Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Apr 1972, p. 15

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iT CARS IN ACCIDENT OROEOGIOI II EA It 3E Eng It artist E2 ti tonryntulnlhetrprodue the minqu cart Jean TnMAtrirhtIrIPIt kitlootaItEllu rkkerInd Wendy old wail membenei anvuwholrbetnpbeid by Thatcher ipnnalneerotoi nymnlnrmrr embIdeeldedilwulhio WMNM lolookfnrttltlerentputuru And he took IIIL 7WMMM ltwudurin thIIpuiort iniereeted in the then mtmplltlon III Nowk amt Nmk the In In Brien orth Irtiatl an Iilll director 91 lb my tboyrnelinTomntgtihrouphnrn ltwuinrnybloodeIrIIl tuIItrfbeda IyI Iorrdtlterrturuodnrurte Werpentloeybourotrlkluf liblnkaperronirbirnwtib hiniionk AndlbecIrnI Inlerut In theatre very end Ibout Brianr ltr Numb eIreer in concept oi nuptial theItrI tbe It My trail gerelopnreni or to then br glutioburtlmrl Buiciliy theideaateruenrb eetra poop when he wuiatbesboisnnelnnhirhtbere 11 nod to mine In II Iennrtantnucienotxtorr tin Ge whero be war wbotorrntbecnreofaeorn Ind Ilrrd until II yelro liritntrrrluIlneddta thin belpa tbs tbelin hrnctlon in root hir Nrrnk cm at total 1111 for vocation MILL ed id MPEMTION Intli no lnlcmtln There coopereion inrtead nm oi competition between the III II Ito docided to my be raid 1th believe Is Now he rm hr in In IIdrIt Irrw lithillllnldealntta llnIdiIa Illiiglliili wllhn tori or the production of thu mm ll MIC ll found thin very mm am concept on rum Inn Upon em Id mm corerrnnn IrII never touched 91 trillan IIy tirunetnl Id MI itOl But his interest In 9in Brill talent lheItre Irpeclally in the 111 33 theatre was mm In Via 11 1d ere bra bocnIhIIllby mm mm mwth trend iodIcIled for the mom run Will herald Buithoaelu iitereforethro lhoCIoIdI liitlilttrw on the people prvrrlm devised ornnni to hire bustrreas ndrnlntrtrI hleIlty would like on work in the tield ol the to rec Ill uptctn oi moiety in rforrnlnn Irtr voived In the nu won Interested In getting Out is my lial Ind in performin Iti on prolero tcreItInI We of cnIntalrnnent lonIlhIIiI II In or the admin he raid II bu literIry value sirIIlon is concerned he said would llko to Ice nrery And this II very complex Ion In the country orpole ork he heore thlatypaofentrttrinment or to train buttress people to lie Inld reallrlicIin they ork In the theatre could elpKi only it per rent ot Ilren thin plan come into cl the populItion to rein be ret be moved to Throw Ind coma involved In the bo becamo Irirntnlrirator of the reuse economics tr no tuner Canadian Open Company problem or this peroenirre In timber 1m Ilter work But we currently only have top wth the company for Iercn three per cent lnroived If tr ElittlllllAbhl Ihoui Icon eept otreptonai theme and death to combine Idrnlnirtrn tion with the theatre lcd Er hnrd Noon to accept the poo Our lob now Is to creole renter nwueness oi culture for people EXPOSE 0111 the the to get out into error not previously exposed to than in which tr Incin what the re ionnl lheItre Inles Ira doiny he told Our nriiuro will norrrarh Buropem levels thounh he said But it is unlalr to use Eur ope mrIsrrrinI Idek North EE Egg 3a E3 is E23 hit If Iround the dotrnlown college Mil mo to us with thins theyre uhamed to taka to iIrnliy dociorl our II the In or load Cnthrsli woman who wont taco her whole doctor for birth oontrot E3 E1 =Eeigt Ethel titrut or rig 53 it IE 5e git Eg III no hotIItn Inr roIl boIoiiIiI Ind lntorrnot clin lea northernrm rm run no mo city hoe fuluhwennndrritrrtutnrn my dururrrdoco area alarm words anl the hnrptlIlI are beautiful Phil to ion lion eiinl norms harI visited IrrerIl boa pIIItI recently It on below rhI talked about drug didhdidu oven listened to me 30000 March In War By tIlE ASSOCIATED PRES New York utyr btuul goon oi Inttwar derrwnrtrntorI more then