mourn Irpdeeu exported by eorne onedidilee vote in June Two to time weein ego there one yea feeling tint Itr IIudqu would lorego elude eledlonendoettletornhll date eryortlener Ihe returning other to ready MPeeroiidtinliorecempooitnondtM Wnrep tor tirinyeer mlinllelirIrndeuonee Itinied IdrIrudeeu collidrieer the lrby ennouudngthet therewould beno eteeg tion Ininne whim wotdrl leave him with the Fell or thin In me However he In keeping bl own connect on the Nb thus leaving him with plenty oi elbow room tom time moetiovornii tor hie edmlntetniion Down MEMORY 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Ember April 171047 Red Green renown enteeded ob eetive 500 by 17 Chairmen It sandy We reported Oml IIeetirrrn por otueed Frank Doboono the lid Inlntotor lien on yn Boonerth oi Barrie Flying Club mode two mercy tlipiololnonedoytongniieedrend Bond Read ond brought criticrIIy III people to blarth Control United anbrdt peck ior concert by Glee Club directed by bird IL Lenover lino AI vln Robtnoon nntei with oreheetrli resilience by Bill lain end Ied Iluteb Kim Dilution IinCtIninKO elected Mot Barrie Inwn Iinw Club it Setter damn ob men Ber rte brooch Ne League Matildamen mooted Town Contest WM ol mm Imi with ed member Nnonrnl Beet Coundl Preetdent iierry Ilorren to nottneed plen tor Internationol SitewotBerrieAmeJneId iror Heitirnlon dine lumen pohr beer Sm iii Vim ltd Iterrgenteit Ii Mierleutiin drennelln IN rent custom Rue OTHER turrets virus ntgsigtho am ewe Iberoo tetlow right here In le bier my ofce who truce Ionan out the window end royoioronow note bit toothed the hood heo imply onowneoblte enthueloet Io porno people the momobile the eieet thing to hit the 0emdien win or none lnce the tobottgan Io othero onewmobilo ere oomevrtret like rotrlng oneeyed drnyono ny emote en terroriri the eou ryoidetnyone who bee had unique experience ot beer lny enowmobile yo by et rm hoe low choice word bout mow mobilerot But whitever tho ettitude we muei drntt ihti onowmobillnl he become new winter one tor the entire torn by end due or are It In there ooding throtle thot wh te etull with beet at them PHOTO FLASHBACK It HUXTABLIS BUS dltiVICI handled road mine between Barrie end Alitndole vto lirndiord st nd button Ave to year no lltil photo token in me drow the two buooe then called itineyot oi hellcentury buck the were ord modele ointe Ihorhno Iluxtn to wit the tonal Ford agent and outed nor ooubunlop Si Inn lion in the by wire blown elonan In ironi londry irorn Ilnlord appointed Pontiac Buick dealer In Brrrte will build route on Ilery 5t Alton Byoro upertnten dent Berrle Work CGE nnoonced pro prom tor nnuel lion Club ntinetrel ohow In bioy Spring breeku did ex leudve demge to Simooe Oou rorde Engineer Ied Jone reported Permit lured tor to new houeoe In Butte dur Ing Ilrot three month year Anterlenn Ilotel will remove Verendnh end titer heme roorru At Grde IIteelre now turner Gardens Laurence Olivier Shekeqeenre Henry lit Grentbie rpromieedBetrlee British ellet iund lie eCoiie Ioet to Brenttord In one Intennedieie ernltlneie local elm were gotte tIu delencenren IInrold Jenneii lemony Bird York more purdee toe rom North erbert Crnndord oi Ore Townetrtp roeleded preeidelll Fleet entire PectenBerrlelievDr RD stmlelr eieoted lth president Ontario lduoetionel Aeeodntten lie to mloieter line Rd Preebyterien churdh end peel preeideni Bertie Boerd oi Feittooiion