rm E55 55 iii sees is ilitend llillcrest this Fall rgfwgnnm mots ltllicreet school will re 33222 mil Wily bein used Ihe itilicresl shite 19mtwcholotanths toidschoottbehes ereioe lilnli ouurt perish heoeelosoehsthDIIIl meottn elth WWII nest ihsssdty It pm It interest school to distinr but alter two sort hell hours the more sint2 we hisosbersoll anrle nlny hnvs downtown greenish mail this storm tor how long Ind bow It be phoned remhin guru oos Ihsrlsg meeting oi downtown rnerrhrnls morning at in tr on bteo tiostyn ihntui mall mtdnsnmnitrnootbhuls ddiuudonmcesurdepro intolldntlreor she er snngedthenseeltngandprr rented certicate oinpprecl Itton to hir Ditiith second ironi loll Iir Allison Inl Pet rr Sinclair who presented the no to Mr Allison Both point hsd been mode Ind no decisions hod beetlmebod htr innlyns suggestion to roirrd tsnmtb innit mobs proiorloort group with march nnis being Insoesod accordion lo the scum tootsfs oi their businesses tie rod plsnolni oosldthenbedooeonthesame hosts II Indoor malls Ind hol leoshsllrr schemes could be avoided lien Cndmnn bsirntnn oi the men have been presiding oi trees or both lodges and hit Allison III secrelsry oi the lisrrte lodge oi Perieotlots tor ht peers Itsitrr btortloct oi Petcrborough Ind lilillld retail merchnnls conurdllee with hir Ilostro He said merobssts mid not nllosd mail untesr II we based on nlhnonth plIn lie sold the Yonge Street rnnll In Tomato had been ex rtslre tor the bus Inusee Invo red Ind generslnt Iddltional business ior only iew merchants dont thirst you could generalo soihcknl lsniile toe snouth be sold YilNVAONl Several merchants tell stores should be renovslrd nrtluslnr the Interiors Ind upper core male them store It Irscilve lthnls the use ot put ting up rnnii It the stores diett Iltnei the euntornersl Chutes tlrllien sated lie said some membnnln hose not tied up their stores to to years end or whether mekhrots on visits or trousers scoinsn hill ntsons blocsr oi Toronto brought greetings Item the Sulreme thuncil Ibe socisl gs erinI was held in the logos its on St Vincent street tlzsnm lnct Photo DowntcwniMall Seems Okay 7But No ConcretePlans Made leiloetli she said the rhop rn would never get downtown its molt was set up on Critter Street WVE TOURIST The IturoulI Tourist Associ nllon has also noted tor the help at the dcrwntoun merchants In promoting tlusonln Iiosplt silty Ind hopes to help the hue lnesscs In return Anew pro gram destined to begin the tiny weelend wIs lot to the merchants It Include pnch slut with ting love tour st todsy stlchcrs envrl ope riosnpe posters litter bags and other items Its Atkinson oi the associn tlon old the mercbsntn whether etulotner rsturru lo the down town Iren tor shopping depends to greet Intent on the altlltsdn oI the merchant srsl hln Isles Itsit litre Egrrunzomour rumor IL rm It wants Changes In Criminal Code WAIAI tltuth uotli wounding chugssyidutdh Di Ws bill one given llsst rendlng In the 0pm this not and on the order other to II In turn tor em rending sod debate dur Ing prtvnla members hour Principals Virolrincipais Named For 17 County Schools The simeoe County Bosrd oi public sehcol Syvrnl lerr Educslioe lsit nlght nsmed rtncipnloltort bletttcoll pub iotii new midrib lor Bro school as prinrlpsl Il ltrgent rte schools The appointments public school Lloyd hsrdunr slreprinoipel oi anyrlew puhlle Ire eiiectlve Sept school as prlneionl oi the Port It Lebadle resent vtc pmlw emu all hisNIoolt school soil Douglas biuxtuw teschor st Corpus eeond school In to mpmrpgr pl Christi public school no view Euivlew secondary school He iiiliiiliii oi Blyslew Mlle will re John nobleman Ths board also made tostr shoot beetro high Iollln bod mllmuhslltuts niotmenls In sire two Dre verin vices rinrlprl oi Item Geo Irey hiulholllnnd vlro pstnelpol oi lonlstli Centrst rtrtli drub esrhool will be seiml hss been Ippolrtied stee Iomo prlnrrusl st Ardires pub principal oi Dolley Pork will ileerbool Arthur Intlcy teach schuoL The boerd else or It lilitlrlt Todd will