or SE error re to or vot on in lie had on the hit as who oi poll re the eithertto the Morn oooatd In on the only to prevent and lo CWITVI victory at II pp timid 1ch III pertto III Drierr lname by lord tup ItrIi ht moat ya In womcoa turkey and won awarde terrain and the polnla 1n 9532 wny iIrorahie not mind were not renanaadaimna HI pro All Jobnetorl ITITI It Tells Electors June Budget PoSsible ITAle tSlaiii Vot meat aa cabinet mlnlalcr and mode Iucrculul run in on were warned not to be min retired to private huelnonr led by Ilth hour preeloctioo lee uca Dr It Renard TIP in nu latest letter hero Perllalt moot lilll dlIcuIein the cornlna Iederal election There could be June bri born the llaance rolairrcr ebofluroar with cut to lance Ior corpora Ibnoet coo Iatnly and tew umbe thrown Irn here and there or the voter counted the Conncmlire mem ber tor North elnyoe lidlot AWAY COBTLY Duel the Cade will an not that tune rcn imam are Ilwayn Pretty eoetl tolhetaa er ed unip BILLY NO and dopul iieIIyer ha layer the mioieter oi rommlrnl ol pollc The iormer lraneport minirirr prime mtnirrer Paul Ilnrttar nxpcr icoce blr ilrllycr did enter the Trudeau cabinet and Ill ai Ilaned the rIIpooeibllIty oi booe iny III III the number two more In the Invernmcnt but when Mr Trudeau threw hie hounlny In the wnata ballet llr yer weaiorced to retina Irom the Iornrrrmcnl and III II In IDr dependInLIIethco lormeda ltldcel party named Action In Dr Nynard ciao rrierrcd In the picnic lilorena who wan caiiona and ed Irom the cabinet be dliiereneee viii leili loohn on In Adlain llcerr new Red Baxter and Vupre ltceva Ian VeaprIDepu Item Carl Doran Iludy Rpori ln lrnlrrer Photoi clll politics chosen DOB and erected the oor Agricultural nonunionI Conromrition Building Siren heyiiooei Torriingue Dietri mm in were mentioned adduartcrn and deed cot uremia DION mantle comnerml barina mod one Smith and tee oi Utopia the irnmaidiale paal chairman iormcr baa debug rcave and councillor lir hrnl Irca Iemiiy At one time be In the Aorua am Works Program roond ItocI Liberal roe irom lachlne micbcc recently loll the liberal ornate To Improve Trees Item to III II Declarative Another mentioned by Dr llyrl The department oi laoda Ind below are ouny alurdy omn Icrcntr tm vb and war tleorae luilor member tor iaeda who hitter revolt In bio on ridial ward the uperdIna oi tree lllldll IIr andcalL It tbie wee not named Dr oi lncrcucd more and yield Iiyrrerd added Pauline Jewllt leadlny Orlawa uneral Ind eunlillra oi Ita parenta and the previoun member ot Parliament environment In which ll Ml lnlecrt where he won hipbly rated by Over the yaare pcnellc Iclcoce hater Pearnoo walled out and in the fields It aarirullurn and the New Democratic horticulture hna enabled the de gang out my under Iliiill our Ind Trudeeu Ire arty Deep trouble oi hlr on and mention other who are there id my Dleoruain era can Put in Win iWIMIT blade hit WWII WWW dmmtd WI care TI TIIIXII Dry IT Dr reign um you evidence dluallalactlnn riabt North time member went on are cruel and ah otbcra will out or loin the Irom the time Mr Trudeau iorb ile became an disillusioned with tbnrervallvce or nm In iodth galley rrierrod to aa Ice olIIca tour your app the Drillle the urban development policies dcnts Iur coo who bu been member at the Trudeau moment that It lndlraicl very clearly that rovemcnl prop branch ti directed ram tr cone to math quality with Iubeeeuenl beneIlla tree Li Iiiccitd by lhl oi the parrot plua tree veloprneol II In rlor crane and equipped rie and cheer Ih lander mater IL Heldpried in number oi iorlt 13 mm mm Tm about eat dIItrIcIa Ire Involved In the erred In II plIIlI ua pine tree In nelrclod Ior oi arllamantrorabnronllyeua be croued the oor or the Home Ilr Trudeau lam the ability above elerlao rire ior it up ecallcd that Robert Will and Tunnerup to lie Trudeau at the party torwnrh out terma rnayor It lbronto alao could not the caucus or lndecdto wth the no that toiletrth Iaeeitbelrudenu ward the llcloa