14 any at nag IIIDEN no MOTORCYCLES In Ann rml IIIInn Iliv lilo If LAII mum OW MUM 1111 MOTORCYCLES WANTEOI TO BUY SNOWNOBILES lnomsls ION 11 III were rooms 111 ARTSFOR SALE LV WINE 1393111111 11 II IMMIW1m 11 11 1111111111 11 fAVIlTlOVONIIiG uorine 1111 IAT VIII VIM WWW sresl MI corn in 110041 II 1100M Mlil we IIIAII II M1 Dunlonl lull 113 M21011 Iny sire sail 11111111 11 LI DIAPIIIII MI In Am 0011011 IsrsII ilnl IM min to moon 1101 11 1li1li IRONmull IAIV CLO 11 III 11 LINN 1111 1Ibls or Inn 111s lT om 111111 111 nuns Dill sum Inn in Ionslis 1010mm as use lAlIIAI nod 11 email WINsin New 111 1Mle 1111 MAJOR ii Noll lII olsl snooth is LIMO IM II WWII Nil 0111 Run 101 Illl WI 1inan I111 II MINI lrlurnllien All MOTHER NARI mnii 11 11mnNA mum Plslee mom nuns 11 pm WIITIRN IADDLIl IIII DIN ill iln In oi III 1111 me 1111 0101 milieu null 111 III AMII V1 Minion LARGLVINGLIIN Ilin IIi I91 Ill 011 won me II lien man Vluil Ill Plelll Ilin no II All IAII AMP ONION TM III swim 1111 model wins oovsr under Ill 111m TM 1111111111 All eowsv new 11111311 1111 WAN111w 11911 PIAND mllIni low we or Aloe Mn Ills eon 1100 JAE1 lion II mat some still olsls 111111 will MNM Am end mm 1mm 11 A11 GUIVAI 110 1111i11001 111 Iii Lisom No modem 01 WWW 0110 11 NM Al GARDININO llpI TAPDPLAYIGIS MIMI SINGHI 008 MRIAIDIROMN III Inse WI om WI ill neislmod Ammo IMIM Ill 1d All 11111 II III mum VII sushi Mlr II Io13111111 kl II Oneide Wei 111 I1 01111 um 11 SLIGHTLY 5011110 Mosul in New IIIIIIMI NNTANWWNLEI mm mnwlm linen In who 11W rel I4 hl 05011 noos AND ms 5311111an III Wm lm PIT IM1 TO DLII 101 IIIII M1 W101 MI FIDNIFTmnLmN ml All mm mm sldVlLlwed NM 0011 WW IIAIAIII Religion 01th IINI IN VII Lalo gyyefiwni VD IIIVILI IIIIIW 01 rm es ll Downs II 13131 11111 11111 Isusrs cesium level will LI is SHANNON InIIs mm 11311 mun All we 4111mm Poodls mile mom Innis well re upon use rislss lslem All run A1111 isiiiui PIANO 701mm IInlII IIGNIN DOL iii 1121111113 Rik iii 11 Ion Ion 111 mm role snuin Emory wreselmhnlw I11s NWT 1111 M111 Ngi 11111111 IlrI N31311 ARTICLES FOR RENT ltIlilll no 11111111 uiIuI Mos sir111 ILus no PRUITS VBOETABLIS 1111111111111 1111 ssi iolsseons resell EH BOATS AND MOTORS ll IIIA silo mesh 11 Ii Iisnloso WAR 1111 lAILIGrI in MI 11 001 bill III 10101101100111 11 111 ALHIAI VIA Idol WI vim 1s Maw 11 O1r11111111 IVAN M11 11 1119111131 131 ainllh WNVM Ill PARMIRS MRKT NICKS DEAD STOCK DEAD DIODE Osldxorzerlpplogssllle 100 here BInIll soilnsls tenured Joe 1in union PHONE BARRlD collecli or 11101111111 11111111 OWN Nick 1111mm 111 men so 11 All 101 RON 11111111R AIINLW mm IunIIIIA 01W Reil Issro ALLIIDNUN LTD PIIONB Izmir 1de III REYNOLDS SIDING 111 ALUMINUM moon Isozovo ms Ron APPLIANCE SERVICE mun milieu 1in mu 110 wllil PM 0101111 Ibull IIVII1 