our inner DERRICK lottth Innlveralis celebra worn or min onto tho tint resident or tirovs lines at tho bottle Salvador on list Clarence thten Park Home attended the now an airs Audrey bombed Idaslnlstratorsnd Grove ParkHorne Masks Dorrie Crammer NEW lItlsi Fourth Anniversary Grovo Post Home celebrated its lonth anniversary Saturday Gorenco Rttte odmin lstrolue ctiirrrslad theta were close in too pio In lilma dance Ibort tertplnvhen amend admonitionta re not tors It ih door Ronald ltIron ehdrnrtn or the board wekoorred the visitors 1m with hints lies sacreta minister oi trov lIs Church and Sienna tirlrht also sin Johnson and Wes hieCioud board members itclrcatrrncnls were provided by tho troy Court clot and on thtcnhoaso sold thera were rest rrtany other people working nd the scenes to mate tho doc success Visitors chatted with relatives In tho eomlortablo tonnes or not In the auditorium strains in or relies There were displays ot handl craits MI by tho residents and each woman visitor was presento ad with handmade corssro compliments oi the realtlcotr The homo which litIt to provida turntablnys tor nna oi the rooms in the horns Almost entirely reli coo iained the hours has to pri valo rooms dining room rec restion iacitities barber shop beauty salon and spacious lounges with picture window it was the llrot hours oi its CONCLUSION bind to be built by the autos Di Witt to Condo tho Grove Port uturch oi heist spearheaded lha drtro tor the Valletta and now ohms arias lotits chapel no but resident ol tho boon htrI Ethel tierricr was res eat tor Saturdays celeth oar or FESTIVAL IS CONCERT BY STARS Tan courtr or Stats rtadrs tho Ortitta tttlllls Alo sic Festival Wedoesday creolnr Iona Ii tap winners II III rations lies at the Festival Ipt Ina weal choirs collar Ind III will otter sorted out oacitlat pnsrarnrat Ibo Ortlita rattooso Filth scholar Pl oId many trophies will be melted to totetea dates to people was oiiicillly rotolots and their leaders opcnoiontiayotroo vl At thIt thno overtott or arorotaattaadoncoaoodw to of Lynn arrest nrntstornm thurc roman It spoo rl 1xer myco in crowd II tho Dpaoo llease umbls till coarserlion was the rrunlrr rnurtrtt Anno Cameron tttyenrold student at Eastvlew secondary school was awarded the top scholarship ot area It the me Oriilla tliwsnls Music Festian She was awarded Ilrsi plate trt the open Chopin class the open Bach class open quick study clots it years and under class and second place In tho is years and under rvrnpctltlan titles Cameron earnrd hlrh praise lroin llorlr Berlin Idhtd color tor the piano classes Sixteen scholarships wereaa worded in Barrie students and AIII Comoros It Harrie pianist winner II the to Irrhlp or use our pray or concert lollled by lint Coilolll Cleo quer the direction at My Wore Other Den the our old areo arralalasornatdet erIc Stare barrier tch Your vocalist trons hurchlllr tJndys Arcardlen Esunabts Barrier Mopto Grove School their older the arma al Ill son Ml ll Whitl biIllat Barrier and DC loo MIMI limit MONDAY HAY Appeals mtnty has sppeatod Limti so Health Unit For Help totho vintotoroeonslderlosptsa It to take back two heolth inspoc toruhohstrabeeneaioanto the county health unit tor the met two years and to lneseoro number or provincial inspec lero to tour Dr Ambruet has seat letter to loosen Attld minister oi en vit and Dr Potter tho minister or bstllh Ispialn las the lemma tba unit now ees in spite oi an increase at new people to Sinteoo courtly durtao the last two years tho unit has had no increase in start Tern years In the unit was provided with tho services oi tsoyheotih tnspectori iron the and recreational waters At that Ilrao the department was wilitna to provide tour in spectors but the lieaith lint do Bairie Student Wins3Top Scholarship At Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival AICDRDION scholarships llo Kevin Astrldre Darrin Carolyn and David tisetr oi Orlitla to Colleen Young llarrio and Cathy JlittOVIJhl Dant lid to Susan tiilr tildisn and Sheri ilrtr tlddlo Sienna linrtan hiary Jana Arcicion hildiand rompetltora