Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1972, p. 4

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WOST Highly Suooeoslui loan comm their haddtrderedeare mm homomome weeknanbaeonalderedaeroualooigm WHiawoicoma edewaewarmandhtaownaaolranm ttaatIIoUhJoulddeW identityoiournetionwaeweltrotrivod in viii devoted largely in ceremony ittediiittntttoaaeevthevaiuooitiae Within more Pelee lm we in the United States ere eee new rwlItio with our ad gebreaitzobetlao iirolrkr porinnce Itin or one our friends and thee neighbour mrata the room we are here libel Itant III the presidenta will pa iirNtaon ina Croat aloi with ihorelationr between the two notion in proper pera In have our adherence on net ioreoitredoandUJ national mieoiouriraduatriee Butaniheouee lion oi both national and interna lional two countria laan mocha in common AI netrtlibore it have atm liar problem in doinnoe treota AI poorpenta oi most at ttIoNorth Amer loll etroeaedlthoao Iiantlaritiae banaenilonodihe mammalian DOWN MEMORY iqu so YEARS AGO til TOWN tor 800 Berrle Examiner April it rm Ala tiret oeottpied iidlltntgglmlodr mu to ty treaeuror own it and lot tor pieygrriund ibe tum tellytamlly tiooorailadeu otldayorloian id merit be it was bout to totem nomuma iauy coun ouoe her to recipe and ludVlCr baboonhout ItDtAtadrow wbotiveain werdiBarriaOone omitiacinileo mu Aloelotionh ndaitedornaoan oba borony promotionptouriatitndo are mm holimxllbtm eaiodiia aaravpero Ieu rtewwidbeidealuwaier Sant not Fisher ilour nihiorpreeided It dalo meetingSorevodunega it due to Iprln bleeding wtolica imegaio Oi coinplainie re Imago under Howard Ia Fund chiei SIrieInta Beaten we aervtce on bay and into also St lieiiiodiat church widim Ind gton uer itng an it at iturone Ed Shoare Allen on Poootang petition Gordon Stavernon and mode tor ringing tedalzy aiow oi Midland dietriot rona Ooilier on demonstra rlte Ioored by Duncan ichedmw0n ostrich or com wfanaon Vldeil till it addekeniheitiiarrio CitizeneDIttdchk taroowe rink oi Dr Victor will hm new oonduetorlioyd ti Syl vootor who in preeontly leader oi til band it boating Ben lbrvn won Doye tho it Holt Mummd Hltl out in curling tion bet Shwd to limit eieta oi Vivian sinirnone Dr tie at tieorgo Hubbard Joirnw Mr red In ed cornetili ma amide bend to do Ionl It later ear proton motor to iatoInd eoano omen ero oi advencod age Darrloa eel brick houo 118 cotter prediledbyiierryl noon County now roiorooteiion at Education uel 001 Ann Shrrpoon iibavoiurentte earteaadu etrtckdod to mtg and junior Stmcoe her 1000 acree land tor program Barrie Board added voice to protect rate Ontario trusieca over altered un dietaibntion at public money tor OTHER muons VIEWS houro ot rtr ioereeauoh EMMA hm on vino reported teorne ore the moon indelian midterm hiarcuaWoibyliDy nzetratned tame entwined named Robert twang the Ind tribulation oi rain mandala Father lime Dost hir mythoklontire rote oi doctor Now eoorno that having watdiod Doc Wei hednlde manner on television ltll ernpnlhy with hla patientv even not youll oi the iiorna hill to clean puihnra and locreuing body lleathiliy with bending Ind Iireiclllrtl rnovernenie BOT STEM NIL Aerobic alreeroe citing the heart lunga Irad crrula tary ayatorn tit Iaya Linrt Pearaon And once youve done liael then by all mom lnlid up your Itrength and exibility Although he eonaldera the errubirI program in eupe rlor to and with Ueui Preteen IIyI each program through haa rerteln beneiita For example Ioldler who lvalnedwith aerobic would be Ihie to run Iii day but might not be able to pull hlmacii out oi trench bacepae hig va are weak Ilrnllerl weigh illtorcoaid boy ah artatack eliynhin Iiii to mink canoe lilnlrltl Itrong late hurt in wool uoder the new rniahnarn Itandatd roglattona lor din teoitltoeaa the armed urv ricee every moment Ionian mtrunamitaandahattln acartain titre twice year Men Nittlt be able to run the dietanco in thl iollowing lirpear Vurvior to yearnin impheelra bulldidl entnuieai loin yeIrIit min utebod