Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1972, p. 5

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BRADFORD iSlIllI loca Aitrr proposed silu in Mm roe Covanty were consider the decision was made to but new loinnklloual airport to Pickering about it miles north east nl downtown Tuvalu ilase Borden and Bertha sites were snwng those disclosed earlier Shown looking over map imm left to right were Barnett Danson MP iar York North Don Jsmlessn rank port mlnlvlerr John Roberts MP tor YoskSlmeoe Incl Nor man Caitk MI tor Onlarlo Lactation Oi Airport Discussed By Roberts than at the new Intematieoai alr pert Isa Pickering township In the topic or comment by John Roberts MP ior YorkSimeon In special message Ivut Island have received so many Irt less that literally It Is Impos sible ior me to reply to inch dIvIdullly he stated Irv tum mcntlng on the Interest and concern lie re ctcd be dlsetkw rd these as with the trans port minister Donald JIrrslcsen and saber elilelaln At one aim Slmcoe Optme aitcs were among those canal cred Beeion aIava was nice alter proleltrwcrw rccclv Irons residents oi the arcs Bass Borden sits also was discussed to some extent NEED STRESSED Dee Pickering slle cbnscn is bounded generally by Little issg Rouge Creek on the west on the east by Duliin Creek on the south by Miriam tandlon the north it tho warldgePsck ering tow Ip boundary Small arts oi the site overlap Ibis Loundary and extend west lnio Markham township it was ex plained The users involved ls approximately 1AM acres Need tor the second Toronto Io Iernallorul Ilrpori was slrcsscd by Mr lamicaon in speaking to Mr Roberts lie pointed out that air trallle In the Toronto area bssbccn growing at rain that suggests that the Malian airport will be accommodation about It million passengers by stress when the second airport will came late service In coo member It Is Intlelpaled ted national airports will acremmo ed date more than 50 million pas inlrcesesildly ccooomie and so rl patterns the Milton airport has It llmItatlous lnr iustber spam on The new site will be design ed to cites lullrange oi serv ices upen opening Mr Jamie son captained to the Yerkslm that Irv the course or time the new airport whichwlli be local ed about 10 miles northeast oi downtown Toroan will be hand Ilsa snore pnsangus than II Ms ton Present psolectlena Inticlpoie that the two Tomato ares truce aengerl by new NOISE PATTERNS Discussing runway align mcnls and polar patterns air Iamlcson explained It the meet thal two nsowsys were plus aid lrv Ihe Ilrai base at conslruo ilon One wou run more or lus east and west lrvrn point proximater mile and northwest uI Brougham while the other would run loutbesst and northwest at location about tun mliu wrsl oi LTntcmonL II was pointed out that the tin aI ninwsy alignments were Hill to be chosen but It was made quite clear that any adJusirnents will be minor Osnlour maps were said to show that live ilrst two and the two istlowon ninwaya can be located In such manner as to avoid prominent natural trsturcs such as the ravine southwest oi Clssemont Mr Roberts drew attention to lligbrn Ing Alnx and Vibllby lid post was explained ACOUTRE PROPERTIES street noise It was stated sbuvn MaedensldCartler will be about to milcs lltudo to snow to this llclnlly Mr Roberts and other lion centre on Ilighway Viblle well located In respect th ement that anan Import oI Markham Most Sunny In Years Says Oro Man Of 88 horses around Irv his years its the trade be shed nvany bosses racing breeds st hb beside his pres ent home on 1th the near 0R0 STATION i5lslli There was more snow in this Irea during the past winter than haie seen since came in Canada in salt remarked Ed gar Bert Guest retired black smith who Is looking Iorwasd tn cclebralln his oath birthday nesthlo AY blurrh at The grand old Oro man who was ious Ilmcs president oi the Oro Agricultural Society smilcd bmadly when asked It he would be glad to ace the show all melt nvvny It cant go that enough to pull me he said niier glancing out the wliidow oi his home at huge plies oi snow by the road side have sccn all the anewI nun iu tor while anyway said the native or England slut in be was ready to welcome norm sunshine and green grass lliilkJRIZNT IN 29 llack In the soaring till be mailed there were couple oi winters which produced strnosl as much snow TIvislgs were dlir iclml then he remarked snail log at the recollection Per one thing