ethle individuele are bile enthusieeie be TOUGHEII TIME FOR DRIVERS Si Ceihnttnet Slenderd New regulation under Which weltere edrrdnlnlretore rn deny ordnance to pereons underid vln own horn home ero not primtrtiy ende to Ioree young people to return to their hornet end perentel mporvtelon me my have reelected though the regulation moy we hove this olteet Ihe ohlet elm In oilowtn wellnre ed mlnlrlrotoro greater nrinetion In the disbursement oi weltrre is to prevent young people from being lured lrom their home by the guarantee oi wot tore Rworne It dooent mean young people cant tom the parental homo II thats what they went to do All it mean In that iheyil heyentouyher time on 11 oil the problem that New irreepenv the terpoyer ill TIIE untrue 0min orrrrsrrrr Premier Taks Aim AI Trudeau Theory DON OIEARN Queen boron 0i no min The out commotion hove oiertod their loderol eieollmeer Dori hltnleil look the teed to one when he anttm lboltotery nu opted Ioont blotonlly wyucatwgglt il tumultget or on new oed In on the iruduu Intern nnente economic theory theet no that then nrterwutter rniniell eteonmer end Wield nteuont pfto to the lineoIn Hi to rotuunioneoolitnupoeob brdtheronleo mmhnulemuummeom errlthenretbetthep etelpe to WI to Eeuttllllly ltd theme we Ulnltboroilorltloolieeder blp ln Cenode Ind tiui vlncIoIPt7o bed to letter hondttnteittboioblnthe tedernleleciion Mmmwounupett We in ring ltth E9 help an be itm it up ur bolti ledoroi pertinmuhy poll Illnr for tho tint much more noilo Herein new or Robert sun eneroi clernorunlnot lield our ECONOMY Common Market Will Mm Commonwealth Free Trad ll IMNK All OTTAWA Clnodlen due or end Import eventu will be eonironted with wide rnnue urttoin enrlnlo the Euro or thrill obonye ruutt oi poen Oomon Merlot Policy meter in the nut low you will be buoy tilVilin urtmento In the Cenedten mill ottueiure timed It rrtoetinl the new Ituetlon nd mlnltttinlnl odvoreo oiled Bnuhodeciolen lth Itth the Ilepttblln ol iroond yoee olony moon end to the beilcrnturyold Ilrltleh droont ebored omo Cenedleno oi gmplro or on It Intercome to lh titre letrte Exterior ll Hoylieid direct litrl Obllno Telephone new booond Clue iilli tiedltnlion Number our Return pooule ruuonloed tilt may end bletul IIelin opted dubecri Ion rote dolly by terrier weellytittt youu lg Ilnrlo eople too by mIIl Into totno you llrncoe County tum your hrlenee ot corrode noon yuriyr All Iother rouninol tom youlyr iteter ttrow ell term you Nellooel Advertlotng ottteerr it Queen st Wu Toronto mIIIOI 5L ilontroot Member or the Cenldlon Prer end Audit Iiuronu oi circulo ol vehicle we the trio Gordon Itlorrhon Fred bower the trio Torrrnee Ilunter drivere In Iront ittnoy Ie the into them IIobon Iirrrie vpoctnity lood menthol who on eyed the ride to the retiwoy yoni mu be we lrequtnt ppnoonger Mr IIobioy we tor men you the piccolo pityor tn Borrtn CI rent Bend Photo ouppIod by tin Iomnee IIunierI tione tne Cenodlen Prov oretue titty entitled to the toe tor re pqu lentloe oi ell new dlrpotole eolnthl tpererediiedtoitor The tune teed Free or Iteuler dnd hobbit IocI new publleb or rithlbih yr or very ml lid editortel motoriel up oted by It ompioyeu we produced In thi mtptpor dwelt Relillrttion None It repletor II Hit pert Irrm brtleie end l1 ionilon to the new comm DI oI import iron other men ropeen terltl which or In ti vetlln eotmtrtu Into mm mm ret en ell When hrIIIIniovleo