Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Apr 1972, p. 3

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id rte ot the to have IhI sock sci IVI HAL rt todllyuaoyln tlodai chllt IT IoihRevrn Ontario TY NEWS TIT sense MIN INLJPIILI ImI lllldnnen tradesmen lo Tour City Hails 0n Weekend anbmcddtycvsnotl Iodtwoatedilsmahernitllae thisveetend 9L tohrniiord Ind Iiiism Ibtrhatsohsnnewdvtced ittinim hsldton truls thonlheywuipsto rim is TE our development calmiller Ire slum It new civic out ct and hm been um to dv Ind dodge to the rity impaired IcyRiding Charges Dismissed In Provincial Court there at sound dilin Iniloyridlnrurimt ntil IIIrDcIlIid oi CID iterdrn tiscDmIld pleaded not guilty to the charm Provincial Judd Raising said the own he not any connection between rIr drlvul the accrued Ind one idaltiii Oorwrst Frdwerd dItill II II In trlm parties lot It the Aimutln Crab eo the hue The dorm us then dintiled Wei Robert McDonald ol the base odlitary prior we he stopped MacDonald on Dlrppe Roadthenuinroadeethahm Ittcr he noticed he wu delving erratically lie said the car swerved stress the white line on two oocuiont Ind loosed car onto the shortlist ol the sold Cpl McDonald and when the Dould set at at the as he rimmed III said his eyes were use has speech slurred Ind heh problem WITH his drivers licence into his wallet ito IIld IIIeDonIld us later to the minus police section on the base Ied men hyditai Iohrlety test tie said pen termed lIiriy on those trill The accused wIs Ilse tales to the Oetsrlo ProvtndII Police heed rterI tn Barrie tor hrea or test lurks wIteber said the evid tilt iolld lllfilti It In Iitloouas htr thornpson Isgued IIy Mould wu driving had been erratic rmrgh to It lrIrt the donors Ilteetlon BelowNomad Temperatures To Prevail Through Saturday tieoord iowtonrxrsturcs IN expected to prevail in the Barrie ration throsde SIhIdIy low expected tool near me titsh SauIdIy rhtttees to towms Souls isolated umtlrnries lttl potted in the rerloo ynopsts hovers thunder Ilerme Ind eIIrplth will It south oi IhI tower latter thoush cloudy skies Ind Iorne Inolv will lllld reach the es tremI southwuicomer large hlrh pressure Irra hulldt Iouthwurt iron lImes lisyuwtl giro mainly rsnny skies continuation el rennerstusc well below normli throttl weather in the north some site moon cloudiness is expected with teotIted tnoullurries Hur lies Ira Ilso likely over the Ni Ire Peolssulr II northeast move access Lake Do tarts todIy Toronto Iiontiy Iuney windy Ind very cold today and Satur day Winds northcsst II to Ll Illghs today end SaIImIIy near as this tonight our 15 but cooler in the Ithurbs Windsor insh their late EriIl thinly cloudy windy Ind very cold lodIy with runny In lcrvsls in northern portionsl Winds nerthoIIt so In so Ounce at some snow to south ern eorlione Saturday malniy my and continuier very col tllrhs todIy Ind Saturday 30 to Ii Lora tonisht 15 to so ilmtlltoe Niagara Variable cleudlersI windy and very cold today IndSIturdsy Snowur rlrs likely mainly over the pee insulI herds northeast It to It Hide lodsy Ind Saturday our MI tonight id to it North RIy Sudbury iIIiiburv tun licorrtIe lst AirornI IliIlnly Ilrnny windy Ind very arid todIy Ind Saturday Some Illernoon cloudiness with Ice lIlrd iturrtrs Winds northeIst II in ii Highs today and Slim tiny upper turns to low the lows tonight lilo mm to live below tendon Luke Iiuron hire OntIrto hIItniy tulllly vt pd very oeid todly Ind SIillr dIy Some Illentoon motions with Isolated itltntrs Winds northeast id to as lillhl lode Ind SaturdIyto in the Ind to out so in thI south Tligh Lew illI IodIy Tselshi 51 Windsor so no ss Sernta lo 20 so Kitchener 30 to so Ileunt Forest 15 15 illustoha it 20 5t Cethsllnu to It to Toronto to 15 to Trenton ti to Kingston 25 to ll Petorborough to ill ltlllsloo In is North Bay to 2t Sudhliry id TC iariton 15 20 ltmmtns ll re heptlstssing It II 55 tlerlo 10 ll Chaplesu It to White tiller 20 Ecrsldloe it All to Iloosonee is i$ Weather forecast brought to you daily by MICHEIINX STEEL BELTED RADIAL TIME FOR CHANGE Change up to Newt PARKLAND TIRE Master movmmucmts 372 7mm Only three Putters hisois light tour you old with smooth and nation eight year old And