35 egg it ega Fri gr i3 23 ES entree tIthin but rer Iote iniuriee were totbwtnt thin pileup othller It too Idiltl liotortyclinl Amilion INTI urr worn the Esquner errrird Mint oi bet the interward rotthtl eI thiI nonmer Welt trim ort palm tell no thIt mutiny was Iiieoded by molly one per Ion which wouldnt be had tor rillIye hrrnlet But tor cit the Iiro oi tlIrrio wher roiibII the motor Iummer Ipori ilr doenrtdtt titrheIrlrotnr years the home club he elwrya ImhiImIiie oi Drunken oi the iniewnrd rerier tor taoyr to to It Iltt DobbettI Ind Elmer liubbert Ire polo to try Irrin it youre in tenet pitue mutt Elmer It or or Sun It Mil Signals For Air WY NRJAP Nonii Iomrter mini NEWon in will to pet ll militant it dont diolllo the terror Remember no champion tho the man who eighth Itqu tor the next film my in tit init ho raid tdorrt are what they pay tinttr million to million hnmtnwrnt throne to rel him FrIxierI nlnmger Yank our ARNOLD Durhrm rrid he had Iproed you to New York to lunch the anq Dttrhrnr Stella Cell Attemll Fwodolion Ind put in route plugr tor the ehrmpiooI Mil ulthrt lion Sunder Key to in 0mm tieh large on clue mill to to hi the sure common Imonr hilt Dnrhrma iouryerr old son him to victim The ehrmpion raid he had wriehed the tut three roundI ot the Alideorre Chuvrio titht on televiricrr lrorn hla Iilitll bolt ClIy not too Irryrnore her tool It snapt puthirt IwI ury oer rne pretIeten Frasier Ilro promired lie would hove rcnsotionri In nouncemeht to unite Itter the Sunder ilyht tiii rertiy be only he vowed But he would not hint IhIt it roilht bo iilMthi METHOD Gimmick Given To liloid Siubbing it your mind iceir rouotr Ind ierty it you romeilnres Itub your dubherd durlnl your take awry herer gimmick that turn to help that it will nli loci pertectiy nortnIi liter tuIt on or two Vrretlre ruriona tnIieId oiloundio your club behindtheit ItorireIIrnero iy run your rwlnr with the eiubhrad Iireroy traction ol an hhh oil the mono By not drIygtnp the sole oi the club Ilorrp the round durtn the tummy you Ivoid Ituhb You will aim clperienu new retire or thnptnr our more monthly Ind irocir urinz your rtrote Finally on thoui the club with onth aroundynull inc or to hold it with lurt thI correct amount at yrip protruro lhlr maneuver will seem irInyo It itrIt Youll toIr mir hittinIthrinltttrowirowever rolls revs til Btiittt LIE EC TAKE ith MA 101 Tcnlnr romoueboouty Ind Montreal it combinedtomb top piece in the doped reciion oi the Ientor Cohortin Iynchvonirtd rwlrvt Mill chrmptohrhipr on the orthoprn on to whim Atlto Trophy urn turnout Peterdrthin lo chemo it led irornItIrt totinlrh to win the romia ll trend Prix lilo no th tittll Patrick DcpIiller in llarch 722 ceuyhi up to within tew yrrdr ot Dothtnr The winntny margin was only nlnotcnthy It mood WIN THE WINSTON TAIILADFUA Alli iAPi David Pearson little out oi burnpertohurnpcr duel with Bobby tIeIo Ind Duddy ticker Eundry to win the wtnrton too Itock or not It Alehama lnlt iornationoi Specdwey teerson drivittl Wood Droihcrr hier cttry iineher IchI the linlah tine him than tire Ieoondr IbeIri ot true record 11 1w on In Innourrcement hi those Intde hr to oi oompctcni prnlrsa Iionai rotten will otter tree line tor the min renon this week It lgalley eid ttIii DIvid clIyton member oi the CInadtIn Hoieertonri Goli erI Arroclatioo will be on honi end dry trom Wednerdry Ihmuth SIIIIdIy to help nit pollen irorn duller to low behdi perJoe Ronny itIrri mniry Club join him durinr the moth GottIrI will or able to rito bIllI Into net whtII their Iwinr iI recorded on ltdoo trot tor In analysis by the pron the clinic noioerou mot held Sundry It the Vesptr Citrict Put on