Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Mar 1972, p. 1

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Chaim mnitlod Adssrtising mm In Othet Mums moor nouns transmit tones tinnitus Ilrnucth Waits Editor Emeritus at Tue lisrrio Er Ilniaer tell hu been given honorary lilo membership in the Ontario Ssicty league in recognition at his outstanding service as director since tees ilisicorttlicste was pro sealed to him It the leagues Inausl meeting It Tarealo by the rrlirtng president is Ouislie lJio membership In the league Is In honor which is grsnled sparing to tho past It years there to becn only two other liio members rrcslrd Creditiste Split Hordens QUEBEC tCTI lt The menthotd spill in the Quebec Crodltists part hardened into nutrt hi or urn durian the urethra when two actions oi Abortion WINNIIEG CF Alter wrestling with the decision not to allow mice to attend the working sessions at the cross Csnsda Ihortien caaierroco here Sslordsy Ind hinder the troodd dcitgsles voted unInl mousi to establish notional orrsa rotten in sect repesi oi Ibnrtian laws The CIaIdlIn Womens Cesii lion to Repeat Abortion Lows will have is hesdnusrtcrsvia Toronto As tho salaried executive the rotary ot the organisation barns Grunt oi Toronto wtii co ordinate daytoday activities timed at repest at Iii sections at the Criminal Code drtiing with abortion supportin tho right It all to sex educI an elementary schools and rcIdy Iccess to hlrth control and con treetptive tniormstion and do vices opposing tnrcnd sterilisa tion Ind attempts to tint Iborv tiers with population control and supporting the siIht at every some to choose whether or not she wants to bear children Ths issue at admitting men to the working sessions was brought to head when deio tote claimed the costumes was using reverts discrimina lea sown ivooosrocv tie into Outright SchiSm thopart hcht separate meet ings rctused to rreomlso such other Now the potty has two loud or ondtwo executives esrh Group Anna thishntsa oi Winnipeg member oi the coordinsting committee at the coaisreaco said the committee wanted to involve men in open meetings that in tho linol crunch we Ire detradiag the right It woman to make her own decision in choosins to have In sbortioa Ind therclor omen must term the rampoi Indian Premier Signs Delence Pact NEW DELIII tCPi Prints htinttier indies Oursth is homo irom llsagisdcsh with tSycsr delenro and Iriendshlp truly in hctwerrs lndiI and tho new as lion her my hot establish The prime ntiaster sold on her return Sunday there were grospotit oi peace talks with Ilrittsll but she gave no indi rIlIvn she was in say hurry to get them slIrtrd The poet signed It the end oi her twoday visit to Doers pro sides that it either lrdis or Tanglsdesh is attacked the two revrrnmenis will consult to tIlts Ippruprtste cilcctive measures to eliminate the threat CAPSULE NEWS Bodies ldeniiiied litter Crash tAPiFour bodies rermved hum the 00le pt slnrteenrtned lers were ienihtlleiy idealliled as those dead on iiiontrcal woman travelling ovanre pisno disappeared on ight to Montreal last lai cal team mlsslny sinco thellr risers to Ambassadors Meet For Second Talks lltllis tAPiTho Chinese and Us Inshassadors met lodsy ior the second time to stud means nt improving rsislioro be tween their two countries Amhamdor ilusng Chen went to the US Embassy to meet with Ambassador Arthur Watson Their iirsi meeting was tastltorvloy It the Chlheso Ernhsrsy iPoIice Unable To Determine Motive SEATTLE Wtsh iAliiolleo bald Sunday they had not been this to detrernine the cause oi sniper stitch that tell the gun man dead and tour olticcrs wounded Iitcr tonslnuie run battle The dead men was idenliiicd Is John Augusta to who otiiecrs iuid apparently sued shotgun Police Search For Telegraph Wire tVliltliY Ont tCIiIoilco urrlay nldht cut down ttierrn