IIIII GI IIIIIII lo 111 muwu um rsiIivaIlon INle mum ll BATTERIES HUGHES BATTERY ZAEHOUR SERVICE Ires BIilery inspeclion NEW AND REIUILT BATTERIES ior em lnlciu irsclors Laurel prim lo lowneompm hepslropoels Mm cure Ipieee loos pisslie curs 10 whilst 11111111 in lThS Ilyrl CARPENTRY il ILAII rerun Inelsilslm in ubiilll M60 EM III 111 1th ILMVG MINI Al II In IA Omsoi onnlloslve Name MI MMIeIsl NI lee los Ililsil vowels mule Ili 11111110 P1111191 10111 IRPIIIINEID in Minn lull DAMN MIMIIIIAI Dimming boll linlshlnp deeilnlnp llssl loop III mm min Ilioel Iollwe mm one memo CARPETCLEANING IAIIII CAI IlIlm Mullet 1m 11 ms WIS11 11 sues 10s or muss III Bill FARMERS MRKT LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 1111 Hill suns I7 n1111 wow IMW Mule II on all mu mo 11 rdllilIs 1111 plus III in Is Iss1 Al Winu on LIVISTOCK WANTED LIVE A107 10 some luv lmod lpsl IIII no A10 HID SIID DRAIN VA Illl torlllled ANDREI mm Renowned 111 PASTURI WANTED TO RENT mwsl mid 10 ml ms min l7 nvim LINLssIloIIs 9111111121 PERSONALS NEED DAY CARE In our rslsI our lip our Iducsiionsl isclllles IDA oor rollsblliiy II IIIIII sIIs OP DAR NOW PAYS ALL OR PART 01 DAY CARE RE E3 BARRIE KIODISKOOL 35 DONALD ST 7280030 11917283007 LITE HAIR1 Removed iII ELECTROLYEIS 11 per 11 in II on Irpsrisnce Ills uNbOiiDd 1111 Wall mom 11110 11mm IuNII All vmy 1151111111111me 1111111 11711 is lhorlenk IulIIIlsiion orlswL 111 IIIII CARTAOI rmp Imhlll EAVesrsouollluo 11me nuo mm EXCAVATINO MN IIIVKI 1mm mu unis 1T11Il FIREPLACES numeusrm on em FLOOR SANDING 1111 117 more we 5113 11 won MIKE FLOOR WALL TILING PLDGR All WALL NII WHO in Mirml window lslioo elem moss Flee Mg FARM APPRAISAL V00 llliullhll IM II II rsls DII In swim M1 FURNITURE REPINISHINO ALI KIND Ii Mllilln mm Hill EMU TIL Pl II II an 11m II mun 1111 GENERAL MAINTENANCE OIMII Mlnltrum NINTHg Imn WIN III III Joel ILL uyl INSULATION 51ml ICONGIAV 11mm Illn piu ml Ind osn rm ml min Ecol MW IIIll sun LANDSCAPING CONSOLIDATED LANDSCAPING MEMDER 01 ONTARIO LANDSCAPING ASSOCIATION Gsrdrn Ind Landsrspo Design Dy liluoprhli Moany Garden Iisinlenam Dy Conlml Esl llsrrls and Toronto Tirns Jib2979 EASiDlG GARDEN SERVICES Spoilsluis la LAWN MAINTENANCE TILLINO SODDINO FENCING id Yesrs Experience Work GuIlsnleed PHONE 7201011 NOW AND SAVE MONEY moonRn PERSONALS alluzlllllgis In so 11 RM 1ka NW WIN TEL1 II 4110 hle MI Iller 11 p111 Al INTRODUCTIONS Vss no Iniiodues you in 114 MINI Ii you unnII rudder Ind snils ods III or sill II on will be III III Io NW 1013111511 s1 11mm cnlulo III FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY amulioir nun Ind women sirole mid Inwssiod III Imi no lo 11 Isdsnln Ind elrssl Me NI INIHIIM Iverylhinl 0141611111 alwiiil ledrifrIII III III II Iron Wslie 10 los III 01m IrI nil