Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1972, p. 4

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ll no limits An county centre Ior iii In beehadacloeebtereatlncounty Ire Ither tier level oi adminietrallon wIl be re lalned in the count Ior ear to come The ch oi Barrieym yltI clone into with the county undoubtedly will be world in close cooperation than ever be the area tier ot yorernment In the DOWN MEMORY LIINE Iii vanes Ado IN CITY Barrie Moor April it lithium Orehean eleded prudent lnduurial Soil ioame with ueeettre oi Terry iden Mmwmm comm olhtiehed$odtialand an niodbyhiayor eer Gerry Teen proportion Salvation Army Women or dietetic held DIrItIIoriiIettImeDrend idol liter on on nnrrngy no Ior ereiiticmedioai min Vent Mame Med Iedion Barrie territory ardr moronic hire Joe Moore Preaident Wtdhrn anneIo IIoId Martial AWE In OInbI Dioeeoen bon Needbana gill rnon Slurpon won trophy tor Ooita event Dr ehtlnp Oluh donated nor to werrdI Barrie Collepiele Banda trip to Sandie Worlde Fair hire Loo bio Oenn elected presidert Cadtolic Womenr 0min rnrrons vrrws WHY TIOPLI DONT no St hiberiooa standard Iiororeto Symphony Ornireetre ttpured Melatotpeoole never retina concert heoauu they not attend It So It rotte duied tree rtormance It IIIIIey Nail end rent Iiekote In biotro Toronto chalrmnn Albert Compboli ior diIirtbu to the ebdotly the handicapped and on welfare Cameth night at the oonoert and bolt the min were empty Th mow mm comma gay rloi prove It on oedema new eerie on why lot oi people dont no to concerto new LAW ENFORCEMINT Grit Evening Reporter Iuetieehtinieterotto Lon callediora more Neurone eniorccme oi the low when he rpolre to graduetor oi the On tario Ber adrrrteeioo couree In convoca tion Ipeedh recently He arid the balance between freedom and Iuthorliy muet be reetorcd etiodlve lwr untorcemeot Suoin re ying order are expected oi urticeminieter and the have particu Irly Invigorating eon when general eieotion II to tho ottin The prime rate In Darrede hIe doubled the Net decade blynlttcently crimen oi violence hava Ire creuedaa be low in general Ind III on Iorcemeot otiicere have been treated with dimireehtrtg remove Suede miemorvta II III Len do not any to In In many worde but ey Iy that the police are not oniorolnp the n1 yiyorourly no they Iiaould Thin oi oourre Ie not no In Iny community the low In entoreed to the extent that that community river ita taoit approoal And he more true generally In nation JUST BAD JOKE St OItiiIrIneI Standard TDPOIY that the Maui overn Iraa thoughte oi loin Into the theatre buotncan in er in rind or ice Conedian iIImI rounde like ole ts turn at lornmone wee told tote week that thin What the Danadtan Film De Iapeporntion yovernnrent ooneidean preetdent Ind lantern Ioiptetaot Comm recent Willemlilie toria Ior iurnlehiny room AllandIie railway Itation oil TO nImId Barrie Canadian Nm baaiie Corral oi rrte North won public Ipealdn conical nt nd Toronto eieeia coedIId Punotr lantern beat Chicago Hndetowinstanieytbnptlroraeot Intentry otticcre Irom Damien vInI ted diet Rodar Squadron station Edger tor brldinp on oondnebtal air do tencelthDtheiDrnntIiontueI Idolmrk lnan born on ole mer ratIon near Drantiord IddrIaeed Cant leegwloii Dan1e oiiln In metere omelet ersbopraottrlnpiorpro atNmr Collegiate direoted Athineolt Drown in publicity worm John Koran Norm Marvell Iloliy liaeiean Bill Ryclrmen Gl Itrer Irew Barrie roinnteer ttdetenr bury iton Irwin extreme caution to MW Cocburn BSA returned