Canadian lnriiic ilsiiwsy trac Vhithy police department Isl loaded with birstsisst et Ire looking tor man who Sot wlrotrom live poles stars the near here spokesman tor the the ihicl turd wire eutlcrs on ions pole to renters the wire and th staid climbing the pairs Couple Hijack Seaplane To Cuba ttttversT Iln Allitho swag couple said they were all an honeymoon chmpiru trip to the Dry Tortugss Ir Inds But onto In the air Sunday the two turned hijackers and tomtsunderr ed small seaplane to Cubs suthotitirs said An Illt spottrlntsn in illsmi raid the Toriurrs Airways ortpiano ass hiistirrt dur Ihl the tbminuio Right to the lsitrvlr about to retire west at Key West In Amrrirsn territory um ems rlsiming to he the true rrpm Irntatlto ot Quebec pratincl Oreditistes Cornli Suntan larmer party leader who wsI expelled irom the treditisto status at the Quebec utrmbly wss returned to tho Icodurship by cheertn meeting which claimed bs parts Inousi meets president Armsnd hols IO nn interim Orsdiiitto esdrr bythI party steeuilr iIst heir to dismissed the Seas soa meeting Is tiletsi They were attending meet iag oi the partys pmltinrial council to tippervtown Quebec held simultaneously with tho Someonrneeling in the ritys IAwsriullrs Thcro one remsins question at who will be recognised as leaderwith accompany bent port stall slits hr pay prestle in the Quebec no pool Isscm hiy hiAT GO TO SPEAKER his llois indicated Sunday he will submit question to Spotter JeanNoel latvit hlr Samson hsd no comment Asked it he would Iitend the next siltia oi the Isscmbiy on Tuesday Samson paused then said Tody Ir Sundsy tomorrow is Monday Thresrlny tr Tuesdsy well see Police Hunt Arsonisis in Toronto TORONTO CPI Amsssivo manhunt wIs under your todsy or three paidsrsnnists the yahoo say Ire responsible tot he lstat Saturday night bomb npta Torontos Little Italy dis rir The blast which reduced building homing supermarket trsvct agency sad real estate oliice to nth lo claimed the tits at Iilria Simone to eieohinz woman and mother at three children Police Isid iodsy they have the names at three suspects and believe they may iinti one at them in tho demolished building thsl was eoguilrd in tissues toi lowing the explosionr Five others were iniured In tho bisst that crashed waits and shIltcrrd windows It iIr as two per elects Iway Sixty iiremen taught the ames lor more than three hours The bulidlnrs are on the cor ncr oi Greeniaw Ind St Clair Ivenues ln westsend Toronto 1nru Oitiriais Review Incident MONTREAL tCti pilot ins incident between winger tsyne Coshmon oi line too Bruins Ind centre Dcnnil tirxtaii at Minnesota No Stars war under investigation today by NotionII liortey toasus oilirisis Srolty hiorrisan NIILreir creelnchirl was reviewing let evtslrm Iiim oi the incident Ind was to report his iirwlings to league lresident Cisrracr Csrnphe KILLED Rim I1rt2ilY MAR 20 tall BARRlE ONTARIO too INJURED BEITAST CROW ED T0 BIA Lawrence Receives I4 RedCarpet Treatmen tie laund surprising degree TORONTO ICPI An One inrio cabinet minister it it tilcrti Lawrencer in cubs on In unanan per IonIi trade mLuiost eh he says has opened with ends in redesrpel treatment irom Us oitlelsts lt mlhes him probably use first renter North American politician to visit lhshI In In It liriIi capacity IlaeI Fidel Ols tro who to power tree he ind in an interview in listens hir Lawrence Ontarios pro vtncisl secretory tor resounes development and senior cabinet ministers in the Progressive Conservative vr crnment oi Premier tViliIm Heath Pompidou one oi tour part Davis us detected occiden reporter ol Interest ititcheaeritsterho trials in his Record who III in lilth on he has war the tint tourist charter iii tram CInadI since it The It tourists returned to To ronto Sunday by Air Canada shorter Another lone tourists charters will to thrive by