AMNHAArMums sensor mudsoboie note It Mmahndai It Poles stutter in Rome toliovo has his strut shes be rim Ind with lssnsnser the shirts ol Itbelmdos PtetI Photo CHURCHILL lyDOILLRJAUNTIR Itrs thorn Itteudod the Womens lnsI uls Diem Denim It Guelph University lust week Mr Ind lies Frank lodilsrl Itlredod this lockhsrtOornrilus doles April to It St 11in displaytho lurnhrr Aesilesn Church Ind reception It the Gol den Door of Yoskdsie Miss Ilulon Dttssuy hu sue nulully com lsted her lint you It the rerslty oi Guelph Ind hIs ssiureod tor the suns iner semester to start her no and yen hurts Posted at Ivy and dIusbter or III Ind hire Fdssr Stumon pinsd duet with Lynn hullttd at the wheels Itusicsi Futile iItOrllllI The Iris peso plsrod third bristles Ollswsy celebrated her sth blrtbdsy tsst week by entertslnies rains liltis lrlentls It birthday party ltln Kenneth Sturgeon enter lsleetl the IaltIIhI Bridle Club isn Tuesday night In Reid Ind silos Kelly nerd the prise lio ness tip at the bet to Thorns lsliendns nho wen spot ior fuessIeI slice the ire would er Rompsnlolt Buy Comshustioes to hlr Ind hiss Arthur Henson Seventh Una who recently labelled their olden saddles Innlver HIV Counslulsiioes to Air sod bin Rey Fsirheod who recent ly celebrated their sliver vred dies sentiersssy Their lIsntty mtsrtIleed in their honor hin in usurchiii Community list store the It trlcnds IMIEIP Ilsa Itlendod itoy Ind listen reer married In 1hroete on 59 i2 wu mire OIN er rectory It SI PIIsII ms mtetlnd oi thoAeIIicIn on Women Plsns users needs In Dstlodil III Ind bsho sets on SIIurslsy blsy Inns till pm Ten members at the MIR Itlendzd tbs South Simeon Dean cry mectley It beelon blay In Welcome hlr Ind ilrs Gsry SIwyer new is who have moved to thrr lane on Slrlsrond lo Ind Concession Robert Campbell It Leoson Ind lllillsrn Thompson ere ps tlonls In Burris hospitsi John Smith Is horns Iollonin sursrry to Rlchrnoisd Itlii oopltsi Rev Ferd Lore oi Buss bor sIrn will be the guest srdnhler II the Unites Church when my service no Churchill Il rluhs provided the tourism Thursday night lor the lay nicotine otiho Womens Institute SIndrI Coutts uni Wen dy llcOusrrls were commentat on ior ieshlors show when the girls modeled the rtsweer they bed mud isom nits On display were their record books certicates sowing boxes and spoons hiss Frenk lookhsrt president on behetl oi the WI presented Sums Seuelcr with Illior meet iorh In recurrdtlon oi 12 Ill projects completed end provleele horrors hirs Thompson reported on the Nth Ineusi Ollleers Coe lcrcuee sIIb attended at Guelph Unlvrrslly In ilny Points to non dcr on were there Is not enough ion at institute meeting are not sueccssiul unless you here learned somethlny not the hand book should he studied meet lnys Anomor lnlcrrstliiu one was dciihlllon the Womens In stitute it Is us his rutlonel sursl university min is tor your and old to devote Incr nonshim tIlenIs trite horse and lrturslshlps procedural Iecb niflues end re nine in helping olhers hornellls Improvements study Ind piece to see hear Ind do with oders Churchill salutes Colleen Burns who was awarded etsht urine as soloist It the Kinsels ilusln st Frstlvst In Orlllis Colleen sees in the Coerert oi the Stars llsylb at the Onlils livers Iiouse iler stIectIun wss Como Unto its Irons itsedels tllcsslsh Ilrs Joyce unytord ot BIrrle her music Isssher wes her accompanist Attssdln