ELARED llP AGAIN THURSDAY Ellie Dorrie Examiner WW3 TI Old Coliee ileum III iherhenIrInrnIhueeprr TIo Glide rIIIIeI pollution or Irwp el InIdII Youlh pInTToeperIlIITnin unkemeth Special Attention is Not Recorded Transit Train Bid OTTAWA Special All It in nuooo marinara The Damage $160000 ntrnnv hLTITCTI Tr rm ll nnTI IppIreany hu not received IIy IpeeiIT ITTrnTTIn from See relnry IT Slate Gerud Niellet The mTITITer In The diam oi ThI Eire Chief Sails Tax Rebate Loss IlIrrir Tireliplrirrl poured more Team role The lrvlne lie eorITinT Centre ruau iIeT nirhl Ind Thinlr They here now exile niabrd The Tell It The Tire Tn ThI hulldinr PIlnT pIinT ihlanerr Ind olh er TTInunIhle IuhliInreI In The huernrnr riIrTed ellerdly Illerneon IiTi men were purnphll onl ThI hue menl Chlrl DIn ileul IITd The oily rnITerlIiI were dealing In Top IT The Wlill III were rely hIrd Toexilnrullh ThiI monde Iircmen were IhiI in pet lnio The hulldill Ind remove dealer and any pnperI Thel mind The Tire They IrI continuing pquIn oi UNI here meni Ind be note To eTeIrTl cooler Tor The Tire mer IITIT To rel Ind Took Irouod ThTr ITirrnooI Chic lTeIlT Tlid lIImlre ha been rouehlr erlimITrd IT Two are Tor III The hulldlnrr Involve ed Ind IIid iT will be decl Ilon at The oweere whether To rcnIvITI or demeiilh The Iinrer lle IIld Wephrl Laundry Ind Dry ClrInerI Id removed Ill lnT luv IrTcheI ol Iioihln bolorelirelollnlholreh damlge To elolhlnf Te Tor eiunlny world be rn IlmII TTI had no rlllmlil IT The lnounT ei nITTr That no poure Tale The huildlrlll durlul The dry IndIhlil lirellihlere were IT The rrrne hnl IId bolh The helemrnll II The hurried hulld Trip Ind The helrmrni IT The Means $60 Here lull in orullhrlai TeplsiI here That rillITlnIle Tile IhrTTer lIr rebale will mun In rlly TII bills will be It ieerT To hirher This fear hid lrInl Ileney chIrelmT IT The cily Llllll DAN KHAST nevi IToyIiiiiInt which Is under eooITruollIn behind The Tire Irene will the To be pumped uT Chlri TleIrT raid he RIIMI yIT lllhldInWhl IT ThI iieIuTy lion Ind deeIIl hneer thT equipmenl III deliroycd There he IIId Jeannea Tler TIurInT hed TTI Inierlor dImIK edgrerercly ouT Ionle IT The equipmeel could he lured time It The Tire me on yeT been determined Cnlrl New laid The live wir Tolmd IT III me could here burned oul II run IT The Tire Ind deer not indicIIe Thel lire ITIrTed in The hulldinpe eicelrleIi ryl em Aiilston Church Young People To Sponsor Voral Group Concert The Villonairu Timenrher local group Tram liereen mir TIIe Sehooir in Tirncllvlllo will prrloml Tn eoneerl Ii AlllTTInT Knox Prrshyirriln Church Wed nesdIy IIth The mareri TI eponlored hi Tlltlillhereruilveel The lialrlo and DlIercT uherni Ar million we elector IT The Tunnel meellnu IT liliieml nubile Trheul Thursday Tlloll TlTTT Thollunl ruwl Do ILITun president TTIlho JITIS The church young people Ind IiIrIe IT Ipnr There will eelleellon Iller The eoneerl The VIITIrlIlreI hnve periornl ed IT The CNE on TelevIIion and redo Ind have made The re cording nl Their lolhnlpel music IXoilico member le Ken Tiell Tlo member John licnd Tire PIMlTltlll Tmlihll ii Noel hIlee pall preeidenl lTTlTIrn lerrory nrdy irrelidenle Tllehard llTTIIKI eonlmlliee laid Today The Iheller rehele was IP Klied IlIlan TIer on eIeh inning unli In The cily