In reg EgoE in EJig 53 23 32 no Eggzei 32 if nymmocrmn rune no ollobeI rumnwomlumur 33 Iooioni chllid iolhmuilder lhulldlniipoulildo moleslmman I90 W17 Delinill inli ilInderhIdIormdlonibI hidIynllllbIllicmWhlio Wm Sol could bI ihollhoio on ll oodinxnuldm My DI lhroo no on inunuhlie hod to Willie whaIIoorIr wiih illo ho ollorlnn Iorved up by lour cu cIln hurleiI hIminellnr oul lo hilI ior romp MBIndNormCuh eorhdmroiniouroiiboluno ii In DclrolirolIlnod in marine American loom Elli lend over Boillmero Oriel by InIp rilnllho WbllI Solo uvrnnmo Irinnlnl IireII Billiner Iho llId hi elm Co lornlI leIruo ninoo Ml Ma none Mll beIl NowYnIlr Yllihl ll limo lily NoyIiI blanked Clelclnnd iodlm Io OIIlInd AiillriloI deioIlod NllquIeI Broom on Tom lime wllnlod union lied Soil lilill rum mile linrmcrmnn Ilmoei exelu Iircly rollover beiorI llliI IcI Ion VIII horlnr in denim lnlo lolirih IlIricr ior lho lirerI bul Ihowlnu In IDrllll worn in him heIdeli lor lllohullpc once in Once lilo nineI Iinrioli count inr liowolrr he on dilleronl mil in llLI lul ouilnr lie oiicllod Ievrn lnninro oi iwollli E3 7E5 in 53 25s EE ES or E5 Egg 25 E8 5E5 253 Eng En greg TwoRun Single Gives Expos Win EAN FRANCISOO AP liar FIIIeyI home do lilhiwowllnlnuinih oats tInd curled on In II Item Emma ilIniI mm null ior lion nominal melanin blilomiroiieldllnlbohuee lulled Ioorlnt lion Bailey Ind bllII iormun lho bli loilond ringieo by Joe Ind Ind Wm miniome bimlrcIi inionuilo Iinibool oniieninlrlyl limit reevcr lion iiryInlI bIlk it loiueoui Ind lrn FoilI lwooul runocurin iaklne bed In hill union but in inmcnulu M1 but him up ibwril Ind he ioIi lo in the oriqu liliI tin he Iron more eliocllro ilrnlilnr lilo While box In one hii ibrloulli lho ilni men cuhdrlvlhlloorruuinn Ime no In unquIi lleo Iiouor iloi ior lho liIhihli llwII Idillereni Ilory ii if in managing IrnI er In IIONM lime be VIII in Ibo lini be bid bii worun mer hilllmen mulled line An roir wilh 16th IilIcuclli nl iilrln corrlinl in Ioronrun illiill lo hlli lootulna or um Jobnronbod three llllI Ind ihroo runo bIllcd in Ind iloe Powell Brook ilnillnron PI Bllif Ind Mort Delmcr drove in in Inleco DARWIN limo AGAIN noon lirrwirl lilo royelreld um root outelder wu ooco IIIlI lbe Twins lo IiIro minrillolliihhomeroliheycrr oillil run on below Cesar iorIr cIo iheir ioorrun recoil lnrmulih loom No remind me oi Wililo him when he llni am up blinneeeln thIrer Bill iruey IIld oi Dllllll who bounced Iroulld lilo minor midlo cro pllrhcr ior cl hi run he lore rwlichlnr io oouilleid in mo lodlunilollme IIES DIIiIrlre doernl mom illin II long or liloy incl Io our oi polll ruin Ihruorcd homo runI horn run BliSEBiiLi rrcor iiy hill AWARD rnreo AmerirII bum ilIIl Gill Doiiull 661 iluliinlore Cleveilnli Boslori Non York Nilwmilee ii Ei ii lilnnelolr Onlinnd Gilcm Term Knoll clly LIiliornlI llnIllI lrldu is gsgg 1E Nirmeroin New York llnlliillorollcnlllornlll Delivii ll Lillmo Dollnnd illimleei NInIII Cily involInd ioxn Beelonl ProthlI norm