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IduIilv beetin lreli Iltorwuolt eddthon thrill meringue melee etili It even peper Piece on drloilhe aeron mole IlrIJrInDob 84 when IldnoiiheSorr oritylNOotltdLhoHehte GhurchWome hprinhle thode on too or rtny nonetentiu yernIIh CW WIT IALAD SWAIN hire Rowe Dub no tau pineepple tidbiie end no it pitted cherriel rerervtny it Iyrup itom eIch oobine enter rom ttltclt he it to dimlve yered ornnye dl cut to lethe more juice mtently tilt thtet tly heeleneu return to hot tone Weaker VbeIhle mount dllilNG nee SPEUNE In rouet be that Irotntrl the corner he 33th Strenemehe eiore Le tull ol hrIIht relredtlne Iey pesiel coier ourrrnteed to give you tilt lheee two end rows oi retty drueer trorn the very petite to the mereiueuptohteruvdelitheelroetn between lheree tut ieopih dressee tor utter lire end that extre eyecinl occeeion them out Ind new eneeroblee tor the mother oi the bride Ind more lttereI Sprinn coetr Ind Ill weelher qu by lieinmuirr theree Driuler oItI end her coat Ind lute ThereI lemon neon Ipoeihweer hy PIlll Slur Ind White Stet Ind Pentrrten in gt Satin envelope ll until in ortu until partially Iet Add plnllppll eherricr le etked Itrewberrlet qud tit mIannrnllowr it broken pecInr 49 limit Ind VI Foldlnlebuvycreem whip ped Pour into 11 x1 lA pun it till Iet Cut to equate to mm with whole Itrewber Stirrrnell Wlldll etee Meter lit yenerour em FREE DANCE PM hire Jim Wilson Ind tin tlire PIttnn will cram dents per ty It try more hell on lie in Mutual WM yurehm techie tor the try lo bullet upper end door prion pm an leInI munhere en the mm mm rhemplonI oi the bretvy Ill dlny middle the Ildmit Iimlen MINIle lint Arm lnIhillly to that nl Irrenyenrflrnit tor todeyI Dei ltr PI uw outline iodit re held morn in con rem wribthII the dealer motion with the CInrlexn tor he odd to when the edver mount cummiety1he our rm more it be It event will be held the home mnemueee Jwlhin mod out the picture 555 see EEE 535 rnlttee in mm oi IrrInn menu In liter Dorie tleernl lire ll ltnbeii Mn hi Cot detriment lire Uterine hoot ere mum no1 nucleim An Avril holidey in Extend wet colored by ttr Ind tin Deve Int unmounted by their drunhier lire Roper Des pine Ill ol milerlh Street trio toured BlytInd Ind renew ed unrelated there DUPLICATE IImGE 1he hIrrie Dupliceie Bridge ClubI dot is to here it uhlee eompeilny In the twice weekly were held It Burton Avenue Untied Otttlrh lteil Noodey end lhundey It 11th pm nunmo 111 HA QUEBEC tCll Hydro pIId 811M in the SCHOOL ltSthloN retort iiIcIl yen in royIitiee to Former Itudurte oi Kine Ed winnerr It Thundey nlyhtI melon were No Dr All CroIIlIhd ml Dr linen Ali Mod end Dr item Iovernrnent the weed School AllIndIle met It lire Sue Grebenr Ieeood Eut tor the BIthore Mote Hotel tor went tion to reunion on sIturrin Tortythree tint Iiurtenb were unto It the tomb NnWInrthemnmeyou uehheieinywrownhltnhenhM uddeleethieredpuhmthelood mdmelwwuldal vohtmtwlthhrtlvmlortood Wendmmmhmd MontionVhenyouerethehnt wohnnevullwehtIllllend wmderbowyoteveryotrlenevlthoutthm illltiiittitilll No1 httiltlts Fantons tiliittt iliitttillllN booklets complete dopendlblu rlirrdiorre tor noelan the worlde molt dehnloue eoohieee home you remember lroert grandmeetiner prun never heard Iboutenrlheve yet to dimmer Your iIrntly Ind irlehde will love them Ind you tor heiny Iurh wvnrlrrlul rook hir tort lire leek 1reuh htIry Woodrlork Ind llob lord Iecond Winner LitCES It 5r SEE EEEEE nggtgfgr E3 is no REE gt see 55 will tIte plan In they It Ceotnl United ante noun IN JAMth Alter two weekr holldhy It villa It Ilrthewey Bey lemlla Itr Ind hire Bell here returned to their Sunnidele lined reetdenre In the erty They were Ieeorllpenled by Mr Ind tin lllthhrd iDleIt Cempbell ol WIterioo inrnrer Benie resid ente CALIFORNIA lie Ind hire lrrrte ol lingerie Drive enloyed met holidey It CoronIdI oil the rout oi San Deere Chilton nlI Detrinz their holldey they toured Wilma oi the elite Ind Ilte ed the llene Pro Gait lgmmeht It be CoetI Cell ill hrmnerrr mu more In elyhl louder oi tur tltx in Ontnrio modem aluminumt Tole rm lorKin erilYeare m0 lat In GIIVOII WIM Eigz 33 go go 52 35 Eggs 95 Gwendolyn end Perne We handle your hull with gentle core MEN TwoPreceiutrs 129 We handle your clothes with gentle tore plnte Spreld im WW 53 llmgmmfw VBIEQLIEQJ wad menu murmur onoreooe rI mum colon Ind Iiylee tor right now circle in over toe to entire 51mm LADIES ween et term In mom humor till $335 Motion mm in mu m7 gmeed eoohle theete Spreld merlnyue Imooihly over unit 0NLY79 SPECIALlLlMlTEDTlMEl INTRODUCTORY cream Whenyou boythetlree Volume MnCeile Cookie Collection ndlome COOKBOOK HOLDER illet letI ly eiyour ilnpertlpe McCALLB COMPLETE iWOLUME BET Mm ll NM it motor MIX MIMI ll Willi mil enhwnnnmmonoor lLIIINiMiI hertdy iNDEX BOOKF Pine keep the Hill collection convert Buy Book Week Eerie volume lllueireted with en hitihl wtliweirdo oilbee thet YOU can eeeiiy nut in your own kitchen lVondyouIly temptinr iood thIt will delleht your lIrnily end yuretIAvolurnetor every union Ind meelttote rrrrticnrw Intrauteriner umwmmoor rumrm MWWW tumour wen monument remunerated rrroeunowrt