Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1972, p. 10

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E7 35 or tic it or IE EEF gist air or or or it E3 or peer FEE FREE Iumaeuacrcs ro rum out Improved llneorroltomectlhetiatorltn Itldland to err undeteItod Ia drta with torr law edOrIlItI Iadott Juniorr It to Archie Blenchardor Inn Iictlma 121 Its 2m to comm the nohtiter In blanbtal Orv rota announce Farmer torIard em with Ben ltI err George reed on It now bury Iltb er umentr tor the rec ranuathalmy Beach olt ternaamerdwtdchietoha It the III St George eluh next Iaturdrr yrrraadta bee to detend hlr boa tenttan Ir centred on rolt Colt lared orand err at late air Ford who renter tacitly BI III II at the Balnty Bosch am Toronto where he got htr start In hockey came to Bar ea ttrrarold harddrtrtnr torIIrd but In III III 1m the Junior our WI TAM Tord pleyed Iunlof At Cuelphendthenr tile ram In pro hoe ey tlrI la the Arrer kIteturnlar to this Irrr be war BRADFORD LACROSSE CHAMPIONS Bradlord lacreIIe Inthinlrrt In adding ochrIonIl retereucrr m0 aI nattonrtume In colurna bu Iorwrrdod Ilpyitl thlt Barth Slmcoa lamottt true Intermediate Ontario ehnmploae Teen played outdoorr the ntler rprovided or II playerr to Turn at that tlnre Bradlord heat red Orltlla and Barrie In the litrlct group beiare rain on Io annex provincial laureie tbrt err The oulrtandlnl player player dyperrod to be brtlIIInt bite in holder Dr IAII Campbell yeho III an exceptionally tut IOIIII Name Mgr IFOI StiII CIttI OAKVILLE CPI OIItrlllt taot Ilta Ontario hockey An Itloa Senior Ierter pletedlau week by or attonl eIorod rInIrr It moral mettle Thureday night admired to continue opera lone In 1min orntor plIyer lIck Price wuIppolntod yenerrl nunrrer tlrIrlub rolactnr Earl er and Gerry ere wrr to ma realdent one at two at tart yeIrI execu nth attire alcoprerldent in ten IIIrIre Irena munrrrv tour 11 erre rm CHI the RID III ined the winnerr 22 rt In date FIIWI and ate Norrie rI Oro It Btael Kerk merry and Hardback VISIT CREEMORE Illia Ildon Junta to Int noon Drromore trarelr to Orlilie to tha enIn ndlbenpoaeta Thordrrtbettalm Itnr two at them over til IteInIIrne preparation are roottnulur tor the term altrtar Irma Ihtch II to be phyed It Barrie on Sunday Joy it All rtrr erIII Irom the rrtlr and earth Iactlon Illth chosen and Barrie tr iller to be well rrpre rented on the tormer In lIrt yerra llth Innurl Ill ItIr tilt the league Itera blari IIlIlI Cord Dyment Cord chh Ion Daa htrblaeter and Dave Halon Ibrrinthe pitching tor game III play ed at OIcrnorr GOLF TOURNEY phyinnacb ot Orilllr Tcrrlrrt tor three or tour yeIrI end then he would up hla Ilmoat ouaricr oi ceutu oI arranlud hockey pIdyIttl Ilt Barrie ltycrr Goorye did not play hockey thtr part Itntrr but III been Inttawer at the IIyerr rmaln wintertime rt now Ir rrrabtttnlrwbt hIr current It Bt Goorra report George II one at the better plIyerI It thI club Dlrcuaalnr the cavalry tourna meat Ford IIldr We had about so plryerI uke part tut year and It mod popular event We Int prItad there wlll be It icut ro or more to rampete In theaomtnl tournament lIIIbertono will be boldlnr In pen all tournament on the ante da Saturday June I1 hite shanty BI plane Inottwr open burrnemen the Iutlawtnl laturdey runner and canny held renerai and doicnce rtelwrrt narrrod Bab Ilcltlnalry other ater rncrnherr at thrt rrothle term were Bill Camp bell 1th Itnrrla lImre Webb Torn Bell Green it It Collinu Cotton