ii it Winner at Academy Awerda Cleric Luciwnen out Supporting Aelmi By Anglia Lions hen mun our Supporting Arlee minim NEWYDHRFILM EHITIES THIPLEAWAHD WINNEBI pt ri End in it eel it in FEE Eat an re not gr fr leinine beater wu chairmen oi the norm leather and elecdon rootinitiae toribelmnoilleenetenieei in It the Unit hell bare lint him no elected tint yleoprealdeu with George Ire pier amid virepruidenl Ied gob McKnight third moroni en Certl lieson wee denied lee celery with John Moduli re cording Iacreiery Bill lialnr Ie the treasure Ibm Flnoev IJon term and Dill ileddrn tall IwIs ier Directore Include Dole Sime Dale Jebnxon ennui Bell Brien rag BESTRi mm do eliteyuan lg can if ii 95 any worn colonel nuke no more ii honor min tble year or delay the been undo the will nm the tea rate it expeeied to beuiinlieyerurtvyunun terIIn in little has not ill been adopted ch menu reiepeyerx will continue to ro rein their in levIeI In one bill lhe Ilhai due date In other are on been Not but there been tome eug ition that Weevil inow lhe procedure it other mo ntebeiitlee by advancing the Tiriiiouhoiiis rrlirrrr 200IITEREIICT nyrnrtmnininr Momentum urin iinne oithem are nieetinglrilbrooto the omnidirectional BEST sunroornur moans Ellen Emlyn to not ill ourronrntn anion pit Bendbrim rte ilk gggzzeeeegef VnIteIIehi Ioe llilllrmt and lid Scbutix with Ray Dukork it im rnchItI pelt president Formed our deride ego the rlrrbi rhirler pmldcnt wxx Irerl Roll The iotb ennlvmuy celebration wu riberred tart ANGUS Statil Delwll rIngI etthenreenAmI nlth byiiernie federal Trier Reforms till in that Iiitr on end tell the richly nu Ali Alole wu it it in it oil led an wroie to the III own in but the eer heard and tI not the now II Cer even one telly rout lt wit ulil trim Inn Iiilttd ltrwcvlnrl Klnldnll Limited Criticizd At Guthrie WithinNW vernrnent lea retortn bill wee cattleiiid by lierold orttt NPelerneetIng mullet mum 0th VI Ier on Annotation et Guthrie community hall rirtitiriili not built birefhuerrbm re titty Wheeler oi Barrie Ii Page at brittle and Air Ilen 10JIleweot Barrie eetr ed eieheirmen lieu ta were read hunt the two more beri ol the Ontario leg Ielore Arthur EVIhI urn tor sum Oentre and 0on don Smith kiiP tor but Silo coo Mr Deploth rilerred lo the conilielbtl in the Victoria on meote oi the Caoedlen over the Implication eon ling Ignor in the IiberIle tax return to the toll impact ot which will be more generally noted when tvn returaeereniedeoitlniymbe lncrme to tea batten placed on meat llgmente wee deplored The ieilitre ol the Liberate to community Qlllil 0t laid our new ueere veloundm nd we the Noe Iiieiu one politle policy ttttiheieowleetoltob Id it in denotith what he termed liberal blueemeey at Ottawa he ed deplored ion deleye In leaning rmeniployrneo The lpuker beertlly Ip Tina tiot lllcori lull Like People AMT htr are ey have their ohm prove it Iiueereiiaya have learnt nine have their hence their lollmre their weniea their power ltnllt end their en rironmvn Itreeseelilat like hairline PI have lIIrty wetlde Iociet etnirtuiw and tend to Mlllil thoee who try to LIke brunette pIge do lot better when they are happy and ultllled It iterate llveitock epo cIeIiet et RlOlIIWIi College oi Agriculture Technology to title about it milee pigi rectal world In order to produce pork economically In other wordr happy Ind healthy if it Ill pigend let pig up In more honey riooort tor Robert narrow end the Wetlve Perty to the comment election In Irri It wee time tor promo me letee he muted cerium re ornament would be the only relation to end the precept inepr tituda ee than by the out liberal govenieiien It 0i ewe timber or North llmcoe which Irubtdee Barrie brittle and llidtend Dr Rynerd Ileo ripped the modern government and the Demon lax reiorm bill Ior edtlng to tea iellure to who economic tome People were dliiiue cred with their hopcl over the prom til it lost eoctely trim the tag ioderel election In June Dr nynerd Ilio wee land