that are the manta the are hienlitied be mmW Iorarn Iovnrnnreol oltawe and hallmark unheparty herald trIIerulII aiumlnurn plate and with Grant ner now honccary resident the Canadian Shpr recdern Auooiatlen in continu lny to carry on national pro ram tor the breedere blr tireot clairod the ennuel meetlny In February which one held In ebec my lle upma ed zrati cation over the In neared re alrationn recorded In Ill over previoun year In recornltloo oi hII able lench able he wee mlde honorary pre ol the their Industry proeldent Tanker cdby Dr Camille Damned dir ray eolo oi the Iedernl rerearch Ile llnn II lannoavllle and president Quebec council oi animal production III told the Ihrcp men that all brrcdr Ihould be cooaiderod ol real potential on to dent iire itobert inborn oi Don TIEPONTI PRESENTED Elected delegach irom rovin rial unoclatlnoe are we pro parod rcporte on the Ihcop no oen Ior Im II pertllncd to their arm Each report exprcne ed direppolrrlrnrnt with the all time low prlcee In related tor wool and dilapprovnl oi Irderni overnmenla action in cancell wool rubaidy payrnenle an oi Narchil me At the came time In nearly Iv inetlrrce the rcporie Ind cal renewal oi lntcreel in the Ihcep bruineu but herilency op enterhu heonuee oi the Icar ty oI eveliable breedlna Ilorlr and the uncertain proepecie ol Ideeunle relurna The woeiern reportn mentioned aleo the Inadequacica oi Ila ter iacilltlea Iorilamhe The recite dele alee reported the or II Iinilrncn oi cheep and wool commlaalon and the promlee oi Iuielanreiromtbci overnmcot tor eelebltnhmen oi core on plant to be ured Inclu Iive Ior Iiaurhlerlna and pro me lamb ire Arepulco dill IDDTYGTIITY neuterroe ilora welcome oa recently Dalton Iicll returned ville the oillrlal delegate Ior oboe rYlll complimented Ior te eacdllenl meeliny Iacliltlrn which Ibo bad arrantrd ller hueblnd iiobert iaberye wan alto thanked tor the IIIIrleni manner In whicth oiilciaicd II or PIIlliS lly bllib Jo PRATT Mr and hire Bruce Law have returnedirom aiorloun holiday Conaraluletlone to bir and hire Cielr ltnbertnotr who re cently celebrated their tollr wed Tbe Motion will boil the Mli mrellne Iliire leech PrIltI borne It It pm ltr end lira srolly TIonr en grde thrcewcek holiday to cd Deer han borne alter twowrek vlelt with bin nreotr lir Incl 5th march muII eon II Ite brothern and tiourdptn Canada it waebntreaw Ileltcr IWI their iamillcn wa HEAR THIS noNoAvlr rlrrlrrr suns 1IIEAVE DAY Pay IIGULAR Price EorAny One Submarine Sandwich Ind pet the TND Ior NALI Pelee SoSaIoreirete CAPTAIN SUBMARINES ON MONDAY AND IIEAVE Dare North It Ind and arm Dollop ll Joined the Connervali elllrlcarnonendccrtatnolhcr Iul prowth rate good tree rlrno miniolcre to command the term email bra rr ch in metmud leaderehlp convention Phil Diveru the ouIapeIrn Ix orally oi the liberal Iltyrllbd elralpbunlo Once then Siayner Man Honored By Sheep AsSooiation Tom Need It Fairnootoo vicobre lie val Imtll otherw IIIIIMA Mgr Nisan III proved more an ar Iaurer iII eiao cxprenaed the tboulili that Canadian nheep btccdm moat work to other In ever In crouihz III tor the em lion oi proyrnnu bereailc Elected Ziainterlude latter have met the neccerary xvi ovlnclel di ore wore Darlnr Itnymorld It Corn lort sr Annn Boyd Ayra oi NR Ilarnplon Qucbcc ilre Nob ert Labrrye oi Danvllio billi lirrroe Uncoln llonweii oi than lrtlrtownr Manitoba Tull lielrh oi oalr lralre erta Jerk Campbell oi Caroline and Dilleh Columbia Pat Ncld oi till Salmon Arm Hold Over Ianlpned one number They are not It any time but retained to provide acioon Irv mariner were In PHONE Tltil BESTSC ORIGINAL sralrs or JAMBOREE U$A Wheeilna Neal Vireinla GrIrnpa lonrn limo ELLEN biany ilore Tilly il Ti STOCK BROS TOURS TRAVELWAYS In new on voun Will maven AGENT Tiakevaew ITS Dunlap IIIom FAMILY nrwrwo our Nrollre Monday To Thundey FiliET 0F SOLE atuiied with crab meat retro orc with muehroom route 175 Children under II onto complete meal lnriurien Deeeerr ond leverope 04 yPiue