NIL051 POUND WARDIII II lllli M1 old IIII 1n 1111in III II IIIer II Answon 1o AIR DIV Pious IIIIRMM 031M A11 IIAOLIIl Ilil Ind will In In shlniy 1114 Much on on number In IIIIIIII nuns mil 01707 no no 11 Ail 10 HELP WANTED JOBS OF INTEREST TO MEN AND WOMEN Nhil ssiILlss 11111131 Ismlsm 101111 11 911 III A11 III IR NIPNI limo on mommy me ie 1111 mmi 0011in or Innininisn All wow INGII OIDII mot IWIIM II 1MP VIM 17m Wm In person Nona Il MAM II 1M All 11131111 fAVAiLABLE IMMEDIATELY Do you live in the srsss or on one IIOIIIII it utensils me NII homer IDA SDICOE KITCHEN CENTRE Phillme MASONRY IGIIG ml at Wuhan worm bish II was JUII TIMI nun II DVIIPOID NahM II Ill1 Au 11 1111 More PW IIDIIGIIILIIWIIIIJI III I1 Lsnv II WI ssm mew II museum on on noun sllnn Io Ind Isiinlrm lvmun mm by Minimum MIWIUN IIKNIMMIII milI Id1M0 IYI MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Dix MI in oil IeIIIle III II more III Lennie solo III in TslenImI 1301le 01 PLASTERING MIIIIIIO Odin PM DIN mlils 1th mm A21 ill IIIII mm Pm WLWR MAM WI NI NIL A11 osnvlslle Moe mom1 in in immlni dllnily unllns new PAINTING ussomlss AID enormous um ms unsll ioII son my unims ulnlm AIslsm eon sm Rwy norm Hermione Insurer Livia milling W91 Imil Tow HIM AUI PAINT NO Willa lhl lliliiw Rm IllllnIiII lvil limos csu lIel Imam WI sli RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING llllVlON Null NII Id Ind III III Indoor um luv Dill Illfll IIlllI PILOT MY SIDING Tough loom we on JOIS OF INTEREST TO MEN INNISFIL TOWNSHIP STROUD requlm POLICE CONSTABLES Wilmllnnl eel oul 1e lie Onlqu Pollre Ari Grsds ll educslloa required Appllcsllou my by Irilla or spplyiay in person lo the ol ee oi TIIE CHIEF OF POLICE nol lsler lbus April 1m 1111111 AIIOUS PLAYERS UNITED Arc loolllno lor young msn who is lnleroelrd in msLlar Ia Theslre Dossiers esrerr The person III III lookinr ior Illusl be seiisble Ind Imblliouo sod loo able in ssswno Sisli DIpervisIon Pieuo Ipply in willing lo lho hlsnoprr ROXY THEATRE Si Wssl SOPHT TACIA AND WINDOWS Barrio Division oi LONDON JOHN GOODPEIMW Ind IIIMM NOMIW 1100101 IIPAIII TVI MW him YInImlliooIl VIIeArn 1011 II Dnlln Ll ANTI NW 11L 111W Ion IIIIII ienls Live In Illunlsueln Newman III In whim eonllilonl ml mm III in MoIInINon home In lwlns menihs Ind III PIIII WI Ii In MVLOEIOIRIR Iuiles II III AID NM 0M DIVNVI IIiilI Iool WNWdlm NIlIIli mlnsilom loo RIII CANTON TIM IIHIII live In InI eIII our 1111 ms nil nuns euo Iosrs AM II II IIIIIl imminLIIIl mild UTES the Ilrells lislsd belowl NiNEis liyoulllelosruoilodloIsiIoosooonoiisdsreupiuunhosl is run DARRIE mission IImumnmmr AIsppucslion bolon sod rehun POINT 11 5111111 Vilin SIDING BUILDING PRODUCTS 11 Phononzngm TAX RETURNS lueossl lss eonns Ind boohlleoinn Wk lllllllbil III G1EIIG VI TV