IM qyppwuynuaua Afi You Cant or 155 It That little label pictured to the left means big savings for you Its all part of savings celebration in honor of the biggest year in our history We call it Billion Dollar Bargain Party Add up he extra special savings you can get on Disoount Bargainsftogather withthe savings onEveryday Deep Discount PrICes Now visit your neighbourhood Dominion and watch for that little label you cantailord to miss ill aim BILLION DOLLAR BREAIIOUT gets more good things going for you more ores Polt Gaul unfor or WHOLE DILLS 79 liehrnolio iIOIJlu INSTANT COFFEE SIIIT III Bleach ill EL OI ILL JAVEX 99 he In CHEEZWHIZ 19 Del IleItI Fwy it or III FRUIT COCKTAIL 39 Motion Creme ii en ru OOFFEE MATE 18 Do lioeio Flu 11 ET Ohm rourr OOCKTAIL O9 Bonn 01 III LUNCHEON MEAT 39 In liloI 15 It not VFOILWRAP 69 lyiibrly Lemon Pill Yellow or natal1 nun Pkl anrunooinrlssut as MISCELLANEOUS DrIIyI 13th Ice loan it or Ply rLowerloAL $119 omlnlu nine 11 on 11 5mm nirrlii it Or Pu POTATO CHIPS 67 DICIEIMN laetut Colin OI Jar SANKA $109 001 Pu HONEY com 51 Milo MIMI OI Coll nusrnno 2n DISCOUNT BARGAIN Powdered Determl Vlsro 119 CASHHEWITT carrr neuronran unoIrle TOMATO JUICE 19 mm in on COFFEE BHNS 61 Nanette no PEANUT BUTTER 95 Varlulu My motor to can MIXES 31 DISCOUNT BARGAN with no IOI CHEESE 6SlOO RoiI lI Iooule Blur ll IL OI Ill NOODLE NUMBERS 27 Select one tour our room Fl rr SPAGHETTI 49 Unto Bell Mod Bret or Chic Miscellaneous Brmphon hundeI Elli Ballad of woe BATHROOM TISSUE 65 mite P111 YIIIII Aeu Imhaay Roll Pkg PAPER TOWELS 59 Allinl lIIay hill to FL OI Til BARTLETT PEARS 39 Alon it OI Pay CEREAL 69 omyouuerwnlu Home CREAMED HONEY 88 MN ll No lIlI Emit 11 Ply CHOCOLATE ms 89 MISCELLANEOUS MOI Ammant on or RIGHT GUARD SLOT Rollin or Mint Elam lithium Ell Stu CLOSE UP 91 No Obtain William Pu olil RAZOR BLADES 97 not 11 now GARBAGE BAGS Pu It to SIJI loo Into Daniela at LIGHT BULBS AIM Colon LOTHS 49 DISCOUNT BARGAIN OMIth hhrlo Bottom DEBBIE OI ml 89 MeItrIIII MISCELLANEOUS nun Immoral4 Emu um 111 IT on Ju INFANT FOODS 229 HOLD MINERAL WATER 37 IIrotten Elton oi too WI or We EXPORT $475 GIIrl Food totem Put lleoi IN 01 PH ROASTNV BOAST Billy Boo No mm it or Jar LIQUID HONEY 97 By the la lotid Um Or III TUNA MEAT 44 liciochneua Con Oil Owl LB PB MARGARINE 95 mil Cami Procm Lo Pu CHEESE SLICES SUB Dildo nan Gandhi Dominion Pm Unicoth i2 FL OI BtL GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 53 York From Pk ONION RINGS 69 nature or PEACH PIE 49 lllrotndio Doom CHERRY CAKE 49 DISCOUNT BARGAIN VII Clasp TI IIooIte Burl Beans wilh Port to 21c OLIII DISCOUNT eanoam DIrid Datum Mom lo 01 CHIP COOKIES 58 unit on or MEAT BALLS 59 Golden mu Girlie FL OI JII DILL PICKLES 49 Entity Purl ram oi rIrIlton it Pi 0L III oLrsll sl29 r1 DAIRYCASE om mum It 01 Feel FANTASTIC 77 WIitryCondiiionrr Lo CALGON 69 Domlkloll Biaorhod il III PEANUTS 88 many Pack their Mouroll or OI Pu SPAGHETTI 34 Rose 5nd l1 Dr JIr GREEN RELISH 38 Pay Pit oi MR FREEZE 489 MISCELLANEDUS Bittenon it Or PEI ANGEL CARE 49 uniweyetuammunnuo GREEN BEANS 129 Report Bailout From PEI FISH Or CHIPS 85 Darnloiora homo Fury IllIIId ll VEGETABLES 89c tioiidu Perm Prom II DI Pill BEEF PATTIES SI69 From BIIIII it On nIroIIIo Hit 01 or Onlu SARA LEE CAK 69 DISCOUNT BARGAIN sincere MI Bull wan Carrots to 0L IlI ilIiIILITY MEATSDEEP DISCOUNT PRICES EASY TO CARVE Short RiIr Roast 59 BuilChops III 681 EIIItIenM WW limb URI in 549 Corned Booth From Abiu Bmd It Pu Beef SIeaIloIIes 79c 56 Lane Bologna CImoIsI Brand Wieners IDEAL FOR BARBECUE Marius on We rennet Riddles LI Pill Breakiasl Bacon 68 Dry hinI IId lviltI motion Birdies Lo Pix BTIpI Lni Cooled Rudy II in II Bone II Hams lb 89 SILIII Lexy lilo Breaklasl Bacon 84c pork sausage III Flily Cooked Port sum Shani LIA aott Id Mary lliiirI By The Pine Hams Ill 54 III 58 Bologna 129 FROZEN WHOLE CUT UP IDEAL FOR SALADS BOILING FOWL Swiitl 01 Plat SIRtI Premium Lo PI ConkorIHon 62c Sausage Meat 48 Sir EIIIII LII MK Wieners 59c DOLE GOLDEN BANANAS II1 I3c FLORIDA WATERMELON whole 97 OPEN 9111110 10 on 111111 WEWILL 1101 BE nuowmcu unornsowouounrvrnvou DEEPDISCOUNTNRICES taI RoeortvavT TO NORMAL EMILY REOU teranIa Bread Wieners Your IIILIIltillt VJSIlItl tlrulil Will lIlodllt vitlnllurl I111 rm 1111 would nun SIZE 00 111 growth 1Ilsolut1ly Dllrlx IIlI Lirliy Illtilt lulu lilrlIIill1tiltitll Aallmlrvl 142