Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1972, p. 3

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cm rvaws CELIA mum MONDAY MARC 11 In Cancer Society LICompclign Starts In Three Weeks ns local chaptcrnlthom DaneorSodztwallbeeon We morsl or rattle their youn The most tea is the IhI ltIrrle IlDllo It more Ilouso Do you hate missing the maple oi be gout Ips mo er us LU time lrom her busy schedule to read to her little onesl it this Barrie Library Film Servch can because LI the case the an alternative Almost evrry child enjoys go In to the novice so why no to your child Illrn collection oi childrens lalry tnles by all tan In am ot the above authors We even iIIrylalowhlch sad hr on the movies We have line have Jspsnoao will dtlghi our rma 3Gilt is delight Iul presentation done by means oro srllrlon CRAWFORD moons Ilsgto By IRISII Albert Pcaroall and Kenneth Gilchrist returned Saturday night Air to monthlong holl visited Fill lslsrds spent several days In New Zest Ind with Iarm Will to AlutrtIlia ieriog landed to Van th the time chInge March by airport alter dIy 1th urday roorolo router and wt landed to night Dr and Mrs got lot per cent ot vI meta last yesr or snoop caslrmnol sssders to smote oi these Itor eoliecllonbly A233 Iry Berries on two sucAJAeiop iIlry Dr tales Ind ox driller Ironing all all Ind Three Po Tables are excellent Itorch lor children blld who II To the Sea Tomato Saturdsy Gerald lioney wood spent yrch log at St Jovtts Quebec when guests at Grryrrols they were IIlll POT LUCIE SUPPER ol directors at the Community Centre mot Monday March It the home It Ilr Ind 5mm nines were the community pot March II at NO pm Anyone wishing may bring more the rookie tahlI These will be otlercd tor sale Entertainment will lollow col lection will be taken The board hlra Norman completed ior luck supper dozen or squares tor All PROJECT Another yesr II III to 9m liar begun The topic Is The members lllt irorn Knits are setting The leaders In pleby and blrr Ilr and hill companiod weeiend oi Ilsr rrhel arms In Outhr and Ilrs glrlI went turned to lion sawing The discussions and de moorlrslionr Ire where thI mem bers learn let lust by listening htrI Glenn An Orvsl Ilutchlov Ion 1th hId several voter tor club name and chose The it Wits hisry Jean Crthord Ll Uh DRE torrespo John biscuit by blr Ind Ilrr Brit Wallace oi Toronto open the WondIiI entertelned the to senior gtrII ringetts team Saturday night hlsreh It at the horns oi hsr pIrcnts Ilr Marlin Worrdatl bowling tirst then re Dres home tor pIr hopeful Ipentdurloglhsputyrsrhsthls am In dresIlogs IIr notes patients and to Tomlo mentornngm magic crsne Into level bcautllul clo lorth lilmlsertelicutlor Three little ml dler his and Crlrrmal mun Ilgurrr It is the classic mnlain rson tor ponder iIIrytslt Public ticr it try Throato some time their Sol reccotly sill coetits or ltrationdlqir localesmpalpigouenrlhelop we arent tIhiog Princess Ilarurelr hospitallhI srld April so neuter can each ol the deals belrno the sod oi the month Ilr Durst said It alien than or decent want to peopla enumerstlnl lion thscaovII csncer cilia at Burst at room his drum Iurciie II minutes to length It trim vivid impression ol Con DllrII IIIA explains why the Ilr thirst said Illw was tor tr Ilardly day sou to tilt IMO IA is Enroll The totII caropsin Is gtartlng looted area resi Iotn hIIy but be on election this year an tor Ilse wishing to help with may mud the local Worlds Anyone rescue trapped stop SWle As reward lor thelnlele the tween the ages It two and years mditlonal lllloa include such beloved old lavorltsa Is lh Pigs Tha Ugly steadtasl Tin Sol Boots and Peter Ind the Well Ilusltlans In the Wood is airy late It Is done by threedlmcn Duckling means oi Iolmaled lalI ol the Ionshen Iolmats who set out to make their way In the world They eIch decide ib Iy would like to becoma musicians For children between the ages at Ind ll we