harlerilrtion to Iornrnuoity oreaniaaiionn aloe The commune Itye ply to Bare Borden baa been an Important booal to II iieeeaAbanbiciIInotDroin palxnbubeennllmuiallnrylsrig rurrenlcbairmanoltba board ullnraiein handaloranaoena Nerve loom Gucrcin IIld lIarllcrlle Ea nrollhpllcliaio earn mmli Le member oi pioneer Utopia lly band had decided to build Irh Include the lhI Iarl two yearn only and are collected Irom the lope oi tetra where the youth iI moot viaoroun There Icione will be Irnllcd lo nuncry root aloch and the reauilina tree will the exact chIrarIeriatlca In February and liarrb pro it heel qualin ac one are Il oolout Ior lreca ol Iuprrtor parlrncnt tecllltlre Itng nominee ewe Sludan herein to the Iarm Creomore Lions Elecl Oiiicors cnmrone Sieiii Mn llarper will armed puhiiabcr Itca leelbroobe an procidrnt oi Crcrmore llonn hit on hair In mullet the circliora oi oilicern tor the new term Vlcopreahicnlawlllba Cecil Stampilm Neetyomcryandilrn ONeil with John Ney aecrctary and Front iclinirbt troaeurcr hruce lilcltchnlI Ind Bill Gor don will be the talllllatcre and Milton IlrcArthur and bronze Ilcmnley Lion lamere Director tor the new term In rhnde Par Prime and Ralph Stub hlnu tor one year and biartire Bayer and had Weir Ior lwo yearn The installation will be held in June and new oliim etllolally Ilia over In July The Orcemoro chrb war torm cd tour ycarr are with John Ney the charter prealdcnl news onnrnrs IYlCIIlTA lino IAI Toohumid Lina Starr Iod her Iialer Deborlh It were called to my duLv last week IcahnSedawch County dIIlrIrt llwaa but one oi those computer Iooia leelacd llownrd Kline Idmrrletra tire lodge Shown Nlphlly at pm pm 3rd Weeir NEW YORK FILM ERITth TRIPLE AWARD WINNER REENPLAY BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS BURSTYN BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR new JOHNSON WWIMIHW NOW PLAYING TILL MONDAY Richard 399m NOW PLAYING TILL MONDAY your Hers Iotberdlelmdoilniie urdad their ed II hereon aim tear oi orred to leave the lame OTIIIrIdmt wrote III told at the III roolamce that IILV eialetboraonlbaiermte wwld couture to ham Dosprle the many atnlrmcnia about lerrn arudeote rr lame termed iar lhaotbeothnliany Another Itedcoi wrote bar lch II ensure mo norne pee III bad coma to learn elllclent hm manucmonl because bio many otbcrn In thin group he Irerod not bola able to adept to new technology hind lcaa cctain oi their hr turer the Iludrnta relay to Irrv tea or indrutry rnrrcra uproar ed wider rarI oi mollrrs About hell would il bred to become Iarmcrr but Irll that alone they IacIId ca tal tann irry wan not prnrtico In re lech lob lo the ayrlrollure indiu lry war the neat but thine law Iludrnle considered the di ploma no more than ticket to rbrr per titer in the rIculturII ilcld war not II ly Ior employ meal thou wcrbcd on anaemny line or no what they considered diploma would open up better lie in which money In lose the portanl than lob Ialiaiarilno GLOOMY ATTITUDE outdoor Iork war number at aludrnte here lied eona moreoleooua lobe To them the ealrnea Ind The Coohlna Irnciieu iroln Inrrrte lacrrrrd Iar rore than the otbcra ltnny rirnlI Irom iarma were mietlc about aapendlna term or but tum Thin Iter one the erosion that Ihouxb the expert lhlea hi to beautiful down oa the lam there In bellel that the datarmlnlna Indore are pro Iranian and lntclli rot mentor meat The atrerna to at luntv in anabolic ncnee to thath cour Indoor tab In Irreoaland One lino leil with Ibo NIP prrulcn lhal more Wt than any rollr diploma II the abona iodI momenta Ipproech Iound In oI the more New bone II this will be in the me loin eIrn ahead rcrnnloa mien Ion marl rIIIIIIII SALMDNENDS SPECIAL SALE $149 if Iiilyendcone Ihelbirdrrwpconrirtineoll Dorrie Saoioode eludrnte horn urban Irene bed come to college with dream oi operatinl their own lame Too Tire hilarioua comedy about Hillillllitliiiiiitiiiiiiti monomer ereeaoa NITROMLMNW relIII 301W All SEATS 50c MTVNDAY Mb ML IUNDAY Nil NOW PLAYING TILL MONDAY