thoronoertwersCol icens moi hiss Chris burns hiss Itth Trrsetl hllss Bever ioi Terrell Mrs James not us nor ltothuell David Booth at Slsoud ruslrli Ion oi Ilr Ind slrs emu Fitsslnssnlns winner ol tour rule with his trumpet Iiro perv termed tn the Concert ot the Stsre Sporting Goods Household Needs NLIIINO WONG Strong tubes In lieu poultions positive loch vim sorrrlee retirees CHILDS HIKING Kil includes sod rrel Hell lure boobs red line Spinal or L99 Leo smorours miss retiree tor belch sizes to choose While blue yellow 99 2d 4s 288 RI ION ROPE Broiled poly stheleer 1M1 reins strong 12 Price Wooden bundle use our cAstI urns foldin art Incs whee tor mm I080 rrno Irons spin out only no 12Prlce Toys Playthings runs pnuns sure thing Mud no L90 DDtb mu noses scrawny JuIl llnd It so It tiles sills tlepIns ii 229 ARROW COPIIR mitts in red Ind blue Soon to see less IDUCAIIONAL Itwm Non Elia pldld etures sinnerer Alt colon Ohmih 29 Bedding it Drapes Pmllllllioxtolhnbrold mddInswith mega 157 PILLOW Panther stuilies rises afxing Cotton Quilted graham TAMRED CURTAINS Cotton chron Ind llnyoe 99 1W3 to 647 COIION BLIND wiped or solid colors oi beige and white It re SHOWER CURTAIN hIIItilprool plIstic PiIln mortal colors sinus cssurss Vinyl our loans rubber soles Styles tectonic leesin mules buckles etc Tun Sim HI LAIIIRSI OCCASth Vinyl and lrsthcr vinyl isn or brown leather vinyls in or brown Erosion slses mnrus CANVAS soon Crepe stilts Spred Idso tie treat or biking Itsd Ind whlle or blue and who to so CHILDRENS CANVAS SIIOES includes boys boots girts shoes neurones oi lines Broken litre 11 illNd lstltiNNEItS boot style or ostord his land only 97c DOYB OAVVAS DOOIS VIIIIII with red maple INI pattern ilsIvy soles Sizes MENS CANVAS D0010 Sums pattern as boil Stscs Sit liquid beIsrdns ourcircru runs is now erriiisrsr sermon AND PRICES in rowel runs Imus sees dos with flout pattern Yeti is our on I06 rAcs cums rssr rm cloth is loos Green pinhI gold per pek isms routs Terry cloth Scott design vim rinse II 99 TADLIIJMR PIIsIIc Hell Ior boots or eottue Assorted colors To Pharmacy Values IsdluVLG Ith Smell rim or laser om corrou sirens Ill SHAMPOO OR CRIME INNS AI Opes pet or tree hm BUBBLE 31ml DEOWRANT cm I89 it mint iiihlsh or 894 it call rm cm SF II os it or mamas lsolsyerll Pllmlry spouted by uses Austts siren Limited IlsL 990 Buy us on Saws build IIAONALAX LAXAIIVE srsrsssc easy mlik sishlIIIIIE MIRISOL PANIC I4I st Dominion tires IId Dress Mens Boys Wear ltlENIl WORK PARTS Ilenvy Asty twill Ilsciiinr washable in 297 llOlS CARTOON Slim 1007s toltoit Color lust Wrnbrhs nsecbiris washable lirnltoblue seri gluenpgrloiounirs row er Slses HI ROVA FLARE Outlets denim PItch pocket rmchieo wuhshlr EIIZHI MENS DOSE ID07 IRtponI nylon dress socks white WY nist sreon blue hroun Sizes tors MENS JACKETS Nylon soustl lseitets bldchlns wesbsble Shirl DDYS VEST SET Pants and stretcth trust Reversible vest itlechino usshsbie Gus iiireunite KIND MENS DoUuLmrr sLAcsrs iluchlne wosheblo As33nd colors Music it Records IUIJITIIJN RECORD PLAVER Portable player mesh Builtin ii RPM adapter IMPERIAL RADIO AlliFill bands AGDC opcrttllosl with but trry sharper Srnest wslnut Alibi I930 PHILIPS AMPLIFIER Mom or stereo is wait ehsssis power Bus treble control 555 Wood groin cabinet Mens Canvas Cosuuls canon uppers crepe soles beige white or dark lnowu Men sires Ill lMENS IAtltEIS loos