its not IraIIIhlI in the hip to cum tattle too lots the light trlgede JON VAN WON models protester ol the ieItilutI at Environmental scteeru and Easineerier It Usireruty at Toronto Wile to pictures or TORONTO lSpeciIIi Mom at In Indeplnisnt much so port on late Strum weed growth Irnrn mohair has rd pro serial governmrllt tenet says Jon III icon associate protester oi the truth rule at Emmnili Science and Enrtneeriny It thI Uelvn thy at Toronto hlr the loan told the Toron to town oi The lisrrlI EsInv incr in IprclIl tntrrvleu that uttielsls oi two resentment rte portrnrnls tho contIctrd him Istinx tor topics oi his so Icardl tniurrutiorl itte chemist rochsod report in Toronto Merrily which ult ed ier greslrr eorcrrn to elim lnIte phoephatee lrorn thI waters oi Lnile Entree the sintort tot Iowod twoer study by its VIII teen Ind students oi his department WEEDALGAE llI Ilalrs in tin noort many lrntInms oi noes wstrr politi tton erI observed Wtlt Is rust is Illtlouobiti PIP tits rs or we Ind Danni hit threat II In lnlrsiiyirty svcai Ilrse prom lllr IIn tom says the weed pmbltrn locIllted In broke Looklnrlgr celoriul lnspiretioni it for the Ben Imin Moore Paint doe or sign See our smashingnnwiiold Ones colors Lille Planers Crazy Cont to mention iewWo even the Tcch Ilgcr tor dens Golitl Denis Moormci See your Rollemie Moore Point Dealer Ind got Moore tor your money tho yroalrst Ind math In itemprnlelt BIy send from Ray Itr Van taro released report this Ierh Illicit Isys esorsailn Ii me ill Itrrrprniritr lin and tools RIy lie said other in stances oi elusive InuItie plant grosth troro notmt It to rItloes Iround the hire ususliy InorIIltd with We demin re Iurt Irros tir VIe lmn said he was up nmlut on tour eitrrrlpts le oblIln noon mm from the ledorel or prevlnrtIl Dime merits in contort the study lle IIid hedcoilkd to crrldttrt ll ce licence Suspended Mall is fined $100 WIyne llwnrd wu Iintd tint in provincial court lTnn dey Wth Iller he nlmrlrd guilty to harps oi driller nhtle LATCth was suspend ed ltorIrd yas Iloprnd on Iiirh wa solemnly ii Inti iIllrrl to promote his drivers licrrlrc uhrn Isitrd to do so Inid Ii Thompson Isslrlont thovm his tomey hts Them IaidI turtlmr ditch showed liowsrds licence had been suspended ln Sept unber IWI Itowsrds licence Ill be sue pended Author Put Moore color In your life on Ind ncd youth In ml himcoe ts hccorninr In inrm sill pollution FDDkL tSprc iIl Examiner Mot Province Is Interested In Weed Growth Report his own hitit laboratory facilit Irl wppUcd by the University at Itxonlo tic said he hunt tolIt led the rest at his time us and car depreciated Icrumtlst rd doing the too Ind the times such he visited late Shim to conduit the eludirs The studies at the pimphsie content at Ute water use rpm ducted dlIing the rtitieIl timer in the spring Ind lIlt earls year He said decision to continue the study despite hill at yov elnmeet Itnanein uar nude to outdo In independent report or nonverbal with plummet IttIills PROD GOVERNMENT lllr VIII Imrl said he his rrport elll prod the element to mnietslo lls dcattllne tor Installation oI phwhhle re moval oi to pcr cent by tell The report wIs niesscd II the uruvcrstty this week to ensure outer ounen Ind reeldrnts at said iorlhenext rerl the arc Iro stre oi the po tcnllIi problems shirts exist he Iie raid studies hilt continue on the Isle and other ishes tn the Abllkital arurl llmelor they mty involve other polulInts yypgyant Central collegiate students shadytnl law hm Irtlteas lathe Funeral obloecln to viral they CAR lrdsieIdIly tulrments mode by premiere atheists Ind reputed to that pIper Theciauroedospcttocrsde students has been sludymr won legislation rs part at their pub Iorh shame Green eLeu marsh or said the sutdesls tIitrd bout the unusual by Prints Minister Pierre mdesu Ito re portrdiyIIid people Ime be telurIoro benets IN the rulerml upset the rim trimmers Ind they do ctdrd to Inle the letter be came they noted to do earne thLag lbw ll RT Milkmen Into twi ministers rrrrtsri ts Ihstntao rnIny people only sort tong ee vtlxil to get UID ardiLt and Ilitiurn Ptp IIs piscei on probation tor three months and ordered to stay IIIy trons Mrs GeorglnI AshmI alter hI piesd art guilty