sag as 33 hlrLIttg leaeded ismlhen Isidlsstni of it ES Eh if herald in $Z3 arteries or DELAY Intienrieil vilddelsy mm In such Ill mat my not compla It Duchnnh and State WottIrI rndpinlle Ind lowin come ismllylreptuentsllm It the meetinz can mail to peli lion tbduldernlus to In some Lind cl hath Another mainbar acted the It Bill Lang locst ottc Mll Itt ootilnlu OIIC Ill er mmis Its the eorporttlms it In onus in min only morn Administration PromISes Healing Into Disciplinary Action Decision mine bowing nods to that city JIot tlIrIdns oi Parents With out uld older homes Inherits IrIIItnmed huge nd at this survey Idea Ti spend 011000 on may Rby WWtunIniithouseInd put iualty In It be Istcd llI said be him oi one im lly Its Barrie Iltldt is lithian converted tool shed with on him in be 61 I400 tied to gel thin an Ind out It mitt In me scans gsbeesuuolthelsdothhily Philip Pilots iormcr printile nl Orr Lady oi Grlea Separate School In Mm will report or work It ttIryI school list rin on Monday and the boycott gdthn Angus school should end his Pilot met with Punk Ah ropentendutl at the Sim Dainty Roman Catholic mwww gait the us one theyre II he Sepsrlta School mun wn Ollti lint slimmed as mrndelpsllty the number Ind kind housing that should be built is determined Tbs In survey requuted by the city In in Im sills PliDIILEt said One Iornu IIld Iho could not pretend how 0th decided how ismlilrs Ira Illouied III utilised today to have another elitist In could nullity lcr hous lnI she said Another woman has been evte led monthly November ltlm Boiger its assistant supere lndcntent lhit morbid the result oltho Incetlng is that hrrther thring at the Ann school strapping lnddeni will take place June beiora the lull school board Cliiiont Woolner rpolumsn tor the perenlIJesoeiItlon Iold nv my Ilmy any Sba has bad In soplicaiion Inlc Tire Examiner this Ilternoon campch will bo going up soon at Duetwocth In ttose streets time Illl still be problems lot litany lemtltrs llio the num ber olh ptleatlona In Darrin Ind lilo 0th tor the out six can only to be told Accommodation not lahla tor her Tho ls living In eurrsnlly Janeen condemqu but she has that ha sees no reason why the boycott sltoold be condoned ma hItI been wanted lull bearing lla said he would recommend It be stopped wo Illl IIllin or Ionra time Wit it ill ll Mt All Il Ilr lilna said he expects he became our bedroom allocation is nothinugb but said till vaI accused oi erecting boxes pith minimum sequin ments lllll Strnugtlsn public health llttll inspector said title should he consideringoldcr houses ralherithsn constructing new rnthertbshconstnlctiag new oncs tnstctd at building new hosts and sticking people In them pcrhsps we should be im proving older houses that pro II can ailord ihcyre probe is hcltrr olitben being It Into housing xes lCilntmuiillElnd Services bald molt ol ihnoglset wilh which he has beentntnlvetl ti Rhinitis principal oi Danie Ncrtb colic Iie with Miss Alice Archlbo lilo Is rctlrtnssl the endot this term alter to years ot trashing ilin Archibald holds at plaque prelt beennised in rooms ourle Ilr StnuIbIn std many peo ple this should Ito in while hous lng have beat intend to more orchids tho city were rents may be cheaper She said many are living In run down tsrm houses Since they no IonIcr reside with in the city limits they cacn ply ior public housin lines they mustbocnoycor re dentsotlha cliy helore the application rut be considered Althwsh Air Long sympath lltd wlthtbp groupjm aid to Is nothing he IlonI flmtmty not mungrr In erybody heppy Ind in hch oi time doing will be Involved with remedial teaching work at 5L It least until the situation re vlewnl Prior to tbc meeting It the PARENTS PUPILS AWAIT OUTCOME OF MEETING Hid ll lis Dot disciplinary meeting Is one person was II wins but merely an Ivoolntmnt to dim Ilr Pi Linl nest teaching engagement ttr Prion wu mode by his vile one at tho em