TIIT year nT will be reolared by miem IT hlronre Tu crrdlu lhlI TI Iornrlhinx ule hare no conirol over Tir Tierney Hid hiueh he dldlkea The idea It akin reeldenla Tor Tern in cream heI noT Ipllmirllc That The men in role eIn he hcpT IT TIIT ll level Tncmeed in me would mull TI Increa In over Ind Ihore The loo telemenl Tell you Tirol Tiui whelher iT will come my when our covering The In rrueedveolia rIIT leIT yon nIDr sum it llr TierIe IIid he hrdnT InTTeilerd lntrtuau do mended hy oily board nnd tom nrtulnnr Ind he lied The Tillie Ilion dleeoanrinp TIlll Tell you nhcre The money will come Trom herald CTTy Treasurer Ii Kirk Iaid The TI rehale lest yeIr nu hill on cIeh hailll unil Tie Till no Tiruree IvITTnhe yeT iur This yenrI Tex role and decent expeeT To have Tina hudrri reIdy Iur Inuiher monih cnpilnl hudpel WlTiTll rolurr mITor proleelc Thni require do beniurinp will be ready IhIrTIy III This is done lull in order To rel Onlnrlo TTnnIeipai lluar IpprIVII II dehrnlnreo in Time To krT The proleru underway TTiTIa TnlldnnTthIIny ileum no alderman hII dirrclor TIui WTTlone vice peIilich limo Owen elim lor Lloyd Tirlaluw enolllelo member lloherl TienTley lIIr erlnr lilies Billion Illrlelor and Charles Christie direrior JThere ITTI he Theleued my llrum Ind Ionidni Iren hmrd purer IT IhIT The mill nie mighi he Tor ThTI yenr lir Tllrh uid in The ltlllillilll yeelerdIy LiberII lender Rohcrl Nixon tomplnintd Thai The Tar rredll ayeienr which repTIreI The Ith ler rooale will not cover The proptrU Tnx Inrream Tn mIny rrnlnlclpaiiiirr The liberal lender Tohl The house That The Tax erudite nhich will replete DnlIrlII hnale Ihclirr Tu reheie ThII leer will be between us end To huT Tax Inrreuee in Indy munierITIlTrI will reneh Two Premier WITITInr DIvTr rIId IT would he diillruil To delcrmine now whrlher properly iIer will up Tim on In Ilerlxe The niclpal mill roles hare noT been ITrucL The premier Inid ihnl II We moo properly Tan Totrcaee ol lloo Tor hlelrepollTII Toronle our hero TodleIlrd This nor nerdmrily pener The province Then Isled TI The provinee II conductiny Inrrey To deler mine municipal Tax inerensel Ind how much They will he ITI Iel Try Tax crediie TTr Dlhll Inid eaiehilrhmeni ol mill nice municipal rerpomlbliily The premier also Told illr Nixon ThIT raons who reeelrI The old elleTer lax rehnln will have To well llx To rerun monlhr lonler in metro The new Tax Iredll reheie Tun Deane TNDPTTenTuorThT Iuid The Tax erediT Iyrlrm Ir uninir To hereon on lixed In Tl romo heroine The shelter grnni all no Tourer he applied onion Their Tool and They will have To well Tull yeI To IT Their TIx crediu Sooreinrrlrenaurer Ll lany ilouo oiher direriure no This Cowun Devil lloaurn llnrpanT Kelly John hiheheil anJ Nov inllrr Tlivnlnlnnr Ihulol Liberals Have No Reason To WOrry The liberal have no rlul rraeun To Tie lonermed The ulivvrlnlnp Tuiernl IieTTloTl Tilehunt TTnll yreeideni ul lilo hilllllm hoilii Llheroi Mbulld nun Told number It The llnrv Tie Inl Dilirer ilhrrai llrsoein lion Tllurlduy hlr Phil Ioid eonlrarylo woul have no Trouhl rerun opinion Thlnyl were no TTTnrnl pnrly In lore Tlu Ihl Tire Lilwrnie hell To work hard Thai year To pr nnrrn horn DTITTI iruul Tux ieoriio wcru in iiuTrl nuileaulnnuh are They eullrrlno Iv phoiila nhalorrr now