in pruvindIi out Thirstin In desire oi as ssulunr police ottm Piper trill Ilse he Idmittod to the hlcntal Health Centre In Pee etsnrutshtte tor lreItment lor Iimitoitmt Amistant horn Ittorney It Ttsorrvlon told the In Om stable Donald Rulrncr oi the tier rle city polite had been rIIied to ttsytlcld St slim light urns In process women was in the hell and Piper Int throwing her items out at room Constable Buter hroho Ill the Itrht litdllp said he would hrlp the omnnn slime her thirds Plpor thee mm the worms Irwnd the neck Cnlutehie Eldmcr lntervrllcd Ind rubbed Piper but let him no Itlcr he sampleslut oi heart Irlroenl Plpcr then strurlr the conluhls on the toil sheet and arch Piper hss Ilrrndy smut time caceF can be beaten CanedlIrl CIanr Serlely is Croce said the sud cnts not really tow boat the Inrmploymcrl lerurssee rystese warts and Ibst uirrusrds Ire applied to prevent persons who could start trorn title on no person my not you he thouid deployment See use It the Is the Insursoce bencnts paid it said the rut objection ul li SAHIIIIUI ruling resistive concentrated ltilh thI winner weather soon upon us how will you look on the head this summer or In your new wsrdrohet itememhrr slun mer trimmer you is all importent to help you put your best tool torwsrd Dont wsit any lonscr you one shape up quickly IIIer Ind easily with Spring slimming program It the IIrsdlsa Iienlth Spl Just call or drop in tor rolnplrlo intermatirn on how the Isdlities srd program on henettt youl DONT SETTLE FOR LESS THAN SIMCOE COUNTYS MOST COMPLETE AND LUXURIOUS HEALTH SPA FACILITIES OFFERING YOU lropieei lwinlmlsg Pool UltrI Iliodrrn iyln Ind festenrley Ssllln The Most tlodrrn Condition Isy Illllldlns Ind Inductor Equipment IlydroThrnpy Whirlpool IIurIIyptus IIhalItor Itoele SIullI loom iulce liar daioo Hair Dryers Sun lloom irlete Clause Ileeths Dpee Air Jolsing Tler Iedtvidull lrrsenII tror mine Supervised Experts In tllorII leirrnIllonal hlrmhrnhip that on he urrd world rrldI Cell Novr tor your Fm Flpura Analysis 72821 l2 PARADISE the savings loan corporation EliDER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE wRPOMTION Assaulted Police 0iiicer City Resident Put On Probation In II tor the Issauit on the roman ievlltrod Central Students Object To Misleading Statements three will to the on the here on The Itudeou sttle that tile miam at the lost uzrmploy lncru instance is bone by the taxpayer and ldmlailimtm oi the system roots tilt milieu Their lsiorrmlron cm lrom Tho TtnIIuIi Post Irtsrle Ind tht made in ruide 1he renunciation oi Prim tiiesstrr ThirdrIu mid only sore Iwe put the poor It dnIdsIntIrr with mey thstwuturotolhmelhatneed it you to Luy individuals Ihe Ihle to live oil necropleynscst all Wlhm the students II lbt pride It could Iorr snide tire In unan ptoysnrcl hrceiILl IhI Insdmts Iuo objector to rmremdaim oi the ant Formation on Pol Seaman nitration min In the ball at Itll they saw prntrd L1 The Ilnallcaal Post J5 Cm said the students thouth giltsg person such thugs es theItrr tickets to tur lher his meted rolld load to the person letter the lirtrts Irj tram the money tor nortsrholay ue Ictlullcs The Wllrht Commission till writes rising grants to per sons lnlshlc tn Iitcnd post rec oadsry inductions lo prIrido than Ilth edurstlonal and rul tnrsl serum In the litter the students used the example pl lter person else to pnrrhsle cnryrtopedn which could thrn be sold Ind the 1100 used tor other purposes bliss thomItlIi cnts no to pro posIl ti thrro was some way It murrtnr the 3mm actually Iliad tho cnrlggfdihot art uay sets to which hl had been given tit ctr The sltsirnLt Islrd Ihst their letter to WHNRO In The Flu II Imt in reply to In do hkh Ippcarrd limit INVEST NOW 00 on year It Debentura investment Certicates You use highest Interest on all at The lluniclleI Drhcllturo investment Certificates Interest pIthlI semiannually or tell to secumulIIe TIrmsl 0m to Flee YIIrI Amounts QIOO to $10000 Per turther lslorulstion The Iiunlrlpst SIvtnrs Ind Lose Corporltee PO Box ilI ti Bullion Street East Rollie Clitoris tTudt mm municipal GYM HEALTH SPA 65 COLLIER 5T DARRIE PARK do IILFORD Yourossulonce olqoohly

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