was youngerilotl oi the winter Iravelllns was done by horses and cutters sieve cars wivc usually stored up or the winter then llellrr curs Improved roads and travel conditions have made changes or the better Still he rrnvlnlsccd the old days had ntIvnnIlKvs too lived horses and cnyoycd driving The old cut icr bcl had an nopeol Although he salll he has slay cd Indoors sweet it lho winter Mr iticst slltl grl to lIlIrIiiIn circling twp trips to Royal Itc torts ItoapIIel was sick then but am now Izcltug much bet ter he said briey LIKES BAlllllE In discussing Barrie the so tired blacksmith showed enthus loans as he spoke at live consid erable progress he has seen You would busily know It was the same place be said as he mode comparlsion oi the small but lively town ol the so with the prcsrni growing city with Its modern shepplssg plazas daily newspaper uptodata hotels and stsswloui lull islr Ilvrough the cars he has at tended many Ia vs at Barrie and be Is convinced that they become more Interesting each year In saying this he stressed be had priority Interest In the Ore Worlds Ialrwblcb be attend ed without missing lot over so years Mr Guest also had the honor oi heading the ore isll Isir so clcly tor tour years dating the Ins and later vrss honorary pres ldenl tor years The comeback ol show horses and also racing breeds In recent ears tease Mr Guest who so he ameni ed the decline oi mans best islcnd on the terms Th retired blacksmith said he was glad to see more saddle PLAN NEW BRIDGE DUNTROON ISlaJil AP ntnvnl Is awnllcd Icons the On inrlo department at ltnliaporlri Mill and communication at plans tor new Ilclr bridge sites which tenders will be called includi blacksro Ih shop Ilighway Ii bonedrnwn Im Icnvenls PLAN IIOIISE SIIOIIS the grounds last year WeliarecostIInSlmcoICmm iyiorlmmrdrldhm to My estimates glvenlocsxntycvn III Oi this amoral mam gomnlmmt pa subsidies and the city or Orsllia M17 is its share leaving the on ms to the mats stem The latter up about mind can last year and accounts inc ailcvtiy arcs hall at the trues Increase In total county levy our IT owners In the II snernber momlclpaisties an es peeted is provide mm to ward generIi expenditures Ind 337w mud MOS Most oi the mini trusts lot the II Jilmul gel tor syn IIII be provided In pants RECREATION UP The countys share at the ap proved budget tor recreation centre Inducted to Milo In comparison with lilo last year The agriculture budget so mined the aims at 21530 ORILLIA iSiaIi Sltrsmc County islends oi singer Gordon Ugbtiuot were pleased with the line reception his current appear Inccs at Massey Roll in TOTDD Elise Massey Hall Reception For Lighiloot Pleases Friends riding The site is boundcd on the south by Highway and on the north by the Usbsldgo Pickering lownhhlp boundary with total acreage oi about 10000 acres Drive Is Planned to has been receiving The newest Inrrnbcr ei Orllllss ball at time who sang In as James Anglican church shins as boy was lpplludcd bysa Iudirncu ct Lilo at his opening us he sang the title song cat has new album Don Quixote Other nilccings oi the Orillia native who has Ilso appeared It Int In broader terms nmwsy cuts will permit illglit pul tarsal that will establish accept able noise patients No Rights will take place over the present boundaries at such communities as Markham Sinuiivlile Pickers The plans call his ight pat terns to continue to Ioltow trnnis portstlon corridors irpsrsllnl the more intensively develome communities In years to coarse PlescnI day technology will permit the operation or modern Iircsatt In such way as to avoid giving oiicssso In those permanently domicillaicd cnrral vicinity oi Ill alr Iiesldents in Claremont Stoull vllIe and points Iarliter away such Markham will be aware at no noise in excess at what one might identity as ordinary was pointed out nircsail living way between Alan and Whitby touchdown at the airport and icounnily will be It sulliclrnl II avold noise disturb Through the procedures estab llsbid by the new Expropriation Act the cheral government will acquire title to the properties required in matter at months members at parliament were ad vised that the government is es tablishing temporary Iniarms At one time there were elsltl blacksmith shops in ON This was back In the early tot he pointed out when most ol the ar rieullucal work was done by borsodrnwn ve lcics provided Ivvoet oi the urea transportation COLDWATER lSInIll