two retroIn ea tlmntod on persons rnIrrhed In cold rIlny weIther SalurdIy to protest the renewed 115 bombioc of North Vietnun and mother tonoo persona tunred out for In Intier rally in San Iranrirco SmIlier dunonslrtilona rur faced In It lent donen other cities not rlotqqutoped police runnined on tho cnrrrpuron nl IbnllnlyIrrltyIiiItro tildme of Maryland lilon oi Idrninirtrotirn director with the Gordon ihertre lie Joined the mmpany in AprtL thImlner Photo America will rrrItI It own erei And the time It takes to rhlore this tarot will It end on number oi frctorr Ioc aL poi iilrat and economic But within Irneratlon think willharo IIler ride Iprend involvement In tho Irtr Itlr Nowlk become the Idrnln lrtrItIve director ol the Georrirn lhostrn mommy on April end ila plane to stop in Barrie to tea the canprhy grow WW WWW runs or crurcrrrrr By MM At kl MUM Vigil itlittd Iiolllf urur II or er cy 51 MI Florida where he rtreets In if W191 Wm 91 too mm to car In the trip Grrord Ola Oprey It Noshvllle Tho Bunlckl family Irnnerroolheyen oyedaihm Itnrllod It Iupper tuno one hour tour of III Ity and row hi hi III kin to talk thohomrsellohnny Cub inn Nine abdomen thelfr largo etta Lynn Terr liitter Minnie III It the tour remote and the It Ilro run on the town Intro trro Both vehicle narrowly missed large trees but iIKIiL no one lm hurt The Bualektr Ire toncerned with the my root when moot at their front true will be taken when little In at Inntrlil it peororci ylho Suoda Schools oi the downhill Gllior opulent ebIrIe Ito ireshmentr were Iorrari In 1tburchlll eburrb followhrx that illrr Arthur Walton anteriliu Id tho tIIdIoI Bridge Club It her new home In the IIIkIIIhtlI area on Aepil itlNTElt VACATION lit and hire Alert shok it My have returned from threornooth tour of Norton iilhilthtl included trip to the 1their Spree Centre where My wII allowed into the cou Irol room Ind let tho but ihh lid own on truly to be hunched but oi Nine ronneetlour to the button here not Intselt The weather WI the most unusual in so In the rnratlonera on with 0m rItureI melting II and no tor of the time They wen in ironed with the nubile homo twill III the reasonable roots atrslxht tor wind tnrcr Pearl deia Arnold Ind otherr hrd eollided with all rot wound WINNERS ilembrrr and friendr oi Chub chill ULqu club met brICbtth obllt Conunnntty liIli tut week tor their Innurl banquet Ind pre reotallon of prim tor the ten IonI curling ntopby Item in the menI rertion were mph lieilI rink oi BlIla Conrtnble IIct lililer Ibdlmer mei7 lb iArtnnrs tro eren no on suite ppresident Robert Sinclair pluented the MI trophy to oily Cororr Iilp Ronald Allan Don Belily Ind DIlty irontbs toy Tho John Allen tro In rated by itonIld to liy Cornerurlip John ltlohlt Irdr John Ilernlny Ind Blane root In tho IIdloI Iectloo the pro rident trace Donnelty took ebIr the no Wetson went all ed liel Darla trophy to Dell Browntnr rilp lander lie trolls Drlsrntro Ind BIr bIrI Atere Garry Pietro presen ted the It Ileive Memorial trophy to Green Donnelly Ilka IIII Boll lrobsl their Ind SusIn Butler For the morning ouran first rchrdula winnerr were Brainn Stewart Ihlp OnIh Sinclair iiI Nelliy Ind Leeann Robert Ind orthosooondrrheduloErn teen hieert Iklp VtrIIn tort bIrtJoyco CIrrrIron Ind CIroi ancott Keith Ind Onoh Sine otIir Ind Walter Ind Orch Browntnr pxrented the prim for mixed with The firri draw we on by Ben Ind iletI Allan and Grenville Ind tiarlon llurh Is tlIrry Ilrddeo prereolrd the pun Ind Glenn trophy to nor don and Debbie llitchel Irid Grenville Ind hinrion tin es the Gillord Wornenr in rule catered tor the delicious brnant mhre trIa played to linish the erteuinl WOMEN INSTITUTE Iirr William Sutherland pre Ildenl oi South Simcoo Dirtrlrt Worn lnItItutes was uut til it It the Church