Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1972, p. 26

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puree no In 0rd DIvII SeelII ape Mt WWI Dent Met the Sth Befiiembultaeeywun mot Innctt demon cmmam 11 0o wmmpn ten pm IIyouheIrdoommantIIhutthe Ihreevlthnoer Mbdplmdlltbe out 03mm Call It ICmyItulItlonlAlulrulbat III oru meow tItII IlIha tor Ion Iod tum defenderII newton othuIBeIdtSenlorCttlunI ConlrItulItlInl to Item Club end lot when were Wllmtkbmmy Ilium hm IdonItlootwlrdIIhIAnnIIIl GthIm ot mound who muttonMuralpletttne thtrdpdutnlttelttuteiutlvu mwukhlbeetdthrl lMIdllndtWnlllolo It opated I11 rn Rodneye mdperenII III Moth Nokee Preel no om Archle 3an at oraIIIne All memben Ind Stmnldele ltd WIIIn Bach VIIIlon were Itvtn moet use to be mmtullted hunt welcom Sun toad tour yarn ol mIrrled Illel blltle MIII Joy DelIeIrd membere Ire rebtrnlnl 1mm Creernore Ipent let em Winter vIeItInne Welcome recently Ilth her mIdermu alt tetIrI Bette Selle hunt lllr Ind Mn ClIudI Rleehom WI MI MUM In Florldl ltlver ltd IL Mn ladle YIepee who hItI Mmmumu plenty or IpentIeverIl month In tthItt tee tttthe Bey Ind Iw IndhlrIJImIIlberd Ildereble Imouo Inevto the Id III III melt walk Wehlh In III thtI my Wm mm tnIny tItneI our new Ihout Iurntner merVIltonI WWW PM ll vIImIaen Imlo the 217 IIIIEivuflgIINIOlI owIn vanlollowedby her three ImIII duelllnu NEIL W0 VMIIIII Vddtlnl hIpplIy llolll In WWI IIIII IIIIII etherewIIetheroblnehm the II IIth MIMIruf beeanrt terIometlnteInd the MIMI Alex In Wm In rrowr Ind IwIIlowI Ire WWWMal IIIWI othlnl Ill over the pleeethe MI WNW IIIIl IIN teeleltlhertverwllhottthudl 5MB IrIvm II Ind mud on the It at lelwellJIWIIIfIdMII IIIIII uIctlyI week Iron the dey the New IhIt the nlver weIther IIIt momoblte vIII Ieeo on the urrlved the reel otour rIver ntnh Ind Ihu memhen wllt wen be out IleI Innontonttzcouvntvnou Wm Woe time From III we hear the OntIrlo 90M by 171 Fedmtlon ot Snotnoblle Cttthe IulwmnvltlnmoInIonIhIr Ire In Ian royII welcome Ihde I09 II YIIII Ind W9 hm heIrlyloodllmewlten they thI Wot Item to IIIHut In the Butlltn mu thetr AnnuIl III III new Conventlon WWII 8th my MrI orel DIvle SoIlIt pmy and Sty Convener Ind her enmmlttee Lndlu umeheon 3mm Mn Itlleen Lyons Ind MrI loltowed by anelng 5mm Gledyn Thompson convened the mornlnp Pencete BreIItlIIt XIII IM wlth we hope reIt Onttrlo 5ND Ind Ive my Euchre pmee udIeIt hlre III II Itlnlhlke KIIIYCII LMndm PIIIIIIEII Snotnohtle end In Film IN IMIJI Inotnobtle Ihould rule buy me lunIttlled weekend not add Saculeld uphold ther tIt ltoepltIIlIy WIIIIIlIe thntthctontze mt wlth InrplnI the regular round meettng VIqu Beech Senlor CItlxenI on Itteednyhprtt um qu ttubmrt Ilentnr thetr regulIr mud on the vmm boob tor nutty Ill worth on the II mthIdbeenIudltedIhwlnI temnon at WedneIdey Aptll IurpluI tor the yen ot 031M It OIItva Communlty The Iudtt wlll be dIIeuIIed th Cattlelhe Preetdenl elIllIIIlIenext meetlnp when Audrey Note opened the IudttorI wllt be prmnt meetInIII 145pm neleontlnl Ipreren who wteh to Ill memberl end our Home It Itetement Ire Itweye MnMIdlelloherteon In Itre welcome to do In It the VIIIIpe Yell 00 ot the hlIIItII olllee at the Ilternoon wu thln htnkmm Mum mlero InItIlIed hy ttr mud any at Jul IlllItrr one olour new tle buIlneII to Include WIIIpI IIIIIIMII SMItIunh JIeI Beech Ilewu IdvIIed toluve 70 IIIW WWII the detellIotthen Itton wlth WIS tell DIM thIt no one theFlttIneeComtnIteeIndthey WI