It the BI iluld unit will be open Ireh day month lot you it tolltd putt Ind 730 to Mil pm Identification Cards issued PiltStltithtt iAPl Gen erIl manner looyttrown oi PiIiIburxb Pinter uid lionorg III mm homorut tihooelertrrtdrylnwhi or ii tromeni Iv uttl VIM Medium The guard reinsed to admit Elite Ind teammates Willie Sterpeil and tiennto Strnnett through the players role untur they Ihmd ideniliicniihtt Elite beeIrne involved in an Ir merit with the loud who on on the rtyuoolo ptcho Ind Iproyed him with chenllcrl no fto rny toowled no riod turn in the tirtionn Ieoxue rn outrer that player produce identiiirItion II he gtnoloruti rltard did on this tension rIirl Brown Commentlny on the Eilia inel deni limo itI nothiny will make him be per mode by the lurrd that It crrritd bottle oi wine to the ItIdiuro end was Ieantniorchtot Ellie lira been ehIrIed with dirorderiy contract II molt oi the incident Pintmt artiI me Sillinan trts llhhitel MD tiuler threnrorl too To oiI Kerr rne trit demo0109 IeI III Grltlltt iiiohlliartil it 1M 310 irrnowee time tAverylm ttunkcr Down lliounyl too time trill DIiiy PW Ht pIid till thirdtub tolie trot tiooroirndr Alth Col ttm hire ttIy tIMKhlrtl oh Speedter Spencer thovrirdl up Time mu Fourthall mite pace it Undo NINE 6501301 Steven it itlrlr tStevens Lit MD CIII Loo Domerviiiei time too QIlnrlII Mi pItd It TIAIN tiilllid GAME DOUiiNENOUTli tAPl iiIin cut Iltort the tint dIyI plly in the hritirh hold court iennir championship Monday Ind oniye Irondiul oi matches wove llnirhed llm Connors oi Believille tli advanced to the record round whcn his rehtd MI MD 300 130 Ih MUD AND moiorcycler do not ceirrril nether WM ihorrors llll or notorious tilphwa It mi ed in one corner lot dian Motorcycle Association molotrorr Imt It VerorI chItet Puh Till treat Mnbymt pv Emms Purchases ColonTo Trials Egr in HE Va Confident HALIFAX CPD they not null Munich but it my trrioirr on the wry tIInt it to in out low moth then tll itei very coolident sprrtomoympctnnru III Tiicham tluloro th hurry to rIl II the Itth ItutIent he In runhtop haltmite and oiItIntee It Centre coo oith high Iehooi III rpooIored by the limit hiotoroycltnr tlon litr aminer Photo iSt Catharines Club or ctrutrtmos cry int diliirully oi ooeroitny two tirwh to the Ontario ehIMpieo Leighton Hep Enum sold Junior term in rucb rtorI Iitip in molt hIr been Inked ttondrI he has purchrted Crthar cr illIctr liewkr oi the OntIrio ttoekey Astodrlion Junior rertes irony Fred ltuiier Purchrre price was not his cioscd Lost yvcck Emrm completed the role or his Niayora tails Tiyerr UltA Junior irrochlse to Sudbury lte tndJcItrd It thIt time that hointondcd to remain in the term Emmi Ind liulier mo in lolnt riotemeot thIt the increar proximitylite two titles on eight miles IpIrtwor one oi the melor terrors behind the II tI simply use oi the til district beinr tolurrted nth hocka Emm Into lion St to miner and Nil ern Ills IIILI how attend tiI tionIi Hockey tongue romeo in Buitalo ihereI iwtler term in Wetland well Is the Niet IrI Diririol Junior ti league Deerarre in Ilteotirnce hrs been Ivident in St CIlhIrtner Ind the FIiiI and no ieit thIt one Junior toIm er more prIrticIl ttttbuto mitet one Wit Lor CIlhy Nicklli lull 110 MD tilttr tiIi iiiciltrni 1M Mo Dutcheu Erorerr Crone Uri Tittle till BirthMilo mite pIee Bozo LIIIIonl room no IJIIII tCrowel too too Kristy titedprthl sro limo it Seventhwt mile Ice thundcr OrIttan tiAwronl 130 310 lirncy Belle Webblm Mb Poohdeal ttroy Time 1131 murmur tulle Ire tlrt Ooldttruro licLrlitDM Sun Cruleer tlierri woo hot liirhly Fleet Galbraith lllt iirnI lull NM mile pore Quick Niko thbbilm 10 zsr Noina Girl My 