he said Mr Nllll laid Tii mooniiphl lnd reael Tor The ever The Simone Norlh rill Dr nylon illnun run epnin lTl In con TlT younu Tin liin man To run In hllnroo horlh we will halo load nlru wilh The younger rulers lion liuTun The new TIr ilileni oT Thu Tiurrlo llllil lilhllill Tlrerni harociollon rriiocrl Air uTTI opiimlrm INT The Prime lliniaier hue nil In exempie el Inoderrhlp IroT Iron in Thin rouniry Tor 20 years or more he nah lie hue inITITinIl ianlIudo not oilen INTI in politicians And his uuuliolenele elrlllcl re polulie Terri Nulhe dent on exoilleio meme Tier II The naluoiuiiun urged members To ITarT now To III on The illoth In The rldlng 1T you donT win Tierrle yen wIIl noi win The ridlnrI IhI roll 64 Militiclmen To Train With Pay During hlenlhere II The Tire nd Sine cor Forelim who in Open Sound and Tlurie IT Their lo eII Irmoury III who Ibo Il Tend Iehool hIrI In opporlnniiy run will he one ThIT was rnourrle To be ITITuliy employed In The winier break nexl Tree lotIi oT er vacancies will he IiiIeei Tor lull Icrllee pay No Irnior noncommissioned IITlrerI will ITTend Tnonceh eoum IT CFTT Goreiown New Drunrwleh on lenior NCX Thin llleITTon eourre One II he Trorn Owen Sound and Derrie The course ITerTrd NIth Tl Ind end March Nine Tunin NCO will embark upon The Thai purl oi Their TrIIrI in lo bcrnmn Ierreanle when in will eilenti Thrtrdh week come IT CFTI ndnn Dale IT The weekend Ire Maren Te TTIrcil THe Ind TiIrrh Tlvzo Three IT The con poraia Ire lrom Owen Sound while The Ire Item TiIrrle Dnrln IlTllClllAlWilliribltaL in midi Imrn will hale chance To Team IquT end use The ex penrlvn Ind TTTIITiie armoured perIonnei eIrrlerI IT CImp lp perweeh The Touree will enronu rue rrIerII TrTIwIed Ind lim Ted mIinTeIInee oil nmphib lIuI machines Ind more lrnporlv nnT how To drive Thorn Three Ire The Trnrhrd ehlcice delifned To carry In lniInTry Ieclon ihTo ruinhnl For The lnlInTry pITroliluz meal lmporiani Incei oi Trnin inr Drum The name wInTcr brenll period Total oT ll TIKITI eiea ll be lled by Grey Ind ISTmWI perIonIeI IT Camp in prrwrih Tlo mile norlh ol SIr nIIT ThLl course will cover TI Tlee IT rcTTiun Terri weapon irIlnhir Tn Thc Torm oi penev LOCAL GENERAL ROLLED OVEN Donald hlllnron ol Lelroy eul Iered only hruhee when he car rolled over Ind wee demolish ed on re Shielood belween our erosion Ind Coneenlon IT innialil Township Ith Tori nlrhT Police luid The one not IouTllbollmi Ind hli now bank on The weal lid IT The roId Dunne was eeilanTed IT hill TOW NOW Ioeclai holiday Ieheduie her been IeT on Tue The all low IT Snrulidaie TIrir Term This Sal urdev unTlI Timh nu The ninler hreIh period The Tow Will he onerIlhrr Ilonl noon uniII pm every Tiny EXTEND PLANT lionien vleeprelieienl Ind rooerIl mIIIIer cInI TIIII Tyler TleTrITereliorl Lid he Innounecd The eeminlrlien IT modeei orienelon To The leel on TITTTrIon iToITL Thin as been mentioned Try Tile Iddi llon Ill Tm ui new produrle In The hylrr line TN Ehlllh John llmueen oI Barrio Ind Claude Llwwn oi tilen eIlrn were boih lined lilo In Provincial court lhurrdey Idler They IrIded nliTy To Trnpelr Id vine in erpra Township TrIIion demorulrnllon sirloin IerreInTe dnTicI Ind Ten mInIxrmcnl The course trailer The mail TIcnnclce Tur These younl men by thl rerimenl Pioneer Train lnx is