bee Id Donald lullv irrenl come vtreprlnelpot ot the new tescber II Oshtozlsrh puhlte ltttons rond public school in school In vicepr ipsl oi Ous Orlillnz Ilosrsssl habit tench dies IIelghln public school end er al IllllcresI reboot in Orihin Ilsy meoer lenchee It sm srlll beeome viceprtoclpnl oi the byhrsn pub is scbod Is vlee toldwsleetioonslone schools rloclpn oi the new Leonie Ind itllt Beers teacher It on Imno petrnle hill lreetpubll lcbooi The ottlosmod 0111 WINNER liIrrlett lndd school will heroin uneota were tour Viteortottolhnt Ilsrrettiodd mutingm oi tIIIIet ndsltllorillun Mint wold be willing to coolrlbute Ihemoosy oeoesenry to soon vntlonsornmsii Iow sodithe city should one also use discussed other lnunsntn include lasrnnn rtrtel st undisco inmomurtn non with DI roe mmwmm rattler It to lie schoorlilrlll to ltrgeot vicetprtnisi oi blr WillisnI Anrtnetpnlior Dneld II some ctttuLor ltl wnstct nancn ninlhln the beeches ettthe tireust retro up the Inuit lish tor and locals employees blr inter Ire Inn wsltlng lruct both men Ire Ministry oI Nllurli III ccplion erelan lprtng sourcsstDspsrtm ototisods Ebblisntocl who loads them bprto ssld the men would probe is be bony until the end oi lite week but that should he the end oi the prob Amalia liiliubiiwmwun Ipubtie school In art school In principal vedhshsltdlngs isceltitn AI Idecmitlen pointed out there hrs been In Issoesrnent mess on the buildings until mt tojnltoI some tax nllci tor the Namath id tit on pm on mother oi commons utd hilt Shaw pointed out the dittiruliy in gelling the coopersllon oI merchants ior promotion oi the downtown nren Ind Ior Incelltl lot ten the men event over hall the beach twice stiles Monday the second time to catch tlsh wrsbed not high weveeitsoe dry in or their Stiziro OtiTheFeetival 1972 Concert Was Musically Artistic Conclusion or union truss millihllti it to conclusion last night It the Oriilln Opern llouse with the It voices or the ltsrrle central dol Ieglnie Glee Club under the dir eetion oi lirry Wire lnentyusvsn competitors wore on siege Worm giving the neoncs lly resume VI oi who rpenod dull the Mlle twpwool snis hissiculiestt In issrrle pirnirl Anne deuteron who wu awarded the top roboty seneerlo periomted by Iishtp oi tied was loll iorplhe welldis pllnrd cinlr Is she spperrod hetero Chopin NooluroI Ind perior Ii on the Open Ilouss etsge on the excellent llilnlsmsn grsnd tiect them and pisyed also Crsg looted list II pioiesslnn tho and the two lsyesrold ys Paul Ill eot Bsrrie nod not Orlllls show ed ihelrtelenl and great mite lcal potential creed liltid Ih truth Dalid hooth oi Stroud Ind the vocal solo by Colleen burns oi Chur chill Ind Ilso gave wsrm plruse to the choir trom Map Grow school Ilnrrtr direccd by hire blcltle Colleen Youn srcordlrnlst lrorn Barrio hns won many prises at sonny leetlvrlr gsve murlcsl snd Intercetlng perlormnhoe snd Interest wse shown in the lily group pcriormsnce by the Adult 0o rational Cents Edger dir ec ed by Morley Thornton The liolenhncber singers sang Barrie Honors Student To Visit Great It oocsldnelt II to udenllt bruises is late eill be one It tto Can Id students Involved in lhreevssk esshsnre prorrasn to Great nrllsio lodey to June lie rru one oi to students trosn Ontario retooled throsIh IreI YbiYWCAI III will re Diilthi the Blrrle Owen Sound Orlills Ind Illdisnd Irene lte wrs chosen by the ltsrrte in consultstlon with guidance rounscltorslet the turn schools ilchuse oi his scholaatie ability he will heexemot irorn writing Itnsi ussniostiosn tie is so On trimmer with In svsrsge Br lmiSrttruoorV ntonnu liltDlIY lsnlsiil lewntbie drenclt will held speclsl nseetleg It Ins hits in rtndy the more budget and little the nsttt rsle tolsnhip eesoulltees here gnhlnilted their hedgsts to the Itunce eesnosllte stair Nut rusellter ttssseti ties as itain do to the trip to hgillitl some nod to North no Inst year Ool time to tendon lnDevonshtre so brttlsh rtudcnts visited Can Ida the students were elven choice oi tour study seodu cation nstlostal