Wosogo Construction Amounts To $546500 was NEWS Mull EXAMDII MONDAY All ll rm DISTRICT BRIEFS CANADIAN CLUI OIIIIJJA lStIii Winner ot the tested model lot the more boo written by CInIdlIn to less Cargo Bohr Ottus Ins grsesl speaker st District Cansdua tlrh It BirthrtterolloteltralayAprtl Theodoreschoolth It hurts Tull dstedotlhamlhltlimbetug Iotlhepoutlucltnrtottrto SIM eonruurtedalsrutotrlou sienna med wwwmrmtmru methanexbuohotllboeiw ed CORILQONDLVTI wen letters Irons Pm Nous MP Ind also born rteoasn lit Noble Acknowledged letter trim med regarding the medicot centre grant lit and list All copper Ind tin Reds bests commended do eotta depertrnebt lot that rum response to call Ice elp over told coalitions Sixteen gmbuilheo calls lets reported doing the reads The run or tin Ilrtttrs WIRI Thornton liclivo 70 Years THORNTON Stoiil One oi 5mm Countys nirlce Ietlve brmbts Thornton iirvnrns In stitute urll nurt Its Tutlt lilnI versary In lley Tuerdsrrtuir book mil show the local start on otgsnlttd In ml with the Cotth bslnth the sputum The oldest entire hermit In the county Division was enrol in lent the records thoucsl clatter president lit the Thorn INTI Int It hilltth lStstiI Winters urunrrI trusses to 0am on one cums Iill send doiegstcs luniot lctmotr Consider Change Due Mill retiring prurient ol the Junior Frttrrrrr Assort Ilrm ol Oatsrio murmured It the annual conference that the misuse tote steps rbrrrge its nerve to the lion Youth Auoclstron nt Ontario Ito sold that the hour the Junior rennet matte protects II the biggest single Ieclui holding my young prone bsek itrm Iolclng the orgsruuturo Iurroe Farmers Is the largest oulh led morirtlcn in Camels The sncrsrt tonlrrene oi tho JurrLrv latrnees AlsoelIIion ot Oiailrlu was held recently It the inn on the Port Toronto The toytrole mater Ill remit Kelly who was member ot the Cansdlan committee at youth ml the prettrrtsl commissioned post reevndrry eduatlen In Om tIrlo Guest rpeslrt It the borrotett was IIIlLtnI deputy trin Islrr Ontario derattnveol oi In sirulltre Ind loud the corn mendcd the Itsocirlioo on in progrrmr Inl Ilrvtlrs sod Re tlevrerl Its expanxion slum it Ill tamed In IMI Otlrrrs oi the mootsilos lot PAS ROAD ACCOUNT BAITER Slottl Road at mtv for tho month et birth In the Mt oi storms were accepted sod ordered paid by In cosmeil st Its April met log SSA APPOINTMENTS RAXTER IStIlii Gamdllrn Ross Rhltoobie Ind bitchy Gusts have been waxed has representatives to tho Elm grvrs mentality centre board it lieno ttIeDorrrId Ownerliter Gcnala uete Ip polnted lo the Blues eonmtrtty not bortd MEETING ARRANGE PENETANGUISIIENE lSIIIII regular mellng It Petro Elliott Cutlets Win lltEinrvan lullALI Stilt Winners at tho liar Steele trophy In teen Iy contested turtle competition sttheloeslrlohr pOdIinEl liott end his not will receive the Ivsrd It prosecution right It Orr lute listed lot this cumin Saturday ngbt smeded Bursar tankerlo It prelim oi the rest other morp brrs Imiudc Deputy Reeve Jret Ildicy and insertion PILild Jock firming Ind IlIr otis Diet SCHOOL REPORT Kenneth Mathew spots to rmde ebout extending his last burnersI to Include Wrugs Resdt lle us alerted to the may hernias it hm lustre committee oi council The question pt tooptrotlse msctrwtnemstnog ml ml vi upon us Withulm GENKSGI Irtd Ill be Ltktn up glut Lynn mm In with the arts mimdlited ttrit Ind Den Rout Ihllrr Irawtrsre lttrstre iltlircd Doom gate Reynolds Itsrshnillluthtd end In ruttslte report on Stucco Gsrttet Graham rtltled wItIr Edmtrrtyl whoslrytrer 1m tan hens llortlcultursl srankrtrttr rts ng It Aw 1mm will held on Tuesday eve Illtetn tints turn led In to Ellie pupil etrrrrntrry pupilt Mt Whtt IMAth ILIben plsnsicetho weetsoteurtinghrorotha lro will be third out mt wud carting soon will be damned pity winners were decided by but VISIT MISSION Tint elementary school to Strum Correr to en Fpbmot llth crotrrry TIM Ii Salute ItIrlo Am the llurorrs Ir hlidlaod were to ptptls Iroor Grade Sit oi Ard trr Khod ill OtIIIII ot Tl en it as as ol II The lor sit it Is treIr to the than Geor the list then Im stri ever lit In In the green syn trac roan Err II II only Indl it about sketching protect in rm Ieurrr in too photograph were Stuart GteidInus ltsyrtrood Vandal Kart Anni Ind Johr Jstieh bower photograph reects