The hrnad thdlnT and no men have The opporinnily To lITI Irl Trvrn The Trey and Simone his TrIInIny vrlil presrnl Tnler csilnn Ind challenrini work in The Tlcid and is being eontluel crl pIrTTy In Clll londorr wllh The precliral Tilid Training In Tnnrp ipperunrh onny men Ire Tlndinp more Ind more mining and cruises Ivniinhio during seile hreaTa InTl holidays Then elrr hriure lilTTiII pay is now IT Terr where even The money In tlllir in Man II courses nnd Train The niailnhie IT Canadian Film Break cs hence across Canada Thla surn bill me In irl The Tina Ilaree wilh nominallona Minx neeeplrd not Grey and 51mm rnllilirnncn will mm and learn thI lum rrler II neler helm Aimuyl hill rummer enlplnyrnrni Ll available To any privnTe or NCO wInTTnT Tu ITIIl himreil II The replnlenl her maximum sirenplh nlIornTTun oi loo Iii rnnlr Tresrnl rnrultrncnl new The ITO mnrk llrrruillrlu Le he Iny cniliul ouT eunlinuouliy wTTh The nrlniruurn enrullrlrnl ope now Lilin IT rarl There Training in Turn Sound CDIITC Trurn The lily Ind lurh plant Ia lllarlullI Durham ITIn oler hlealurd orul Thomhury Tlarrio hna men Tralelllnp lrom luillnllnuoll liidIInd Anuna Tlnnlen and Drillln and many eruaiier rulnnluniiica PAY TEACHERS FOR TDEAS THAT SAVE BOARD MONEY The hudrrl eomnllllec IT The hlrnroe Tounly lTolnIn TIThoiie TlrvIrnic School llonrd II considering qurlllon hy Tmlre irInll llcenan lhIT TrIehere he leTl Tor rurlra TTIne whlrh eouill me The Ichlol heard money Tlr Keenan made The INK mllon IT hand ruccllnl ThlI wecl Ile laid The per Tire III onlle prrrIlrnl In In dullry Inll he IhlIlTI ll mighl wnrl In Irhnolx IT IT haunderr Inld IT The IrhnuT heard is rein in Tuilnw lndnelry lT Ihvllid III The nay lie Iunrrled Too eul unllnn IT The TrTrhere and lime IluTllrI Tn The Ilhoula TierIId llruin dilurerd Illh The Inlire mIlTer lie Thlnhr IT II Trneherl rc Ipnnelhllliy To met up wilhnnl helnl ended The do in no Wants To Build Incinerator For Bodies 0i Household Pets Tionweil Dlli will he permiilrd To both In lurin eralnr Tor The bodies It homo hoid pele on CDTTCTSIION oi lnnlllll Tuunahip provided in meell nil provincial heullil do parimrnl Ind Tnunehip leiruin lions The council heailh Tommlileo reporied This neck ThIT The mel Ter hell horn dIreurIed in corn nuTTTe meelinp nIIh prollnilal wule rnonneemcni oiiieiaie rmd The rhIeT lMYtTlliT Iur The TWII Ty heallh Tin Tle provincial nIr management branch will Ilerrwn Tho uperaliou on on annual Mill and yuman ice Thue Ire no emimlulu ironr II it will rupcrvlre The opernilun To ensure TT is eondurleil prop criy CLEAN hliDlilildlshl Council wIl Told The iNTillTr nine in smokeless lurkes Tlcnll Ind no noisier Th on ordinary household Turnnre Connolly vi The aninelnlur would be Ihuni one Ton Dr Alannall lrrusi udTeTllae his inlenllum nT nccliy lnTrrlITs Tor Three week and Tel uriilcn Ip provei Tronl any relideni wIThin onehell mile IT The proposed lilI Tie mull IIlo Irree To keep The road open year round Tonn ehlp approval would he or period nI Tire yeare urliy Council no luhi Dr liaxurli llTlTliTi Tn ure The Tuelncralnr as pail hi his business and To die yole oi yet hodirr uhlrh could he lTUlili Toronln rule and min ptd To The rile Iur dispuenl Countercharges Tollowlncideni Cuilllllirrililll oi nasnuil Tuiiouiuy nn