Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1972, p. 31

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white phtI Ilyruttn it like IIII III or to the low Iliuan lieMin rectum potlule mu Ilynum truth In not Indy had but In annual or IGInuwtnp marrgoldr might be wierted It mount in the uprightgrowing lam Tharlsooerwihlhehor deIlhertalurethrreutd there to lrrp the rtedr upruht earennlylhlndaod dowmlnbioeotlnlhehoriler not In their Iovily IhIdei oI lIrender purple violet Ind the hardy rlloweiinwcrinl kind which illoer II it prowr In eter IEIIIIIIIII mix The teuon Ior te duo Is that the vettierl pitesohlorharethe trItIst MINI whirledll low IoIprerrtng Ilyuutn Naturalg yott neednt copy plsnu You might brtitute Iot uncle Inaptlrap orrr eiphiniurnrlnritpumon Rumor ruriul plrdn Ind by yum Ital urther huolthe pmpdh It wonltl be page mice rent Irorn in Iddupn la dteidear Ill gertrda elhe Ittlen rheur Iturther were Additional rpace beyond the burden oi the mien It unwed heequ ere II the ritual litre between this garden and that at the neighbors iny at the lich are IIlier plrnte tnIuetI behind the flow err In the tier You can mateyour gIrtIen loot layer in the nine way Edsy Expanpive Annuals It Bulky There re quite Iew Inttttara lhltwliiprowlntoverylu rm Irorn reed Wyn or MIyv at there row lite weeds yet Ire ItoI ohrtoalwe They uIreIlttleIttentionInd In time cover In error mnua rpm that might other wire hat to he completely An anoint wrqu ll at there In In etherrrtu tar eo return nrorto mike malithtetltankc II II III medlte eernLtntlterIIthI tlllan plInt lltlciour communist It III III the Ilhvr ItttIc tone but one rerieuI tIult tr reeds which Ire prodyced Ihundantly during mild IIIeIeIIons Ire ex tremelypolsonoutllerlemhtt problenthnbeoverepvneilthe reed pods Ire removed beiore the tredethe termed Thlslsr almple operrtlon oI merely rnipplng oil the lower Item thIt Iorttt It the leis oI the leaves Iowmi the top ol the plInt in late Augitst In normIl you In most ol 3de the 4i puntsotnhetiuedbyesrtytut rest belore the reeds thr ripened The cIstorell plant It cer My very ersy to grow or the large reeds my be ItIrted In pertpotlndoereInIIteApril Ind trartrplInted It the rod oi hIIy or town In midhin in the lncIIionwhere the plums Ire In mIture The seedlings willon grow Into very lnrge plant giving Iubtroptctl cited and they will ml the met In tereItlttl rhrdowr on patio yin or on modern berglass ericing Besides the usual type there Ire other cultivate such Is the copperyeleaved Zeo zlhrrenrlr end the red rtemmod Glheonll which Iiso he metIltlc hue The Iurnmertyprerr or burntng hush lltochiI rcopIrIIt will make out twoloot In nual cypresriiite hedge with no trimming required It has light green leathery Ioltrge Ill aummer that turnI to rich red color In the tall The teed are heat town In ntldMIy In IocItIon where their evergreen Ilts term and mum mightt prove beet They Irl adaptIlile to very horny IreI rent will rnrlte hIcItground for other plantar For good Irm porlry Itttnmer hedge tow the reedsInIItrIlsht drill one Inch detpand thineuttoIlooIspart when the eeediingrIre large mirth to hIntile The lovetlt needing or Agricultilr PlInt lieIeIrch Instituteln tawInmen thoee who drive by the rIIII groimds wlilheentraoced ythefiamin beauty oI tthree iIlrly new hybrid oI Iheee plant Irorn JIpIn These are Early Splendorvwith pendIn Iollage Ind brllllInt red roiorlng IIImlnp FountIin with Ilnely Iutlollanol vivid crimson Ind the new llIurnlnItIen with It tractlre orangmrrlet IereI vi In II at nil ndihnliiit them In pert pets to eilmlnrte tranephotiep rhnck Corinne la showy rrryto novi Annual that Iucceede well ii pIIoIed ouuide In my lm proved