Theliiwanir oedema ed hoot Monday night to summonmat Credit Union scooters mouchnurousrs tetrahedron mum important momma our ohm year have been naduaie work at the University Dr rtarry the titeniaCiuh Barrie Community ion Lid Ii til Ill Had Good Year tfitttrgthg 03am airmen thhkk imheitelrmilai rlartd by the meraherahlpni the Inn weve had no and ot enta on into Aid liereey IIId dont anticipate we will rohitma snow meheapartrn mite wasnt the indirth in to OH 9f rn they werent teieateh out no opoenl bid are Board tor approrai iioneulting Engineering Firm jiieceives Vote ilpptoval neetin hehadtni rrnait rotoee manoequ mu rot vote or opened and had rec ed Wile WOW panache Aid Iii itacrariiian who had qreetioned aoauooitite eItlrnateI Om received item on item utt Mod It needed we an may warrant lie sorta committee recommen the competence or the mu not deter iohlvethaSimcoe hunts wet questioning th Iuperytrton kiwi 50m Millie will Why no mo he to haulehotdera along with mum to more men and Annoetrcetawhere theboard with my has In rested Itdowwetia will hen edtor the new Letitia umtl Palm Mmli Street school ocean en lhecilypoiicytetoinatatlride approached or it the public write on tocIt improvement wortr committee voidd consider heals and litter tram the ap roachto eaolh needed to pro tiee chI man Del Co said coed LIVESTOCK rucrs rotterm tCPi Quilt li tatocherr ooaeldered prices tor Iii go buy dunes and grader at alarmior ital goo Itoci eteer calvea cattla were atendy on an active leer good heavy hotter eItver memrndmatmgtloy Oratorio public am comrngnd and medium iterator Ind apociIt we call mum and hog prloee were hrher There were no early rates on sheep and tamhe due to the toe rial weekly rate hed thlI liter Iotm at pm unrhter cattle tltr ctaolee Ollinerlrlnm aleerl rm loot rtaooaao nertrtruruwi Wm Ital medium triaoatiao mm me my to MM 0urcx counrroue with later to to medium rota mm cream and cutters iodide BARR OPTIC Clapperioo at Collier good hIIvy bologna mu ma mutt GLASSIS SAME DAY later to at common and um it itertuenaeat eIttiI Good muesr NOW tr in meta per real dividend mm or pereeaat in per littered them was do tend tn per cent rupee Corn new withgihgereeiee andeevei JuethChevyemtgm nyou eui VBCiaevrotetlanpn SportCoupgnguatom Con ddoorSedanoerortSadanore VB otMerortCoupeoridoortiedan ordered Ohm compietowitlat mt Oil hith president oi tear Manuel Coupe Sport Sedan or Pulled the cation the oiobt done in tall nous now hideout atudyingmathernet Annast uan ORwhurnuhuylepeotslly eMIlthn Sport whom whitewall tires vvlreeldlacl tinted glass all around rear window deiogger loe droidrri tire Kwrhwe ohrllee arniaer demand as teaiiiruenuihie healers WWW Wagon Faust Free Bonus Roof Reels nPPialitequippecl BrgChevyWagons Ml lnateadoititelireehittndla timitiiiithittt enteredthroatooedtuidun during Chevys Bale complete with vinyl roof electric clock rated wladrhield whitoweil tires remote tennis release vouli love We totovtvoat convenience We give euthan 801b ai AMCerRadtglliEltt Thats reel valuel Big lied Tel veluecyou get only at your parti ating Chevy dealerl during Chevy Sale ComparetYoutiaoethe illitferoncundaavetliutluuryl on year entura inveeiment Certitleoter You earn hightrt interest on an or for hlunteipaia lie tore involunent Certtiicatea intereet payable earlannually or kit to accumulate Termet One to Five Yam Amouutrx SIOO to 0000 Chevroletiiagoneom lei wit ItintedwlndehloldEAliiiiahdxi eoatrolrnirrore overtti to iwegivayou 0dralue reek iVngiveyoua$Oilbvnltto mm WWW AMCanediomEt WNW The Municipal urine and torn corporation P0 Boa ltI Womaqu Dii010 Street Em gt Barrie nurto