through ulea eatii yearei mlnutea II upI and ler worneni under ioyeua art it youre do than old We mllee in re no conal til enough to nadian Armed we dont think ennugh to all Iaya iiout Ithyitrel cdn rootlon oliicer EW thin year the ed Form bII rd board on untrn loerln an yaa would re Ii hue Into minute ve or lInAlrinrca ironox batic eIorctaes hia wiltinfneoI to make home call It Ill the aarne irom their own tidaiaomallihorem mm delurmand waiving owmhll on Irmmeoiivo ihorea probablyuno connection but one nortin to ex 1M IN lluutretrYea or eineeo It the bilarrd Bench oorvvorAien oi the American Aoa oi General Practice war In arriend Arid go the nume to thoAtneri can Academy oi Family Phyrlctnnr And ruesa whoeo picture woe on the mend the convention pmfram handa in the pocket oi hie vdiio coat Iieiiioecope around hia neck Marcus Welhy oi tonne Co pdidn Forces Adopt ll avilouiea toll yeareil rnloutoe colt yearn iita aaalmtea ONE iN FIVE PM iteui Pearcou me the Downeview hue hII been taaing tho iiimile nan ior about two your and with root poreonnal the allure rate over year he been to per cent Petaone letting the teat then muat take compulaory tog glng or running program until they can pIIa itecauha take peateat oi running II in be they an In it mlnuira to determine their rhyaiceiiitneaa rating then nmaanry take training program to bring them up to Iiandard Lieut ieerIon Iaya iha Iri eniic Ind reaearch avldencn oi tha value at Ierobiea hII been overwheirnin Ind pro dloiaihat youi aee hart loholvit everybody ahiiting to 11 da to IarohicI tor the lulled la hook the NW limit by Dr Cooper The plan it wutnea givoo ml choice It ttlng ti throng runninl wahlnlpnanralngeon theapot playing Iquuh ey ring tag or or bi nation oi other activtttee climbing elalrI lhi wimmwh PAlilS Pruitmrrmr uOitoOOir Wu mum Commons Question Period omitin am CONIM quuNon period tailll whaiitttoodlobebuinoona artyoliloi ranger haunt talropto volition tor llilj Vie on It CW Iiiouao Aiotoiili mutant IIye llotaae leeder bunt othiihutuwoy aomeyildng we tvddnt do with liberal liPI blame inch lurtre queaitnn period on the 09 patina Irony that the iona theHalli on lllm evaatva or it Ibraaive repliel And they aim blamathe roeier ayatem under which cabinet rnlrilatero in tnrna attending queatton period and eomowently eerie timer abaeni tor to at oven till inauna there at ia widevproad bo iici that loch oi iulcy iaauek Inch II ptpelinoa or IcIndIlI hIa tended to dry up the daily Iorntnuie period durtn ht life ation riod tea VI to Iltl out their ahlva and tackle the govemmenl in public governrnenie have treaty to dItend poileiaa and re turn tcw eieira lint oddly until roar then In no reierenca to the daily queatlon period in Parliamentl Itarvding nrdera linen Cordederatlnn until the time queetlona were aaiied thde In underatandinr that evolved irom the Dritlah PIrtlIlt moot it all alerted in Britain when tlppblltloii MPI were permitted to IIk about time Mulneili litre Dorrie humour ran lleldstreot Oiltdrto Telephone norm Bocmd Clue Nail tloydatratlon Number 004 Return portage guaranteed DIiiyr dunno and Statutory lie eaooptod dubeerizotuion rater deity by carrier weekly moo year ly tingle copiea tic Dy mail Irrie titio yclrly Simcoe County azloo yearly tlatanca oi Canade noon yeIriy All other eoontrrea araoo yeart itoior throw oil 100 yeIrly National Advertiamr ottlcelr to Queen St Weal Toronto bill lilo bio Gathcart 5t lionlreai itembcr oi the Canadian Fran and Audit Dureau at Circuit item The Clian Preai talexclue tvely entitled to the live the re pub traiton oi all newt diapatcla ea in ihla pepcr credited to it or the Aaaoe ated Preaa or Router and aim the local newa puhlloh ed therein th liarrie Examiner eietone Copyright in all ortIinII adven land editorial material cro Iiad ita employeel and re also thlr newapaper Bill hepiatratiora Numr raatatu genor MillO draining raduatly abroad to other iocta aunracra Ohio in Canade he been permitted lhlI nntll IIVIDYEIH there waa no time