otter Paddle This Is rotor lea ls the childrens odyssey treat an Idaptation ol the story by Rob ling little wooden lodloa In Iowsrd the some is hunched sea There In many erclllng Id venturcs which Iwall him on his long Inuroey The lllrn dis adII landscape Childhood is short enough lite Help to en rlth your childs lmainnatlon give him some pleasurable memories to reect on by to troduolrtg hhn lo the wondrrous world oi Ialry later ty This team won the champion outs and also ship tor the Inca srh the championship winter olrnlvli Mrs ll Crawford were Ilr srtd llrr John Crawlord Ind Jimmy Stroll Ilr Ind hirer John Clea cy and why Toronto titles we ith Ciuttoo swim and Ilr Ind hIrs lloy Levin Tommy Ind Michael Orangevllls EMERGENCY NUMBERS nu mt maul Ctty Police 11W It the Bush Recent visitors with Mr and Almost no people attended tbs annual aarris ltallsa mention attholto banyIlIllenB astreeISIb urdsy night Following the din nor the guests danced tothe Mostly runny Ind mild weath er will continue In thI Barrlo area today and TuesdIy The low tonight will be to to it above and the high lornor row rein to degrees Cbsrlce oi showers tonight Synopsis large high pres sure system tying north or the Trent Lakes will give sunny and mild weather to Northern central Ontario todI day wealItorm Ir south ol the lower Great Lakes Le producing showers to parts at to Clou Lil gradually Increase over the remainder ot louthrrn Ontario today with an looms log probsblllty oi Ihowerr to night and lllesday Toronto Mostly sunny this morning ooding over this arnoon Glance pt shower rain or treating rItn overnight mesday mainly cloudy with the Winds erst chancs ot Ihower criy Is to no ltlghs today Nesdsy around to low tonight to the ow 30s London Lake Erie south cloudy todsy and Tuesday Ihowcrs In most localities Chance ol little treeslog rsln early this moanI and min to night Winds ersterly It to to llrghs today not Illrsday our Iowa tonight in the low It Ilsmlttoo northern late iluroo NIIgIra western tale Ambulaan lcrtlrs mitt OPT prepare your and promptly For tnlormatlon IIII bports sit with their cnt Ier prompt ssrvlrr III iNCOME BLIPS ITS SI RECEIPTS FOR OHA MEDIOAL EXIE OI YOUR SOTO TAX RET TAX FORMS 213 InnIsIII 5r Do It the easy way this year 11 Short tell Aeeursoy is guaranteed ill DETAILBOF YOUR DEPENDENISI noes aImlngI dItIInI RITAELE DONATIONS ill YOUR IITI PERSONALIZED OntIrto blostly runny lhla IIICIAO rIturrr accurately ur locIl CIAO olllee or all the oilch and bring 1P4 1AA TFAA Tl lPDI brth ltnver lIOO NSES oombtnIn es orotoulonal dues union dues rIplIlIrId retirement savings plan URN TlIwrsIlahlIi SHORT INCOME CIAG Representing CIAO Investments Ltd TED2042 Benin oi Illgh tontgh It london music It Gino Salradora tire ace hInd irom Toronto As BOW Iltad table guests era FROM LEIII Eugene Inlio club treasurer and Ilrs Tulle Aalccto beret secret morning then clouding over dur ing the Itlcrrleon llama ot shower ot rain or Ireering rain overnight Ilelniy cloudy1lcs dry with the chIncs oi shower won easterly 15 to to High today and Tuesday near to Lows tonight in the Ilppsr zoo in lower its North hey Sodomy eastern nd Labs Ontario llIllburton Oren glen Bay Alyonra Ilostiy Iuony today and on Nrsday woos easterly is to in today both yr to to laws It lo 15 except nosr ti lo the eastern LIII Ontario re glen Itlgta Low High Today Tonight Dil IO Serala IO ID Nilohcnrr IO Wloghrm to Owen Sound IiusIoII to and Itamllton 4D Toronto Thenlon ID Kingston Peterborougb ua Nllialoe North Bay Surlbury Eorlton Tlmmlnr Itapusheslnl White River TUES ONLY on novrrein sr littill Itrr Duet Peter PIpIts vlcepresidrnl and tin PI pals Arnaldo hlclthlos Ind hiss hIcItholr nELOW bans Icll Harold Von Wyctr Lands and Terrell Ind hIrI VIII and Itrs Perri arure Ouch master ol cercrrloalu Oren Eaamincr Photos The tax return to be led by We once snoretho OLD way Use the oilicial guide you For further help We have team