llrelrlouT IT The Lisle role in Dose Dnrtieh on Trio in hd To Die renllcllun one nine end The uITTI The olherI ln rovlnui cour IT Dorrie Thur ay Freshrink lluwril Ti olAnx The True mmiclld oi IlenhlllnT Tronir Vnn Tloull eomlnilrione The null lined lion TIn lluoil Tealllieii Thul he re Iund enirarwe To The hose To Dunnrt and The oiher Iunu Tlandn lowwn buennIe They held drnnk Tuiiowiny This reiuaai lnn llooir Told The rourl he look The llconro pialu oil The Inowmohlie They were ridinr and will in IedcrIT Inrrnner employment pro rrIni Dr ii Timed PCSimon Norlhl ulnday uhd ITr PIT Teller other ill had am his prnoIIT Illadlna Ind Iuooo TI The proposal To be eIllId hin denla ExperimenlIIThnelT Syn Ii Tern in rice oi The whoh no Irreplaoln deleriorITinn rITI Nice To Barrie Ind OrlillI Ind point north hlr Peiieller uld he heelTIied in normal In The question none IopileIlioe Ill prob Ihiy one vi WM received The Iul III dIyI II Tried To Inner All ITrIld lrilrhl oi oil The Tuck nlyaell lTr Pellelier raid Ronald Coulis Heads lllidhurll Community Board Mmemu III ITIeTId ehIlnnIn oi The llldhuni The my len lieIrd IT The Ioanh InnnIT nleelinr other eTrcTrd memhere were llary Ar Te mercuryTreasure er Cut rIn Veneer Leno eri Waller mu hrllion Dune more Inli lime Nlllii lioechnlmnn ol The will be appointed Taler George Couiaon who evidan ed The eieolion Ibexmeeled Tllrn on The tool ay Too lil uITion Ind isruesed The noun Tye recrenlion pronam The hoard extended eoIrrIIu lITIonI To The ounnlrers oi The hlidhurIT TIlr which won LhI InorT sueeesslnl yet Added Il Indiana IT The IIir inelrfeIr were The horle Ihuw Ind din eunrpelllinn under The direction IT lirITTnn Wmmnrr Tilo new lrollpe were Tornled In The hiidhurrl Conlniunlly larT yenr The Tlidhnui uridre Ciuh Ind The hlidhunl lleme Ind School Amrialion which ha been very Iueeeuinl In ill pro lfInra All nesoelale groups were re presenlrd IT The merited II III owe lIerIe thTlrr TIonleII Auxiliary TTeTTy Slewarl lire reITiIn Cornmilieec Tlelen Noi iulse Crane Group Eddie Brown Tillie llalerliy IT My Slowerl Nellliellrr Cornellhlee Lynn ITu Jolly Nehelazcul DorIn TlisTorIrIT Soelrey Aud rey Gallant llonle Ind School and Lloyd Spence hrldpo Cinh Good Friday Easier Post Oilice Hours Sorrlece IT The Danie loli TTTITre will he euriniinl Good Friday liareh Tl hul Sunday and Tilliier liundny will he nor mal unrkinx days There will he no Teller rIrricr service rnrel delivery with oT nerllce ITreel Tulirr hIr Tollrelloll ur lpeeIIi delivery service on Tired FrldIy The Tech hex iohhy will be open an uruai Tire normal Saturday IerrirI will he provided Ind IechrI deposilnl IT The Collier Sirrel Tan Tiller lrlduy nIN he Ienl enT lridey nlrhl 0i Assault ATBorden Gale Tire Tiilnliiull To Telephone The TnTTITary lice iiu III TlowerI Tolinwed him thin The punrdhoule look back The licence rrnthd The phone punched him In Thei nroulir In leTT Lauren Then enTrred The puenihouse Ind VIn llook IdmITled thTlnl him ulcr The head with The Tull phone wTTh Inch lorrelhIT IT broke The lecellrr In Two TTelore aeouiillny Ven Tlooh Il charlie II ulnuliinz lnwsen Tudor TTnTer Inid he Thou VIII lloot hell ood reason To our lur Me II when Tav Ton enlertd The mrdhoule Under The elmmulnneee The iurce you need In reasonable Tulle Tinllrr raid