who live in the immediate Darrin area PIANDt Anna Cameron liar rle troo Paul White Barri till Cheryl latch Ortlila rrno Kimberley 0rtltla too on Orlllia III Alllatorr Slot tlveniy wiiva dollar scholar ships were awarded to Susio Joy limvnlr Alariortc Stanton lort Stanton Phyllis stoveason 0rlllla Christopher hlourltccr tttdlatvi Donates Pare Ortlita liilrnbctlt llurtuillar OrIIIIo Laura iilnhton Iinltlai lorte llurnctl tlrllitn lllair liaiiey Oriiiln Elaine illnctloclt Par ry Sound the tattooing olyht very younp pianists were awarded divided scholarships oi Stein each Su aon Vendor Jnrt Port Carling Shelia Crass OrIIIIa Lindni ton Uriitln Snaio Dent on Jeannette liner Ortttin tie icy Port Cumberland tirachr David Cameron ltidlarui Jo Ann lieclr hiaetler VOCAL scholarships Alvnsds oi tie to Italy Jo iiostcrsott Orllllo iltclma Vortde Orlllta Joanna lbliord Marilyn Nontes oi Dorrie Ill Scholarships ol Iii were lvasded to lots Nasworlhy llrtle Ila Colleen ilutno Churchill Cred ttelenbaeher barrio Deb Illa hieelrs 0rtilailimbcrlcy FAIDD0tilIth Denied Daniels Penetanruishena Ililtlrtti scholarships at on were awarded to viollata Paul thtle ot llarrio and lticheilo llorpcr oi tildhurot illl lEi SliIlAN Cheater Rarici it ot Kent penteit Drive was rlructt by vehicle which tell the scene at miordrht Saturday aa he rvrs violator his clrttriend homo dnwn St Vincent Street It the High Wilt too overpnu lie was taken to tinyIl lltetorlo ilorpltni with let Injury OIltLLIA Kiwanis hitqu tcs tlvnt hieh vtidcd Friday at trr two weeks oi competrtion had many scholarship wlnrtcrs trons tho Darrin pron Allovtlr them tell Michelin liar er piano rchoiorrhtp Colleen Your accordion scholarship Krul Simud GUIIAR scholarships us to Greg Taylor Rants Irtd Stephen Rolland harrte divided schol nrrlrip ol other to Terry Kotar Anne Cameron plono scholar ship Colleen Durns ringing scholarship Calh isnowrltl accordion scholars Carolyn Krui accordion scholarship unwltr ttrorn tall linrliyrt hlaronls brass and woodwind Scholarship toe hrors ortd woodwinds to Marilyn ttarouis stroad Organ Scholarship oi tit to Thelma tandcrswsry Ortilia rd cldod that two would no artille tont Stats 170 Inspecton duties hora Increased to lnctudo sub divutorts and hrvoivcmeot In all iarro commercisl recreational tourist and residential davctop meats Because oi the increase malnourished Ind duties tho it ill lirin wants Itlttt irupeo tors loaned The unit also cooperates with tho manicuatllies la the county rersrlina tha issuinx nt build tnr perrrrits the Department at tho Envir nnrnent intends to tote back the two lnrpectoro to work in In oiheroreI lnr two months dur lar tho summer Dr Amrbntst said thesa two months are the busiest of tho year The unit new has stall oi to inspectors plus two senior trldyo accordion scholarship Laura hitchIon plane scholar ship Steve Rolland sultan lhandner Photo inrpactero and one chtct inspec tor last week chiel inspector Rob ert Doubt sold the Department oi the Environment has cstlv mated it would reouho so insped tors alone to carry out septic system inspections in tho letter Dr Armbrurt raid tho countys irrspe mo out till lot approvals 196 Iawaxo inspections in that total inspections amounted to 996 in Will We simply cannot do without tho holp oi tho two vlnctst inspectors said Dr mbntal it we do wo will be lDCtlllCe in tho completo service to the county our heIlth unit has been able to provid nod preventative service as tar as environmental sanitation and pollution control isconcerned llt we loss these inspectors and donut receive additional help our whole program will stiller the sold Citizen Oliicor To Be Honored ilorrta cldzcn and police men will be honored tonight by tho Optimist Crab It its an nuai res tellerlaw dinner little Jones pastor or the tieiropoiltpn Toronto lattice Force and chairmon oi the Can dIIn Cornell ol Christians and own will he guests her innlsliltotieo Chlet tittlrovrn and city Potter Cblel Dd Tschir hart and countiJ and provincial corrrt incisor be head labia too tires will receive the clubs rar tlorlIw