ed etlcr he thanked tile Ience lot tile enpport given him inroigboul the riding liI eppeel ed tor the note lupport the tornln voting Orl lowntblp mve lion Stanton wee elected reildeite the North strion ulva bltrdenx end Roblne Petr oi Port Alclllcoll end councillor Graham Card oi to title elected vicepreeldenle hire Barbara Wheeler oi Dorrie wea elected aecrrtery Ind Douqu arrow oi Peneteoa treeiurcr Coldrridter Opposes Yieldingcourtty Vote wgoDdIEDWAtOIER Stellatitre All emailer vitiegoe holliunetdrborr Ingtownibi tor cotmt council repreeente onweir terodel meeting oI Coldweler merit item Kenneth Iletnllton ro Ierred to report to which etrearrillnlrrg oi county council wei edvocxled with radioed memberehlp root the preterit it to the council nae already lied privete hilt peered llilitth Iring reduction horn on to alerting out yetr Teking tune with lttlltlllon by 0ro Iieeve Allan llclean that thin nitghl be Iurtlwr noticed Iteeva IiImIlion laid um Treat Crabgraii in Early Spring Spring in the time when erepr ul Ihould be heated elated It Drown biology Ipceieliit It the ltldgrlown Co lege ot Ag ricuilurei Tochnololty lie morn minded that preemernrnce Iter blcldei rhould be applied In the mini hetero the rrnbgrete can xerninnte nrrtereble betere lily and dellnltely not Inter than hley lI litr itrown uye that Decibel or Beltran envied or eprey or or prepared granular mix ture with Iertlllrer ere Inme oi lite beet roiitrol Itnll tilted ei ltIdgetovm and ot er relemh centrei Drierlo deoirtrnent oi Inlrulture and loud explication ill Weld Control to taunt title other rhemlelle till may he lutdu dare publcetlon ll Ooio in Wildcat Wedd Control in ernure Iplerillon oI three berbr or common rhould read their publication gi Well II the label on the contain er ol chemical recommended Air brown Itrcomrncndntinnx gen erelly lugreat ronge oi relex for control depending on roll 1m Ird de at mth lnlnlitton higher in reeommcndel where provlnui Ip pllrxllonl have Inllid thick rompeilllve town will help re duel crab rele lnIaaieiIoni lioneho with relellvoly emel lewni ehouid obtain chem lclll In the gr nulnr Iorm Lur xlr term are lit treeted with epreyerr Iieeve lichen went to the vilieger mutation done er way with end the extra voter ten the larger munklpetlitoi ldwetcr till done lot to lrn peeve title area and It would be backward clip to here It Ib eorbod ite added villa ie have in tin portant contrlbu to only in the iuturo progreve oi the doth ll IAX RIOLllllTlONd Durlog dominion oi roime teaI heoihltloib it you tried on elm pave more tlm than the nine vile egee eornblnod yet only Inn two member oi county coumll while the nine villager bee ii voting mberv the int reouleiilon or halo ill uked 106100 tor trade and tlilttllo general vnlle the reouialtlon on Cotdwater rolled the village Ior Wilt toward media end that renerel Wuagi Ileeeb village contri butei more than route at the tovnnhlpe Port bicNIcoItx I1 grnoull eireode IIMflIllltlll 1lilil end titrililli Ini neat Iowcit townlhlp Ii liedoole with 15 end Midibb Pillage Burn It contributing tumult inward county road and tumor general ltwtln next to Warm Beach end For llchtoIl airing the tlllegee Tolleritiern wee Ilktd tor to 01m Cookilowrr H090 and oiucr siruroiv NIGHT out the rPINECItiST DANCI HALL Cellplewniyi For table reconvelloni Phone 7284028 IIIM MINI mill and liSldlIl $1021 humor Mint and ldIIlitr and than calm Cold weter Urtdor the euthorhed change the vlllege repreientetlon will be reduccd by two moon 1er log nine Innltlli townlblp wl ronkwe to have two with max Imam Wing allowed trader to tiled ruler oi IWr Annotation oi Cwntln and lie gioiia in guideline report titer come npruentilion glubletM Eech number oi roime Merit wIi glvene cop and the topic la likely to be cooled II the coming meeting arranged Ior Wr April ll millioqu Iodlaiio nhenguln Moll Iiecdooald operator We are hoping to have the lithiumToo thrill no the weather Iild ldr MK donIId continuing be her