nyurrtcrnnrn lwntneeeteitlteperter ecectue pient on the httrun duh Cecile Firerr twoeet my by the trill Pleyerr come to bloom but once it did it non to tertier trultr The mode trhreed on title white lie becheier doctor hen concocted eo ihet hlr will drink he in united three dilidren When be de he wntrtc aurghher to en un witin were new Ihd ioyrl nurtecrn help an the coming nrlnrtpe involving the doctorr pinyhey trieod lien trey WIIVIIIL the tri trtend et her ed Stephenie Dickineoo enter reruit in inntmeving lnuphienuned two hetero Owhoowl Al $er eeenud to end tome thrt niow ti thierenrd the tithtlnrln iretrcenewrr Velcrie Dych end On vld urke wheplryed the Toni Simmettr Ind Iror liven ttere in ehedowr tor the entire eeene whether thit wrn done purporer niece the time wee rue ed to be em in There pdrtlneot or mielrke en the rt oi the it tine team to not out it but 16ml who return or mentor hi Oi nriittdnr note ere the rein vertnnovrlieor nnd minor edIurtmeoln the eompeny her to it tllnil wo purporee on Icconde in oil view oi the end ience the lingo crew wee thin to trnntterm hriuht eetl peych edelic rrtmcnl to white end rntlt cdcntiete eitice or the Viiinge LP the rhop where Toni works the eel chnnrcr ed to the piny end did not deirrct irony Ilrnorphere ereerd hy on the other rcenrr Donnie Rodner won more then ttocllvr in her role It Stephe Into Dirkinretr ciiltlent nurte who turned irem prickly actor in the worm entitle iiewcr She erred tor the doctor like etiie hut went home to her mother end her hlG It the end oi erch or art noncrr ttrr iiedlee made the trend llen trom the women who mode the doetorl chicken end eu tnled rendwichee betilht hlr thirtr end kept hlr petionte one time to the try modern who epent the night drnctng drinke Int rnd wrtchirg the run tin or the bench meklng her In our ieie tor work the next rnero Iier diction wet excellent end little promptinI wen needed den pile her heevy role Odell Reid who pin od luiirn Winrton tire to erect eel pnrtn er ier fin iiedter They merh ed per ectly in Iii reportr itir exprenrionr were pertecl etepc nty when he ilrrt new hlr nurte win mink he hed hourhl or Ton toe wee well ruit ti tor the bent role he ptnyed icon at the more dinnpoointl oertormnncer wu thrt et erle by who piryod Toni Sim mom liner eeetned toned end her Ireneion rnrehr thread iiewever the releer eietivety her red it wet only Ito mend the her ever plryed with liner toettr enter tutu tier eppentroce fowever re Littls Scorein Cctctus Flower Copter rice Against quie The Bnrrte rniznni theilee her tepion inner new In precnu monotone le pereiyrte develope mnlmrleeeeetllintolurndnnirnnlduurtiy eereereeetnhtd wrrdt etched ciotely ier Implant Ih told The Intel In cpl or ltdrye hire Tell reid Ill eninenin eheemticn ier rebtu ii liter it dry they ehnw no rtrnr oi the dreeese Ihey Ire returned to their owner or put up ier ed option ON IMKOUT Were eiweyt en the lookout ior In rntrnel who it not hehee lng properly the eeid in ML Idem were otrtrnntined hy the Onterie lite more Soder Shelter in Ontv erle There lumen included to deer lil eetreerrn thunhe nix more end reloallre ecu rnimelr Tittyrevere were iotrnd rrhid Atedrding in the Onterie lite rnrne Soeirty neertettrr the too mm it ier her dried the lederli lor In Annu trimls ernntent end munitiprlitter eueie ml 11 Barrie where the wtiely in the Anti Murat Ihrilerl provide Ioirnnl wriirre Peri hither Ir ethic no rrvlcu theyer lot rre In no or ed to mum my nocn with rnethrr clinic rehed pectn properly Thn newrietler nine mu out the etrii In not it it pro treined er eentpennrird tor the Wither informer rboot the rlrke mum In eertng tor no title out or ohtrlned by all on nun lot the deputrnent oi may mm mmmdd lure other It Will thrt the iederni gevernrnrnt in II Mi WSW rolled Thertre red It the tirnltohe treduce ieginintion mrhtng rehlee bid the Theeite Centre IMMUNE mnndIiery for re Mi evicth noseble hir Weinh tr rurrenily