limit on ed onto to In negotlalima The nitration oi time ilmlta when oluero mu mmmg any ouutione all and eiteo with light diac no the er eta but the pipeline debate tioaaa and the alwayi urgent local eonrtituency probiema audr II the amount oi money it being upon lit under government prearenu tuberMoon lherowaa ln ruieI to govern it out oueotiootng The tlmltI va irom Io mtnvtea to an nl on the d3 refuel no not iany involve in tuition Irean Since no Illlnloler ohli ed to Inawer oreeiiona apociic ia Iuea can die quicklye or ii reaponribla mtntater to Ibrent bta Itandin can cool procetde LogI by merely promlalng de III demo illa tool that ii the Alenelimit were removed there would be no ohliIItlon to re am not problem Illilll the not long puertloniog orny ven Ill 1le ya period would he to minute Baldwin moment ii oppoeltlon la IIking moat oi the aatlcne but it we get televi ir cheated Ill thotrwltb an hour run In he Notaro the liberate or tornlnuleo dilution would be up on their icet all the Ir mania Still the war given otilcla etetua with rectien In the handler orderawaya oi irrrprovlh outdone on rlodbuiaotarlt that we lltooi on Wm nah go on tor individual area otien onion aallon po IIn gone tiara oi urgency ma be ad beyond thLtbo on are in oued oreiiyuto ti Ilere oi which there la agrenolyoot ll in 0m OilGout Expenses TORONTO CF Earl next year George some will produce hie ilrai poatnudi oi 1tiniIrio government expendi ll Ard he ia the tire to admit he dount know whet will rhow except that it wont be II rontroveraialtaa Iudlia done by Maxwell Nepdorml hla tederal government eouw lerparl iio aatd Nr liendaraone audtia wouldnt he the Men eating iicaphia rlidrr In army navy andalri Ontariee iirIt po udit wont be aorticred whote lot oi little thinga unieu they Ire little mattera the rettect breakdown oi proceduree or Iornothlng lint rice plump eliiah laced vlt aervont haa been or your in the provincial preatadltlng Malone and tin lglzoe provincial auditor aim the change in hia role irom preelidit to poaieudlt will the reaul at govemmen docl aloo lIIt year that iotlovod roooaoia oi the committee on elter government productivity other committee propoaoe have led to wholeaale changer in the entire atnacture oi rov ernmeni and the civil aervtce 10 STUDY RECORD Under the poateudit well here to go into the depart rnenle and examine the retordl Mr Spean raid Well be into thodeparlv manta in depth that we war ent beiore dont know what were liable to turn up when you go on the baaio but he doean expect alert ilrlt tevoiailone oi the hind mode by bit iienderaon on the Canadian IircrIit carrier Bonaventure where exoabltant roll all were reported We havent an army navy or air iorce hlr Spence Iald Under the preaudlt vatem the auditore only rile woe to male Iure that the Ium and paupOIeol an etoeeodlture tha iacl that the daily myone agree the poet generally unexcltlng period it Producing Audit matched the amount Ivoied the toatataturo it who inre loci concern tor procedure rIther then than look coat on ya The mull er avawerd or Mr Spence who recalled it we had lot oi Ilult to re port aomrbody me going in My Why in hell didnt you atop it during the preaudlti tha Iyatem led to Iuch rat lid diarioaurea II the critic Int that the Ontario itoulna gngry iarmm to Ottawg irom Corp wae too Ilow in rioalng lll hooka and required more lldli Anetlier rrlilrlam once reterrod to the tact that indi viduIl branches oi the educa tion department were keeping accounts in their own way lioith the rerultlng delicien rea IOUOlll CHANGE One paragraph In the indi to report made thtI obaerva lion During the yen mu re nulaitlona ior payment were received lnr preaodii and new oi there ware returned tor vIahm rentona including more in the ammonia payee He tor the necoraary rorrec live action iloth oppualtlon portion In the leglalatura rnrnpnlyiird lot there to have the IudllorI iuncllon charred We have nothlnl llllllil the auditor pcraonaliy hast Ilhlllat the rovcrnmen policy