nylon sire repellent ital men shite sissy sold brown SillL IADIES NIGHIWEAR Light posits ssui hsby dolls Assorted styles sires Still PANTY HOSE One size Nude lools in beige or spice SWIVEI ROCKERS lileck sinyL rm suture mi Ind book Removable cushion mm HIGHS CASE Anllabls In plastic or leather bind red cuss 79c PLHIIC Nita litold 25 BRLSI PACKAGE Gunilla oes nIil bub IN the hair brushes Pink blue or shits MOD ICON Plastic polh dill1 or Mr In usorted colors Inlants It Chlldrens Wee RYAN BRIE AM SUNSLTI Cotton Dress in striped msterlsl ssilh plain susrsult with plastic llislt Ins Yellow or blue Sires Allen presses Absorbent ttsnoelette on mutate or misuse nurse sen wine Ibls Option material Irth plastic listed psiIs Gold or pink OOYS AND Gilli1 JACKET Wuhablo suedlee Rayon lined he styles hesrsr brown Sizes MK GIRL JACKETS Vinyl suede WISIllDII itnyon Itrstes tuo styles Server brow Sim III OIRIS Sillltll MM style In striped umitclrr Kirstin wrist line button lrord m1 colors eoss srrrsrrs roneim in cotton blend Permanent press Short sleeves Plsln or Issortcd stripes Slsrs MK ROIS SHORT Gillan N1 bux cr insist with root pockth Navy bronn men Light blue Sim 97 UK Womens Accessories SCOOP IIIIA lIbrrlill While only Sizes ml NIGIITGOWN iylori Iloor length own 777 While blue yellow orange CgLIJICIOR rune Three no in one It sip 299 per In Issortrd colors LADIES GLOVES Also childrens Stretch nylon Plain or two tone Serves styles Assorted colors IIIISSES HOSE AIM childrens Stretch eylon Ind Intros AnkleLs are so so rs sizes 51 KERClilEFS AND SCAIWES Chilton or nylon Scarves er sorcerer In plulss or 61 II to t21 PIRATE PANTS SET The piece hyton polyester pints poets sod gunshots socks rears ue green 511 Jewelery Novelties EARRINGS Gold tilled Assorted styles In old or silver color PAIR surmise resumes Itrres voles Iron rim or two Dew slower in 97c NECKLACES For summer loos Ind short style 47c Phi brown bits ereen JEWEka CASES For lsdles alertout type In 199 slit or desk wood to 55 EnjOyihe things you want today CHARGE IT limluurt ls Health it Beaty Aids mm Am only Browse IM msltfill Siam l3666 PIECE DAVENPORT 0nd only llerrulon not Ind bad Vinyl Inns laid out in oorntsrtsble ml 5631 COWNML DINETTE OM 9an piece suite Ilnpls choirs Isbor ices I4950 AleCLARY MEERFIIIG l1 en ti side by side No iron One only White Separated Irreser 46600 seetrol ASSORTED READIOARD VIrlous styles or 39 beds resume rAeLus woo led Shinto 1900 mm or ensures 0ss ooh 2400 lthrto with gold trirn Cameras ELEURDNIC FLASH lnwl Dru hindrl more soc Rmbsrxrlble Guide euubtr Rbdsehmms II is 3480 DRAW EIELIRIC FMS Model F730 WW II IIIIII nusnhrr Is Rechargeable llot shoe Ituehnseet IAIIII 031101 no lens Autotoms Slide preview er Universal holiest Tops syn rhronlser built In Iilllm 988 MREOUIII SLIDE PROJECTOR liloch 35 leirrs Airrossipt lllltlilini 4444 POLAROID PICTURE ALIUIII hlodcl ho hill or it prints Ilisiii 159 Writing Suites lLiLElIJOSLOPlI PEN Assorted colors Blue Ink poo oith kaleidoscope whersrslyleluvesorss loss WM peg 22Ic PIIOIO ALiiUllI Iflhfliil L88 ILOIIAI BINDER hllilllif 69c NORTIIIIITE PEN Assorissl 233 Womens it Teen Wear cotururros PANTS wide scale button ILV patch pockets The re nVILL PANTS Zipper trout slash pockets lirll loops Stripes nl 277 DENIM SIIIORIS siliceous 97 SHOI AND SAVE OUR GARDEN CENTRE NOW OPEN uhpysssvrlvpIIIps WNivvxnmsh yIliIuri0l ng nILiIsgti5 sues