ind nomeeolil Inquiriex trom enlnuetuil meetiy from Derxle and been Men owed to tool the nlnehole get three coiirxe her been It Ictlng Irvin golicri eeeh veer eon oi operation iiev Stewart made the beat ilbole Kore text data Biochemer tor munlei no tire to pay their county xrheol latter in quarterly instalments rented to other places rioting in taxJeymeni detee wee explain otherth ibe nib payer else would have to beer the coat oi eddtllonel Inleml on borrowing until in revenue peld Dog when the have netlrci rd buy no tege were rem nded November ear with two under par ii beet eeore tor lady gotten wee mode by Ollie Faidkoit Creemore Debates Regional ctlidliliORE tStItIt Region el goternrnent II lively topic In urernore with the pine and com Ireouentiy dlncueeod IieevetIIIlWerdenuhoh thee It when egelnit nreedi on local auton omy liking the petition that the most reportile to public opinion and peoplee rlgblt Iieeve Warden hIl receiwd eonaidernble local eupport ior ltle view although there eiro lllV been tome to argue that the he in lowerd redoan govenunent and It would be well tor the ytt nge edmtnletritteo to keep to elude touch with the changing elt IiI on It wee noted locally movea Ii reedy been made to reduce the why council morbereblp trom at to it alerting next yur Ind WM hive propoeed Airliner redtxtloni At OoIdwetcr lire enroll pale cd reiolullon tilting the vill war no ed to lay ebengee which wouliumeen the Iou oi l1 tie direct repreientetloo on corn ty Wit We wouldnt want regional government It It Ioltowed the ad ollhecwn ethootboerda with the atrial ration at Ben rte retracted one cemente tor who obleciod to the central lution III occluded that Dice more may ultimately hive to loin neighboring municipality Ior electing cotloty tor region slalom IYIIIOVIIION lilllli to donor itw lAltltlL our viliiuNorl Therewillhenochlldrene nutlnee Ill latureley er loudly thte wgelr only local council handy to ralepxyere the roll per tag wee advanced lilo eterog on April Cornell is new IIniihlng the oguo Trends Ilt repreicntallve ii the present trend continues with reyrcieri txtlnn to by molerniird more In line with Iiremntit and porn Iillon errnng April 11 mutton would name In total autonomyro led might lurt deserve way no tell time we lied nutrdrlpnl election we bid to rail two nominallunl to get em ough people to tilt the oltieu LITTLES HILL PLAYERS preterit tleee itnrden Theatre BEYOND THE FRINGE pro WEDr APRIL liltll Codrlegioe bl llbeoi Admlxrlen It It doort or bone Iny nirrnber oi LILP Itrllllll chivem vitililbtbliiitii Shell Clay Pigeon DISTRICT BRIEFS CANCER TAO DAY ORILIJA lSiIIIt OrIILII branch or the Canadian enm la Society will hold their annual tax deyi In 0rIIIle on hidey and Saturday April it end it oiilLlJA MEETING ORILLIA lStall An open meeting oi the brittle lloytlriil turrl Sudt itll be hed at the Orange tall midey evening April ll Irri lirr Rim bio Lnurbiln will prrarnt trevel tainttrio nun CREEIIORI lStnIIt Annual meeting oi the rectum Figure slanting nut will be held It St llTlV purlh Itll on bioteiey iOTIIIWARAllA FEDERATION lillhTIlOilN Nuttlwn Ped orntlon oi Agriculture will hold til min trinity night at Dun iroon but till rvrnlni April it Another VI Ill AllIIEIIIllllE In AViIrwtyuI at gunm lupin Inni our blittlxi norm lirmtwri loom MIRAMIIR liiitllitlIS inernerl Lively element tenant el tY urn STARTS SATURDAY FOR TOAYS ONLY rllttl NAMED IIIIIPIRE bille liltil littlle MMTiltliliiIttltltttn cnouriurr TONIGHT ONLY AT BARRII COLLINOWDOD titular IiItIlbLIIiNllDEAIIS ROBERT DOUGLAS cullIKMuMt mlillthnllMwlm ALL SEATS 50 NOW PLAYING TILL SUNDAY TRIPLE BILL III EIIE PRODUCTION TOPLESSI IIOOJIIEIITID Ill PLAYIOY uqu Illil REALLY IANTAITIII WOMEN or IANTASTIG DANCE beunrleDEITEIiA IIIIGIWISINLENNI umrny IAN YOUR eltlng NNAA ALL UNBELIEVAI RDOT bum tloue PA RRINDE dellrlliiIDAllLPARls butatlo EARL NI OREY toilld ORN MAIIUND titanium iniwniriuiuus MINNWMIIIIWNDIW SATURDAY AT ItlS PM SUNDAY AT 1130 PM