cultivrrr niler dlllerent colon Ind eIrller biooma These In extryrpely Illeetive when lmed hot fence or well Iuilsun when they may he allowed to grow up to tour leer hith Larkspurl or nnnuIl delphlnlitttu grow much better ll the Ieerl Ire town directly In the open ground dieing late April or any my They dont trIIsplIttt very well but will crowto perfection ii town where theylretollewer The aeedllnps Ihtxald be thinned to nixInch llmlnlt There terror to be hnotweed Polyguoutnl lor practically every In the gIrden Iar grotto covereucllntherr Ior perlolu Inr bIntr Ior shade Ind Ior pulet growth The OrientIl Ineiwred Polygonutn orientIlei Ir one 61 53 plantr Ior covering WISI pile er lor but sound mIterittl its very Itrnn tools keep hantI Intrct In itI brightpint llowern llt fI good stplIy In late rutan Ind IIII It grows live or six leer huh In her broad oval leree up to three Inches long The reeds II this honor must be town It won its the trout It at the ground In eIrly Aprill Thin to ti inches Iplrt or trInIplInt when the teedllnge Ire lIrze emu It don very well in moist to II well Is In dry locations Poppleeol Ill kinds Ire beet sown where they are to ower There Ierurh diversity oI bloom In ere lInta that one have Itlrnctive garden apted out the lap IIIrrtItIn II the Ineietymcudd meal II the Drink Iter tlruitiarrl Auoelatlnn by ll yrIra When the OntIrII In the Drillll Ioeiety SI lens II had on lined north nI OIIIIII lodevciepanlrhotlettnrtllthu rlnee bent lenerd some trees removed garden pleta estIhIiIhed Ind anld tIhIeI placed and It In heme the eentre al the hertleuiturrl Ineietya Ietlvitics tee llllllllt This yarthe mu bInouet IIIMOIIIIIIwIIIbIhlId In Jute It St PItII United Churn The OnlIrlI tInr liotlltlll Inol Innull rottrentltr will be held In Ilium In The Intel quahep Ia Pietrlct II In heIdIt halinttA I1 Greener Titan Thou Season Is Here The greeneHltInvtheu rerton ls upon Ill ruin EveryonewIntrhis Irdtobr titanrue hermit Iieoen no me properly manicured Iwn Even ll your neighbor doet the prltr lorI minute ilyou must Iere It Childro have or Ip tont riowhenperhIpe the wand lure them In IIct before you begin lIlollII eleIr chuilddren Ind pet out the Nature Fond overtake museum lei aunts and cahbrge PIIn Intrusive reedinp eI rIduh aplnrrh Iettuee pear Ind heIor Several rIrIItIrI el rweet corn hIrIog dillerent maturity data ahaald he town It the Iaintime Foe but growth pardeo IhwlthveIIluIIlehunoI utiinllnthenrrn ollhe day IIeIr rhI Irorn htdoidin In tree Ihnttld be It Orllnlcnulterrhmldheused In enr heIry In eIIy or In Improve the Itnteture nitheroilandm triteIrIerte tilt at well holdhu the molattrre UII hIrnyrrd rnanttrvluvamareilppinn mpth pile or thlaw Peat Mal For eotrtmentrt Iertilltrr to ltldi trout mmonlyritsedin lo mo equate eel or ling urdr Ind watering direct In reed drill or on INIIJI aritr more or more roiuhle winning tulips Ind you an PtrpIreyetnyardInrtooitn ertlliaer tr recommended It harrly get crucial to bloom dont duprlr AneItly trimmed Inn else can he Inurte ol utisIIclIon lhtiy trouble II who meta to spend most II the wretched mowing the lrwn when he could he out on the gait rennet Your power mower will shorten you work time but the Oulduoor Power mulpmrnl InstituteluPEllrIu myoqu follow the ralety mice in your ovafrrdmrnud the meet In thirty to remember II omit lere lite mower ntrtttlrtl even by tong rid eI aim buttlnr sinnerany dehrts which inlIhl SigurdInd thrownhy the Wehn you ItIrt the machine your Ieet Iwa Irorn the uInd always dereru clutches Ind thin Into min before lIllIllIl lite engine Inr othv ulety tlpr end lower to my questions you may have Ihoutpreer mowrrl OPEI urgtI yoqu contact your local