April to two tram Tomato and two irom ttoalroni htr lawrraee who holds one at tour recentlylormed secre tsrlsts esch oi Ihich ls rupee rihio ior several rsverament de meats said it limits Sia dsy he intends to return to who with tour at his cabinet coi ieIgucs tar turther trade talks Conclude Talks 10th it British Prime Minister Murd Heath 3d lymph Pmidcnt Georges ITiil Ntlt Whildd eavcrsi economic issues but die orrcrd about the potlticsi irsmowprk oi the lulurr arro peso community to on two leaders hcid mam mmnum both sides described Is lruitiu trill in an excellent Itmaaphero It tiorths country piste nesr iaodon Friction utnr Pumpi dous suddcn Innouncement its net at rrierendum la Irsnco over cniorgcrnrnt oi the Euro enn Common Market not re rd to have been eased The mIin dissgrecmeot sides discloses was ever tbs the sad role or the poiiticsi sccrtsrlat plsaaed tor the Europesn Eco nomic Community when ii is en larged treat the art II III members to It inciud hrii Ii suit thus pursurd Ito meeting oi oil In cosmtrles to be held in October Another lhrrny rnsiirr put all until Orinth was organising at European Portior Aides uid Pampidou opposed EastWest troop euls in Europe whiis Ilesth toot tho North At laoiic Treaty or mthan posit lion that negoiio ions can start it tloseow iuiliiis certain eandl lions Ruth was much less rnr thusisstle thsn the French leader Ibout launchin preper tlenr soon tor the thrmpesn security contereaeo the us tisrts want Govt Releases Income Statistics OTTAWA CPI Ststislics Canada reioIscd Iigurcs today indicating heavy proportion older people had ineomcs unda 000 year in two Ind had to drsw on nvlngs or go into debt to Ilct by The ligurcs were contained in the tint issues at new Siltilv tics CInndu yuhiieation which will report per odithy on reisii prices Ind living costs giving more eisboralo riots than monthly report on consumer priest survey was tstcn oi more than tSMB ismliies Ind individ uals iiviar Ilene early in ms Isiring them to report their pro iIr incomes and their expendi lures during no The srmpling IhoutIysor tIis ltdCner trestmcal includes talks with six Cuban cabinet ministers Ind attend Ince It tour receptions Seaside own by Gsben oi shirhhosald ted to mate tor BENSON England AP iii ii 5m rhertcred Yugoslav siriinrr by it reached heisht or so leet ms trill sirrnbaoggulffwiizlrhll iiyiiirii rirmiiroii iiii Oi ruma doivrs iotlcr was unin HM mu mm bite land but rrpsirs to the plane wii Halo month The plane Thiitst Jupitrr is one at tour with which manpow rrrd liight enthusiasts Ire hop to win the ttdhhii put up by ing the on thsn protected to cover the estirnIled hilt million lsmiilrs and unattached individqu in thocountrr An estimsied million hsd Irscorrrcs under H000 Ind at these mitt lImilies Ind indi vid hI incomes under $1000 herd oi th miiy in the taller group wu nearly It The over th ago Igo oi the iamlty head In the mo in 999 iacvmo group wu St The average age oi Iii ismliy heads wss lid and in income categories above 000 III as average sgs drops to Says Talks With Soviets Not iit Expense Ot Others itrerhnov sold the Soviet MOSCOW iAll Communist arty chicl Leonid ilrethnov sold today Soviet leaders will tslir with Tresldtnthlron in Iioy with tho bciioi improve mentblol SovchIUS relations is But in an apparent reiercnco to Soviet Iuppuri at North Iiiol ham and tho Vlct Cent he said any improvement in Soviet Amcriesn relations would not he at the expense at some countries or profits nor to the detriment oi the riawiui rims and interests ltserhnev csprcsscd lull sup or the peace proporIis oi Is Virtnsmeso hills to end the Indochina war and said the this pro siIns wrtlhluily condemn the bandit bombings at North that names territory by Americsn Ivtsllon Ito demanded an end rth to US bombins Ind with must at the interventionist lrorn