Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1972, p. 9

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winter to leetetb nnoasl Orltttn Stunts Must lnntivsl ml nverwm on In tab Mir tDPi telnnpetbetorepierln soulI lenlte him has room res bill horn Alttston Solute by to music dials lm session IBIrniner radar linens rionnn crash worm Shells btchrtsh at llrst St All are early this ntorntng when the on police believe she even driving went out at control In Dieppo lleed It hare Borden Ind hit Until Inndard 3tiiddi won chopped oil and tell on the root oi the cor btre lichden husband Ronald wen Idrrittted to Re at Victoria Iloepltnl with cute battled and Ihort ninernl arrangements are In complete Bible Society To Hold Walk the llnrrie breach oi the Con Idlsn Bible Society pilot wait ethon tor ltsy It to relee money to buy tllbtes tor uechostarebta the society hopes to raise S3 loo end to encourage students to Ian pert Arrnn merits have been meds with lpnts oi Iren schooio to ribute resistrntion torme end sponsor Iheete can In Burning Rubbi tho next three weeks could back Iore tow seconds the prole trying tor the Barrie tire wind later bound the the It do rtmcnt according to Fire oil In my screen the field Chet Dan tlenet Problem could order he edit it the worm spring run contin nor to dry out the tielda It the prerrnll rote Ind pee le tell to observe city bylaws burning rubbish The dc artmcnt wns coiled to three rse itren thursrhy attcmoen All were caused by what the shirt termed simple careleeanesa Ite raid It costs taxpayers minimum oitlo per cell For sys tires to itrecnrn ntno at them volunteers ioushr ltrer which could here been avoided Uruntly the tires oI this na ture Irosrhnpty the result eI odults who got careless when theyre burning tlltte rubblth the thlel nsld error rlnne they start Ilre end when It gets going they turn their DciYiightrTMe he sol that should never hap Mgr ctty bylaws prohibit the bum Ins oi anything within tho cen tral core oi the city In the surrouodtn ores re ierredtoaoroner ireeereres trletrd to approved Inclneretore ltoweicr npprovnt must come hunt the tire chlct Ind ltyhu been long time since he has rented protot tor such burrr llr enel odd wont lvo approvsl pert ly because ta dangerolu ly because Its unnecessary end partly becnuse we have to coorwrntu with the air manage ment branch ot the rtcpbrtmcnt oi rncruy sndreeourcce he said in eutlylns eresr ol the cII tires are permitted but only they ere not within 2o leet ot Iny but ding and Il they are super Stcsrts Sundciy At em Sundaydlrtlsbt saving Ilrm will go into oliect In Barrie and the rent et Canada Tlil mtulle that clocks are ad vanced one hour Sirius Iotwnrrt In the miller tall hlrkward ill the in tin or the tint um 11 0i Janetteell but little bit thsr teratti totlow the old rule eiltbunib tor doing the may the right time the little bit oi the relultry where the change will not apply It the eastern twothtrds hulalchcwnn which In ct year round though it It hot rolled that the western third olths province will ensue which trienns that tor rv chenille ItI oI Sukntchewan will been the lento time Be Ilpht times noes Into lie toct every prov cohinday April to tbnt means that click ero ndvenced one hour vrthe winter has under ot Urged tip Fire Chief vised It all times by at least oneledult In spite oi theao hptnhl tires within zones and edit oc cur Oriel Kent arid Utet 91 It restdcettn would comply with the bylswn and It the salon time tolIow the Idollnes laid down Dy the the comment the next three weeks might pats quietly tor itreil tern llt pee to settler up all itnmlne wuto irom their basements attics storeroomri