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wonthor corrrogo II In Ou Ice yby Frank Flaharty Tom Talk 015Inlllm5llvntoowl Court at local now wants mod Ibo oldrst at the lilo 19 In In cxctlltnl blIInd tlrot tturo hollrrlhr IIccd Ind 15 lull IIIWNOIIHMIIII itll Information and roomy saying announce and hug my act Snln derotltlEIEM III WW It gm mfl ymldm ililttiinIn un 0m ll mu WIRE IF our IIIblrd bun Elldl fhmfmaiv Hoolth by Dr Goargo Thootmn In no IIrIItol boocI both lIllhltl mum cumbcrhndgamplgltd unnot Human wwmmm Rm lilnyum with no in In ltb Illul orInt rxvt Mr rot lc bio rilslo coma lamb with Ibo and minim hnwcrcr Sgt ml Pull nmunumm Ihl blur Ibo mm IoI An 2ch xrn to lllllllmillltllmJullrcod otbzr outlirld lob Ila wldo nmmynnn In sinner III RIIdIrs Oplnlom button to tho Edlloh Inacd Ibo yctrrrn rlrbIbandrr open Peta Rlcbcrl Tory Illowcd III Inolly bu rccovrrrd lrom Irm Illlly Conlilluv 351 Willi ll lInto nrom only one hll Social and tank club Ml Ind rolotcd Innqu IbII brva limo promr will win one lllnlbhgorlgr Itallow NM of mmmm mm dmmmmm rm lzlrbrra nlulug twonrn ll Appotutng Roclpor WGSlem Curlers Ale Favmed l2 Don OHrorno Quoonr Pork Roport In l3 Birth and annlrIrIory announcomonto 14 Annual Spring and Fall Fashion Solactlono siliilimil 19 like will Trill Sill 15 EItato Iactlon II nu rnczdottblrtlnIHIItyrnrtln bcd In ht liltlu hotel room or onto wttb bl Ihy orln LIblng wltb Ir record tn the Wool rIoro rcIlly lot to Ft out and bell Ihlnk uI bovo cbInrr And moot curler be ll nIrDonold Grrdo II Iludrnt In no Illa Mr 18 Pnrtllc 0cm poled Illa grrlt wkmew my my Wut Irom Ibundrr Boy to Ibo III throat to IIIo tho natlonIl tIIlo Ind PenalColo IIoEby our bIImIIIc oI tho onIdlIn Irhnulboy curling cbrmnlonshln lbo lIrouod cbrmplonoblp Nlll II that round but IIh VII nor on Ill In locnd moo atom mm mo om ESI today wlln 0o trrlo mootlng llr yrovtml rlvnl Northern Ontorlo Sooht VIbowrn plnyln New Bruns Lwlrlr Noyo Soot moctlng IIIn ltobn lttti AlborII IIclng II um It tho rnd McDonald roll no dld not Ilka to loco Nortbrrn OnIIrlo In tho Imall odrl on ognlnot two Prolrlo rlnkr rIld Pooplo novor road or do thry l6 Form to Form markat ploco want rods 17 Skiing with Al Raina III Camplota Dixtrlct TV Llrtingr I9 Complrto Hockey Scoroboord 20 Daily Crossword Punlo Drama and film rovlowr 22 Loyal notlcu at lrnportanco to tho am 23 Annual hock ta Ichoal orctlon 24 ldoopackod Chrirtmoo Gilt Guido 45 Patrick Nicholsonr Ottawa Raport I6 Tho Stan Soy Popular Hororcopr Footuro 47 Photo ond Iaaturrr tram tho world of art 48 Collogo now about uraa rtudcntr 49 Pictorial Bridal Section 50 Daily colonan oI comlng oronto SI Tho but comlco In town 52 Aulgnmant mm by Jim Hookott 53 Partornr by Allco Ilrookr WW Irlnco Folwlrd loinnl motto llrlIlIb Columbln wblla Nowu Inundlrnd bII Ibo IlrII bye 25 Complcto aron Church um 26 Conodno Story by Bob Bowman 21 Copltol Cnmmont with Farmor Tlrrinotan 28 It hoppanad In Canada 54 Waohly Intrrtolnmrnt Guido 55 Biblo Thought al tho boy 56 lllurtrotcd Sunday School lorron 51 Slmcoo County Market plocr Uhenestcuisim lakevrew IRSDunlopE mom 00 FAMILY DINING OUT NIGHTS Mondoy to Friday run or sou Stuitod with Crab Moat OR onthth SAVORY MEAT IOAF you lull Spnnloh Sauco Perhaps your Wcl oomo Wagon hostess can help to nose the oontuoiond Children under 12 $llO Collhrrtodayl Camploto mral Includor Donut and Rovmgo ll Clllum 9y oooeoom IIIY EXAMINER VIIIer ADO PHONE mIIII For Circulation Rates and Information TELEPHONE 7266531 Olin ileum Examiner Simone County Reads The Examiner Snuu as hugtl Ybona 726ml