Inrteiled tho oIllrrrI for more hIrI Suiberlnnd rpote on the lblInd lee Homestead It storey creek Dillcerr hutlied were hooorIry prortdenl the Ronald Allin president ilrr IrInk Inchhrrt viceprertdcnts blrr Kenneth urceon lire Keith Staci Inch carrot ilrry Sloan Public it lotions of titer lir AlIcIr SIunter Div triel Director lira Allan Ind Iiiernntr Consthle Wotnnerr lira Jack llelvn tin IturIrII strlrril Cltlrtathtp and World AIIIIrI illrr Gordon tit bin hub Butler at to line Controls Patrin Inn Onrsnnrer IrrItI Mill uruIn SIoIn BiueItion Ind Cultrnal Activitlee and tin RonId loo Iterolutioen Branch Dinelorr Ire Mu lt Stewart lire Cholmer Pratt Ind Ian Ailen Baldwin nus ury Sloan lira Pratt and tin llmrpeon will be III three of the Tireedsmuir llirtory Ilrr ItrernpaonInd hire blurreoa lower for Itch Ind ah ins and tin Sinclair and Nelaorr anInl will Nittlitltil tea will be lliII liary Stoop illrr pelted the Pennies lor Friend eht ititlti 01093 ills SiiIr pron auctioneer Alias tiny Sloan eonductcd contort thtI rny llnel which wrr won by illrr itIrvey Do not my sway beenqu the institute Isnt perfect how lone Iomo It would be with perich loatltuto war the motto tor the about meetinz OWNS WIN local trim were runnerup winnm It the Btrcmens bona piel It Orlllin The ink wrs corn poscd of Walter Browning Iklpl usell Sieworl Rursel Brown in Ind Darey irornbiey They won iltht bIrs lloAl WINS Ioilr Irom here will bo in tind uy on Saturdnv April it tor the Zone DrIrnI Festive Belried commutation to Bradford hlth reboot for winning the best plIy Ind other awlrds It the Georp in Boy DrImI Forum and the rim to compete It Linda lml actors Cathy Butter ltev Nell and Oolleen Burns were monx thI to little in with Bittywhite muk face in cut Ib little peo it mir rorotstm Itbou to limited and tho once could not dirtinruirb one from the other no nutter how well they know the rotor Simon was relented boy it won truly In urn uruIt presentation yrriour ltell neeepttd In mid tor llthttnr WIN NlthltlLA SILVEttStONE Euilnnd rep ammonium oi Bruit overermo rteerin problem in hb JPS Lolita and won The Deity Express Interpl Iiirrrcttinr the lostcal limo In In New York demonrtrIlors lined to nhrrnst Ind merched to hlnekr down Filth Avenue carrying bonncra Ind chanllnr Iloxnna for rally at Bryant Park beside the New York Pub llo library On the West CoIst about noon perroru tiled Into sIn IrIncircoI Keur StIdlurn tor rally that Included rpmth by Orenwinning Ictresr Juno Fond Ind Bobby Selle chair man oi the Black Panther Party Dunlel Blirberc who hm ad mitted lenklnr the mum on era to the press told the New ork rtlly ThIr lIlesl Iltempt by lIrInIm to expel foreign orexcncovour preteenitem their country would not have hIppencd II the president hid not dlrre ntded the wishes oi the American people who want to rt out NEON lCPt About 150 perrona dornnnrireied in the in admin Iprlnlt Ineremd United StItcs bombinu ln Vili Protest pain The protesters berrd Init er rpukerr then plrlcltd the Lid tonautrtr for Ibout In hour the much war one oi many pinned to to reuntrler tor lniemrtioanl Peace Dry VANNUVER CPI About IO plIcIrderinI domonrtrr tor Ithrrod oter the United It th damvnrtrotlon whlen tested about hIlf In III pionned by the Vancou Vtrb nan Artie commw Antill dlmnmliarl v5 We went the us out oi Virt nun Ind we want In end to cm complicity with the war IIid Bob Sinrms cum mitlee rpokrrrnrrn IIINNIPEG lCFi About BIO Victnrun war protester Satur dIy marched penceluILv through downtown Winnipeg Serernl persona heckled the mnrrhcra but police kept the groups npnrl The mm organized by the Vietnam hiobiilrrtlon Com mlitre Ind Ineiuded rurh Wipe as the Wire oI Women tho Young Socialists tho hllnitobn Pence Council nd the llaoiats BARCELONA Spoln AP LIubwlridln