of specialists just Elli Ital hlrs April 30th in report last years income and will therefore not be affected by tax Intent And doublecheck your colorlationathat him thIo unemployed In Oeurls IIrI receiv ed madam thrush tbs cairn sot Mutant Program at the Complement Insurm adults Iisee ll began Last My The colorant Assistance Prv yam war beneted in the st used one tnrlnam system Is we help norm oi ip the mphyed wortsr Into the labor tom The progIIrn II open to sit those person who hare bid minnow Some It Ihtllcd nine en to II Uncmp ymcel insure Ines umruiuion oliwes Inrtud hag Barrie are busy totrrrtcw lag unemployed men and women and hucipng thenI tiling work as we as railing or touch with Idanpnwn or with Ipcyillc Inclal Ilrnciu Ior ad dluonai ashtsoce lAflvIMACE The pone to rson Ia terriels are design to give the lndirldssi Icetull ol eon ltdrnce in his own ability and to direct him on room that may put him but into the seats at the employed In the courts ol the Interview be Is given portlotle which on Pm pmin latns iwrbootlcts ghowlnr step by step how to go about trading new lots The beehlels mlaln iniorrrtatlon on how to about preparing record at ts into in and educstlen ll hey soure eI oi employment and It ways oi going Into business lor nnslt sell daily guide on organising lob search and mating maxi mum use It ooII time how to emit tunable lm ression in person by phone an invited not ordered In the claimant Issislanc Inlrrrlcw ThsIs meetings with the guidsnce bl Ilcsrr normally on um also or woman has been no claim with the Unemployment insur Ian Oomrnlsllon tor Iis week or longer IN CONFIDENCE The data suinicd bv claim ants to the gut Inns eiilctra ls treated in strict Nniidence What In said In the Interview Is not damned with other litC ot liriais nor made available to other hrsncbeI ol the commis IlorI Since the guidance elilcerI are in close touch with the social agencies In the area they are able to reler In applicant to the most approprtIlI Igeoc tor In sislsnte including we are re trrhrln grants Ind other Ilds Also are have been Instances where the applicant has been rrovtdrd with assistance through the rIrtous other departments ernrncnt Ohmunder sirens tor unempbymeol Ia We umpnriduhtlnhrminl mnrhlwuthsthllhwesl elllsoglclaim meet human Iubsequetntmlewm themhwceh orrarltetstthl Welthegsddamnlm llwaeiiarIlherItsnohooO SCihiil hit net ddiezurt rot Isld John Walsh chtnnal Gist oi the laimant Anutanre Program In Ontario its not rutlrr at will lidblhfldlllliiiiDlIJSOD that hlmnetl equipped with our pa Iesch toolhir and updb date tahor march triortnali be odds hir Welsh IlIo points out that when we realm that there In some Iocto mood standing to the way or club ants metronoman we act Is tunneling Igrnt to sgeaelcs that are grated to remove such obstacles This trees the Int Irvm Inch woman so that he no concentrate on his lob srarch Clsimsol otllcen are locIlcd tree In Barrie CoranIL lllon Kingston tenders Oshawa Ottawa St Cathrrtnes Sauls Sis hlIrir Sudbury Thunder Bay 11minslornnte Waterloo Windsor The Ontario regional olitrea are In Bellsrllls Unitarianism Is His Topic lay Abernathy In associate minister with the first Luitarian Church In Toronto will he guest rahrr at meetlng oi the Ben Unitarian Fellowship at lllrh $2 on srodsy It It won Ilr Abernsthy will Ipcak on Unilartaoisrn which is the branch nl Protestantism which based on the Idea oi unity not trinity COLLIER STREET UNITED CHURCH NOONDAY LENTEN SERVICES 1130 pm IZSO pm Tuesdays until Easter Luncheon revved er I2OO l100 ALL WELCOME claimant AsIlItIncI Pro help you National Rovenu Revenue national Taxation Iopdt on your 113 income receivedit contains the answers to all your questions the source of meat errors it you need it control your nooroet District Taxation Obico luwnetwlr animus Claimant Assistance Program Is For Unemployed Persona

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