Geoc glnn Tiny Rileca Association has been grunird use oi tierrid walcc talr grounds tor horse shows on llsy it July and Sept it by Coldtvalcr council live group built new corral II OARBVON concerts iss Barrie and Allistnn in recent years also Included pcr haps his most successiul warm It you Could Read My blind us well as his Ode to Ills Dine and his cplc Canadian Railway Trilogy II ou Could Read My Mind was the song which helped him wIn Grammy nomination tor which be received intcmatlnnol attention although he was unable to aitcrvd Io rccsivc the awssvl It Now orIc Itppcarlng with Lightloct at By Oso Society ORO STATION tSInIII membership drive will be ed by On Township Ilorteul lursl Society shorli as plans are advanced tar season at activity The Oro Soclcty ls located In Ontario horticultural district to which will be holding workstsap at icnetsaguisbene on vicsisco day Aprli IT starting at It um Ora members were advised that anyone Interested may attend display Is bclnii planned by the Ore orgunlaat on tor the spring icstivai which Is in be held at the Simon Cmnly scum at Illdhurst on Sunday The society also Is planning plant sale atIhI iicu townsz hall on Wednesday May it truth to pm Advance orders put be taken at the April meet OT Announcement was made that ilenvy Van Wesson neck oi tbs Nottawssaga Valley Conservation Authority will be speaker at on open meeting In the tnwnshi hall on Monday evening Apr Id Reeve Allan McLean at on ls chairman oi the NntlswasngI Vallcy authority board The anual tbrceduy eouvena lion oi the Ontario IIorIicuItup al Society will be held in King iton opening on June ii Is It Irre Irom can EImvaIeProgram FROM IIIRO For Parts Lights ELMVALE Slum Broom baii and hockey will his team ed on Wednesday nights pro gram It the Elmvale community risk with proceeds to be dunno ed to the light the Park lund Elmvsle miles will play CKVR No Stars In broombull encoun ter starting at rzso It will be zomlnute stoptime contest The sumo No stars will take on local Emivale team ior Iwo rugged periods oi hockey alter the bsoombnil event Minor bee Iscy coocbcs IIIIiI mnnagcrs will be playing tor the iocnls DISTRICT BRIEFS OPPOSP DEER SEASON LORETTO iSlolil Adlttlti council has placed ltsell on re cord as opposing deer hunt Ing season In the township duv lng 1m contending the deer should be protected or another year at Icnst ASK FOR FLOAT CREEIIOIIE Stall Cree muse Lions club has been nskcd to arrange Real to participate in the ccntcnnloi parade plann rd at the neighboring town ol Stoyncs on Saturday July SEWER CONSTRUCTION MIDLAND lSlsiIi Vinclieo ter Construction has been award ed contract to carry out new sewer construction in Midland coal at JI1 oi his and Mrs Clith till Lcisoy has success ior the Royal Canadian Mousse ed Police at Regina Sash and Is being Iranslerrcd tor duty to the province oi Ontario STARTS TOMORRO MATINEE MI and it blueribbonbelle collared Iooiloosa backalley lovasl lll Ttil vulvllsr cintttl cutouts on llOIIIIICOlOIIOIIIEIMSOOPT this II at NOW PLAYINO Isl PM A9 PM memoMm KlNGSIZE COMEDY with the CARRY 0N GANG weal esuemm mans Iliumn nmnavsunuvasvusns AIM Recommendva us toulllitllxlii til Iatls Waplcs won with Passion Fruit nnd IIuIa Ron Robbie ms clesln day while Orrn also two winners In Dunnsl David Emerson Curtis sen tuliy completed recruil trslnlog wblla MM had been Inc reinrestaiinn also the some Is In Iflk The countys share olihe coll toward the upkeep et IJ three county barns tor the elderly were estimach sl suns iea Slmcoe Manor st Beaters sat It to Georgian Manor at Peter Ian and scum tawsrd Sunset liseoc at Cnilingweod Simeoe County cosmciI has approved payment oi asserts to 11 equal Insiaimcnis tn the Childrens Aid Society as Its abate oi the am besich The gure represents an in crease oi vissza over the covari iys altars In Ml it was shown In couriy report The tourist and Industrial curse mlttce will receive assure up Irnm unto IDLID the society librarys request ior mun up tron imm year ago also has been approved The county will pay sum to wsrd the benigct ol the county museum at lliylhursl up Irons sssyrs last year and since in the archim up from may The Massey Iiall Isl the current series at our concerts were Richard Ilsynes on bass and Terry Cle ments on acoustic Now as years old ngbiloot now lives In Tomato iiis par cau Mr and bin Gordon IJaht toot senior reside In OrIIIIa The Ode to Big Blur song also In the new