53 Iowan IIIImam honour EGegrgianssSiimmer SChGOl Of Art51 rporsyLeisure LearningCountyWide Ihorrleond rm Mount III on ll alum Itemnoumneo lourh moi Inner Illl Iu bnro wmuntr rlrlton will min more in Irtn out All Illl oonrornllonrl loboooenonrnhetnoenl lo ndllo oekridlnnnumdothon Ibnr omla unnuhine III IIIII arm on indodo orchoIIrIl my French Inotorry maturity ol leunln in room motiv Irt mom AM miner School drIvln IodIeulpturinI Ito plIAo orohutnl otrlnp ehorIl mm or mm oImnIu on Duch EEEEE Itll ruin rtlou nonmth lnhIollmd GenerIl inlorut ooIInu Iill toot crrv Mm HAHN MONDAY HAY ll Ill WMNVIIWI ItrollInIIIenrtroornontnleouru being oilorod It Ste llIrlI AmonltllollnmIItM orthnyunldnlnulrncoltlli term It BIIunoIell lllInd Al the Wyn ldIth WildlilI at our in llrIdIy reo Ilonn ornrldI my IorthIhllI notoro My mom pxlIily pronun nIod tor teIchuI Ind therooeutlc when Iill intrude croItlvo Intuit hr min mItle dI Inantrlir it in 0rilllI Ind tho Couch Ehlnx Iron Imdouto no not not oi Lunch on uhooi ooIIrIoI oIlllnx lnltrttr tIrI Iemlnor mo oliioiI oooroI Ind mu Inllun Iomhnp mom lho eyes oi In lodlIn It tho Birch him Port urnDumc PenelInnIlIbenI oilertnu in dude both counts mouvI or mm mm Irony IltIrIomI eIriy nmlnr ltwot Forest on or you IIIon hiidlIod not for Ten Iothh John GouI lllrn homily Inthhilh not um Sound or to Mode luoIhlnI to Mum uaa MN eno WI worn Littoral color phol in tho ltIntrrillo am It Iqu mommmwm Ind July it Iill bo varied moontooludinl photomphy Ioncr AssocnnoII poIIIIIrHo onIIIsIIoI The Birth Polle Moon llon llrllloyugarlunugh1t lnr or mhhoo tund no money Bradlords Play on collected iron the Io oelplr ol thI InnuIt ooiiro If iety IhoI held It Cenlnl ml leuIto int month Consloblo 1an Runnerlip in Ontario Collegiate Festival WATFJIIDO CPI Ln Jtu derCIrteII lIlIy Irllleovhy two Sudbury IlIIttenonroldt tool tho lop IyIIrdI It tho 0n lorio OoiieliIlI DrIInI leolIIl EoturdIy it rocdrod tho bent ut lion mrd Ind ono ol LI llllt than LlndI Sorllnl In and boot mum in too do Cortes deIll with two llrll rno plryod by llodI who Ittond llillll held by drum till laden ilndI dItoed by ttrodlord DLItrlet hint IohooL Irhoolt corn ted in tho Iy loIllnl udrtd lhb onr by StrItlord iertiIIl Iotor 1hr un Bridxo Allhoulh ht cri cited the production lonely hir no Brldu Into the mind or mm In Intu ln Ind Absolutely incredible Irolo lhI ploy with NicolI liquchInIp Illo ItIIdent rl Eudhuryl min Seooodolro HAWAIIIlium lamented tho ploy no ploy it tho llrtt French 11mm IIlIy to melt the li ltnlI IIan Ind the Uni to win rim to lhooo lost no It Isntng Iotltnoodlhy Ino or on cu duSocrIimur Brion OIIIiokshrnh it In IIIrrIed host Iotor itI yIIyod My oi roler to Iduouo ro duood by Toronto ltlro Iio roller it In lint runnerup for hootproduction IoIrd Sound nnoenup on man In lnIyrovtIItlnnIl ploy pro IIoMrowurns WOOD AND STEEL IIIsIIs IIIIIWIII CONVENIENth WARD OWEN 51 7mm CALL IO IO RM $2000 450000 othln Ill tho ruh you need and Mtgng pIyInerItI by unrohuhIllI thItodorlrd mt oo IonIlblo lIrIIII Dali to to MD todoy tor how tourtooru oervlco Pronol in MM onion more voolInInI Dom 130 Boy St Toronto Coll Collect wmA rwmmMumwmww 0ou hurt promo Iho CHEW ID JoInno Groen lIIlneo II tholold worktop unoelnl ut dune hIir uolnr ronmlul ImIil motor mIln Ind othIn Allin thlI you In GrIrInhInIt tho Idvono Id motlvo Itltehrry room will ho mm by ldIrlI Alton In HIRING SIGNAL DImuI III notirnotrd It m0 lolth In Itcldent It tho CPR main In iilxhn 21 anr hlldhunt Sunder In PolieI repent in Dielro ladioo oi Wnntm III dritinx northbound on tho hlrh II when lot on went nit tho toad Ind hit th limit em in two dIIIIu them And two dump to E25 IR commmuuon huoonsdey Boiler Weather Tomorrow Weather Oilice Forecasts matter ho hum IrII noon or union Mod Ill romnh thk mo noonlly runny lllxh todIy Ind highmankind moduoltom loItankht no mm mint Windwr London into St it oi thundentonnl thlI om aIlr lthI Bit iIIlo Huron inn Cloudy Iith ootIsloIIIl rhovm mm mm In or thunderlbonon Ibdny Gun my mu in Imnllhl llrrsdn mootiy nlnht ion liI amp to Mon Hill