IMI arurrh Graham Andorran Bill SulherIInd Sutherland ltnhlruan It ltartln Ind Iiolr Ind Norm Mrltlnatry The crack ltraotord tetra route tour at US Ind played the Mom New York Crerrcntr Ind Itro the dwarthrnore college team It ltIltlrnorI Itrrylmi It aald Iollawtny the general mertInr ho had trim to live colehinl carvltdIIcI but deci Ilon rm who would handle the club would be Innaunred later RXDOMNR DIM AUGUSTA IdIIno tAi Former IIroaItIytt Dodecr iirat baremnn Dol Illrrnnrttr died Friday In horpltal at unaltut wound police III relitn Iltetnd The ltyerrold llirro netlo Ina himrril In the atom nrh lart Saturday In an apple orchard It hit homo in Winth rop Iccnrdlne to police Ite had rerporwied to treatment by mid week but hlr condition warrened Ihurrdey NIXTOAIIUI played it themutrer Yet II III InnrrInce amtend director at the CIaIdlrn Arno tern Daehtblll ArIoeta sayr tberea trend toIIr neuter the we braId themmberot retrial nu III For thtr ha been chIndnl at rapid IIIG Noe Iprlnytnr up Iront tctoa to St InhnI tana on poor givenon telerlalon on radio or in the prpera Unlike the United Slater ORANGEVILLE PROGRAM rounrn mice or Free rm EBIIWOOO lrtrh in FIRST RACE Ill Pace le do One Mlle 31ml etoo tIllwl Frlmbeetru troop Blrrrpron Knlrht Dtrect rotor Bro taracho Green Aercr total Ilnorr Armne Adlor tttm lloldcn tItlIr Green Gael troop IlIwroa Mary Ann Todd ttaoot Pen ldlrhly but hey urea 423 Aging can say git error 55 it awnin or Hurrrrialoldu BLItoatrIIiv ltliIClL gE Thunder oer pm III Iver Ilinaula VI Johan It Allan otherw nae man Basketball 5qu118 Bigger Fallbwring NAUFAX tCtl Neat CI ardtenr Ibore roarth to Itde at hide Ichoal to know Iontethlnl about her bell and may Ietl bare Iceelonat baaietbellletruer natiml metric wort eh WAltBl AIIATNUNI him atill la behind hockey Ind Football popularity cum ItacbarblIn Natt concern petition npublic acceptance at At the curl oi the rotors ntltad In But over the part to yearn Donahue broulht lr lloarl bIeltethatl team It are are rerved ttuLIrhIea placer much at the blame tor the tradltloarlt rprrre crude at bIIlIrtba promotion Buketbrli hunt been yea the neceraary pitch that ootbrll Ind hockey have been llunlob moo Cane II nna In prov htaclachlan arid IUNDAY Part Time Iltb PM It One title Ouinrlla tNIntlaa Dream Wm Troy Goodtimr llelen Quintrn Care Ito Bonurvltta tlrrrlmenr Act BrIwa Mudth Lockiwt Lady Florence lrWlliIan ItoII thatch Notablan era Ina title Clnrr Iltb latter hldnry Mu tutti Wm Ilterrow litre Irraor Carlin Grert Derlre urea Jy Ilehlenv brcher All hotel Atom tttbol Law Wit RECOND RACE Dal IIcI Iane tree tine line Itmtli Shirl William trirky IIle blcttrttlr tdpartry hilly lIonn IloarelIndI Goldie Itoora Dutctuu DeIm Ara Brawn Wee trnella Imhhart TtIcey Ann Direct Younl Gallant Minty it Andrewr ITIIIID RACE ll Trot Prim Wt tilt Dar title Clml inn Mile 0p Char tth iIllwl Anna or lrtbrrllh tArawrnI Till Currie Tliomrr Ialrd lt Farmer ICnImplaln tiIrl MIcKenrle Prince IIemtnlmt tr ton anterr III iltbttl or art rI lae hie More tubal Le bliyndya Cher ltoblllIrd llaoreiandr Alice Cochrane llelmont Queen limit it Yourrr lllrcbrlt llrnover Intel Al Sprodler Bpencrr Bav Clrantler eTtherry trout arrria Ion dGrI rrworlby treat tharitnl etoplar Pamela ctroaor lt Brenner Len All LeIIon Brawn FIwn ll Morrteon llllltNTit RACFI It Free Porn tilt One Mlle Qulrtellr Ty FIRST TIME OFFERED II larder rum to labor ad the II tee 8t NudeaIAl Unit lurid AH Ialeh hat both the National