IIlllllNhIl Mr IIvnmnwer SIlety In your nrirlthorhood Keep Tile Outlets Running Freely IIrrnere Ihottld chech III will depollt slit to the tile In their tnerrtetrtr Itleut twnor reduce III eiliclrney Ind three times rue says hi Very Iew commerelal crop willnot burn littsed II directed Watertn lI nl room nereselty in dry weIther preteritth not the cold It fusible For email urdena eep couple at lathe hernia Illled with water In that Iuppiy ol weItherwrnnrd water Ir Iiwryr IvnllIhle Do not water or apply liquid Iertiiiter during heIt oi the my Divi lend their roots down Into Itle ml atliele he em springtime outlet lothe Iprtng owing Ice cleared to more prop In the drIlnIge ditch or Ice Ind operrtion snow rltdlnz dawn the ditch henit may have detnrled or dreinale ryrtemt murt pulled out the outlet pipe repaired SinIIrewIternmollmay erode the dltthhtnlt and undermine re Itl could tie the IyIt the tile outlet Rodent gunrdr with roll Item the point mry here pulled oil or rnrtrd house In the outlet IwatAnydIm IthIItypI riinothatlrworhinl must be repaired It once or the bupolted hythe wrtrIp situation will deteriorate our day mun tlrSeIt thrriripends hruptl IndiI Ditcheswhlchhaveriltedterl Inmthe tllI ext further longtime shouldbecleenedout this my IndIcIte blocng to allow tree outlet tor the WlIerFllnlohurVAilaI drainegerystemirystem with In excellent way at det is continually ruhmerped outlet mooperlllnt line in Ilium New For 72 or them IiortI Iutt Icntter the teedr anywhere and they willprowhtttltlsbeettoceotlne them to so am when they an be controlled The Shirley poppy her perhr the most rcttnrd Iiewero poppy types In both tingle Ind deu 1e lotme There Ire mnny other ttrIinr such It the American Legion with huge to red bloomr Ind the red doublr Three new vegetarians wenudtte in AllAnette Selertloor Meir Twp In red uhbuer one enterearly one bit later thila the third II very Ipeeial nteitrhher word Vimry new early tedth lhiJetterllIan ltyhrui thrt producer uniiotm ballIhrped th cor tel 5poun hendt IuJ ilIyr enriier thIn other red thprer the AliAmerica Selections gold medtt winner So uulrtltul expected to tote over curly red thhaIe mrtket Irorn et varieties dnlrta Howeverltdru omit lo Agricultural Technology and some extent Mr Solrk noted pharized that the inert These roots die during or Iner ImportInt Inspection Is In the the growing reason Dead roots may clog tile outlet at the The must lmporiInI part III rodent uItd during Iprlttg any tile drIlnale Iyrtem II the rtmntl These puIeds mould Wllhlns Ir hlawouts lmmedIIIeiy II in In delayed hery dI Ice bnvI 49 WYCHAILI vecmaurvo MINNIE Itlanyraiieutletnodmth ION Ibllrhntutr Ipeehllxllllnthouedtnde Muniva cheaper BrbIHIIietinlelIeedato miniaturerennet ll Alpert ptt April t5 IlayidJeInI Ilhl May try 15 or April may to Bromil pin April mu antral Sprout IL April tyne Cathpet pit tents Aprtltd CIrmtrnl April is ruins pit April is April Nialy lettuce II roa April IAux lileloris pit May None lit Onion reed yoa Apnl 5Aprtl Onion utr tth Aprtlihprtl 15 Philip or April tohtny Im In April lithhy is Potatoes early to lhs April Mry PotIIoee late Iii Ihr Apriinthieyllzltnnplingtur May Nttne lo hadiIh or April IAprii IS Solnleh or Aprill AprIItitSquIah1nrr Muy lune Io Suiu and or April June Tomato IlIan Alter hIay mid Turnip or July It Auguri To rpIce reed more evenly and Hold wartI use the Sow imy hInd reedIr retail vrlue II he Ahrlplul hooItIor lho ImIteur home gardener lr puhlirrtlnn No 516 lie hie Corden Requirements IrIIIIhIe tree on request lrum the Inlormntlon omre Ontario Department oI hprleuiture Ind Food PIrlLtment Bulidinyr Toronto Also ask Inr the list at publications You will iind many uerlul