on urn to wreath1M duller on Cenndlon toodo to ii ln oordlne to the common Doro Wmmml peontnrlli Ieon Itrntrlton end Momma MW other ionilh loode there will M1 IM but be no one tor Cenodr Icoord it glamwuurlii treatment to mum IIoqulnbouldCenedomtl HM bi tile Donut Mreeedtreoe iothodtentet Wilme gmmmw dimly it Briiidii import Ii the em nit Jepenooet Ihe mi tumor Ah iltely tn nary will problbilbo no It tout pfmihm my mm vent tinned horn tniMn to Inoteed there lot it uvepretoronceotourttntn eI branmic Idlntment It CIIII liter there rnytttnr to pre dlen teritlt to the new ltuetlon my other Comnwnquth coun nt nut to out new tilI trier to continue their Ioitn rttrt tom eoreneeo Ihein um tt potiey el mlnhnuln me IM tionto the then ed britloh Illu Hutu caredLimo tlon follow lilten rould tomer nd molt convenient up my pm my mm to the piler IoIIowcd blthly with Cerlodiln mortal then to err lonloi pain eyed by lie Wooten pertnero Noe the United title to corn to not Iliellyutgt other morn milled to beer trede llcleo bore oi the rernmtn it it tin nu Iudtol orv thooutommlvepeotwuioh liedrre mount to vtriueiytree trde mento with their Ih rltuntton coll tor onto Commonwoeltn irode puree Ari Itunrbivtteen eunrlhotion oi motorcade to opt to be obel lile Oentlon torilletedotly edlnooiernitepiieeto Ibo commonweelth pro renllet lrIdI between tth run end voice It eloo enllo tor riot in Briiein end Iroiend ESSA TOWNSHIP PubliciNoiice The Regular Mey Meeting of Erin Town ship Council will be held on Monday May lot I972 beginning ntl pm In the Muni cipol Building Baxter lirlon Oouloy Cloririownohi allele Bex IO ngul Esg so ii in sir 535 Egg or nes my continuum commute Staten NotWorking Nell nrnmrrnetnturott mmtntnenn GHANAIllulhnndop tondlnrroeono nettteeootthohoeo beenmononedloneeetelmo tatre mention tour meetltlt gig 93 55 olntbo eimlootnedprool built to their when they members 1ny ore ell In the mapped depot ntnhteroteu oeornotobo orelou to with Ililriu rumor lim eboui em 10 Itrottetnthlltloidnoeorne eve AI ll the tint two Uberol My tire rrtve tottewed lortt mr on onoboetlicroditneernbire rmidhm ot MI by one Converted mm NW hm NW midelt the clock neer mile It tote hit out Al in or MO II minute liter the cited may mm mm UM UM Ior lillilltl IIIA vlee mm lm ext 31 ohetnn no inn Altbotrit there ere totol youer mu mm IoIlowIn ttetdey when the eonunliin there on only my 13 mm mm on oi lbem pruent there on BIBIE THOUGHT until traction in bottom New loith the Minute Ibero ere the two newlpepor or turn hoped toe reportero em or thin not teen tbe two girl bondlinl the el tel iill enuttneoue inneieikn on not hetero that II no end terribly experienced end titty with lie to ride to do the ue but their problem loop rordlnr nd the hnndenl above In up th the oueellon end oil lhot we not or thin mvesrnttw III the the tour depertntentel oin elrl end nine number ol the lite er Commono otnll Iimnlnl in torrent with no die in Ity would toleretopigt Iiuotlou the whole olructur oi roetproerl won Syoer Dobenlure lnvertrnent Cerllileotoo You on hitheot lntoreot on oil elm itunlelpolo Debonture lnveetrnont bertitieetee interert peyebte onrietinnntly or toll mndtultte Termer One to live Yeoro Amountot em to IIOMO Ior hotter hinder iii Men the Ilunltlptl errtru end lope competitor honourrt themttnlclninl ration 106 mm to lireot loot savings loan only burle nurto mun center omen the common