per at parents and dill ntttside in tho rein in ct ln mosaic the meetta Ind then mnvnt Into the main lobby oi th education can ire to suit the outcome The Sim County pIrIte about If Ition slid ihlI atoning Although Ia regret the action tsten by the administration at the hours In the case we test the Istion tIlrcn Ill within the Jurisdiction oi tha administration The it prinapIII discussed tin course at events It Angus over the list two weeks It regular principals mcclng yrslcrdsy Ind board nlrrccsI er ttscdoonlrl Police Association Conducts Tourney Sergcelit Don Patterson oi the FIltonbrldIs Police Department won the Ontario Poliu Assoc IInnual Inlitoornamept Bertietilnb WWII Thevtaurasmeal III taint ItiItr Illv honoring Deputy reclinile her by the school with an inscription which reads in Latin or Oihrrn Examiner Pho Miss Archibald Honored Nearing tho cnd at threat career ltliss Allro Archibald lslin teIebcr and Guidance coon scllor It hurts North collegiate wosbanomi yesterday at to ceptloni Involving teachers tllclvls sttldthls Ind tormcr sludcnts bliss Archibald toot hcrilrsi leaching1 position In tho town oi Srulorth otter completing hrr irnlningilt Stratloni Normsl School and Irsdnstcd from the thrivcrsl oi Tumnio In 1903 llrst ycars her specialty till it nlthouth she taught ctul hcr whimts hlls hcid losehint thrtliiclrs at turn littttt as ltltllnct rich as drier rd town hcrih ol LIprecl liseler llatnell Dunvllle Itrn oro Kitchencr Irsl llnally Bar rls whom the bus blonds By North Norths slsil tor the last six years Drydgcs Norths prinelr pal laid the who who gatherrd Chid John Murray oi Tombs Shtrhb ol Peterborcogb lor cub and Deputy Chlel William Sbruhb at Petarbornueh for our st contributions to the pole its prolesslon Because at Deputy Chiei blurs roys Scottish him he was piped to the bud lIbla It the bInqlct which lnliowld the tournament by Toni lirrr nl Barrie Special guests at tho evcnt werI Dob hustley and Bill Dym rnt he were presented with in tires ere Iv members cl tits police Issoctntion In Ittendnnce lNllt Is In sty es Ottawa Sudbuty and Niagara II LOCAL AND CAR TRAILER single csr accident on lligblvsy at the St Vincolit Strrcl nrcrpass about 150 this morning insulted in $50 darlings to car driven by Bernard llsddcn ni Burlington Tba car was towing travel trailer which received In eslimIlcd lilo dam age There can no Inlurics BAN lNTO can ltlmber tamleson or Sophie Street escaped hillsy when he ran out on to Sheet East It 350 pm sldc hi vehit illNiece oi til age to the vehicle was cellos hittl It 310 ESSA ROAD minor accidcrit on Ens Road It Gowsn Street Wed nesday Il Mil Ito cIlisad tilt dawn to two vehicles Driven tntolved were Gary abreast Zicrnsn Ind llcnry Vandrrhergit ot Essa Road hurt him cm iv Damage was esiirnninl It Iclllng slnii It Essltiew the din Barns triathlon cm NEWS mm TL lm ll LandlordTenant Bureau Suggested An Idlinry bureau lo inionn yeIr Contracton pay 813 tor landlls and tarsus at their plumbing licence position under thl build and The question oi substitute Tenant All It been reevnrnenl ed by the city xenon gown neat committee and will an no to earnsii lw Ipproul hi by In Ing the harm Atroupotlccstlsvyenha volunteered to explain the pro vislons ot the Id In hullIds or taunts uncertnin at where they stand Inter the tan Such Idvlsory humus In underthalctltseilJndIroltt trmicd to help mot prDthtl without amass to the cunts llben the program is set up complaints received It city luli Illl he refund in the bureau lit the moment the city has no tacitltlu tor handling such land lordtenant problems DOATJSNIBAT votrd unnnimousl to su it il iiim in mm PW Emlmmby Fe nrrmmtlMlnllllRiiltitiEillh Their statement also III III am lama the schoolslb Wm also retain our cordidcnon tn the tilililttn were being tcpt Iwa mi ilintcs at the board arid the trom clams todn administration In their dealings lltr llacdonald leo said this