Iopicr Vou cIn nrdrr up to any to oi there without IhIrge Deluxe rianr rent Itle heoiu OCItIietn vinyl corpm OAittmlnurn windshield Cemer complete with 700 lb trailer furry urda my be tuned II urine as well late turn wrrr III the mulling pm will run II IIIer as there wort in Allin II and IDIII pill But to uu Io prin wtwlerl In the hybrids While tttcnl partlenen plant eetit ui pawn in town utntui teedlingr under protection and meet Ilnum III early tpnnt penile slut may he started Irorn trait were to when rrtn 95 mutton oi router and will then linuer in motion hmy teeth rte my Ihul there It IS lhourand ul thrrn in tingle menu The tired thrtie and not iemnerutute turprttut to hoot cool room and northern erpotttte lur them in your home Llw nely tievrcl will trttllcti sphagnum mom or tome othct lineletlutesl grovtnp mtiiurc in which in win teeth Iitiel cover them with fine tutl or milled plthprtttm Keep met muttt utth hrie rpm nI hater and or III tint the shield Iptuttl Ar uunn ll wttiltngt art hrmiltahle more my the are crowded to ulluw them rtrtrrn lu detrlup TIIIHILIM them uuttlorut Item lint an rpm illdltllltll ll ohm or plant are large enough not uni it uutithle II ou unnl mt ttI hluom thtr llllllh tnchu upIrt ll Irlrt III lh leech In from plrntt ltr rerrh tlnnertne lll Ihut piantt grnun in thong IIIII Iu Nun thunt the one the IIilMIIIII ptttrtri tin nh humming Me It hi type or Jll nl III me he lplllitie won the text Int ttmntct hitum irr tint uenertrnm ht hrnlt nutahl the ltIlI titntr urtin lhrw III It hlr irt mlml or em tIlIlI lllrtl ntittnlt lltltlll II till hi Inml tllhcl nitritht he llllatt thtt Ilttlh tun Iinue tinuer ohm mm urrihrr Jlll rifle hthriti ignr lhnl ktf IlJh pruning th tittwrr ltlth twining tlctrtlr hurt ritittr l2 Aluminum Springlrntlt 5199 complete with hp Mercury motor and gal cruisertitty limit it pltll tort mml ym Ituh uni tsnuy townh 40 ItpMIreIIIetrie cIudItusl become verylerxr N51213 hind mm mva elevsatnd TIM 11 dim 171 beans to the home gardener limit In Iiow to hunt IM this WWW Ind kg red repelllr tenehoi results Th cnbhnpe producetrn excelleoictop even where rummettentpera at er roll Irecyetlceptienlll Bond Illu WW ch INN Ind the rwret Ilevor hold well titer cooling which endem it to my lnlunl edm rcrblour hrlsam Crliiorolr rccnnd latermaturinp red Ihhrge Ilre hybrid is mWlm lm at mm wm we vntietics All hrndrlatIplIntIng tnatuIIIt the unretlwte It cututnher thrt her rcntaey men In no wonder IhII the mm It teh 1an or tour Iret oven EVERY NIGHTTILI them emitterwhom wwlfmu WW Wm IpocwipartlettvaaleiyandhothcoiorrndilIvor holdirellin tire rral victory In pleat breed iotiIo nd wrote he eats In Mr thI Earth is Vtclorryourltheh Immunbmweotlour lyiedtIle My kexorh whit druieyleurmlllien petmdeoi Men with rerutance to tnIrty ot the dinner plague In Iroot oi Iii three mm mm my tthe colorful annuals at medium the trusty cool It can be urea in the tame as Ice gmoymlwuu Ir helphtutheeornllawer tweet cahhapennt also let that Iavetite aweetantl worm etb in lung bronze medal winner tor rm ThiI vanet tenured ltatt Id SoanIIl Willem Ssmmm my has gloherhrped tenet eaten not met Itqu llnp Try proth both Ruby Dell Ittd Rod Ilnd for loI ttamlhcouteldlltt Ilrrtweetinhiry WWtlmtttelnIliumnuns ntnrhaouumlnchuWl R3 ddudllmloimlldh Withfinypmmnttwt IIIIIIIIIIIecI AnteticI Selection wmnen la II lied Indcelerhtliervu meterorliee rnoetly IIndalzed Curmth powdery Ind doer mildews mule lab Intulll l4 mammml New mm lllllpolllitl anthrcnorc RR mm to ohmmmm me warm mm 14 we II your hud trouble prevtmtrly with any oi there tlttetttee Own on mm ttttiry it the timely to try thil yeIr

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