Baahetbatt AandItlan Ind II American Buketbalt Iodntian Canada her be pro But II director It the CABA IIIILIrhIIn II more Canada ornrrnce at Intoleran IonIi level In amateur com Canada It mattny eIltInt II Iornewhet battyattempt to mullty tor buketbali In the DI rnplc Cameo In Itunlcb rummer The trey tlyure in title ettrrt la coachmtv Croat Univerrltyln the la Ietaet and prepare an Interne Ir chalrmrn at the CABAI Ielretlan committee that potcked Donahue tor the tourh at getting team Into the reatert week topttbioh barkelhall talent or Interna tlonIl play to that we luvrnt qualied haakethlI rum RACE til lue Porn llmrnya Folly IOWA law Armbro Juta root Robin on Golden Herveat Client en laurel Atom 1th AlXTtl RACE lll IroI IIrII Conlln Iron Cutietott Oltt Atdldohln phoon Yankee Wm Yritr Atomic tlcrhert ll tllven IN BARRIE Plen your vacation toda by renting tully equipped ord window van Equipped with Iutamrtlc double bodr running water and ice box Accommodrtost Idulte orally llrrt time all lverod in Barrie by ltertr the No Rental Company as Ilmllt tturoola beat Dre to In unto ot elore contact Ind man whistler Brita learner to ad only eat at the match Pdalttllnttaiuelemaragry lo Iee wln thtl Ieek arItnat III II Grove tIo pnrlr tron GuII ru me the dtttemca AlIandale Improved on their borne grottnd but me deter recond time Coddnrton could Dr IIIII CANADIAN PRES Itahlne aaadiliona Icroar the prnvrnco lIIt week were ener gy eaod Ind Ilrllrnmtt could bo kept all the tattooeven them it meant nothing but trouble tor ram in one Incident dirtrur nrcrrrre picked up by Pen American Ietiiner en route to Europe trom allure led to the more at two ottIII tlabennen In dense huah Ihout too mIleI northeast ot Tlmmlnr Ilcl BIrr Ird ttIrIey Grear Iere unhurt liter their Cerraa born eIrtter tthen plclred up by rescue Ilrv craft the pair ew back to Cochrane where they rnadr Irv no menu to continue their III at tlrbtnu Sixtylive year old Freneer Androwr ot Kirklrnd Lake alto Ipont nlrht In thick bush Ilter II bout overlumod whlle Ih and Printer Jay Moore tturry tip Soky lackhart Otiaarno lturtr renmar ScImp Lawton EOIITII RACK Ill Put tarre to One Hill Sir tAerd Rick Robin can ltaynl an Fumerr billy blade Wm Troy Winter Melody It Webb Wloawa Joe Sheldon ltoratlo Illtler Nbrtltrtr Aytmrr tlla Dorothea Wick DIvch NINITIRACB ill Pm Fem at One Itlle Invitation lNr Coldtlmra it bio In Iterdow Bender DIvIeI Popular tired Wm ttrltr Topdeele lahalt Miller Jimmy Ill Width tloma Do nlon Wm Tray TlINIIl RACE it Free Fall uto Ono Mlle EIIctIr Clrrrr error tIllwl Count Rodney not Cer roll more clay tool It laltuah illlrhrtyle III treooi ll lloora Runnymede Dave treoo ll Younr lArrnhro Jaunly ttndd Troy Wll tar Cathy ilbbtl Nlcbla IAttI Wrthy timt Ntoit bite lluphr llIt tttttll it MIIMII Poet patitinttl drawn on Crueoe ll thrun CtIIIIr nat altoIn did not hit Fishing Conditions lire IIrFirhermen FindTrouhIe III bod rrIrhlarded about it couple at reed ban to need It caaohoe Flam mild tedtrrnkBoduarekItettotrr or Ilnrtpruoeatmw bier hutblttd William wrrI Iuh The woman In taund Thren by Ierrchrrr latter the ad rpent the nltht in In ndooed rnlne Ncr hurband Iae tound early luudar The bed both mm to abate but me Ieparrted Cree Code It thourht tor minute lart Thoma he had enacted hit one to ttrhtn In Lake Settlintlta Iuat aortho Kirkland Lake Artt turned out he had rr lrIevod borrrhbclieved to be about to your old and harm era The tallowlnl II hrlel