My iiinneooiI mm Ii New York Woman on culliornlo lilmerrrnlih 1n Ii BIlllrrlero Curlinr on Clllcolo led Ii Delroli llAilell hi OIklIrid illurllor Oil oil bill uruioolioclruood on CiovelInd lWllcoI lrIi Il Nuuuuiy lilooirornery no noolon mm Ii Your Goroleerill or lllrnel IuIdIll CloveiInd Ii KIruII Cily linrlon Ii liken Ii Dolroli New York Monircli Pliilldeipillu lilbbuiih Si no aloud ilouIloil Loo Aurcirr AiiInlI III Prulclrco incinrlnil All iii son Dieln 301 Ill liorlik lridnr UillcIro lo incline ll AliInlI Plilohuuh 5i loulI onion PhllIdoiphlI Ion Dlexo New York loo Annlei Montreal III hIntiIco Pnlilliio Pilehoro iodIy Incinnnli iiicGloihiln Ml Il allure iPIorII lli GLASSES SAME DAY II Illxio viIIII IIiy NIDE WOW OF MIAMI AIMNAILI PM Will COUNTING IZNVWE IARiiIE orricll Willi Egg no WWm nnonrow RD BRIE lilelle rill7901 lnnhm cnierlnn iilI limb QIiI Spcluo lillrd dou ih 31m In GIrry iioddox with Illinning run lin Wood the GinnLI mad Im iii In coailnucd hi all be or in GlmiI cMill lwoiun homer Ind moeerinl min in mi ilLI mIlor leerllo chdI In home TiminolxlndninobIllodlnie liill Game lirealrs Scoring Record Willi 18 Goals DALilcioliE Ailmh linili mcrI ppm pIce vel crul ilm nuiirlir ibreo rook dechiod aneimli Sword My aim in uldoopcn limo lhIl IhIllorod lilo Amorl cIn liockey hexuol pinoll tearing record ihI lklory eonioirombo Iilnlr Inlan Ilwerool neriomlInoo by Clnclnnnli leoloroevcn Colder or Ich lll Ierleo In lho Alih Val ill on John GouidI powernlny mi in Ireoridt inlo lilo Kerrie gIro lbe Sword quick IcIll hui wiihln Ilr minuch iiIlilmore VIII on ion ll Ind lho irIiuI won on lhclr my in ccilpolne lho rocorliillxh Icon oi 101 when Duiinio doienird Qllobec in lho loeo Phyllis iiiliinlorcr iioh ilivIrd liitd iwioe Ind lonmmnllo John French NIrc Dulour ilowle NellIId Jenn Gluihicr Ind lied Armrimnx oi oilo Hfh Dou lebolllilGmlid rry llell nrvl llm Niollolo Ieored Iinrln goal ior lilo Swordr lloih Ilnriin goIiler lell lhe conicli hy the middle oi lilo lint period ludnneiil liock FIrr wllh hcndfcui llIli mornr Jlm blan ulih nn MEL Ilomnrh They now rcilcvrd by iin llcelon Ind Doh whlddin Icopocllroiy Rangers Found To Be Underdogs NEW YORK liPi lil uni ibe lini lino Ioio been under ulli Dull French Incn or men our in New York Dunn In derided undrrdon Daren reniro Ibo led in bcillnginrre in InIdonn irarue in IlviinIonln lho outcome oi thSlInley Cup awn or mm loch final Harlin molar ml one in Indie raid nu time will the will you em in him min lhIi only one rm Irrlicr in Como vrodirleel wed ngluh bell CInIdlrne he Iddrd WILL TAKE no In olniod lho dricndinr Saucy Girl chelrrnion will ood Inldlll ibeliulyoin Inns in lhil ycnII rlrsl mod delencernin Ind lho urlruer on The line ilruro in be close lho ovposigwrdldo iron lho puck er in Indibopouer lIyrnnbelho lo diliclem lilo Nu or nun eIni do ii by blin Ir nrrIl merrierxii no lnmlnnb all nurrin in in My ImporiInl in the Mcnpiny run during lhe Iix liInrcr concho InIlyIlI Iin runu oi lho regular