lanewoys bnctyardeand serI ores and diopoee or them in the pro manner be said we on etimtnrlo rnrny potentlet the benets Dupesat oi the rubbish In the roper manner Ie the eascnttst thins and this doesnt include burning It he sold the Dude Itnrtlctdtural Soc Ietys InnuIII sprlndgcienn up campaign In new no or wny the society he cooperated with the on ilc works depart merit In eehedtltilll ouruni or end when which hu accumuteb the department also to dispute oI motertnl Ielt tiglsocioty recommends the iotteullll procedures tor plot upi hte ertnl Is to be placed on the curben Is not to obstruct sidewalks or the travelled poo lien oi the roedwn he mstertel ie to be piled on thst it In euily handled boxes Wednesday litry it but other where pooaIbIr put In bundicli IContalners Ire notto be placed on the curb Ind loaded there til one container is too beam two or three smaller ones he used Invited hrueh ll to be piled with breaches in be trimmed to max lmurn ten ieet hub and wire le loot at six to elthl the walk entitled enty hIIIee to hechoalovnbt cover hutch the same course In that iollowed lest Fell when the eoclety held vrslh to raise any tor bible vsn tor lies the his ilidhdl it eoctoty received enouth money to buy van tthi ulance have promised sue the walk will be It tblntt Amino thumb NAN red no eround little late armin tsh It Collier Street United Gulch there will be ten checkpoints with wetcr end other reiredt tile or the world couli be cured Inushter la the best medicine 17 serum arses to im Merchants Favor Downtown Mall Thur oi tire Kerrie downtown add to set up null In res nre In lsvoe oi the trtctrd area lien or null etong Dnnioo lie said he would tsbo to see Street to be let Intuit on the downtown area irnprorrd enemy bests bowerer perhaps with potted Gordltnncbnnldhe tthe Wutwuhorcm eso mu mud up gr thwrht that win prntse nlenphen that to nrmn Nib UM Ina In downtown llerrte no ammunition Ron Lynch nickel or the Triton ernorlg Ill Milk Barrie aiambeLlot Commerce eh Is not Present now lle entd he would he to tutor It Mid uni pitted bot snld there were hill telloeui slid be number it problems to con innit would detlnitely tnereIaI elder with regard to mull business downtown Ind thou bt Dunlop Street as Itlghwsy it the trial period should be Rte comes under the Iurtsdtrtloa nt lirel two weeks oi July the previnctnl govIrnmenL rigmutsmmm therelore they would here to mm mm give npprovel to tlerh pro We leet And In order lor the govern mono tllld meet to consent to the mall the Arch brown said be won in city would hire to provide satia lnioe oi the mail but only on lectory reIsona tier ts eatrtence short term basis Ind sugtcat In epproprinte II It is too energetic protect tcrnnte trItlIc route to he sustained ior long per All the merchants Involved Iod ot time Dbllitt would have to be willing to pan um my mm in my ttcipale hilt he said pcshsps extending els services mm mm it btr lynch said be use net prepared to any that the null mm km will lacrosse business either From lntorrrsattoo we have received regrth the results or You would have re declde 11 gt pm Out bi ell what constitute the client businesemdtti Iriot in denim ml be iii crceaesuhstantteltyho Arid then you mlghtrun Into to tie snld the Ich ot malt blents ot merchsntn tested to would be discussed Ill meeting the mall who did not want to to be held sometime during the be or merchants not Included tint two weeks or Stay when who did went to be the Chamber oI Commerce wttt nySchoolebotr dlrectlon Carol llogr tllrst piece with mark Ii School choir Creoles binpla trere School IJquuellne Mi btcNtel Barrie so School choir tor Grades the Shanty tiny