album Isa pies ior preservation oi whales Driving Honors Taken By Waples VASEY iSlalIl Ares Irierds oi Iveilh lnplcs were pleased vvllb the line showing oi the loc rvvcr resident In winning the win trr sullsy driving honors at the Greenwood meeting last closed the i1yeerold rclnsrnsn who now rcsidrs It Dushsm sddcdtl wins to his impcrsslve lilrtlmc record which now well exceeds 151 Al Greenwood Naples lavish rd lvvo wins ahead et second place Ross Curran nl Smiths $1665458 Estimate For County Welfare ruins at turn were seqrested ter the museum board and ill IIT ter the archives The toasty will pay rum to the health and up Irons at IIO request irorn the social ass vied committee to pruIIde ooo In the current bvsdgri to pur chase property adjacent to Cards lineup at Pesetau inr iuture expansion was approv ed Iisli at this amount is re covershle Irnm the provincial government it was stated budget oi limit recites Ird was approved tor the Emer grncy Measures Organisation the Islam committee headed by Ilccvr James Ilislra ol Tos oroutlo also sccomrmidcd that In Immsai at up to sewn be prole In conthgency iund Ior suslllary pcvcc unilorrns and associated route nssssrrcs NEWS THE DARIIII EXAMINER TUESDAY iILIIlCTI ifs lust used has been sell In the Om mpg summarises Dan at Ibich be real IN president vuv It Southern pearls Association and Ibo DID Inchsttlng Kiwanis and C9 it than In sparing nah be lvxmer climbs slur tingend hockey club Ind AH oi the Cuilisvguood soccer In ism be was chsltmass at Collinzwoal Centennial tee llr iandenserdhol MM mewhanicnl Ind DIM unughling at the NORM Casts Movie Game Each week on Ice isvltcd in match meal star to welkInI music The Inevi Ix shawl below and the stars Isms Ippescs ll site II the Idvcrtlsvrmts as this lratnrc Ta be eligible is they weekly rash prise simply eiipabe Idvrrttsemcssl shewlag the null all you belicvcd played lcadial role II FM WV HIS Ia read your rulqu ta Star Editor ee Tbs Banla kissin her The tint correct answer dnwl each week win the in cash prise ea In Total LWI In new onion IIOLSD assassins Ye servess 01 Essa Rd twitter gulsl into and Walkers Knt leg the Orcenvr Rugby Will Get New The Truck early line all pumpec which was delivered by the Occupational Centre lpsl buiklsng here MATINEE Ev EVTS LY AT 130 PM Its lOIIE IINO IAIISIIIIII EVER AFTER kll Wesmwasawmmmse Added FeIIurcIia BONGO The Love Sick liver LAST TIME TONIGHTI PM AND PM KNOOIIOIIT POLICE TIIIIILLERm Till IRIINCII covvicrtov om it WW driven lrlaplcs dur sncrtlng had total earnings at serous ORO STATION Slalll pew pumper lire truck Ior isre protection lsv Rugby Isen ls ex pected to bo rcatiy Iur operation next month it was an nounced trom the municipal oi The truck will replace the Emmi vehicle at the Rugby tire The new triple combination Edgar recently has been bouscd The township also has Ilrs ve hicles st Shanty Buy and Ilnwke stone The tire ehiei Iohri liars has his cities at the Om munlc Peter OToole RUY LOCAL BUY FRESH Smiths Form Deity es Penetsns SI Come As Try Us AI RIVER GARDEN RESTAURANT Dining Room Ceitee Shop OPEN DAILY miles North at OIHII Rwy ii For Illsrlvlllnn HOOP Flowers are lot EVERY OCCASION mam Twill MURIELS FLOWERS BIyIleld st UNITED VAN LINES Canada Limited The people who will look altrr you moving needs All DUNLOI ET WEST CALI CAL NICHOLS Movers and strange IJrnlch IMOII out news HIRE EXAMINER WANT ADS Work Lllca Mask MAN Coming Soon Ivor Hrcoss sovivvs GRILL SI COLLIER OT Darrin Phone limit bean Jagger MST WEEKS INNER Robin Jordan in Dunlap SL Ilsrrie HENRYS TLSll AND RIP The Itsrsle Plus new $39ng GARAGE srsvtce Oll SERVICE tillanr Tawlnl Jack Nicholson Phone TICIll 73472 seems Garage Repairs Avstlahla SIITEPJ AND SNOWMOBILE DROP Ll FOR ICE CHELII POP AND IMTJIDIUTE GROCERY SHOPPING oprp Days Closed lied DALSTON General Store Rwy as steam urgcst arIacIisI II Brigham Pipes Complete repair service on all makes at nine MIDWAY Variety and Ceiiee Saw III Indlorvi 11H Iiayriaa Headquarters Inc WOOD MODEL IIII available new at GARNETS OBB ES ass Dunlap Si ll 758121 Barvles Itlnst Fasciasliag Stare Gss Sundrlsl BREAD luv SlOS BARRIE BORDEN SHELL llwy JO lm Open Inn in it pun means Jaclc Patience Lelsevievi Fried Chicken RestaIrIII til Duslop Elsi YourD leror Westlnghouee Color TV It Black It White AGS Stereo complete line curs um BARRIE TV SALES SERVICE CENTRE mam ilNAPIIIL as

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