uncdllie lien ilodro Ind WIan em We dont uni le lIio loolixh man Boodle dormer be rilrcied eiereiyio prereni than Years Younger Whim km thl in lho trim parlor lho our lo Done besielueven iinIi they hole in VANmUViJl CPl ilu cnuelorrlxoulwe lemhulil ilnlrunndAlehohu been no been men believed Tho Senron II in lull wing or in in look old yeIrI yoonrcr oihlollnren would bo lord oberl he min CInedi chemo mm drum ORANGEVILLE Klan George Chuvnio in RACEWAY WWW Wm Tram lam or no All Dumrliie 0IiIriI proved Filler loll ii Iilll lhmiono in be lho run irIlllriIr lulllrno $1032 moi rlchl awn ml lhoNIl enroid WW no eel On openline show All When um WW HARNESS RACING wouird poetry Inn Ihowrd ho mmup mining hldny WW Iilll in the Iluil thi earned Mlggumi1dunivuiinloli Mllrlocrd PromnrbIloIl llm lho ultimo lie who illmI lilbuliluolulooo an ilIrIio Allrlnl Binnie shop AiiIIeI POST TIME PM ville Li when he will lmwn in mm Ilop Bob Orr the inning boelcn yelmmn no our bu been no Ind Phil muslin lho burg nomN BNULiI neither nun Bobby Orr IliI our Ibori bmk in the Brulnl proclice union Friday ullcnmmnle Don NIrcolio lane on line mi The Bruins who meci lho New York lion in me upenlnl rune oi SiInlcy Gin ilnIis in Minn Sunlhy held ruxrrd Iorleui irilin morning AP Pheiol Bonded Ilnlnororo all 4wheols PIrtsInd labour Included Tin in outdo BAYFIELD ST Cum ClIy All Ike loeilnl Ith in My 26 mi nicerold hum Wild remnich will the only nun who clam lonI loloil poem is ililcd mm Now ii is To llo The Groulooi lid be only run worlds bio oilreeccc iillio All uu proving ilinucli unllspuieri rnImpion el In lhi voanl hIilice lrllnl rmnn VII luring Iooihcr ille in gel lho Vnncouver Ilh ieilc eonurlluion in mono ilo docIIion lhIl loom Iiovro Ire in ho worn liondIy nighli AID FOR ALI Ilho lchvlcr Iiom IrI lo lho IdveniIro nl rcnmn nulnioo mnnnxer linillcr lam no lo the bean lilnilho cihlller IndChu vnio hliI holder munlo lllu liIlrd order Iuiiili BARRIE rnero LANDSCAPING Workb DuIrIMooil Il DR WALL WI DO THEM ALL iorolir oomod IM oomlod Ir PAUL KNHINAW ll Em Id lurid ON 7281783 loll Fol IIII IIIIMAI Coming your way soon chance in do oxeliing filings chance in go places See your rnlillory corner counsellor Come in Indred your Recruiting Team Ii Tilo Unemployment inlurI Commlorion iii Dnyilold Barrio MAY 1972 Noon in 600 pin Orl you proior lo eem Inyoor owncommonilyooplylorCenodneRooom Force or your local liloConncllenArmodFoIeoI Gloolionmoiiloogho Ill lullql DonlloiihnholnayaoiIummorolowdown Tolniyoelroundoonolollin youroehupIndooieyirerhnondIlIyu reechiiyouihlnk0loowolHW nilyenrlongbyomilnnlholrelhneseol nvonnHydroFlnenooleioirolp nprlnollnyourhomo oilMClilmymlld iheloyooioprlngonnboodili olihoyonrl Resolve Uoli index withceniralelocirlci alrcondlilonlng CompleionnmiorloonlroiIsoiinroway younlroedyhnvonloreodnirhonilnonyolem JuIiIddnconlreloieerrlo cooling unliwllh oleeironleilliernrlo humidiiyeonlrollnu onnihenerllowurm cuolom oiimnln wlIh oomiorin cooleloonllrlnovnry room