Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1972, p. 17

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HIts No 642 mm mm Iyrnncmnmm no ttlnrorsotn wrun mnmghummummmmmrmr WWI IIIwo E3 Egg 53 23 322 quu iuUINF ezssgg 53MB II III IoIIIIIII Ire go not than Dolro Noun Ht It Tom Ilium II umtnd ITTIIM III II Qt to Johnson In 3mm rum oIIo III HIIIIIIIII ShuloutInllllow PILL um ttlIIuloI hm mmmmmu mm MI mmdszt moon III In Intro Sn hm oh nlho Inna thlI union oodho trhrdat uuaIITIdIoordIud ulwmu In AI Itontml qutoo Porno III mm Oohlmutrhlnwoth mm York tltohtch III ha IIIJNHEIIIIH Pttttbortlt IIIIINIOIUINN Ilo tom with too dm rut ho It Ont uwuro tthhinnmwg mfr 13 MININNWM mm mm IM my uIIIIPIIImITIHm may MIN MM 10 mm my noun humor Iy IIdIII llrhnrr urn IIIotmt rsuum III II nfhlllf httton mammoth9mm Memomm IANIIIIIJTIIJN ghthon hml hm Wm much Er or In New ork Sam It Sort WM DJ Mu ItrIIrr mWood tithe III Into III ll Wm mm mm romIln In and II mouth TM Wm on room noun hltn latgt In ll Amerho tum tlon to plot two when lnr or hut um II TIM lm Wm tut Dlrltln 0mm In our run tmnlt who Wood not urlono dmrmlouugutm mono tomhou but nunnu In In cIImIIIn oInoIrnd III other Anxrtm mm Ic atom ohkh mm It tum utln II It III aunt IIIlttnIoro or mien It bl Ind no IIIIIIIMI whom Ironm In my Io ItlnnolotI Mu mt Itrod IorthroI run In tho lltthr IGIIhIItddt Joo Glh ttlIquhrI ll mmm Ardour Mrtxth lnotnr mwuunuorohon Room or trlmmod Buttnon Ion duol botoorn tho tnodto hull uhrrIth Pluto OIIIIIIII Arnlor IrII 01o who rhIrnotou II In her when IuIIdIy DIoo Bron ot Port Mt but Plem nurdro oI Ilontml Ill It St tools Dpuollo Inqu to got out Blue And Dupont II on II My IIth III huh okraw IOINN DruIIII ml at no Irnlno Ion III III rltdcr tho ouch In hlnd St touts Blur oIIJI OrtolIJd thlttornlI AIIIIIbIUIrlndMIMUtRIIM DISCOUNT SPECIALSTOII YOUR CAR Johnson nor Easy to use paste wax glues long lasting slune 10 oz can CHAMPION SPARK PLUOS htlestotltmoot popularcars sorrrnta ACNIIIRORREAISTOR PLUOOOPEOIALMN nuooanuornor TWIN RUBBER FLOORMAIS EAR rnours Sporty EM 431 racing style 291 SAVE UP TO 102 DELUXE TERRY Irony SEAT Assorted colors front roornnd huclto Ioalo 22599439 110 CUISI FAMOUS BRAND OIL COVERS FILTERS Stuns rent 540 III llt most SPEtIAt IUAKER 5m suoan nrruo Quart 74 9a CASTROL GTIt Quart oo oo SAVE UPTO 30 QUART GALLON GASO CAN Allmeluluith Iloxy oourmg spout IPTCIAI SAVEIao popular 11 IUIIII JOHNSON SHROME CLEANER IOIMIIIIIPICIAL FIRSTCAN 2ndc CANS FOR vacuum purnptnotor 01 I5 OFT CAR STEREO TAPE PLAYERS All noorrshrnnro IIIIIIIII Heres your chance to gel the model you wantwith the features you want at special pricewhilethoylastt REG onrcr 4395 5995 6995 7995 3995 12995 15995 SALE PRICE 3735 5006 5946 0705 7646 11046 13590 MODEL K5400 K8777 K5700 K5800 K5850 K5999 K5666 8TRACK STEREO TAPES BUY AND SAVE Big selection at popular flRSITAPI nItIsts Pot Rook Wust on up om Ens Llstenin MIIs Sumtlztma THIRDIAPI roracrn TUNEUP EQUIPMENT KIT Comorosslon tostor tlm Inn lloht remote ItIrtIr T00 LIGHT or DRIVING LIGHT Ctrolcoololoor oramburluns 99 sorcur It sorrrru IIvr I381 It Joooum iron to unto In tho tlrot Mod or lost Ilartl to NIH Dnrlnn PM 5th RIAIIIT Bruins