plants and tho poicernan will be none ed comiablooittoyesr tieelinruwtti start It tube Colonel Room at Lair viow reataursnt rotor narsnnsnr women moon CPI Slut outside yuarnttihs shop In Oslotdshlre thespossersiloy Waterloo oi Owen Sound Sundry evenlnr will be shot Ivtrgq wwrme ma rootictrrrttrv lAi it till kt rnrrtr or liliiltlilc roams Barrio Sea and Na in euo cadets molesters od tho Dalila oI the Allende Sunday morning with parade and short ceremony II the Orr trph In rtemoriai Square Close to too manbed in tho parade Rnbort Abraham president at tho Barrio branch or tho Navy LeIrae places wreath at the CenotaphIo computed by Captain Joseph Ctontplon oi the Sea CadeE Canola William erhby at this ity Anyilcnn church looks on in tho bocrpround Is the So Cadet band taxminor Chalet Transit System Future To Be Decided Tonight on council tonlaht will do cido tho Arturo ol the transit system with tho public worrs committee recommendinr ac ceptlns prlrsta contractor and ties member Nelson Car rett tonttnulnr his easngaiyn tor control the city wont have Mlle ownership ttr Garrett bases hisrpubiic ownership ouuestlon on the rec orrrrrtendstton ul tho citys coo ruttant who said tho Increased should otlsct oven atone In or irI costs The lowest tender lmrrr the private sector comes very clots to tho protected public owner ship costs and would also result In city upcndlturcs at about storm tor publicity iIro roun tinr bus stop signs and quality dumb rontrrrlartotr ctausn Tho low bidder Sloth Broth on at Oritlla an alllllalr ol iravrlways at Canada has re ouested clause be inserted in the contract pcrmlitlnr rencro tiatlon ol prices It wares rise beyond rpecltied amount nltl the lint or second year ol the liveyeor contract the public works committee responded by truncating termination ciauso ho lrrserted in the contract riv inr the city the option oi ending the private service and purchas in the equipment It needs lrora tha privsio operator to continue the service The main ohlretiort to Aid Garretts public ownership idea was that the city doesnt have limo between how and July to organise tho stall lot transit system Ald Garrett ntd thls Ihouidrrt be used Is an escorso since hes been arguing tor pub ilc ouncrsht since last year Stock hcta bid were at cents per mile tor the tint year It cents per mile the second so cents the third to rents the tourth and so cents the filth been estimated at so cents per ndlc lot the that year and no estimates have been rrtode lor luture years The revised Iran system that poor into cllect in July ratio lor biler to travel 154350 miles prr year meaning costs oi about Ilium per your Revenue ex LOCIII AND GENERAL ORTII 0F lllOIiNIVN Joyco Mathews ot Don Mills escaped serious injury today when the car she owns drivan was in tred In an accident on ilithway too lust north at the ihbmton ctaverlenl It Isrr Damage to the vehicle was so tirnatcd at 31000 00 DMIAOII Police estimated danrare at not to vehiclo operated by Kari tlrcedorn oi Tomato Sat urday morning when it went oll ttlrhway to near the CPR tractu inst west ot the tttybwhy in tersectloa CAR ROLLED Damsae was estimated at two to car which rolled on Sun nldaio Siderosd are Just north at County Road on Saturday at MS part Driver was John hIletttvcn oi undies Road Bar re THREECAR COLLISION Domore was estimated at It tW to three vehicles involved in collhlon on lilnhway too Just south oi thc St Vincent Street overpass Saturday nthL The drivers were Nils Graves ct Barrie Etdrcd iiooter oi hllse oisaanyrr and Graham Farts ol Kitworthy IAYFIELD STREET Street to treat oI tinda Restaurant Sunday It am caused an estimated Tito to two vehicles Drivers involved were ttsyo mood Oooney oi Shanty tiny and Daniel Neill ot lnronto VESPRA AND tNNlSFli minor accident on Iespra Street It tnnlsill Street Saturday at our pm caused to dltto are to vehicles driven by James Robertson ol Ionre Street and Grocery Lee oi tnnlsill Street ANNE AND CAROLINE litmus was estimated at limp tntlowlnc an accident on Ann Street at Carolus Street SaturdI at his prn Drivers ol