may JM Iimlhithmnddhn tom It moon timilton Petuborno IJIIIIII Ibomoth db IIItorn Llh OntIIdn Nil turban over htlehlnn uriy oolrlhern domino Boy re thilmninxbrodnoedllnulllodu iodIyIndlnilhtIith Iulber our hm out oi no out shown in lhun 0ntIrto Sondny nluot Mon deutormr thlI mom or Ind thrnrdetotonnr pepperodoreolox ltIeodI molly IIIrIny eenlrll Int IoIIthm Helium tllan todIy and Mn to eryuteuloo to wood in to Lou ionlrht nIlddh own so no II If Mm mum My hint on Ihllo Montana Iill no Windsor on to rompanythIeIntrIolthodinSornln ltlo tubon lllillrtm so Thoma db lotAhImOnluiA In north lnndon lb to Ihleo Iould hocnInI mully Kitchener It In 233333 more lodIy will Wlnlhnrn It or no lhundenbowon St CIlhIIlneI Illl trendouth in Toronto 45 Ml horror north to Iouth lrenlon bl It be TInIoerIturos Iooulrl itlnxrton ll il tench tho in to in tho tooth Ptinboroulh on It Ind tho mid 7m in tho north KillIloI it it ThronlorCioudy todu nod to North Bly or ll nirbt Iith oooIslonnl ohmrr Sodbury it in thuodontorrno lIlI otter Earllon oi or 3133333 333 WootlIoI lorIEoIt brought to you dolly hy MICHILIIIX EELIELIID RADIAL TIME FOR CHANGE ChlngIup in Notori PARKIAND TIRE leoollIr 5t 7262220 tlmIiodm Owen Sound Air Cadets Win But Barrie Fusl In Track no 0m Sound Air Cadet Sgtndron no overall Ilnner at tho Mm Dillrlrl Air Codet AnnIIII 9min DIy held at tho tiemum tho kaolin milinl ehnntplon Ruined latte And illnnvor deteltod Inst leIrI oalleyboll oh In bionl Plrry Sornxi other tutor to mention Iero trorn lJIlnIei Allldon hot ytIrI ehnInolooI tho won phloed in the hut rtIodInv in the rillo competi top Ion Inord Ioo coliianood Iodet Ibo tuned out hlidlond DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PAL linenAde Finley vrnmlnent tiIInrlIn pointery Ind mythic Irtlst died Mil run lulyGlovnnnl It lone ionoder oi the lInIouIl it rt II eouhbull Ihidl bu prolured mm at too with most ItylLsh no bodlu dledhlrylh ltollyIIod CollLDln Blotter it who pinyod tho roll in tho in Ield iIhlnid Ind lourth ln lhe tInni otIodlnxn Tho lIhloid event In held tor thI tlnl tiInI this year to iv unskilled with than rnlni boyI INSTRUCTION MARKERS minor Iroldent on Highway too hntlouth oi Em llond on SIonrin It mr eluted In ea mm to Ioh lelI owned hy Andre Dorey nt Tomtn ThI Ictidrnt orturred Ihen Dorey link oonrlruo lion eerie Bounu at blood lion mother on tho hlnhuly clot in his lung RESPECT Edit LIw WEEK coronation our citizens continua uIIdInIlnirhod donnill ottoru by loIernmont eilirenl manlntionn Ind many iIIdiIidunLI Ind moms the problem oi tnnrh Ind Illeot Ill net Inentl oi our rotirty undermining Ind erodinl the lnornl Ind onomio strength oi our roIn muoitie not their rillrenr Ind Wit there it Itill reltxtnnee on too port It may ettirenx lo ioroire themselves in notiqu to in IIIII the protection right Ind Iohheiny oi their ielloI citizens and woman Winnrt eiuba and their member continuo lo Iponror Int rupport proernnn aimed It romboh in rritno Ind dumped or II through round oilortl now thereiore be it RBOLVED that Macmillan Ailoynr oi Barrio pIodIim the week It tiny 1m II SPEXH Nil LAW WEEK Ind Ask All citizen oi BIrrio to loin with tho ootimLstI in onrrylnx the meure oi WM tor ion to other citizen and by example exeroue thlI rilluo Dono It the City oi Barrie this lh dIy ol hloy in the year at our lord rIlnotren hundrrd Ind Ieventytwo Signed Hamilton Ahlnyor Nowyoucan arrange aloan1nyourbarefeetf Conme hI Iooovnrieot new way for In moo icon Itd tailed PhonooIoon And itoyust thIt IIorplo You phono We loan At tivo rotor th moosior borrowing Iro yours Well lehdyountoooyforonowurmyhrsbllls homo nnproveornrto motion you more it Allyondoioonllm Thiootoononoooooinltrlpnptowmrdm townmruoonomjmttomkomsmmts loronIrloIo Soullnofromwhorovoryooiiko Typical monthly payments MIT Tn Aunt ludhndgm lmtll OM Hm HIM um illtho IM our room llld ZinonAI him ml min NI 80m IMmll noon 71 Int 2m mil Isz It Sloth IM III were iihll IIMWMMM Canada Phonealum Service 91 nunIopIIIMemoroI sit112mm BtIerhrtdze hnnIpton Ind oi lion Cartwrinht In the tellth zeroroong