school lCIrot liege boom thereon Street school than Dull Barrie Ii Guthrie lcbool Janet tintits soaicuimrtcrora3st mittMums mnlemrduoo edCntbyrnoor nmrmihndi Sdhoot choirs tor Gradee rs Datley Perk School thin tlottowsyl larvle re School choirs tor Grades rs litllmst school tDnie Barrett DarriI It Steele Street school Idohn to win Barrie It then tesnste choirs Barrie Central Orlleginta Glris not tttary Wnselle Open mixed choirs bnrriI Central Orlieginle Glee Club llinry Tinsel 07 thinltr Church Choir Ilene btclenbachrrl Barrie or Open church rhntre nInlty Church Choir tlune listen barberl Dorrie It remen RESULTS Inner Accordion solo six to to run tono year rt inannal hsrbare tsrrlngton Derriebt Junie hltlirr hltnesing l7 Accordion solo to yesrs end up one year or Ieasenal Grnce Snonk Darrin ht Sibel Quin Berrie bl Accordion solo six to to years two years ot leaehnal John Iticbling harrte ll Accordion ram six to so rare lone yrIr oi lessons ttcwtctt and Janine Bertram tlIrrle It Accordion diet sin to to were two years oi lessons vin McNelldry Ind lobn llirtttng Danie lb Amordlen duct to years and up two years oi lessonsl Kathy Ind Rhonda RIwaon ttarrtc to Accordion duet ti years not under Debbie ninth end Edith Deiogh Stroud ltd Accordion duel it years and tinderJenn Spies Ind ltelrrly Roush llnrrte Accordion duct to yours Ind under hieryAnne and Irene ttoenaelnlr hunt Accordion duet ll yenre Ind Solo lit yearn Ind nodes Ilelrn Smith Utopia It Sell It yenrn and radar Kevin Astridn tinrrle It Soto tit years and under Sussn Perla Anglia It Eleanor WnlLLr Barrie Ensemble eight rnra Indlfl liooys arm School beginners Lindy gnrtenl Barrie rs assemble uo yeere under Undyr Accord School ttlady hamsartenl psi Ensemble tuyearsendundai lJndys Accordion School termedlsts heurossrt ttnrrte It tint ll Consent tony at blusia lCnthy Jsaowsbn Dnrrte bl tia yours And under Accordion Sellouthr lortll yhaumgnrtenLBenIe erlnl Omemtory flit llueie Cathy Innewsbll Deo rte on humble open LIodyI do cordlon School tIJody linumran tent hanIHI School choirs recognition eon tinned tn the open onto to 09 tltla Grndce Lt East 0th School llnwtestone iCuoieI Iohnaonl he Cumberland Beach school Stirs tellordl his Shanty Day but Sharon romeldgt mm tire Sboot lhlrs hell herein in II WMMMM mm mm mnmwmm rrrrnrnmn Laurel Hardy Film Purchased By The Barrie Public Library Dy PAMELA lltULtl hla wile up as the rlghttul helh ear the boys turn the deed use It has otlrn been arid the wiltineg over to tho Importer Ind trom that point on the tun II tht In the case then the may begins lien exciting humorous epi ments the society hopes will eLntrIy viewing the lrteettlln soars cltow when the boys reel be denoted by merrhsntr cur Iaceiiit Step Closer TORONTO CPI The late Iilt tor the Canadian ltetlonnl Inhibition grounds which tecII politicians hsve tailed ebout or years came one step closer to resilty Friday tohn Oorrgari president ot the ibinsdlnn Notional Exhlbtl lion Astorietion snld most oi the midway now locnlod In the middle oi the CNS grounds will but pennl be ehIItrd to the small part Iron between Intentions hoote rsrd not the Lallo Ontario share iuat north oI Ontario re lie said the port which will resemble in Rondo It Expo It In Montreal will be open at least in port tor nix months oi the year OveMII plans IlIilI are being worked on but he suggested the new midway could be In iperI lion by me gawk alsorw tor no lulled to be Iocstrd Just east On tano Place the play round and the new mtdwny cnn reelhell byadwtde bridges timing the the main change when the Still opens this August will be the remorst ol the old electric Ily building near the main