RADIO REPAIRS ULIIIID TIER 1W kiwi IIIIR MI While th Hill IIth IIIIls Isles 1m morn W111 lib IIIIDIHIE NVIINAL Ilse JOBS OF INTEREST TO MEN AND woMEN FOREMAN APARTMENT MM IlliendInI MI 111 lmMmI Ird New in IIilinp sIslIno no muni he goodiean uiur omrmn 103 GP INTESTEST WOMEN wiIsusI no 11m mired loo wheeler In My how Alilml II III V11 sum sumi Isnisd WM Inesan WOMAN IIGVIRID lord Ii rim VII Mnllun we rI IIIII Inn 11011 Tl Mir nIIPINliILl omen la bsby In III IIII Iiniroe HOV IIDUIIID la 11 IN 1116 10111 MIMI Illum A1 NAIIDIIIIIR LANMM mos deillis virus Incl osmsi A11 IIIIIIIIID NVlIINO Allllliin In RM MI 11M mm In rnInlphi Inllls WTNIILY in mm Mil Mm MI II III $11 no cell can Imlih Ind III III owl ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN For servicing 1n BANDIT ores Musl be over 25 and have chluiieurs license 3101111010 72021157 111 SALES CLER BUILDERS HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Required ior well eslebllshed INIII 11ml Dulles le iaeluds rloro duplsy prlclnr punhssinr sales Ls perirnro In Issel Apply in vIrillns lo DO Ydil DARRII EXAMINER AII1IIIVS20 ASPHALT PLANT Mu IvI Ind All For Dorrie Ares Phone 7057200214 Business Hours Ills PULL III in Ivenln LIMA Iiwibl WA liwlnll III new Md Ml lims slsllseiv is low 1mm 1201011 A10 PARTTIMI aloe Med 00 mil Flldlv IM Md Muli Am will no In person looIIion lir Inn 31111111111 11 T0 IALIINN milled Io Iikhon ub Inell hulth Mod Mi TM KNIMA CIANI I0 Dundu Si lsu Mlsslss 11s vIlI TINT All she A11 TAXI DlIVIII MI 111111 Minimum IT 11 Minion LII II Anan osIIon nlil lo 11 ssd KIIii or 001 VIII IIDDHM Ii wellsloIulmoww 111111 111m llasrieilel Iii uni no mnuy Ioolv in omen only Mr MI mildly Inn All Won II III 111 I110 MI OI ndlbll Ill or our II lull II III soeylely menlisl 1111111 wnllled IloIII nolr 1o sums Isulii urvlrol Lid in Model IIIhI IMO Tiib 0111 110 INiII AII IXICUVIVI IALII million WI oiiIIIlim LII IM II 111 MIN Niel 10 VIII ion he 1on 111111 be sn on Ilen IIIII Ionlie rumble Ilnlnl You dlIIilenA Ithdol 9011M de I11 mellow Apply Allillon in sin 1mm III ole Ne 11 sin All A11 irirerollon Iyolelsu lie 1th hove ml Ibsei melsl msnulsciurlol lrlzersllon sysloml MIppolntmonlw This oorinoor wll luporleo lho deslas Ind Illould be seepoiuiblo ior lhe sprIIeIllon on Please reply in mildew lo lies 111 llsrris mrnlacr gt rim lion Iiil KILIIL sir 111mm sum eI mm in VIIhi 1mm Ink HI hm M10111 orwlll Nil Wilan Liyi on nude IM 1er III111M Tr Mil 14 III IInlA AM no Isl lmss were run Ieiqu ll mwumwel Am hurlI Heel Ionl Inns Ii ll Mun mm lush TIM Av 11 I1 10 In lemur va someInns 11 mm sler renal inlsmns or ml or Lwls ml Innis InnAI Iml Viciqu IlesIIisI Imle II mm In so em III III on 11 mm MI Mos summon om el we omi Gnilio sum Ind In in 114 seven mm wu In or 011w om 1m 