health services vernnteut end social services yron will study edrcsilost tie experts he will be required to Ernest pspor during his time hgtsnd Ail expenses Ire paid tor the students with the exception ot vscchsntlons pusports sod spore ding money byron II the son oi Ilr Ind Iiirr licvrard Caldwell Eccler Street lie viii he niirnlln the University oi Western out In tendon iothn tili slih eontldence under the dir ection oi June Iielenhscher and limit Nantes oi ltsrrie gets dclighilui vecol solo IIIIILLMNI OPININO Lindys Accordion hehool prortdod hrlltlsnl cm to the evenln with we cossccrlo Grosso Others on the rsm Included the lisrrittt behool Drillin Ardlres School choir oro 6Istton III Stevenson lbyesMid pl irom Grills and voestlst bisri Jo hintemo ilolh Orilltn Violilnlmltlno trim ne Ilt ens edded vs to the progrnm and the sropti ted guitar duet glued by Donn Dwinne rd erry Oliver oi Drills or and interest No other plInlIis Isorn 0r coi tllta Ellssbelhliurluhlss Ind srhoisrship winner Gerri Leigh provided hesutllul solrtle moments Shsiiii simpso shoved sonstlsa technique Ive met soloists toanne iel lord sod Tholntn Vsodersess their Oriiullnh o51m glood contra Vbtl WP Jubilee Chorsls directed by Kenneth lillis the Innunl concert held tots towln the cornpetltlve iostlvsl prov es snolher pigtorio ouru rorsners lhem edit soother Wide oI spilling tor In audience in excellent our on no reunites to the 0pm llouu sre ilrstrrls lltd toy to lIliSPONSE POOH Itlr Uncb sold two press one the Christrnes lights were trit up until esrntvst line not ntcr chsnls were encouraged to into port In rsrnlvnl promotion but response was poor ltr Show sold ho had attempted to col lect money irom murchsnis ior iiowcre tor Duntun Street but bsd also met with islture Some oi tho ntciuhenls at the meeting expressed concern bout the location oi the mull Plans hsd lsvtlestrdlt would be on Dunlop Street east irom tiny ilcld Street lo 0ch Strect so that Irnilleott lllshwny loll Ind lllshwsy It would not be block ed The businessmen irom Alton dulo and Dunlap Street lrusi were construed the melt wottld drnw business owsy irom lhcm rslhcr than lnrrenso business Atd David IlcCIyrnont also questioner whelhrr the street couli be blocked Irom lrinIc pcrsonnti thlnl Collier street is more vllvblo spot tor mall stlhougts It doesnt have the vbops lie sold merchsnlr could not up stolls The den wss put down by lllll mum an eminent UEObjects To ail Sentences Alli he hndi lng reelrhoui bo mode three levels lnslend WU AMANDA Aid llcClvmonI ssid bis sur rcy shoved there II need for phthln In Alinrviolo and sevrrnl props to are under considers tlon lie snld thorn should nlsn be more pnrhlng inrllltloI nenr the IN particularly during hocllcy season There is possibility the city will meet with tho Simeon Coun ty itcnrd oi Nucnllon to discuss using the sports ileld ndiocent lo the nrcns tor porting during the winter Aid lerlgmunt told the rucr chllnir they nso not done enough tor themselves In tho Iieid oi parking ou cnn clamor Iur posting but hear to mind youll have to pin ho sold Parking Isnt the boIlt and rndsll oi your problem downtown lion lsrlt suggcsied porting could be tmpmr It tllumlnst green circle porting Illru were usnl In the city as they are In other cities tto also suggested customers or given homlnuts paying Ilmo tor trntilc violations with pcnulty oi lust 23 cents it paid within that time He oI tried his store as collection tculrc llo supgcslcd complete hon oi worms and emoloyeer core from psrtlnr on burners ilrccls sod suggested Ill parking lots be posed 442 Eyere said rtudv Indicated there Is no heed toe parting west ni irrl tollegtste and to the part Osler Vinlsoe not worth public school will he sits princl etllegenthrh hilt sowed slier onti hne reboofsslprincileottirsrnnlllrhbeenscreenreiW11 BOY NT threeerd boy sultered only minor cute Ind bruises when he was hooclod down Icsrtnirontothtshomen put ycrlrrdny The host ilso dy blnlnles ll Ow Si no nrently rsn Into the rest irom tween srlod