entrance it will be the site oi large lnttethtI bulldtos will be used In parting lot next year eventuell will be turned Into pedettr In wnlbwey outm ntrn thedeethrsto H000 LIIIonInCtnIdIEM Mu vise It Is my comedy starring those tings oi comedy Lnurel Ind llsrdy Out West this cluslc comedy richttut title there are many was made to tent and Its unique Intoyspio moments in this Him with roilndtract tiled lIm purchased your Ire their mistake but the hon hanio Public lersry rt Sen In due go beyond Iii limits to their attempt to return the deed to lie rtghtut owner As is usual good lrlumRha the name oItho ttlrn to they over evil and htnry reeltics er brsnd oi humor reinnhsr unlnrlt which Is sure to delight audtcnc Iahed to 1m We Out West Is or 11 ago Milliill ill ii 50 Milli We also have several other In length lack and white Ind equally rntertntninf Lsuret Ind ltsrdy iltms nngng tn lrnrth the etorytntee plncsin swer trom to to it minutes they tn lero texu town the boil illvo cluilo such golden layorltrs as been sent to deliver an Import ltlg Buaincss and My tent documentthe deed to Fat Music to they to wealthy fold mine to the sweet tloom and No tors era htary tleryn lelh So why not stop in to the Bar or bus just died and beoucrthrd rlo Public Library tttm Service is ehnltlre tortune to his only today and well book you out mg or prescription tor come at the meet the boys are taken in by popular medicine to luwnlnugh tleryn conniving boss who eels Ier nousb ron nrur tleppy with the results melted abaatu enlln three bedroom brick bun etow rec room Indtourth room in basement Close to schools not bus on ulei street Poorer sian IlsyI tits monthly telephone mom son FASTACHON CAbbEXAhilNEIt IIIANIADII lnnisttt Scout troop mm innidwthmt OH their sollohslre in eeoutlns iCr IIttnterSriTIi ilowe were ooiedwithtro t0 iissmrhhldmmum rm Irons the titer imlsrirscours receive cor Rance Shanty tiny Accordion due open dunno ed Cathy Jarsowatt Susan MI Schools In neglend nod tintei have lust under no pupils to every teacher IOCIIL AND GENERAL LIONS IO MEET Greg hllrahail owneNnnnoger it the Pnrndise tteallh Spa will be ruest specter It the meeting ot the lJona Club eI Barrtr tuecdey at one Nil It the haystalra lodge LNNISLIIL CENTRE New ntttcors tor the lnntsttt Rrercstlon Cpntro were rlcctcd It the annual meeting In Stroud they are Welter ltlnton chair nien AI Wailtn litrechairmen Darwin Jones Sven Ilnnsrn and Dick hlcllrtne directors Socrctsrytreolurer lhincdn Green renounced Stroud Arena dutlcit ol $1000 AWIDENI LN ANGUS An accident on ttighwey to In Angus rrldny nlsht cilised and woe damage to the vehicle tlruce ltatciiisn till Iinrrte entt woo dnmege to the rchllrie tilittrt by ttttirm Spinlu Ittt New lewoll SEPARATE SCHOOL lthRD the 1m budget will be pre scnlcd Wednesday evening to tho noisierr Simcoe County llomnn Catholic Separato School board the board will also discuss hou lry changes tor transportation St Josephs school and the new htldinrt building thuatecs will give reports about the elliclai opening ol Ecoie Stemix end the custodlens dinner ATHLETE WINS TROPHY Lela htulder 11 an t2astrew Scum nry school rtudeot pieced end In tho Vomrnn refers mile Ind hsti Uplnnd Iterrcrs Iiilt nust eprtng road races In 01 tewn last weekend Lier time was nine minutes two reloads llll DAhlhtlIl Deniago hits been estimated at Itll In twocar collision on Highway too South oi Anne Street yesterdey Ilternoon Driv en Involved were htlchaet hlsr shnLL little current and John Vcenstre hrsrebrtdro the them strn Vehicle received iltltt dam ego white the hlnrshnll vehicle rceeivrd titanium

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