wintry wutlrer too dilloru which continued to prev nil In step One oi the lup ervlscrs llsvid Robinson ot Park Street hilegIIII In Or bit is shown IdJruttrg Intrw thoo harness It totem Green hslgb Another supervisor Doyle Ind Cyoda tic Arthur look on The grotto spent tbreo days It recon structed Jesuit mission In trontler outpost which wu Ontarios ttrst Dumpesn tom miniii III ISO DEATH ATE Alberto hII death role it per 1000 population Referendum On Liquor Is Pondere serous rsrrrii to odour lIEIWTIbalBI taken up with tho it or control board bcltrrs puntt decision on details It wu Innouucrd by Reeve George Grtugis Atiot we best truth the hosed the that decision will thcn be up to the rottncit slid the is so reels who suggcslod one oi the martian to be stdtrtritted would concern ssio oi Ilouor with sheets at restaurInls Omer ucrlions also might be nrbrtrllt It the me time the tests said stating Ier use to council lIe anticipated the liquor vole world be bold It In earlier date turn the regular municipal elchon It the cod oI mum ed about the prospect oi solo on hotel beet parlors or lounges the mic pointed out there were no hotels In the An rter The hotel It Thornton on tho Innitiii rIds ot the community there midi be Mtlblltllu lot hotel corrstntctton to the toddler Oro Reeve Hopes To Hold Tort Line UAISTON lstsiii are bopclul oi keeping our local mill rate It last years level said Reeve Allen Ilclerrrt announc lIs Oro eorrocll world be sett inl the township rate hi incer Int to he held on ltlmdsy April We have been gnirtrt over estimates and tch the line can he held he said cornmcndlng his council colleagues tor their coopcrrrtlon Iltsy Include lie puty itceve Wallace ltoy Ind Ootrntillots Ira burdened The oiawurgmsrr comm thiwmw substructure Zamowwmrmrr ALL THE RIGHT NOISES tetluloobt It DUNLOP SILW RARRIE ONT STARTINO WEDNESDAY Til UAILRIJSIMRIA NOVEL IS NOW MOST CONTROVERSIALIHJIII vim motel Emmi uslIIbT he Iuitctted Council hes slrocdy been Id lIko Ibo Iritlslivo to hold evote IIl til pcrlcenwlh the sec on out en corset v5 alternrllie but to proceed with voting Irrqu menu ikse alterdy has govern ment liquor store and rise to tItl bcct outlet at Annie Thus were lrvored In township vote told In Decmtbat mi The low protein vote lot the store II that time ever tool to Its or 711 per centsud tor the wuehouse 117 to too or SS1 pct rent Dining lounges were deicrled by the to per cent ntsictliy rule es the pet centric margin In invor wIs only Ids per cent or to per cent below the necessary itth to entry At earlier disorssion the unrest council agreed that It should take the responsibility oi Ithtlrr an expression at in lon brrt eonertlorratobosiled Clintics Simpson and Ilowatd it my reordrltioo on cm the limit lot tualdswznd over last yesrs total Whether Oro true will be moored will depend let el on school rates The counEllltIs dccidcd to ask tot tcndcrr on Iourth letge truck lot the roIds dcpurtmtnt with under These Ito to be with sander There hrs to be In tho bards ot lbs clerk llenry Ntuieid by April It icslute Program One Complete Show It Dan only as Itserovrrrnw vised It has the sulhorlty to yr In Essa to tilt ballot Ito sill unsettled ltoovo Over etc that dining lonrtidtaebrt WombleET Hindi the decision We Ire getting more tuiomrs ed lion Item the liquor Control bcsrd diet which well be Ici lrrg be llplllntd PAS RESOLUTION resolution rtrd by endotstd the den ol vote to gel peoples vicwt said Whereas council ls oi the opinion that on ex session ousillied voters shou be secur rd upon the rats oi beer andor wine and or liquor in Iocottsed premises in the township council will consider tho follow or quee tlons to bid torn by the liquor Control Board oi Onlsrlo lo de tlds which should be Isktsl Ind lhsl to oislst them In trotting this decision representative oi the board he lnvlicd is silent the next reruiar meeting oi count cll to explain the metering and Implications oi crch orrcsilnrr Seven possible questions listed concerned ItrthortsItlorr tor wipe rtotce IIic oi beet only in pub lic houses on brcrurd pttvnises to which women are admitted Isle oi beet only in ptbllc ho es to which men only are Id milled sale It beer on in pub Ilc house to which both men and women nrs be emitted to st beer In wins only dcr dining room llcerco