Set Record In Sweep Over St Louis ST LDUIS an Horton mold Irth llonlml In IN The Iod anth MIMIng Torn room Ida Dnrlnr not no mord Ind loot round tylnr InotIIlT Iuoodoy nlrht In ohm or Itctory ovor thI rurortdnoly owrostvo St IouII Bluoo to noon thorn Mr ntIIrrn StInlIy Orv urnlllrul In ItrIlybt mm IhI Drulnn Ibo rolurnrd homn lmmodlotrty Iltrr thI rm noon lhI NItlornI lloctoy llltl ttnIl Sundry Inlnot Now Ilork Room In Bolton IIII hoItnn duh round to no IrrrlnIt tho Blues th moot III by club In tour onvloun ruodrrd III by Itontrrnl CInIdlrnI In Iqu mm mm Iyntnot mlcnro Bloch Itnwts tho mlrl mlurd by Ino tho In IIIlm IorIro olth 1h ronto Itooo trolls Torolhrr tho Brutus Ind Blur Ilon not my mood tur rnnrt IOIIJ by tum In Mourns onrlo otth ttIIlr IotII II to holtlnr try three tho nIIrk not hy Montrul Ind 0d run In 1M ORR om MARK at the SL bouts IIIan Our power Inlay In tho moot torrlrht All All Iymuu no Noonmo ourtrottnot IrItnIt nto III In MI ItrtdI IKIIIIJI so touts It Incomtod tor thm IoIII IIIudIy Ilshl but It look And Dohhy 0n IIthIthd In MMI my III FIuolI rnIrh tor detcnmnrn unpty St lordt root Itth to to mum on thm ttooton tIr mod rrrnIlnlnI In tho Inn to out door tho ototory Ion tn to brook the mtouo horn Irrtu 1th hurt by two m5 11 Sum 56 all yrlr To Emphasize Checking Bruins NEW YORK lCIl Now Iurtr nonnm hill on Into tho stnnlty mo IInnII wlth nll tholr Itm Ind Iormuln Iur ulnnlnn yrhInh wan tutu Ind yrovu lelnot hlontrnul unrrdlruo Ind Odom Itlnuk Ilnuh IIn lunt Intro to plotI tho wny we horn born Iud Emlln much tho Iittlo Itnnnrr runn trrrnIIvI lln mntlrr oI turrfhttltlnl Ind hackuhwhlnntumhorklnx to nronto rwrlnr opporturdtloo Ind trnukuhrlny to utuo tho othor trnrn Irorn mrtnn Pmldtnt Clurunru turuohrtl ot tho NntIonIl lloutoy Lounuo Innounrod tho Ilnnl round ulll rot undIr way In lkuton Sunday It torn EST The Iuwnd sumo In lturtun luotdn 131pm Thu Inrhs then lltn to Now York or tho thlrd lllllh on Thurodhy Iloy It morn Tho touth wno olll too vlnytd Sunday Ilny It III pm It Irooononry thrro other unmu wllI ho olnynd May Ind Ilny II In Now Iorlr nnd May It in Boron In tho hostolrown lOT tl IIATIILLT LINEUI AItrr It our nortntmorn Iuoodny IrIanI Inld otnr nonlrn Juan Itntnllu wtll bo In tho Unmn Ind oyuryhudy rLro wllt be mdy to play tuulternor lnt Glnourrrtn nIImd thu rlurrdduur uorkuulo Ilundny Ind lIrrulny hut our to Into III In loduyn Iortmmuro at Ill IIInnII rink nonr tho ulntor humor uI moot ol tho Ilunrm IIhulhor tho Irrnylnn III In or ttthzrhlo II plnrunIInt II In Vlllrrnurr ulll Ilnrt IIlll not ho Innounu UllIll ohnrtly bcturo tho that gnrno riol Put lltS but non you mm our Stnpclun In It mm It ML Orr ha vluod III III thIt Thotr Io pooIroIIy only In number ol romeo ou lur lhtr Ilnr In hard In tho DIM dd thryro tItInn chums VIII our pourr ploy rmttrrno nunr EIrtIIr In tho rrrlu when nrtnl ho ho nuutd nrnted IKnlnnt IIruInI poorr phy Johnson reollrd Dont lull punnltleo Ironmrn Gcrr 0drowIkL rhIrI proton or Itmtll tho Uluuo malty tlllrro llroyun rut tho Eloy In tho loo Ilrlrnn Intern or II tlulrn oho hon oonnt moot pro mm In the rnlnoIn You run only hold thorn tor Io Ion No Just Id to hold thorn ho nddrd ony ol II phlnlnf