to node to Join law then at livingeton dr Myers lie war Ihlrdtn oInIaIIOIyoodellall and wonmlieohew Wilson noirolarrhlp To date the Canadian Film Develop merit Corporutionn leak hII been to pro vtde Ilmncinl he to Denedlan lecture Ilim ere one It eeerna that title Initi venture har given the corporation IMMNDHM mt erl mo once ecorn aeration let up item drain ot morie eotree where the government Wm5 ed Iiiana could be drown PIIFIIINCI enter it Irom Biatteiira Canada reini lnr Itr ebnter turtle provide an In tereeltna breakdown oi tianodtnn hovel preterencca mm pereoru who tell Canada durlny the around nuvrter oi the we do tower than IDlId vilited Eu mainly Brit In 13842 vlaitod Darth In and Me can poireta wirila mainland United Staten Inward only 11110 iurtlrer 702 troveliinp to limit During the name period 214 charter paeeerr ere arrived Dnnada on Iliplete Irom ore courrtrtoo the maiorlty nl them 313 being Irom Drttatn All title no lot about the travel Ira bIta oi lane lane and Beltane lanadtana it to clear Ire on the move rerun the Atlantic in greater numbere then lilt ione coming here For tome roIIon mbe beoanre oi the breakdown or law order In merry ctlloa the 08 at traoia lower yieitorr 0r It could be ila very proximity and the preteronce oi mIny enple tor the historic European scene on main muoh oi the movement across the Atlantic to Brilain Ind Darope In by immimrde on trth home CHICKINI AND little Osirnwa Timon chickena lay egpn nothinp unueuai about that lot how about the etdclren that laid double ey one Incite the other or diecovered eolher tin by on Perry woman In nhe mode an app naladl Men the Inon oIrI Ion chicken It leela Po try Perm on where the on war porohaeed will never recetvelhe appiaure It deeervee Iiilro hnowr maybe therea chlclrcn Inside the chickeni Io hruenre the vote QUEENS earn Committees pH Slips Bit an Incorrect or old member at AIM Ill oi 5m mode In any gt lldilud It PIER BUCKET WAeIlthITON IGI Ed Elwood liuIIIII TD 3an no on em poor roar oraaninatlorr and moot iro pertant It all votee The router horn ltalne wbo dropi ord oi active carnpalan in urndny blamed new In Ibortaae oi money Ior bII decialon leg hla own Itelta Icemlotiny Ila Id collected crrore then our rrllllion In cam nlyn hrrvda but heilede taWo Ilandwenl neveral undred thnrraand ooh lar Into debt wI motion notice dent In to be Itubborn nubile indttieo eoce Nor did it it Nuable much tobave recer thehuIIn an array ot rIooprlred polIt al iradera Nineteen aanatore atulence aloe lovarnora many oi the Dernocrntle yn Ienlor Ileurea era Irn lr bleaainp without be other candidatea Iverahadrw liuIIIe on lrey II Iuer Der lleore Weliace oi AlIbarna won an buelny voter denoter Deoraa McDovmr cap tured the Intiwer voter and bull men cepltaltred on wide Ipread voter oIIlIIrlIion with Theiurbirauurr It leyiietd Street Dorrie Dnterio Telephone meter Second Clear lIIIi liedrtratioo Number om More peetaye nuenleed Dilly duadayeand Iltnlrrtorylloltdaya excreted lubrcrl loo rIlen dIIIy by carrier woolly tiled run elpala copier Ito Dr mall Irtte tilde yearlr lmeoe Wineld year balance oi ten elem yearlyr All other rounlnen dildo year Motor throw all um vearin Nellorrei Ildvertlerna ottlceer as Queen at Went Toronto mblilbl ttd Celhcart Sir lion ca Member ol the Croatian Trace and Audit Bureau oi circule one The Canadian Pull in eIeIue Iv entitled to the rue tor re pub entloo oi ell nawn dinItch ea to title The Aeroc ed Prone or lleuler and alao the local area publirh