corn lie wns hnortrd own by car driven by Roger Mere to Owen St sir Dsgeer row the boy In the to come sinnel to stop betoie hitting him police reid MAN CIIAIltlIeD An innlsllt rnnn has been cbsrgcd with hit and nut inl IIOUSI Nit ML Received about to enlist Isd ssId the honor three bedroom modern brtct btmgelow yeers old To loot lrontngc trierlor recently redee nrnted lull buemcnt bolts livin dining room 0m les tic school site Avsltshle mid Jute Artist moor Telephone 71W You list Ambit CALI EXAIIINEII WANT ADS norm In htrmang Vtocntnno Glittttlllii towing In resident on Less held under too liighwsy coo bridge shout about we hm yesterdsv southbound slshe truck vent oli onto the right ehoulder oi the road tnocllng down rise which did Ill dnntnge to et en owned by Richard Sc mid oi llciiountsln Tho trucl then went oil the other side oi the road hnoc down more II tie rod wsrnlng lihts tslus oi lhn rim Ind lights owned Feel Cxusiisituctiolt was esllmnsd st Stanley ll King till Burris hsr been shorted with hit and run Illl AND BUN Police are still Iesrchlng tor the Ircond vehicle involved in hit and run Incident at llo Int lodsyt which chilled $1000 dsmsro lo vehicle driven by Donsld llowsrd Dunner cl South litter the neeldrnt no rurrtsl on lllgbwsy too at Bay Ilelll sirecl lllOIlWAl ltnmsse wss esllmsled at lilo lollowlng no accident on ttlshwny too lll oi the tutors msllcn ccnlr trdneIdoy It our am drivers Involved were Lesrlo tzomo oi Toronto ind tvllllrnr llolo oi Nuwmor mammoth Given Quebec Labor Leaders Isrrie union hss rent telo grnm lo Quebecorosrurr Iiob Irt bourssss obiotilng to the lines and tell trrtns tweed on three Quebec tshor to err The moon tout sis United Electrics lindlo Ind bierhins Weston oi America or remiss to Cancel Ines Ind Icntenccs hnn ed down under title wool to llsrs tel Fe is president oi thI Con irdera on oI lisilonnt irrrle Un loos Wis lnhesrs president oithe White Federation oi tutor and Yvon thereonmeu president oi the Quebec loscb trs Corporstlon call on you Is repre sents vr oi the Quebec people to not the workers the dernn are needed but only by worlerr In the Province due the uni ndn rgistsllon bed but all working people cons corned the telegram slstes linrold Grrhom toes resid ent said the union cIn ccept the Quchc governments notion In lsllng tho rlrht to strike Irom Quebec rkere They the taken my their democratic right In mud to loiloctlvo hnrgsinlng Ind the right to strittc the union lenders to Quebec were sentenced to one you tall ior contempt oi court sites they urged union members to II nose court Injunctions ordering them back to wait Iollouing In It by public service strike in that province last month tho ovinclsl vernmenl passed Away the right to sirtlo in end the work slopp ages ltne iv htr Grshnmssld his union council held In rennet meeting lsst month and mud to resist legislation rcttilctlng the right id the union national In to consisnl Iourh with Qu reunion tesderr It the ore sent Ind have urged locnis to send telegrams to raremlsr Ilourrsus oblectlng the gov ernment politics in DISC lthIAhl Inset us nlio rent letter to Prime bttnlstsr Pierre thud ens uran the government to My lslte some sellers to counteth ciiect oi the Domestic Interne tlonsl Sales Corporation DISC prerrsm In the United Sister The union true the American ey will result In lobe being shes out It Croatia by eeeeenuoq eonrponlos closing Coondlen ri illisles It urges the tedrrsl governs msntto Implement progenm slsned It endin us tsheovers oi lobe hers government hss proposed IsgttlItion the would morn review oi tele overe ot existing lnduttrlee but this ronrlllulss only about tilde lItth oi the American direct to vrstmenl here In our view ths pro tor elln takeover Ict wou not on rulltclent to countersel the U5 DISC program In regard to the nod sovereignty oi end the Csnrtlsn tlrnitnmssidhleuntoohes seaolved to tshe more notice In Iuiure to protect Croedlsn lob EHIHIIHAHIHHHIIIHHin rswt tiherlblroithow ndtmwm ere urntonne SllllllulVtiiu In rss