hi borne state dreamed neresram Praident Nixon has declared the reslon disaster area There so many areas that have not been rearrhed iur bodies Knelp laid in many llIlllllm Ireil lust bare to wall In the water to Iuhslde on II no dis lnlo the nrhhle LVOULAIE HUNDREDS Ilrrodreda oi oar IrrI lo th Rapid OI twirlichod at and the Penninrtoe Corny health department The laden department oi health education and llllln Itoclpiled tense dqu ol the innoeulaliona Rapid thy hII been without water alone the oods Itrtteh and otTklIia said it will be late tonight helora drtntahia water In available throush rtty iaclh er DrinhlrI water In delivered by Ira mrwrmh Air Puree Base passed out In cuts and kettles at deripral loutiooa TBA Illrr antrdl Inada plumb lru facilities trooperMe The mural III roppty IiIe vu rut all but telephone Ierviee III natured Tho dlrlrter war the worst Iver in South Dakota winter hilraard to ma tilled more than our history warln Johnston them tour heap ot rpiinlers biorII away SlCAIIDUS BC CPI itain thrurrtrout hritlshthhtnh Nmmwmydrfnd serial ll eI rout em portion at the province ltudesthtt In the Sicnrnour area to Iorthwrtrat BC mid way between rnlnrwoilcn Shun wIp and him inlee Ruidentr us Phantoms Down llliGs SAICON AP United States lets irlt lomiie otretch oi North Vietnamr northeast roll line to China and about 60 rtrltndod trcirht ears in ames Sunday and shot down two more IliG Iris the U5 command Io rreuhctd lodny Lame omnre tlrebnlh itl Irp the slice miles routh oi the Chinese border alter about to air lurra P4 Phantoms attnrled the roll line Ind silinr ul treiyht rIrr so to so miles north out at ilanet pilots reported on Cam tier plays r13 umztd no molar one at uiBeUdra nnsmnmnmm oo tstordavn Pa in tree when Lam were killed metallurer dayrawatarop lo Mmbl ilood in vv=mrnv deepcoreredmootuthem usually The community iron winter ponttd area and there werI no plans or resources ler ilood roo troi hill Darls clril delenee coonIimior in Vernon ls wort lrsg with loud RCMP and pro vindai hirhways department personnel in eoorlloatirIr liood rontroi measures Between so Illd so lamillee were reported iomd out at their homes In the nearby hinthwnteb Cicerwntcr am lIrmrr Don Bond told he vrolhed IU week rndholrylozctoohendhleb tin oil an island in the rwollcn North thompson Rita lle dereth the Iron as It most one vIrt late At Namtoepr the North Thompson continued rbint on the weekendeeupied with lira ol the South Thompson mnlchiny the peak ol two Ireeta ago when Iliite Mrs Rindlot the Oak iiiiis rubdlrlsion WI wueoa tlooovld RUIabeIeJhetdI Parent or

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