in the one at the nudit Lib erIIJ loader itobert Nixon II Weve IiwayI raid the aud itor hIa lunch with the trene my every other day We at wIVI tot he was under the thumb oi the trainer Stephen Lewla leadcr oi the New homoerotic Party void the auditor will no ionoer he lhnttly llgure in the hack Found lnatend he will lemme valve that would give the youth the leelin lhnt there is an independent arruliny oi the public Iceouott will Ill Kenton liCdlllllhll Concert men hewao excellent to or hand Th Clrtwrlthtt in the Ionan Iei lamtdlx lm Vial Angielrrre migrate attic versat meaaleura Ina contra lhom rah trian armour Mm lg been Amoricanlaed out lngrtd in the atage there one lain iihier What war available but Adam turn WW II mm ed her down tor caratree tin litatert waa lacareerooihahirhaIaIJurh ww hmmwym thoile oiba wottn DEAN EllDAidLWT glad come it In thltoinIeenlllaabethlLAndtoayoinlgorhrothnoll mine looting aap what the aim poet and extended to loathe eayi lirad that we are an unit at the peace tlil wllgar up lIunu with there wordlr Good an iriah peer an niiicer oi advice to at hand although you eeoa courta ro howc may ootboready to third idler eounoriier at law inure bring than oi attitude th not and the head Ln all concerned liear Noall great iarnliy tW Garner ope you haveAprti It matted nan on your calendar torrent uiro ORILUA DAV will be ob wmfm pm aervod It the Canada Natlon my ll Exhibition AuguIt Ia lhia mummy Wumde new outwit up new Will It threecemmuoltlaa being have II An In it beoucoup It hi colonel or tnlaht lrlarioa other vaitanta iatrr amended In ten to everybody who wtahed ored It CNE lhll year the 31 mm mum on othere being Santa and Duriing my my up ton Program lncindoe elvlc re my no la not to be rootedIluuttdtvlttltoao preached tor exeluelvity Ida and luncheon It til El onlyior melamoaaandiurrah where Oriilta inil aopply the glimmer oi pretocoiAdlru entertainment AIII ti elan ha one to be trIrIa rlollon Dapypat CNS Anne liurvraaylwltl NOW tit DAVE tin and envious srorv ConscripliOn Lively In Canada WW not iit II recent aurv deeth tit or llobert noleulvanala drive oi thatlermln with in meeting and admitted that HIIC llxlrlMl the World War arrive mumpwnl mildew tion on the malaria taunt tree to mom eerie that the item It done In um draw be read by tannera on the riea and it would coo him euppori more inoronr leiorad now are we the Oi Odd and It doth not Koo what we Iini bei no that when he ahali wo Iaall be like blanr llllll lee hlna II he la Once the illrlrtlon Ieea we brought about by the rlttoe oi their on the error God tr now our Father Jeaue our older brother new world or reinllortahlp reality will open hetore him need to approach our Father member oi the lamlty claim our righia realized Little and aaaumo our biilllea Ia reieneraiod llll mono in 0inI held lie ilrat ao cret union to blatery on April illoer irate told by Prime hiilillllr Sir Robert horden that the Allie were on the brtnlt oi daieIt tbia iniorrnatlon could not be given to the general pub the greatest oi the Al lira me the tinted Siaira In mice now on the wey vrouhl be able to Item the tide lhe lAlgorich entered the war in th aerrei aeuion oi the Home oi Comorqu led to ireme warthno rneaaurea Con acrlptlon had already been put into elioct by the coalition foy aroment Now lt waa doch that exemption be titted on men it we old including iarmere lhte brought root Quebec and Ontario and it var mom to love irom protect the Parlarneni but go The iarmera met in the Much The IT HAPPENED IN CANADA liltilERMll or NIAGARA Nonmember Irvineoarwiotrt FitteruthJiirtdi raeourrtoovrvr toutnarrower roomuriutvsvoav bulioruoicauiu moansmart roroouuoruroouor trutrueomureor itittliiditbili0iillt iVliittitliiiliiilillAIi siruowowrlrmuo oiriiuotrctosrrr vortrortnouwuo rooorure limit MILO Moorearmed WREN firearmother moronevva MIIMWM Imam Mmebod omeletre mommy for WWIIr biliitl ill ERNil till FEMALH REAR TllEIR DRWDI II

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