how In III III Moro nrrn oonnttytllltnrr roloo DInny OSIII Ind Torry eon toot tho tIruIIu olt hotnnro prmlny them In tholr our on our boy whon they out thnt rullrm In our end the III that one around loot no Iur rrIIItIIn Wo lull hoyrd Ivy rhulnn thorn uId them to math tho IIIIIlnIro turo rhny not Into our nod IIIIl IIpIItto nnd John Itur scornd tuu soot onnh In Drulnn ootnrd tend bottom tho IIIuco coulet tIru Iml ttnr round tho In to two soul by Andro Dropout Ind thrtn EIIM In tho thlrd prrlod II III tho Ilrotovrr olnyoll root tor bothA young dotonoomrn Inquiry Told Boxer Like II Statue In Fatal Bout WINNIIIIII ICI Toronto boxer Stoourt Irny stood Ilto Itoluo when ho wont out tor tho oqunth oIId tutu qurut In tllII tlght wlth Ill Apart ot Wlnnloor Iudtulnl Innutry won told Itrrsdny Irylnr Ungunnnn ol Toronto who hlndlud lIruy tor Ihvut In our brluro hlo lntnl hout horn ch It told Judyo Uonlnmln Ilouut Tho rnlnutI tth wnltrd out stow rtood llto otquo Irlt tomothlnx uu Irony tho booounr no ruon you out In III olood um wlllt hlo hnndo dawn Ind tell AI Sport dlrlnt wont to hlt hlm Snort tho Cunndlnn IIIht booyywolrht obnmylun hm only on unoh In tho month round ol rchrdulod tIruund tttlo bout Tho lott hook unt CIIHIJA HILL IDLE ATLANTA Arr 0rlIndo Cooodo Ityorr voterII ol the In unhoonyn homo Non been It but no contlnuro to work out my but Itlll to not Gray rt to tho mum and ho Illod about It hours later rtltor unduryotny trnln ourgory Atttt uunrmlsolun Inn tho rrovtnotol royrrnrrrrnl tu Inyonlynlo the Iourouut uord uhlrh rurultrd In Only dnuth Illeyoltuno lvy III INII IIOXIT llnr thrloloohrr thrt hlI lltu VIII lhrontrnod II ho dld not throw hln oout wlth Cunn olon honvyootght rho molon Gooruo thurulo ol Toronto Ind ourolulun that Inntout to pro Urnlrurry bout um tolunod Unrorrnrrn who to Gtuvnloo manager ulrl ho Illdnt thtnk my not hurt mlounly word to out ult Ilto rnIloh hotqu tho Invonth round Ivo noun htm tall lot more touolohmont tho that ho otItod 51ml InIy tho hurt the humor In tho olnth round hut tIrIy nturnrd to hln moor ttndrr his own ItoInI ho rnld CommIon colonel Don loot rlry utrd oby Unnornrtrn would rtrk Ilrht olth arrtoto phoruho tho mInooIr oIrtIor doorrlbod In nothlnn llrhtorf ohIn arurnlo It orhrdulod tlnIoI tho Irruunt ot Inoruy Unrrrnurn IIIII It would Inorn dangerous ulth throo tynnluar ourtnIrI thnn to tlrht Ihrlotoyhur omy dry It In wool III told tho chuvotochrloto plIor lluht In tuneup tor thu Conndlnn uhnmolon Downoy Must Dotond Title SAIL JOHN NH ICP um omy ol IIIuru IIIIn nddurmlshr boxln tIlIIIlpIOll must rteod III tItIo wlthlu on day or vocnto hII tltht to tho It otIlImrnt trrund hrro III by no tDlrtrI Pontoon It SIInt John IhItrInIn ot tho rott lan Ind rhImplonoht Ito ol tho DIIdJIn IIoIIIIIIn Iroan Fodrrntlon DINO woonnnm HOUSTON IAPI OuthII color Ordooo ot Itouoton AIIM on IquIndId tor thm Int Ilned will Imttrot Ill mdr to Irootnmnn tor Iorunruummo Alt IIVIh Icyqu hdoIIhntId thIN Atlonto um uld ltroodry ow oIJd tut out ho my ho towed to nult ht 0900 you III IIIqu III Ito not Hollow Iro rottlnr too too on It torrootl on rrur mourn nonr III ruouo norm

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