hul Immunlmwumhtml everythlnl thereto the the next meetln Pmlim lhequettlono who III IyItemoleIIe Mlleltlbe Itll IIIIOIIII III mummyng mum numbennn wernreemrldnot up It Ilonn them them There tIIInI to letter we reed IreIuIt Ietne thlnu we temIIee root III ercy NohlI ME In not do our VteerIdent reply lront onIIto hIm rem Mr IIten Deter Inother up ootmetl repIrtIlnI the IIedleII women Mnom other our Citeurmt mmelpleulemlunkn requee or had tattpry mm In WW Ihenthe WWII MIMymmomtttu uertottvtut IIlftllddmm Ihhthlneveerdemmtneu nnmnottmbuttlm WW manhunt pertulte WWIIMIIIIM mootedtottmo mm whole room magnum lhetotIl to annot tm atedyll We would Ivery team monumentath The pultm at hm Ihlntehoutellwnlelendvleh 1th or to youth at them In Ipeedy Monty Sorry In Item 11 openedthe requIr WIIIu Beech hull meetlotlpmmnllludIy Aprtl lh DeployReeve Holley Ill Ihurtt Bulldlnl pennltl to due mounted to $577M hlr Devld lteGIw eutlloed to Comell hII plInI Ior new bulldlnp on Dttnltm 31 Ihop on mud floor Ind llvlnl quIrterI Ibwe lte Ippu to be Ibte to opeIII part on the more property vet at hulldtnl wnllven FInIIee ommlttee wlll Itudy the request toryourtundhrlnytn mmendntlon It the next remr mnltnt re Oiled Ilende vequeetul FeremenI benouet Ind Ill muted two Counelllor Fleln reportedthIt the ler needed Itde untIIt the pren llev II reeelved $20000 me he Ippmx tattoo II Inn here II IlreIdy rIdIo Reeve wondered Slneo lInd II ForealIIrebuylnontnthlIhd In the VlllIxe we wonder how much they ill be wltllnp to onntrlhttte toerd IIre protee tlont ItIrtJIItInwhohIItIltenover the btutneee ltnm Is IIIIrnl Show on ltlver ltd reported to MIMI llut he hoped to operIteI yeIrround lentlly type quIneeIInd would lltte to othIn Home Ior zood reItIurInt or dlnlnn room where lltedlI could hrln thelr chlldrenundnhtchwoul heIn Iuettothemrmtmdln IreIII well II In Iecotnrn tlon Ior htI motel Mull 07m pened mollon Ippmvtnp tloenxe ItIrI IIl ttrydIon Ipolte to Council on the need or my Care Center In the VIlleze lerInl IlterIture pertIlnlnn to operItlon 0III Illnll IVIllIble ete wlth the counrtl memberI IlnInce Commlttee VIII IIlted to Iludy IIme Ind brtnx In thelr report on MI II The Pruldent ot the out CInIdIIn lepton Wll preeent IndIIltedemntcltIoI mvethe clungtnp otthelrwee ydInre tor the my holldny weeltend only trom the WIMKI BeIeh Communlty III to the MM Center ApproVII ngnted lhlrd reIdlnl ot bylew M0 on reId Ind wlll be Ient to hllnteter ot TrInIportItlon tor Ipprml flhleulr the ryleni prov or THE ALL Thlrd reIdlnl oI hyIIw no hard Ind wltl beIent ot the eut Governor mule tor IppruVIl wlth IppIeVIl Thtrd reIdJn It Mm 350 wIIheIrd Ind wltt heeent to the Lteut Governor at Onthrlo tor Irprnut wlth letter at ext pInItlon ThlI byAIIw IettleI the long outetehdlnl problem It the Flu St Browne Ind AlltI tonII llntel IltuItIon The llotel plm ol IheIr elnreturnlor pert ot themed Ittowenee lhII wlll eneure the Inedto the lllver betol open Ind wlll IlIo IIItIl the two property were to correct lhelr hoIdeIleI the hotel ownerI wlll pIy yurly rentIl or the butldttt en the road Illounee end In to event oIIelllnl thIt bulldlru must be Wllt lotIeIIumIotherltemIol Md Iteeve Reberuon welcomed Ilr end Mn Ilrune TIylor to theoonununttytdrII torIIthe IIteetIddltlonto the Intelle otttee It The Item unmet Itr Weyoe tlmlth Mr her Bog Ind ldr lame Ewell IIIBII the newly donned IltlneulInl dub lIr anthde Iheot the tottnunnon am In Prtnlolutttlon wltlt