mm mm with us Is prinellex lor this morning that Air Pdon rm not ml WNW Mi board boned tram entering the prim Thomas Wells master at ed ales meetingycslsrday Inn The committee Ill Ilse Id orationscnt statemnt to tha suggesrmi Vistd than hers Li licensing parents Vol Our Lady at Grant llo IIld Ilr Pilnn had on rich procedure to control mitot Sc Ite school last nlltbt which lasts timer tor his Ippotlstmeht town plumberI working In tho Kmlghfundlxnmpathn board was gondrdwhficthc appeared hat the la cluster plumber pIys ls auscslesaimllnrnms Mr Wells also suggested that listed to rctuin iodayi WI the parents oi children It the school would better express their concern ior their children Ind Militia Program for The Summer Has Vacancies lnn Grey and Simon Forcs lets have It vacancies tor their Impaler militia program Ind Ire Impllng applications lrorn anyone It to it yours at In Intercsted In iIIlirrI them The progrem part ot the led rrll governmcnt studcnt tutti met employment program It lsrs seven wcelts ul training In weapons harwlllnI combat still trIditioirs at the service Ind llrst aid Course commander Tom tsr ney said thcra are totsl oi tl Kiln In lherrogrnm end in Ilreailylbeeu tilled llIuldg It more than Indications In ediberelIIgoodchInce the It noun an be HM hosIhtnquoism tentbcr lieu Ailthltreinlnxwtilbalnnuv commission Evans Assoeisie Dean oi Technolon at tieorplsn Cob Inc will address stmlcnts It Eutview secondary school Fil dIy Iilcrnovn lbn tuchut will be camcrs in prolessluml cogincecing and ensmecrinrs technology Tile talk has both arrInged by tho guldrineo soun hlirlnccrs oi Ontsrlo Ind thn Ontario Assocl Certi lied Enginctnng and Technologists GENERAL 32m Iitrr parted car rolicd across the main parking lot at Royal Victoria Hospital on Wed t7 ncsdny and rollldcd with soc omi parked vehicle Owners oi the vehicles Involved wcra Osceola lliltcrihouse oi Tomato Street Ind Leslie Dinner at Glenling Rosd Tha collision oer cirrrrd It 505 pm IREAK AND ENTER rItrs that Ihcu totIl at about two In the salon weeks ltlr lnrncy said conunilnrcnt tn continuc militia training altcr lill sctcnwccli program tin and the trainees will work bulc ilvodIy week with hall dsy dcvotrd to sports There will ha some overnight axmiscs They will ha plaid military vn thcr BERNIE SillTll Ilirttlor oi the Thi III CaptIla Choir The training period is lrvm tiicssuillcinslnllllrlteinstruc Five Members Oi lion in three oi the choir mem bers hclore be implied thrill lrdncsrlay night They are lulyi to Aug is and anyone lntcrested in taking part should contact ilr VIrney at the Ar moury any Tuesday or Thurs day nlchl bclwccri it and Air VIrncy said there is no AttTltuis FIJtt First Baptist Church ltslnesday do so Sold llrst IlKlll could night Esrnie Smith director at Its told the youths that ii lhclr hm sold limit the Tri III Coppclis thoir palcnts were not cppcscd Ind Braver paw llhiu uw rum baptized live oi the choir mem tho drowns oi the church up plcic with ti hp industrial type IrrrS brunt be mid hastily scr mninr wood lnhlc visitor and The strtitt lolloivol rcqucst tom the service plum can mm In My by lhc choir ntclnlrcrs sevcrnl For the past lnur weeks Ilr lurks arc Sntith has givcn instruction to mtilt shill he was mm the group Ind ledneoisy night thc tttiittst hccuusc lie baptism Dcnisc Cot Chris hc Is not an calcined pastor and Brown Pitt Smith Dobbin Will his mum hartiztd anyone tin can and David ltsll docs hair prcacircre liccnca The scrvisa hogan with the mil FAST ALTIUN CALL EXAMINER WANT ADS Tillill Ono poo bill one too savings bond Iodine i100 savings bond were stolen iron the residence ol Patricia Tunney oi Donald Strocton Wednosdsy bliss Tcm nay told police that when she arrived home at an pan shI iouod her home had been bmb en Into Ind the tiers missing mil CALL Fire him out tn the storage shed oi nom Ind WellinIer Ltd on Victoria street It llrst Im today