erl lbercla The Barrie Examiner clairne Copyriahl In all orielnol adrerlt tinny and editorial materiel ere by Ita ampleyeen Induce pr need In tbir newspaper Cop hi Neatntrniioo Nuro bcr III rcytntar Ii eniootcd It proved Wormwood my mornbern aided POITTIDNI NANOID Then however when It came down to whether or not the corre aniline aboreld nah other protee Irnrirenrnnornnnrrrs entebliabmanti lcndcre DIDNT Ml AUIIDNT Former vice Ialdent llreeet Ilrzn butt on Iliectlve are orientation with help oi or Inlud labor or party oilicia Ind minori tlcewblle hlctlorerna cam paun learn an etellrd by your people and auburbenltee hiueLiI on the other hand re lied on ertebiiIhed Itate politi ciann who tailed to rally rup porl in addition hie prrrooai campalan Ilell wureporred to have been Ircouently at odda ovar lioiee Ind Itrale III Ind uehie emit bot the or Intention to ether Iorqu loretnhia cam polleler nod pal one that II IIlIl not nearly explaineddwu the dia Ippearaoce oi hie nubile anp Dori binIlee early leaderehip in the Dernocretle rece war not II come commentator now hint an Invention oi the media or or liuaklee IiIiI It had been amply ronllrmed lo publlcopln ion polla over period oi moniha and Iiiualir had won uveral trial electiona over CiiNiiDiiS STORY Clio II III polite Independence In any all Jump In leairtature or III II probably Impose ImIena po noncontrovereial InelieTI So Iona In there are holee to he picked or adrentayea to be lined the Imoliona oi petition imoat certainly bound to come throuab MuskifSOer Proved Rd is SboondChoioe Pruideol Nixon conducted by polllna nraaalaatlooe When the campnlaolny be an in earneat however line ry ll Ippercnr lore ol atnlure ataxia errtlonal attack on we aran re newrpaper pu Ilaiter ta oilen blamed tor Ieb tin the procena In oration more IIInlichnce wae probably hII baaic dcdialon to apre Iiirnaali mean all oi the primarch In purrinhlny Iched ule wbllI hie opponenta Iaiected their beat proapecla and altered the tank It hnoclrina tInIIea lead apart The Iluehin ttraleay had been to weep up the nornlnntlen early date he had In mind war April It by wiricit Iteii believed the ilion deadline Muelleh only raved that be wan nearly every mocrate Iecorvd choice lindeiepaiealet the porty we err on cenno Irreo on care rildIle the arcondcilolee IIan could bcoome yrncrpliy Iltrae live In the mcnnllme llunlle irII mated to the Iidellncr to none Till wound and try to rot tore bla Ileturr limerican Colonies Break With Britain by Iron nowruur There waantcomplele enthu elenm tn the American coloaler to me to brealrlnpaway lrom ltrllaln eorye IIhln onI oIlIoIrn were ItIiI rrlrlny rdyitlly route to the Irina alter Ithtlny beaarr The Iupaorlern independence did not am maiorlly ol the Continental Con yreee until me The early iiehtin wee really In alien to ram main to do away with taxation without rep retenteliorr Ind other lliot treated array or the Amerlcao coloalu To Uislemlhllbevtom teeth It there had been better diplomacy end rurnrmrolcellon The continental Cohyrena mlaht lice have obtained the rt oI Canadaartd Nova in it in bilc rclatinna had been better Conyrou acted to Ilenlamin Franlrlln 1nd marten Irri John Caroll two eminent Ilornnn Calhollcn were rent to Montreal on April to Ind Their purpoee wan to try to Myhace CInIdlIna that titer me Inc II or larder ltrillah rule ltowever church leadcra In Quebec were euonaty oppoaed to any deal inn with the Americana and dieprllned ltnntroIl prienl who allowed John