police clashed with men hundred Intlllet nnm war demonstrIiorI Satur dny nlpht to downtown Barre lotto At tonal Iu hairline bomb damned oerrral buildings as about too protester lltttd down the oltyr mrln Ihoroupll me No Ierlous lnluries were reported News or coorsrowr Dy MN hchASIEN All HOCKEY Seventeen table ot Irrcbre were plryod in tbIlrilnrhoniccthIkllz It Ll hlinor tlockoy ArsoclItIonI Three more eurbrer will be held IIna were present from Newton Robinson Beeton Thornton GUEST lltOhl ALLISION The iinlo teal Club hold their mondIIymee wIIhI lIrxe number ol re or cltirenr lroiu AliIston Ia Iuootn The prerldoui blrr Tcnrie Braden ncd tho meetiur ninuler It em Iru obrerved In memory oi recent Iy deceased member Mrs cIve Tire nests entertan with ruled procrnrn of ilur knl nurnberr Ind rcodtnu tuty lunch wIs Iened Ind mini tlruo ooioyed Conprotulailona to NorInIn BIker who recently received bio rervlee certtileIto Ioid pin Ind In additional Iltt from Ontsrlo Ilidro Ill MEETING Ouokstown PM will hold their meotl Thursday his It pm the home of rr It Irkcr itoll coil to be Inawon Irninl In Irtlrlo found fruttbrrII bedroom Neede mu histories will be on display VloIlorI loom hire hfciluler Ind hllsr Irene Ilcblulrr visited recent ly with Mr Ind tin John Fin on Barrio DENEAVIIIIIENI tin William lborrur whose other Peoraon Nell of Klein ber died ruddonly ihurrdny Aprt tr ATTEND WEDDING ttr Ind lira tinker Itlcnd ed the littdtiilil or their nephew Allan ilneltrtl and Down KEirhI bow In Grroe Baptist Church Toronto April it Mr and tin Green and Shelly ol Ferrun were also cats and opent the weekend to lh the Ilnterr THANK OFFERING Cookriowo Presbyterian WtIS will hold their thaottot Ierin meeting iursdIy April as It pm In the hurc iirI Ken Gray oi Struud will be Ipeake ANGUS By MM IV DUOIillOttTll ConnItulotlons to hits Debbie Carry Ind Wayne ilItton who were nurrlrd Saturday Apni 15 why lr Intended to tlr mdmhirl Philil 01th tn the rudden death their beloved do tor Rota Lynn month it Mr Ind llfrr Allen Hopple hlontrerl Ind bin and hlrr Butcher BIrrie Mr and tire Bruce BrInkllo Port Credit Iitendrd the iunerai on 1llrr day April It It mom to April Union Ocmele 51mm is ext ed to Mr lire it Sleeper outta st In the on not thI lattorr neg PAH NEED comb Itor at the Wall tree rilolc deIIInI in druy problem cud dine Gwrndalyn GIylord the rattan guinea pix Gwendolyn rouuleI into the arms at no Alexis Smith Wins Top Tony NEW YORK lAPl Stick Ind Boner Ind No Gentlemen of lemon BroIdny Iborrl written by newcomer rw lop honon tor In urian line to the loth Innuri Tony Aerdr ceremony The top drop us Stick Ind Bones written by Iiyearold Vietnam retertn David llrbe No Gentlemen written by John Gusto Ind hiei Shapiro er nIrned the but mualcni The top Ictlnr IerdI tor rnusIeIl pertorrntnce presented durlnx Sundt nlIhtseerermny went to Ale Smith oi Follies Ind Phil Silvers who mind lull two works no in rertytt oi litany Thin tiappened on the Way to the Forum WNNDBMHS qVHNyWytbvor Smallpox Kills iii CHANDIGARH liieuteri At least no penom the died of emotion in the Min ItIro oi iIIryInn to the lost three months heIIth department spokesman told here Sundry More than 11m persona but been lniccttd WOIiItttIEN FIND thltLlIOlll MEXICO CITY iteutor Workrnon rarrytny out oxcnvn tlotrr In oncllnrn lake dirtlet on tho outskirts of this tbpltai city Iound the bone of lilo ton mammoth which Irchcolo riots estimate lived between rpoo ond new you Ind FIND STOLEN HOUSE TlbtllASSEE Fin lieu Irri Imn County Sherift Raymund Itnmlin son he bu iound In small oindtrbloek house lrwrtrd stolen inst week on the other aide oi town Cherie may be laid ozahrst Ilia peroona who dismantled the hunt Ind started to out It up ncrou town he arid Sunday HELICOPTER CRASH GItAZ AP An Austrinrl nrnry helicopter enmed in ten cue operntion In ooded Styrtn province hit power line Ind crushed Sundry Illinp Ill three ooidlera nbonrd Four persona hnra ditd in the lloods rIttrrd by heuvy ratnlnil UNEARTII PALACE IithASCUS Router prince datinp book to the third mlllonlum BC has been unrnrthcd by Frtnelr esptdi llon at Tel aiIlrif near the SyrlrnlrIql ho er Intieutty dopnrtmcnt Iources said here Sunday The Iind Ilao broluded moo clay tablets with Inscrtp lions OEUYIIES END MOSCOW lAPi The link now nnti muntriea completed Sunday air dry oi naynl mn nocuvrra in the Black Sea Tu reportod The Soviet ncwa Irene raid the atoll of the tulnt Irrn form the headhunter and travel Iorcea of Maria lttd ItonronlI Ind the Black Sea tlrot of tho Srrlot Union took part in the exercise COP It DEAR GIIIPES LONDON Router rormdthoeiock tompilinin de pertnrent trill be let up Is part at tendon poiito rtotKIrrilr lion It was renounced he nor dIy AlietIiIoos of police cor ruption hnye Increased berI In recent ycnrr Ind the rim oi the meet to investi ll Into coruplrdretl 113 GROW HOW wrnurtoron lAPi no Its rnte oi population north In thy Ia extended to tin brethraInitw moo tlonnl Formula auto rnee Stun WyWIrrlner Ind hlrr Cole of Pititil Iirn steepirh hestir beva comnrllteeePiInIlIfortheonr day Iltliptldl lhltullVOfiil mnnwhoseronandbmdrerlon iorblrrCrnI tlIultolioronto Mitt Warriuer Iwa to Ibompoonandiirs hlrvrlllr and two day It rartttr took the tlolttlla rtl IrditorrhtrrArthurWltsonInd lord trenr lorin Pierre Belotre Mont Inorrtee Ill be blot InPIisrborouxir nltho wee tire Boone AIhiielrp Ilrtllorr at Prince in nnu Inn It trot fit Illuulll Wmm orne Ire Iit the hrner lire tilt Ind ion end It April It her nutter eor lg mule bar open to ernutr bureIu raid Suruia ThI na tional north rIie rm III one per cent cornpr with its rcentlnrm therotuloo to linilnotlyllut Itlbelowuplcrotinlrol The roll of hiirr Srni ttrI of Peniicion 30 roi lieI us the hlrhiicht oi her Mr In which the hon plmd moItly In Ioooedrate fiirru But her performanc tn Follies elm iritiod till critic and tha chow the moot Immatul Ctill Gormrn oi Ienny Ind Sada Thornpoon oi thII It nered the top dnrnn action prizes rrlrr rrusrcnr AWARD Supporllnr rnualeII Iwnrdr went to any Blyden Ilse in Forum and to Linda Ilopklnr who Ippeored In Inner City whlrh elorcd three month are titan Ilopkina was the only Nezm to win In award this IIIn thatch then won Imnt blur reminded drama In ni GIrdIoiI ol The Prironer oi Sceond Arenun Ind Elizabeth lrllaolr oi Stick Ind Bones The eIIborItI presenlnllon rites It thI Bmdey Theatre were telecIIt over the ABC net work Ind Is uauoL ran over the tanned twohour Itilldili 1M rtirno by 15 minutes Sikh Ind Butler is the Itorx at blinded Ioldier returnan home lrom the nor to bl fIrn IIy Gentlemen is light heIrled romp ther the ShIkerpeIro comedy It Inqu to rock and latin American beak and blue type inn Gum Ind Shapiro shared Tony lor their book Poitier rnnrlul that Ireland year up but was eildbe tor eonrldrrItton now under Tony deadline to lotions won IIren sliver rntdn on in the it coroi petIIIVI colororlcs the moat tor single production By wincldence tho cerenlo rrles look piIce on the tooth nirerrnry oi ShIkerpcI birth Ilia porthurnoru Iarlst to 1m creltlrtiy we the only ovencu tlnza Ier III tbn granulation For the first rnIny em all the ward were won by Amateur Special words lnr distin uiIhed Iorornplirhrnent ch tony rIreers war presented to rnurchl star lith ileum and conrpoeer Rich it err both of whom Elli pot inordckstrmpo ea oomplcuour trium Harold Prince not rntdrlion citation on bebail oi Fiddler on the Roof which on June 11 borrow the longest running ohorr In Broadey hiaiory

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