Iyrlop III on tlrblnr condltlana In die trictr throurhout the provincex NORTH lyrmnMInrolddn hi rent poor or Me trout he been good with other II mottly providing poor III Pickerol alto ouott me IquIIPlclerel Ilrbln and with lull that report ram illrtlntkonvlnko In the MrtctrewIn IrcI Laryert pick oral war reported at nine poundr Irorn tiawrrrrda late White errfAntlln Iur yel low plckerel Ind nort orn plte road at White lenkwara Ind Coder taker lake trout Ira alartlny to thin deep water with peed catcher reported It Daroherrerrh LIko tieratdtonItlrhln tor yellow plclterel amt nort ern pie in ttrelleni In lIrtrld Sullivan Elnlllltll III III ported and larwachuae later with troron melt the IIIICIIM hItt Brook trout tlablnr In Kenorami Nanovrr Omani riverr In care daw wormr will malta the heel raenlonom Proiit Cut Net Protlt announced Fr In Canadian Footbrtt leer becaure the term will not CInadiIru Tony Bob llInrllton are rounded to th durum Conlercnco ltIclnr secretary Iary Wlb ma trrnem uton Moire Your Reservation Now II BIA RD 7266474 Alberta ltlyadenalrefat aim no IRtvadenetra her maon tiffgt attractive lIdior By Argonauts munlt theatre from mom cm mm IMF the MMWDI tele ItIa been cut looae alter raven In with Thronto Arrouaute In The onrIratd Now Yar II tle told nowr conterence bed bcenmottltnd by tbrtearn that ha had baeorrla expendable am to make room tor tight end no lie tImIn be It router ora end roe tar the tlpht and wiiltberetao team In III rrcclvlny with It catcher or yardr Iecoad hert tn the Eutern Football indoor and Ilao tlrrra II LIMIIMLI WtadIar Raceway MILIA taken him to your the hop In bII Item 1th MI btlnoI knowtbrtlre GI Indnotlelte It Ill Ibl think thahook krptune Irern urchin tht ererybodr expecadotrraltnowlcanba road phycr ION ROUND DtlhlAIr several glam who were ocoed to them had dtr met tlrrt roundr AI Daidln at Tororltorhot In Ib while Wayne Valimrr at Van couvemnl ttoe Norman at all lardDatIharedltr Bobby RoueIeIu ot Bromant Dre centre with New York Itanrere at the National Harley lerruehedelt heery rein orrrnlrht Thundry Iwar larbed with wtndr outlay to so trtllu In hour during the Ittemoon lbe mutt tor moat rollerr III roanectrb rant plan but poor Ibowln on the back nine THEATRE ON TV Thettre Canlde ICBOTII eater hourlacy rpectet on the on terttvrt abaIIIdIIeom cut an the netIorlr Belurday true uorrcr Chem at three liar and Turr to pun day TM no no to run Bet to you tDurtu July and Alllll lrlt te ttttl Tada Barber Shop at run It ha ha Thnre II the Paving neNInItt courrutcrone ABPRALI concntarn wanton FOB RIIIIJBTIMATII ON DIIIIIJWAYB PARKING DDT PAVING AND BEALERI atrtnvrIMrrrteaor belt Warrior ABOUT your FUTURE Lorri our NEVER T00 tATEl lIvarrurv IS YOUR ANSWERI are YOU knew that YOU can mrua UNIVERSITY AND EARNA orcnrcl It you Ire over 25 your at age oven with late than Grrde It rtsndtnpl or Ire over 21 and tha Grade 12 rundlng or here completed Grade in than YOU may be considered tor rdrntrrton to untvorrlty You my enrol tor lulltime otudter tor extoneion rtudloe itrklnl NUIBOB In the aventngr or on Saturdryr or tor eurnmor rooster stutter taking course tor wrote morntnyr only dining July and Aupurtl or in combination oi the above RIMIMBIRI Your tuition tree are Iully Ill deductiblrl FOR FULL DITAILS WRlTlt THE REGISTRAR BOX III Wirrrtoo LUTHERAN tumult 15 UNIVERSITY AVEWEST WATERLOO our theLIIr Iraut The Itobyard corner bit by

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