oi Ilouot under dining lounge licencerd Isle ot Ilortor under turn licence Whe ct all or any oi those questions Ito submitted per cont levotrhls margin Is to poised to entry Aiict dotis on Is triads on the tyrcsllon or estlonr to be sub mitted Ind errecossa bylaw seed two smalls writ or pet council aving lion oi todsy It Ill motor and Dr III Steven er chrrnisl Irrd drug IIIDIIIIRST iSlsiIi Coot oi living In the ptelnlletlcn ego oi ire years no II the own it advertisements in old horsepo pets at the Simona County In chives here Ioneer OtlIIII hewopIpet The poolnr Ind North Sirrtcoe JournIl in 1M7 when Otillls wIs Incorporated Is vitIIte quote ed res It What were then eontdered reasonable by pror relive customers In the horse Importelion Ige The lApodtot and North Slnrcoo lines were eaicodtd to Orbits In itll liuicehys general store at Ietod mens stdts It trio mens Iort boots It it per pair and islce Srmch grilrrs It It pct itIlISltY HIEAI lor eIrs belore the rIIIyIIy shout Eelalerts tltna ollervd in It pond but whim walrnsnkqularier kgrllzon and his buttress irom cry Ind eotrlocllorrery also sold liqtrots groceries Ind dry roods Thorns Ilcltalt wus agent tor the littdsont Bey Curiously James IIth irorn Enfisnd was watch Ind not ed teas and tobacco or sell Edict advertis wince bundles sly Ind gin tot medicinal purposes George Booth wet can penler end builder chlnst meter Ind tndertrtet Ind Ibo device In hccirehcld hrrnltuts Itcotding to his advertisement Itoilstl operated gen CACTUS FLOWER Coming Apt 28 tv 29 Control Collegiate with the Littles Hill Players Tlrlvoir $200 Autumn Peoncl Sbcrs JIIrI sullenety Ilthvll Grill llittIItId od terrorized by regulrlioos he tore the veto NOW PLAYINO PM It PM the run rut errrurrs eral store shits bill Idvettis ments carried the statues bi Ilatvies Livery Ortllla Ton nrry Illnlsy unless rosters end Keller is ltrnksdcd the SlIIlord liouso Otttla Hotel and ltoylt IloteL tended in Or III on July ISSI ot the OrliiI Torrlerl hockey lrh hrs arranged to ho accord Inruui Rsvartsn leatlvai It the brittle cruman Orn ts on SIitndey evening July esthbllshett In tilt Mens Suits For $250 Price 105 Years Ago leter edition oi the satire phprr reported The Ptetbiltry vi Rat tie held In lint mrrtmr July it with ties John Gray at clerk Industries In our no In ciudcd IIilt shingle mill then driven by Item and Join Irrd Willlhtn RIIIsys horse power pinning mill More then starts were titled report In the Ex We expert out Inc to be selected as the silt tor the new torme town It did not enlarge on the report to ekaIin Ibrther new utme we anticipated or the coirtry sent would be movttl Itom barrio where It was to other Ilotelr IialedpluhD then stir IInt lele Ipb Una lu ex RAVARIAN FESTIVAL ORILLIA tStaiiI Executive ldtts v2 Fourspeed synchtamcslt transmission Front disc broiler Fully reclining bucket costs Electric rear window defroster Whltoweii tires Full vinyl Interior Electric windshield washer Twospeed windshield wipers IO Padded recessed dealt t1 Collapsible cosine column I2 Glove box Ion branch elected It its ace tm are paslgretidenlDon Rel ond mcctlng In June lens was tux till Thunder Bay prul tits ii Owens who held dent Claire Rein Nit Strst otiite tor Its ttrst live your ot lord erI vice president Ailing rty Pronto till lbsmestud activity Collegioto Contact Series Change oi Dots EIRILIJ Not April tut Itor raid Nutionnl Arts Centre Orchestra Control Coliogloio Auditorium 2t 60 Imp ht btttcry 22Dusibtnkingsystom 23 Wraparound bumpers 24 Side running lights 25 IiIclrup lights 26 Washable and removable tnrirk mar 27 Recessed rpnio tIto 28 Tool tell and Jack 29 EIccitophorus print application 30 Fourwry tlrrshcrs TOYO A7 13 Cigarette tighter Id Heavy duty bcstcr dcitostct 15 Threeposition courtesy lights 16 Hated btsiro withing il diet 17 Three point roirsctsble sent belts 18 Power boosted ttcsh tlow ventilttlon I9 Stvin dout side rear windows 20 Unit body construction tortltis much Su Totem Tbyntig cots Ito sold and serviced ttom coast to coast in Canada and throughout the world HARRIS BARR IMPORTS ill Ineld littet TIL Viol 152188 tsti cl pill the Tdoor sedan ROS Vseeotrvty Calm avail Isdllooet enticed iregltlieeose sndpmvtrrtul tam um Attrtrov ALLISTON TOYOTA NR No Tet usun COLLINOWOOD sto Ltwrs In IIIQIAAOI