140 lion Prrtcr tthornpronl Ltd iilllo il Scrrtrhed Jimmy Dino Tentht rnlir pare Single Coin Given 2020 Mb MD licorclondr hIy llioorol ISM M0 Elly itiurlo Vclyh 100 Time him Erector it void Lit Attendlnecl rm tituluIel liandtoi town ulod opponent tiaroon ilnitlm oi Petition pulled out NEED OPERATION ounNos Atilih lAPl lteerywelght boxer Orcnr non IvenI murt undergo rurptry on itlr ieit hand it tro Ir to continue his riny rIraer hie doctorrnld itonriuy lionIvcno rniri ho In urrd his trend in ilyht orninst iyln lilluol lewlr oi Detroit iwtlidio wormlg hiIIt Ylltilddhigldt min alert or me cm moor chrmrioo three months not munwmwwmhw BARRIE PAVING LANDSCAPING wortnmrhir oomnmo Il SMALL WE DO THEM ALL lotlliy owned Ind opmttd by your KNEliitAW ll EIII we lento Dot 1284783 Iwour too am IIlIlMtI uI NAIIEB Till IAIIE the team will continue under its prereot nImo FrInlr Milne who coIohtd thI Lakeviow Dairy To Hold Tryouto beteriew Dairy the deitpd toyl tirrrio Ind Dirlrlcl Senior So Itlii term chrmplons will hold tryouto tonlrht Ind tourr dig nioht It Sheer PIrlr oth reratonI ere tilted to Itrrt It trro pin The DIiryrrten will the reverIl Ipotr to tilt thtI moon and invite Ill inter linked plIyerI to Itieod the our DIVING Ile Young rednoeked probes clinI to their mothers blot mien when the you tor deep lsl rumors l9l BURTON AVE OPEN 365 DAYS YEAR pm WEEK woo AM to woo to continue lot urtrrt term but itoIrrelIt IrrInrernenLr on not been completed the rim directors will in ttuie tttiit Potter ot Nt IyrrI Frill tiIroid litll oi tlrr rio rod Writ licColium oi 5t InthIrinerM Potter on member oi the NIIIIrI tIth emulth titll bu been Irroelated with Emou Iince he oporeted the Brrrlo Club between 19 end 1060 ttetollom hes been vlcopresl dent ot the limits the two yea The best protective equipment oguinstjob accidents in already yours your cyeoyour euro your brain Keep hlcrt work Tdelensiveiy and youll stay on the job YourW rkmens Com Now nyeIrold phyoicrt educrtlon Itodtnt It Drthou Ill It winnln the thobbrnetro event It ecInIdiIn Olym pic trim in Toronto thlr ruml rn thihrlor positively ot winninp tho tommetres to meta the cInrdlIh Olympia term he IIyI My pbiioIo phy ir thIt in not In Ill or hothln It tool It Hit it my tIiloL Munro tI the retain CInI dlIo Ienlor mens room ehIrnplorr Ind to mate the IlrhewttlthotontothI ropoo mixer to it rnllrutaa or tear it tI IlrIIdy under thIt IItr thou lo willthetoent Jim to run the dirtIoeI to under or minutes retooor the 011m pic ItIhdIrd ieei can do it in point to throttle not to be second or third but to win the race Allin DY DPNNINTI Pruhln towardr time limit to thI Ilent ont 6410 Pools by Ridgewa Londrcopinp BARRIl norm Seifdelence ii guf oiiI moor titouo horned romethtn Ihort hiI lirhltItirIrain all text New Yerrrm tie III the out ot Millie Door 52 egg Es it ll ttrIrittarr New terrr elauir wII rort oi to met the whole thinp IIII werewor and rerddhoiderr potentiri 0W reborn ioorttnined with at End Ibout Ind titlplnlgld done WWII Iiunro III in llth ptree who he eoltrosed Iboot haltmite horn the end It the tell very piersed with my porio in Bruit be gnow III rutty purh 5o ltidrerd Munro eoottm to pth himrelitrom thIyrioo htr mil lion kotlr hometown to Bruit to Toronto Ind perhIpe to Itu riots And tionlrut tr only tour your tIrther Iwa to hit up now myreii at an NHL mixheuoumirw ThrushmoutMy lonrutteepootorominw wtilteepoonmninx hlltLt rouletnrr The heat oi thI It MW an hm the rodeo rero tyoiroiohkehIrpber is the secret of safety Youve got lot to live for work deiehsively and enjoy life the euro him SeltNefonoo pensoti onBoorol and The SoietyAssooiotions Ontorto it nohhtlr