the muse oi the tire hes not hers determined but arson has definitely been ruled out Grist Dan Ktut sIld DIrn In to tho buttdins and its com tcnis hIs hcen IstlniIted at MS Ceremonies lit liiidhltrst Sunday Pay Tribute To Villages Past plaque with history oi the who went to tillAllWJtlt school to pay tribute to bliss Archibald historlcvl hultdlnu in Mldhutst slid It one time lived on tho that shn Iinoys aspecird will be unveiled Sunday It 130 Plains now the tlldbustSprlng high standard at itcrh Iltti de not at thocolrnontlslsy lined water park portment irprri hci studcnts and always rmilcd ACTIVE IN COMMUNITY in Barrie abs was active with the ltcd Cross Society hlilcs iur Millions waillstltons and this Clit milnn Dibln Sockty She was Ilso lilSINItIEIliIll ln ioundlng the Help Slump Out ltprosy Club at tho trth sovcrnl months ngc ltliss Archibald ls pcupiu llIrdttl at St titles Ale Ilican Church and thus is the in tho village It hsndcarvtd sign will he un Tha plaque is the second to he writes at pm It the placed on the catch which Is loo sled on the beats ol willow II saw and grist mill The llrst plaque outlines hrlel history ol the pionccrs Illills In rncrn nry olthcrn tho iiiw plaque was civllutcil lty the Silile thunty ltlstvrlisl will unveil it Special alter during the un to tha village The sign In ed Roll Dchaldt includes it two niches tbs calm and plan lrre Slmcoo Coral Worden Lloyd llidltnm will among tha guests nltccdlilg tho unveiling itlldhurst wIs one at tbs llrst the Society ltlrs Genus rinisy areas In the county to develop vcrniocnt grant In incorgaotlver iur Ind iltsl womsn inrdcn In the velllng all he Arthur tittiulrn trill tutti the only one In the Diocesa ot Toronto at llarrle retired ritlrpodcr It ilnty Daniels ilriily tin htcn Dsrharn Whitehead It IrrIcod spirits alter their tllrst you itcbbhi Stevenson linsl swim meet Its members lctcr Campbell Lira Stcvcn ol the Darrin Neptunn Swlnt sun Kathleen tnuchced Tnnis Rnthy herntnrrie llIrrls cIr ttltb This inert was uscd in Irwin lists Richard Debbie oi Coursey Lit Aliens Tom determine lb individual win Slavonsnn Inn Chapman tree Campbell liourthl coIch Rll lilll oi the sin groups to omit tttni Wtathenlcn Rev In Taylor Carts Cprmnn whom lends utibc prmub city liishsrsl Kent luwetl ttricn htcAttlsier Joanna lee hit on July 21 Will LIiITl plumbers us raised by Aid Pom It laid the meter oi Blftl pl an old at sort Inst he Iugguted corinclt massich some that at policy to help those men iind H18 The cornmiltce Ias told the licence procedure II the only one it can use to regulate the lads SPECLIL MEETING The ionunittre Iiso morn mend that mimleipsl airplay res Ibo Iont boldlny on Dominion Day July get holc ldsy on July it Tho mntttvlleerlilcdiutl spe elsl council meeting lor Redm day June It In couldrr mob lions the city has bcen Isted to endorse by other municipalities These resolutions will be taken to the Ontario Municipal Armcl Ition rtllltttiitltll and voted inson thrrr LiOliA NEED One hundruith snnivcrur services Will be held at Utopia Unitrd Church on Studies The gustininlstervrltlbIDrJJ Kent at ttltchcoec tanner minister at the charge bullet lunch will be served at Utopia Community llsll iollowlng the to lot licence good tor onI p111 service FRO LEFT Mr Smith Pat Smith Chris Burns Ittd David llsll tExaminsr ibotnl Chair Baptized By Its Director Al special ssrvice It the though which quaillics him to singin ct hymns cliched by messsga on the reasan tor pr iism Mr Smith told the group that baptism Is not essential ior salt vatinn but Is step in chediv CECE Aitcr hricl meditation each candidate ior baptism gave his own pcrsonsl wilncss telling hmv his or she had come to dctnuta pines oi commitment lltti how icsus Christ had be some real in his Ills illIIlL thin or sillsoir loll mlrniilsf can Tracy Daniels coach SIMS Richmond lillthl Robert Campbell hLlehsIl so ITTI hImPIlitiusoosnd Brooks