01mm sun1 III 1m Llr RUIN All by ymmam III on or In mm sums m1 stlvy slml Ink run1m Iser In on moor us moor MIA II II lire 111m IIIsiI Union mm AII 1mm um um IIIAl Inul VIIIWII NMIIII A01 10 ll 11 All you All lmle In Wednndlr My MIN Deer mm Ii Hones Morons Isnlu narrow or Munoi ism or 11mm mun Is in 1mm 11ml mail so Valley so Isms Myslur 01111 In sl 0111 111 on soul COMING EVENTS GmANlUli CARI AND DESSERT PARTY llllRiE llollllcumlw ooClm Vedncedsy 1111 20 SUNNIDALE COM IUNITY CENTRE DESSERT 01 olRlls 1111 Dridxe Vrhisi Euchre Tioheis 01 PROCFJZDO lot LANDSCAPING GROUNDS oi lbn ROYAL VIO TOIUA HOSPITAL Ind REG iONAL SCHOOL 01 NURSING Tickris llelrn srnllh convener rooms or Jesa GIbls1 11 LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN BENJAMIN ROACH isle ol lho Township oi lonislli in lbo Counly o1 Simsoe Coa lnsclor who died on Iboul lhe 2nd day oi November 1111 Au PERSONS hsvlnr risisns ayslnsl lhe above rslnil III or qulrzd 1o Irnd lull porllruisrs oi such claims to iho under Ilynrd Adminislrnlor on or bo lore the Isl day oi Msy slier whirls IlslI lhs eslrlos assets will be Ilislslouird thlnr so yard only in claims lhsl have lhln been received FIORENCE MARGARET ROACH Adminlslrnlris by her solicitor IAUL WFSSENRER Drrrlsler end Sollellor l0 Dos 01 HARRIE Onihrlo MORAN NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN 11111 ESTATE DP 1155111 COLE laie oi ihe Township oi Vrsprn in tho Counly o1 slin roe Widow who died on or shoot 1111 10111 day Di Auuusl 1070 ALI DEMONS hrvlnr sisims ornlnel lhs Ibilib rslslo are required to lend Tull portion 1an ol Illrh elainss lo lilo Isn derslrlud Esrrulor on or bliore lilo Nilh dry April Iyir Ilscr which dslo iho eslsios sssrls will be disiriinsird hsiinr rerord only in until rinims iilsl hm lhrn been received DATED Ill Dorrie Onlnrio lills loin day oi hisreh AD 1171 BRUCE OWEN llarrlslrr Ind Solirllor Dd Owen Slrcrl RARIlIi 00111110 Solirllor ior lho Exreulor 1Dlll Aiborl Colo MECHANICAL ENGINEER Refrigerallon And Close Design One ol lhI lanes Csanisn nlnnuleclums oi rornmcrcini reirlr erIled yupsr Insrlrcl Ind dslry mmilsmllsln equipment llss so openlnl los Ia Isslsisnl 1th engineer Ind doiol oril oi com neodul oi ro hloulsdro ol mo 11 selIlsd desias Ind Ilonr will good knowisdrs oi 10 locsllrss DIrrs RIWINNIy ALDO ATAch Reilly 010000 Rsnro Anni II ms onion nuns Iqui AIIIAILMILEIIIM ship ii nsils vcsl oi lilyqu risrsdoae IliiI ansholibt so is II be Isl ebkl 111131 polled Nero lord rslilo loe IIliisinI Tm Ill Line DI bllb ell form mediaer includsy corn pmeal bogs ieed llsralsblnxl Iadndlal Induce The undenlrasd mlooe fl hm rerelvrd inslneliou lo sell llls lollonirsx EARN MACHINERY A11 minors lrsdos Srrler lo Mill huvy any IoIdAs lllb earth Ind smaure blxhels lieu use Loon