Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1972, p. 11

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ran Sat Asso boat with iolvi ranch orcr In in lot Penguins Outlast Boston Bruins By Tlll CANADIAN PALS TTI lop leanu in the 3th tlIhed East Division at the NI tIonai tloctey leaeue alone with lkae Dinah IIIth and Minnesota North sure to the Well nabbed out at the euro lion and the Ionian Dial with the Ichadwle drawiar to close the weaker teams In both dlvielons are providing moat pith excitement It they do battle with each other and the atrorrrcr learns to rates play oll berths Toronto Staple teats la lateaeolon llruule with De troll lied Winks toe the Iinal plIonl spot In the East mortal livo points ahead at tha Winu durtnl the weekend by lyta th North Stare Slrrrdey alter noorl Ind adtlnr Caltoraia Golden Seal lI Selurdly la the West where the final two Iyollv Ipota Illll Ire tinde cld Pttlsbiuth Petrde iodl rated they are not yet ready to he down by details the pew erlul Barton Bristol 64 Saturday nipbt and photos than tie Sundry nlrbt in Dalton ill HINDI Wlnp apotiloc the crre NORA TillWAN get tylaereal crushed New York Nansen Tel moving thI radius the streak at the team that is see ood to Dorian lit the But ilAITllO EDGE WINGS ante inbealea In another am Sunday Ill hiere edkcd the tied And Caillorrila Goldcn Seals mony which marked the oltlciII to north pm In the West two retirement at the ersey ol lied points aheId at tho Penruins Wtar amt Gordie llewa Russians Follow Script Win Five Skating Medals LOUISE min and Barry Sopcr at Vancouver In action at World Floure Shatter chom plansth in Cattery sliiurtry HOCKEY SCOREBOARD lly Till CANADIAN PillTS National lame East Division 49 ID 10 1d 160 till ll 12 II 291 ill 101 it it list lb 05 30 JT IZ yttl till 72 29 33 22B ill llullala it it IS in too it Vancoum IT it too TS to hint Division ll 11 it 222 til it it it ID IS Til to to Hill T25 53 11 Si It 113 ill ST 2033 ll lDl lbl 5d Pittsbuth ll to int 229 it lets Aussies id id 7171 26B LT liraulls Sunder Throulo IllnncsotI tlrlcupo ll Detroit Calllomla New York Pillsbutth Boston lieaulis Saturday Chitode Montreal Toronto Culllorale dealer New York Montreal Thronlo Detroit Gilearo Minnesota St loch Phlln Calilornla liaison 1200 lasthacli you whole lot of beautiful muga to Gives and ahead at the men In Ioorlh plate three ahead at litthplnee Celdornla and tasty tin In Iml ol Persona la aura place in Aaxeiea II last with points won all etrIisbl mm and Rial Danny look over the AlliII John roll Nichol ellort In the third period came abort III minutes titer PIrise elapsed Ihot oil tent IoaiiI Bernie Parents pads to rheumatism Irruaa Haney asked about his Iue rcst with the teats laid hllybo new broom retro lhinu elem htaybe the chants rave the club tilt But bib leiien loot some heartbroken Hell be back and hell be back lenrlnp Ilat and coach This club plays as well to blur ll docs It tilt AchELLAN WATCHES ilckdaa welchcd the yarn learn the press box In htlaueapo III and said later he has duo tart appointment this week to dricnnlne when he will return to the beach The My Clancy ts clue may not be able in ct my Ioh back he laid cheerluliy The North Starr who had rustle Dream hlInlIlo Injured Wednesday night Ikio lost the services ot dep Worrlry Sure day when he cluthl shot on the nose Goalie Gilles Gilbert lust called up Iroln Cleveland Barons at the Ameri can league was pushed into ac lion Fighting lllars Iunior Games DUMP WORST5V tailed Winks Iarther away tram pllroll berth in lines Sslurdey thlcaro Ind ktontreat Canadicas pIIyed to it tie New York but Da lrolt tl IAI Arteries Kings Mord Builalo Sabres so and St lentils Blues deleaied Phill dribble There er The St tails win moved the learn alone into third place In the hint with points two CALGARY lCPl The script was hollowed elosclr the tim Ilans went home with most at the medals and the lalcrnallorIIl yunrhilnl lraleralty waa