tha eies were Anthony Darr or tntroy and Pant lArny oi to Street DING CAR Dnmaro to vehirlo operated by Norman tilt at RR Darrin was cslltrrrricd at ttiiu Itter it slid oil thrunty Road 21 lust cost ot tllthny at Saturday nitel noon llti stooped lnlur but treaxer complained sore nee three baritone Raymond White at Auvllio and which were involved in col tisia Saturday Iiicmonn on llirhway Ill near tho interned iion at County Road to Darn area to the vehicles totaled It 100 IllGlllVth peeled Is about eraooo learlns delicit ol somethln aret $50 The province wII pny up to one hall the dcllcit on operatinr costs The city has In protected Iny Increase In late SENIORS CENTRE Council will aim be asked in decide on site or tho scnlor ritlsrns community centre which the seniors wont to put In the park across lrom the DaystroloL hioior tlotel the city liaance committee recomrncnds pulling screen in mcrvo as tho citys share at the cost oi the trooper hutldiol but would not commit itsett to apnrurine the location Cotrtmltco chairman Fr hi iiersey said the city has on oscnnou lrot Itlotr lor expansion Dotty Shauphncss who heads committee said the seniors delinitety want downtown location but land Wall arc prohibitive and this piece at parkland Is the only site they cast consider The council rneclinp is It pm In the council chambers minor occulcnt on ltlrhway It west at Ailiston on Satur day It lilzto am causal an eo tlrrrIted tilt domain to two cars Driven at tho vrldrics involved wcro iiitlam llalt oi Creemoro and Paul Drrycr ol Alliston ILW DAMAGE An accident in the partinr lot ho Odd Fellows tinit on For rts lane Sunday It taro caused mot dsntnzc the col iislon occurred between parked vehicle award by David Drctt at Little Avenue and vehicle driven by Gerhard iiotlcr tirin ol Innislii Street it AND llUN ills Donna Mariner oi Oren Slrrct in Barrie told police Sate urday that her vehicle was struck by an unknown vchlelcs white It was parked In the Clit tart tlotri partlnz lot Friday night Damage to the vehicle was estimated It too htULCASTElt AND COLLIER rrrlnor accident on lirdcas tcr Street It Collier Street Sat urdry It trot prrr caused an cstlrrtnied till damage to cars driven by Jnmcs loiliolt oi Bradlord Street and lnntts lie Cioud ol Shirley Avcnuc BLAKE AND EU rrdrror acrldent at to and Puget Streets Sunday at Mt caused ssoo damage Driv ers ot the vehicles involved were Donna Dumond ot Jonathan Court slid liesley James Lee oi Calvary Chm DAMAGE Denture was estimated at It 100 lollowlnz an accident on Ks II Road at innislll Street San day at one prn Drivers wera Andrew Schmidt ol Cam belt Avenue and Mary Stepulalt oi ttcary Street wannnna rtnea harrio tirerncn answered tour alornra this weekend At 10110 It Saturday they were rniitd to artist with itooded iurnaco at at Shirley Ave At 331 pm Saturday small btara out in the kitchen oi the home oi Gerry Quinn on Daytietd 5t Lilli SPEAKER nnwbrirtrr CLUJ superintendrnt oi ayenct North American Lrlr ha the guest speaker at the Stern cuoiiuailutta Lila UndcrwrtE vra Ass ntinrr monthly meats in May it at tho ilirrbmryy llutrt In Ortllln the meetinl starts at tzzlS prn llr Traw brtdce has hecn with tho com pany ior it years and was op polalcd suhrrintcndcnt ol at meter in loot WANTED TO our trry sood rerpootc we got last shot ws wanted Bicycles titrated ooa ladies and one senilemans will pay the oath Telephone rtotaro FOR FAST ACTION CALL EXAMINER WANT ADS llHtit SlliUCK IIYDRO POLE Darnazo was rrooo to hydro pots and translortner riollowlnl on accident to treat oi itl Stub roster St Sunday It tell our Another soon domazo was caus ed to tha vehicio involved in tho accident driven by Wesley itolt es Smith at Ptrltrriny srrturtl rnttn Garry Waite at Strortd ooh totaled mirror lsrltlriel Sunday when tho car ha Iasdrt Sunday aiternnon pile oi rub or can this In tho drivawa It not Dun IIroowonliaatirutzl Andeduwia top at illest coutht tire and Alcooa BesehADIma in beta was oceldootrrslrleh oeosrr It were the drivers at vehteics chimney tire al tit Mary St Nib wnsrntintrted at him