Carroll to rob ebrate mane he hie church Iiionlreal had already been captured by the Americana and or had been under IIea anirlln deieaatlon arrived FrInhlIn brourlel aged our ply ol Continental larI epread around but many le colored to necopt them wee how the oxprcaaion not worth conilnenta damn rri Mllul Aliil Tl EVEN lltlJtrat cPll Ileamrhlp irom Orient arrived at Vancou ver and mail wan ruched to New Yorkinthdayn liloTrunk Alter wan cov ered by Ivalenche Number oi mole lrllled wee eatlmnlcd II rearPran Mlnialer itecrrrll inn ol Britain arrived in curve or take with Prime IIIIIIIer Dleienbaher tine topic wee Eu ropeen Donurroo IIIlet PAT Mill MADRID tAII Unehlled Speniah workera etllnl romrnr rnlee non nun Whalth no N1 raven muting three or which reeult which E5 ii at Eefego wire Itrerr med the bulk the Ielevnnt ILcoIiita cal partlea beaed on they here the pollclen bI oI lIet velue lure Igorth lion hir tea conteodr PM DANOIN lie beilevea the pubiirhiny been reported awaltlnatbe lel cot ruulta Irom both lypea oi golla prierio rcchlny that eclalen on an election date But there In people in Far liament who rexud polio or II tout the publication oi poll re aqu II rioua mlalehe new oral or oi Parliament have Ipooeored private hiila which worrld male II ilieyal to Exhibit the revolt or poll oi km Weirent Irnpceaeioo on or one omureltllaltoberloealee maidlyehetmaneieo hrer out tnbttrlum on it Mfth opprornl Ior bia bill NI it Mr Ooetll in correct that In oduced hie bill bIcIuae oI whet happened In the loot up he menu rIeuIla ovincial deeded to due Influence II ieit the polIawere uaIdIe rumour no more uu we or in can We ioArnoldDatarnJhINew 22Callbre IIIilo rnocral Ironr NonIu Deadiy Weapon tarto to another NP peace the prrbllcatioa WINNIPEG CPI The JI calibre rifle to the deadllaal oi or Ontario election indicated all weeporra ra report pared by two blaniiobe aty Ilnlrry olilccrr New Democrete were poelilon to term menl or were Mill ernble pain in poleIity ot total It accidenla with them durlna tellincluth 15 Wrelcembulb urrtrrrwr woo ewli totaleecbanceonbnv accidenin were InlaL Inme anmcmrnent Paul Hale and Al Cent ll tarto to theyhuket nay In their report that tern party drone emu he the rule lecede con bJI Irom berpenina templandthleleodalocerrlcu Will In we the oenr Ilvee their ooeeided tilth remalnlnylbaecldenta li poiia are elleetive centre rinu accounted tor tirvareeilotivehmrlmliu II TI were ialal claw mm with the orderly pran ioriour one oi which we laiai mm W119 Two mldanta were attributed cralicelly Iellln the to plnloia and two to undeler Miwltitldi lite mined rm or rlmm political party Till BIBLE horrch mm leaa aanwered aid QWISINTTMLNIEPEI new no to him Vellr write ur athlete or be year unto tbExcoptamanheban Dollele Womene Alhle aanln he cannot III the hlaa clarion tor the Ieeeod door It led John Ire lilo picked up my my my player awarde our eternal roll to battle with vanity rattlell llnhlnmcburchuanubatl Volley elL She rite on to really lruetlna Icaua an in table teach and your saviour leIuI raid on iha award ior lililllillI rent ye repent yaahall Illequ arenlcnl number oi periah womcnn Iiilielle email mlliidlltl would create lT outrun IN control WM WWWLIE IMAM MW WIMPlimit Ill0N0 CANADIANI NAVI BIIN KILLIDINMOIOIT CAN ANION For WNW exposure to er acrrvrrreem IuInIry rote Ilwwewoornrt meeltutwblld Sareecutter Ieaoee awe infimeIWey were relic remedier While people would they

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