mo in no road Iiupe Idiernlllonll Ii Lssrlnl in good order Allis miner 11D loolll rullisslor irss line Iem Allis mini en deulie disc 11D 11 links isnrowsd ll lrip been 1111 plorI Sol oi lalerossloessl redlon dror hsnovn Irish sleel pole Sol o1 sprlnl loolh liar ms Sel ol oul illrosI disc Allis Miner No 00 MO combine vrilb pirkup Ind Wit lilsell Allis Gulmerl 10 bole sum liD lalernsLoII 100 rnIassro spsesder Horror ed laiosnslloml iIrlililel se drill RODS York shell 1in sod York Ions dso In Moi HAVING EQUIPMENT lool ddo mounlrd IID rnow ills AC Massey Frrrusoa No 11 bsier newlees lhsn io ooo holes Allis Gulrnrrs side delivery rskr 10 long John Deere side delivery rskr 10 lonrllslsbuuhrr Oldrrrele Lillie Glsru 30 eleislo 110 molor llle new MISCELLANEOUS AND A11 rmuscsunnnv John Deere heavy duly won and lid bushel zrsln lsnk Rubber lire wagon and sick wheeI lrniier lniernsllonal hsmnlrr mill 00 Tool Indies drive bell llsnd plow Land solle sell Irolee Grsin drye iesders 1111111 rs oiler lsnk lype olilr shell csllls lsce ollrr hires iorhs ODIN lily oi lumber sod snusro lim bero sleel woler lroushss lionrer chain no broodel pir lemon New purw hrsd an stn InnvIer Ind hols I1 isrbrnenl Quins Forks Quen llly oi sirei roolinr shoirlsl plus msny more Irllelrs in numerous lo llsl OORN EQUIPMENT Allis Gulmerr Ins sow 11D corn pianirr 111 lniernslionsl sine rlo row eons picker used only lwo erI Allis Chalmers 11D inn row mrn selsiRrr 11110711 lioosl sorn Illeller liydrsulic rylivuirr FEED zoo bushels oi oak Amoslrnniely 1000 bliss oi Neich mixed hey Tower seed GllllJl so head o1 eholre residual polled llrrrlord col llo lnrludiny 17 nssllrs rows 11 bred Inli open hsiiers ll mired rolrrs 1o rmnlhs old servi bio use nulls llevd sire iVDI Mishrhiri Red 10V selemi small solves llnosliy Domino Advance Ind Rollo blood iinrsl 11011511 FURNISHINGS IN OLllOiNG ANIiOUESDunrea liulo droylral lahlo sad rhoin Dining room roller Lhrsllliloid Wirllrr srrn choir Frrnrry Wardrobe Inliue Anilone hall rank 5th lobes ielo oILs lirrsserr Wuh girl on TIMI Dow end in bio Anliqus kilohen cupbolnl Nilrhrn choirs Chlids crib Childs Inli uo snail Crib Ark liquo high Cu wllh sliding glass doors iIlyilhiro rclrlrrralorr Unriyrhl Gihlon lreeser hlollsl 21rInxrs11 iron healer Ilovo isnliueir Dookoaso hlsilresm is our Pillows Nels mission Live room drs Ili 10M shes 111 ulonsllri Limos Slelsll bells Clusrni Laundry lube plus loonyrnoro Irilcies loo numerous lo list TEllliscuh No reserve lagn sold mm Inerorsuc oneers line be responsible ior Ion or Isold enls day ol IIio muses dillshnol uslubo 101 VI elork NVPIHII We Links v1 Imslunsis Audioneen Remem liemon lilI livesioek 111m ssio hsss LbI Ilse sse hullhy Ind III 1mm 151 Alrnilllro roll IlIIrp sill III mseblscy lam 1H Im