rn ne limit WW dim rinlrni protester wilth hork no lmkmmmnnm ttligih NM mm mm ma be ceestntetrd where rehler rue HY eiirt rhould he made to to in eddrtion to overoeeine the WWW cnptuet the Interni end in rrtirtie protrrm oi the Otillie Wynn It it rhouid nothe titled on Plryhoure hlr Weitir will direct illrnbeolulely nece in the inmout melodrrmn The Pu mm any at IiiIa until honoree Dntnhlti which hy er QUITdd det Mm eountn netnelwcdrrd to he the rheolde eereiui not to eh rurreneiut plny ever been EmuT TRAIN It in the bend line the hr Sorter They here Inked thrt perenn eiweyr to cumming utreouiredtoenreteerehlee The other production in the mm three pint Witt Will mm the Iympiolm ot the WNWMWWSW BIINM They here with Inked int StillW ld mm that it ouetrntlne rtrtlerre ern TORONTO tcei Vineieenie PM MST mi not he provided thrt the iederei to retell eerton egge ever 5mm by Wm Ti wrrnneent mete neon eeril weighted prker quoted by Id twirl Commit WIN th ie in riiow the proper overre elee to mm II who tine teetiitlee to he nun end to end recreelienelrrenn inrt turn 10 menu dummy mer will he netted prrt oi on elm the rm Orrliir Plottietm Pre little in one oi the Ilerdeel Setterr Cundinn mm mm dinette to rece ire pern mirelnn teederehle err buy phlet distributed the Onterie ing to teen I1 buying no my Dr rrtment rt Arricuiture der er eelilng PRODUCE BLOWER cri t1 the long mu Wu mint or move Inge to Le nermeiiy romten rrrdtn mum 11 mm do or net they become ehy IIhwetIng pinnln tie in cloth pincer rrtent riled lien end men when bothered rolre beenmer honrre end enpetite becomet dIthInIltd or perverted it will eet elickr times or ruhher hecomer very nervous end erritehie INrIII thin eirge the dot they trevei reverei miter treltlnr eioerg with it herd end iril down drooling relive red biting ri enythlng er evrrythlng it meet etrtvrs or tenderer wrttoctt Employers MURLINE MALLETTB LEFT AND MAIOA ALIANESE POUR DRINKS Shit Otillict Theatre Names Director Rrridenir or title will held wettrthen lley it to nine trllhnownc enter Normrn Wrinh been no Itlltdl to vein the ammo nutnity hnii perk nted rrtlntic director at The tin iiethteturlulnnupure More or the well on ex urtorced the ot keehy Bin who world here been tilting pecle to he mm II pub sevenweek Itle thin run enlergirihe nverheelntniove the other two thirdr mlee Let be tiol led with the den other not wearing ed to extremely iunrry thew well not inrm Bird In Entirod hlr Welsh In on honor greduete ol the Royri Welkon wilibe itennrpute httdemy uI Drnmrtic Art Ne mrp noon ropeored with the Old Vic Cone Committeer ei reridcntt ere PW Iii itll it it wetkin out the deieiin Ind on closed ttrudiur to St Michrt role it Better Arturo Smittl BillINS BOWLING couregdre the 500 eurttm Redgrave iinmtri in his the South Amertren pieyboy rm llednerdey Alltrleon indict in the ublic rcttoel to nriici trve England he repented rt the harem who meinteieed hteeo itirh Steele ttoo III rrrr pole otynebeurne teeltrtl The Edin eeot end hlr decorum toilette Itcidi ilreuner tee Ann Flynn one corrumtntiy boil pert buth lutlvrl ml wet leedinl iy throughout the mongering irln lg ellsllilwgihdia title song mmmnmdnmrtut eon ere emer re on ere ope Theo trenr Ade Cicero tit lite Eveicirh thnt Ittliicieniriunds they be Theatre in Ginegew um Wu my Yttqu yr ill iiene rrlredtohrineithnrktopriene commhmldlmm by Mm Yeunr lteen Webb no condition WM Wormdhmmum no it to It etirretee 61 with the Siretiord Fniivei wu 11 mm nnntn Inert men member at the inruturei Nep Heidi Kreuxer rot Other cert membert Inriuded RICHMOND VI hilt The tune Thcnlre tomnnny toured Vttnnie wurloroo who portrayed pnrent Phliodciphie iiyetr at with the Canadian Pleyere er ehpergot rkdmnueoehiioenut gywuhxw the Ngliiegdiiecicly Ilrue harmed rt ihhdutittrlndnellfg we ettg In inwnt deii neurontee or in thedoeter up tortominutee miewididdywcdleum RI Ntlilledyuheldcenchel SttowrenteCenlteJiehreover hientlen ehouid nine to