indochins Reviewing Soviet foreign pot icy In sch to warms trsde unons the rusty chit said the Suvitl Union is ready to improve its rristlons wl trial but it is up to Chinesosldo now tholoosolhs Union rsiects the lintldorotts inventions at Chinese pvtva tinyn1 lirrssvnutictsi Society said sit so shosrd were tiitrd gIndI abort mstoiiry at our only end stale Bioionisi Says Oil is hitting Marine tile roar lessons on ten marine biologist nit Sua dsy hunter oil Is deep so two leet seven the beach lrs use near the grounded Plas niln lreightcr Vanienc ona Dr William Austin at Simon lrsser University said sense rrshs titliis and other see oni mois hsvo died while others have survived bu the longer term eiieeis we lost dont know The Vsoiene went Igmnd ol iut ltteedtcv in belly is near the rnostth oi Vsnceuscr Is lands Borrloy hound Sinrs then In eItimsted srsoo gsi buster oil have spltiodirem sgsshcdship downtown OltItIh pnttog lot rxrrnr enters sons An unidrntilicd Csnsdisn Armed Forces bomb or hsgcriy sheets bomb wrestlers Shosm Buttes Mv lost all Thrones lightnlnlndhiatiii Iaettpuilspiwllahm HEIHIIII II were mobilmd and rushed to the some at eornsge Easte grncy operations ores esrrttd out on the shleasiir by surgeons bomb which killed It least six to remote pcnons and inivmt man than The deed rro dyin tryIn lEiyewrilnesses said the Hoe $13m mums 1E use Ilsggrrri urvsr Huii DWI street bloat prurhg tram eesemblcd lhlttielirld with mm blwd WM WWW Events irnlin up to the es Theo oi the deed wrre police plolt urn ronusrl but police men and news reports said no sriti there apparel to he so olhrr tIiIiity III child in the rice or telephmc esiis arming lunchtime blIstdtIdiicst at pt imminent rvpiasrans in It the year in Heathen trelsnd least three slmtr MN Mm These cells rcsullcdio the was more crowded than ususi mm Mum rum brous at slot to It writ turned out is be the tile ot rm En him linsi ernlnl thsl tho This was the dehherstc It mm mm Mm 5mm iii hambigniftii Street rsme too late era no on people who planted it must have liwiigchgt known that people were being mm MD plum in Po ncnrby sort themed it minutes heather one igudl goats hsd gone oil its never bed chance to evacuate Fortun cIughI erosds she were berg my MM mm evsouatrd to supposed tslety in in my mm mum Simi down but several at our were Itsshcd by tiring gloss an TIT oil hiTi uiii siiriiririTniiii or esililtmrllouspapicrI infield 11b ot the Itrts had btrn tisirning to ter iourasiist said there were police not Irm manner on huge posts at blood in the street radio Sbc tai us that heath adherent to sport to woo duo to Tum have been him the hint street about its lathe Iss2 red as tedth soon sill ihtpztidlosivs It mariy ltwassheiiolsrlrsinwslt It pounds The II delivery lag it sad it out this is en vIn dislnugrslod Shop lrontsr went all outside Linda III at winds were destroyed Glass new rrrryahcrs Ind All at thI eiiys ImhuiIoceI portoithocriiinrrsmadM BELFAST theater ltteh guerrillas Ippsrrntly lured big rmd late street to ren trIl iteilut today then let oil SEVERAL ILINDED ADEN CPI An Egyptisn Air the Egyptian nntlonsl str ilne canted Ti passengers and crew msde up at live In Ind tour Egyptians me said The ight originated in Cairo where it tooir on It passengers Ind stopped It Jedduh Ssudt Arabia whree it picked up eight olhrrs he said An earlier report saying the piano curried only is passen gvrs spporenlly id not into thin scrount the rl ht psssrn gers picirrd up iaJ deb rushed Ind exploded in ames wars The lwinengincd not let Intsshed Into the Indolent high pests oi tiouat Shamsnn Is it came in island soullesth It Cake airport The DOD chlrtrrrd hy Egypt the ruling it In muesli rsriy todsy The bomb wss Indiung You lwodesrlicrhyciiy iicosed edtiihostesp hlputsdmlo Inll to

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