the tattoo Commtttee Indthe bet toonepnlodvhm eprIlned vIrIonI III III 55 on iii geese Counetl dIIeuIIed the un tlnlIhed tyne vnrh In the eIndtheoeedtoI tlum ol hydrlzpolu wheat emporlryrepe were In Thequ IIhedtocnnhet OrltltI WIIer lJtht Ind Pour th mold do the work en ltekhn InltnIl moot ottleer wlth OrllhI ltthnIne Soclely uhteh hu contrIel wlth Coldyeter dIIeuIIed eperlllont In the vIllI durln the betel tlvne Inee In Ipreemenl wn eluted III IIIe enntetnzd In the control It Mr lletyIn Idvtnd thIt nurnberotdourtltnln It hm hIdbeenplcltedupln ldIIIter Ind IverI IIIer reelIIIned III over It lprlttl In ot the whleh vlllIze lletnedlIlItrfwerI poled wherethevllll ewuteltohnld respnnelblllty Counclllor John NIrrIwa presented InItIneeI In whlch he uld CPII trIInIhIocled level eroIIIan ln ColdvrIter Ior unduly tony perlode deleylnp lrIItIc Ind tllllllll other problem It on deelded thet letter repromp the matter II to he Iorerded to nlltelIlI ol the rIlIwa Watch Calcium LeVels Celelum leone ol the element neeeIIIry tor normIl bone development However there Inbe blemIlltontnueh too lltte eelclum II uIed twlne dletl IIyI lIrnet NorrIIh Swlne SpeclIllIt 3st ol Ayrlculttrre Ind when dIetI Ire too low In Inlctum there II denier ol IrIetureI to the tent or even the bark When there II too much uleulnt 15 percent or renter tn the Intel rItlon ol mwlnx plnI dIIty llnl wlll he depreIIed Ind teed elllelency ltanIrcd Meet at the eItclum II uruIlllz Iupptted by concentrIte or III Ipvnmtxj Some oI theIe prentter Iuppl Iuttlelent cIlelum whlle ere do not Some produce who teel there ll Ituutltelent rItelurn In the teed ME Idd round Illneetona II mue II la Mode per ton leedJnIddtllontothepremllor enneentrIte hlnce round llIneItone well only Ibout to per pound there II Item temptIIIon lo Idd too much It the olet II Ilmdy eonreel tor eIleluIn the Iddtllen el pomdrpertonelleedooulddo more hInn thIo Ieod IIyI tIr Notrlllt When ehooIInI the dtet the extent Imeunt ol cIletum Ihould be determlned And trom Hill the met IddltlonIl tequlrennent Ihould he declded rIther thn Ilntply Iddl Ilmeetooe The correct Imoun celtlum In dlet II III 95 percent mull Ireeolutlon Illl lo nIIkIIIIy reewxe the Ieh vlee etub Ind Iupporl them In thelrptnteet Unenlleetehle teIeI wrlttu III by rmhttloo to the mull tuwmm center were or rlod Much to oynnotrl oune It on ll llth lIInndnlnbe ee ldnv Itow we or our lmw the tune leetIon Tmul n1 wIIN ll thy mr 11 IImItvl Itlol eervl Indy rumd to ute Intent Iulllehmul tour Iyur IIIHIIIIIN Irnlnrt vb tom In yrnxhnlnxhll Intl mhrlhll IROIIT tnAetott rttttt TRIPLE RIBVRS NYLON AT BARGAIN PRICES In lrnln III II In to MI In nylon not IIM llll ltumml rtm Inn WW Iledu dlnrlhutlon hl Iteertu 171 Ill Ill 750 Into TRIIIII not ttttts tnnonott tttttttrtt tor Itonl wheete Sure trIetlon better cornerlnl from breed rldlnl rlhI mIIeI meter durIbltIty lrorn MIyn rubler Ind nylon cord body ennetruetton IlIhE me III ML III ICE III 371 IIIII 111531 II mun Inn er Ind Linnea tm IhlrtI brIlIm em Ind ted the mo teed mutton III III emnrurucn FREE Inelallotionond Ealhitlllt ttqnidflronsler IIIPIEIIEIIT TIRES Dependelte Itrvlee tor ngenI TRAOT0II SUREGRIP II end other telllng elect 055 III III our enerItIII II Mel tImlI Iiltm IlIIiIr vIth deeply tealMd ytxt eleuln mu lot In vtlteelI wet reIr wheetjttre on or III the reId nylon body eenttruetlon tor renter tlr IIIe rut mo

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