to NEHI Cecee hello SA FM Omrliwm km fudlihgmgmag rrm cent me ohrrtL ocrrnce on rn MM Mmm mum For ecverrl yerrt Burn wet end her no rred in eoverni coeriroliterntllon itcdtliinrrot than ian Inn Goodbye hit the Onterie iiockey Aeneclrtion thine the Seaway eerer end unler roller two Netiunni Film Bertd Seriee He he directed It the Dundee Repertory Theetre The Neptune to hurt enyene Devld Burke wet nelurni tor the ot leer hulllven the unp ilnhed writer Aim hlr we retrtively he endied It weIL tieniion rhotdd nine to lo IIIurIce Willecl who plryed the worth eeeing LIlIO community BOWLING nonuno return et reticuiture at Contretuiniionr to the Ortrpy trltterr winner oi the Screed Seheduie itirh hrererr ter the Screen Blitin Tlilin Sit iette Lindn Peterron end Lnurl ltheugh their reien were rmIii they ndded immer rurehiy to the laughter et the Perher the uteri dlteppetnt Ing Irpcct oi the whole evening wet the trek oi nudience Cent ilrherrncn in enrlent Areyrie trel Ouiietlrtlr Iudilotiunl we used Innntcd gontnhlnr been only rheut third ML The pro tireddling them in the utter usne contents Warming Trend To Continue High GI 65 Expected Sunday The worming trend will run tinue over the weekend in tier rie end dletrict with tempcrn turet touching oil to to to Sun Skier wiliheeunny Synopelr Dry dry norm Onterie tern rnturcr here rLren riowa en run modiiice whet once wrr cold erctic rir Todny end titutde rhotrld tee thin trend centtnu with meni nlunu in the the Toronto Sunny tedny end Sundry itirh tedny rec Sundry to to re cooler our the trite there how tonlnht SS in to Viindtnr into St Clnirt Bernie Sunny with cIeudy yerlndr iniey Si Thomrr end Sundry liiehr tour end tendon Suede nreund eh law errxitt Kitchener trout in liouot Ferret tendon iirmllton Sudhury tiinghnm North Bey Like Title lnke Owen Sound iiurun Nlngrre Lrlte Ontrtlo llueitok Hnilhurlon tieorttlnn Bey Iii linmilterl enrrt Sitnnylddlylntisundly St Cnlnnrlnce ilehr tedny ntound to 1an to Toronto night to to to Night Sundry Trenton to do Kingrlon Temngnmi White River Peterhcreuth chrene SURRYIOtIIy Ind Rilleioe Stutdry iiirhr tedny to to North Bey inowr tonight to lltgh Sun Sudhury dry rreund to Sutton Weeiern irrnet III Sunny Timmlnr with reme cloud perietir tedny Rnpurituin Ind Sundry llrhr tedny rnd More or no Brodey it to to except cooler Cheoleru rnimti rtenere it unnbie to get up end eventually be come tctrily grained Derth tollewr uncenrc eternerr or vie lent convulsion nhoul tour to rerun dry nlter the ryrnplomr iiret prrr Dunn Rehlre period oi trell rhiiity very there or ehtent end otten gee unnoticed pnretyrir tunniiy etant lit the lhrort to thrt the enimri to unnhte to bite or rweiierv end relive drool item in putty open mouth nenrtrmcr end llutiren Buy tow tunirht tn the on Ottrwn Todey nod Sundr rice with cloudy periods tttgd ledey so to or low tonlpht near to iiigh Sundry St to lionlreoi Todry end Sundry cicer with cloudy ncrlode iilr tedny St inert tenirht nerr tt itlrlt Sundry or to en TORONTO it Torecrrt lempcrnlurer lilgie Inw iiigh Tedny Tenithl Sun no dd SI dd SS 30 SO SO Mimi ISI DUNLOI ST I91 BURTON AVE OPEN 365 DAYS YEAR DAYS WEEK 900 AM to too PM Windror Plilii MARCHING CORPS IOil BilRIiII This trio oi Bertie rcrltieeie iinytl Brilwiilend hrLt hlet celved hut Ire netting lo rti to in the octet oi iorming lock look over tormttiun din MO In erudite ienei meet rorne cried Lee Portegct pronto They here not not log looe Exhither Photo iROht LEFT lieh iioepcr dnle ier nppiicetioun to he re sazzsssssashssszss 88388888388288883232388 DENNIS TASCONA on no BARRISTER SOLICITOR TRADEMARK AOENT MEMBER OF THE ONTARIOAND BRITISH COLUMBIA BARS wither to rnnounee the releeelien et irie low prnetiteter 9l BAYEIEIDTST BARRIB ONTARIO widennee umber heejtoeen SItlltIItIKIOi Violette WW Weather tetrcoti brought to you daily by MIGIIIIIIIX OTIIL BILTIO RADIAL TIMI tor rtrnor Chenpe up to Newt PAIIIIIAND TIRE SMuieetler et 7mm lee