lett wonderlnr whats rotor to happen next year The IlvedIy rm world Ii urutrrttnr championships ended Saturday night with torsion couple winning the dance competition Russians also wcre tint and second In the pairs and second and third to vriene Ilnyles The only event In which they didnt acorn was the womeaa elhlles OIdreI Nepain or trrchualo vlkll is the ion mens rinties champion Tkird Schuba ol Ave tvle la the womens Winner Aletrel Ulhnov and trial Ilodv ulna won the pairs and admits Pakhornova and Atcksnndr Gorachkov won the danceail at them ilelendinr champions Second place in the mrna competition went to Serrel Chet control quickly by security veruc In or Rituia whila yuIrds but rrlcrre Jim lever ttaren uana er Carude rehuod em By Tltkl CANADIAN PRESS kirhliny has always been an easy exit tor poutup emotions or eriesslvo Irrresslveness Imony hockey plIyerr aIvd Sun dayI Ontario Ilockcy AlIoclI lion Junior IerIcI action wasnt without its Incidents But there was Ilithl twist in tendon xhgeltgshalwla Generals nl pedl rry llho parrrc was delayed to minutes It the players conceit around the tea or on their bcnchcs to tho clamoring ol Iirhtlnt lane The brawl was brought under to start thII was Iec In women md rlod until provincial police arr mile Smlruota Incl Andrei Sur rlvrd to err additional accu alkln ol lliiaslI were ntnncrIilp lili it Dimitri Lhtrelilrt in pairs and Anrchlra and Ertch and no one was reported In Duck ol West Germany were second in the once IJS GETS BRONle Bronte medals went to Iudt mir KovIlcv oi Nessie in mens singles laart Lynn oi the United states in womens JoIo Starbuck and Kenneth Shelley ol the US hr pnlre Ind Judy Schowmeyer and James Sladky ol the US In the dance Records Broken llt It Track Meet EDhioNtoN cry are CInIdlIn records were Drolicn and tour were equalled at the Canadian Iunlor indoor track anrldleld mect which ended sun tha Iuvenlie mens hlch lump in the junior mens hum ural Not to In St Colhlrincs where the mark llawks dell Jacques wound up to hospital with tore cussian and severely cut right ear allrr lorward Dart lilnlon at Kitchener Itanrcrr cut abort atlclt duel by breaking itch Jacoues head The Rangers kill Arri In Montreal where tho Canadiens burst Hamilton Red Wing TI lhcre were at least three separate tights rcsultlrrx in ruIIor pcnallles IllAlildkdl GAIN Till Emotions rau cooler in route where the Mormon tied Nlaratn Inlls Ilycre before more than me lens With live ranres romalnlny the htarlies leagueleader with at points need only to will one or to two ramcs to lock up itll place night on way to nlatttrplaeo 1th hr danco pairs lCll illolol day Daniel St titlalre ol hlonlrral Wm Iumpedslrlectllvelnehcslor The previous mark was ill Iert Pittsburgh Boston or All pics Bullelol FRONT END ALIGNMENT Sunday monies belore Detroit Howes Agnew tor Ilawe Chicano years arn in Floral Sasl evpcrt mechanics Well relate Ill air pressure mi on all wheels IyItcm lied Win hockey real Gordie lIowa entities dump the Ted Umbin tAII holct Orlearo game It the Detroit DETROIT All United Sitter VlcePruideat Spiro new to Detroit Sundlr peclal tribute to Detroit Red Wines hockey great Gordi Howe lowed by arthritis to retire this year alter to years with Detroit In the National llockcy Dram was honored belore this Vrlnls lame IrIlrut tlawe was born nearly tt Ilowee No Icrsey was re tired and owner and president Bneca Norris announced scholarship land in his honor out Youre mileayahead at Precision liiSNIIS lll tor most North American cars rExlra lor eome can with Air conditioning Iaer extra It needed Innate them to proper nails and 0th 001M that may cause the tailure lOPOINT DRAKE OVERHAUL Includes new little and rebuildlny wheel cyiicwdcis Irc linings turn drama repack trout barium and Import complete Olympia With hltn is his wile Colleen ant turmcr linematI Retires Sweater 500 prant will be awarded each year to hirh school erad uate excelling In hockey Twrtrcn mirvrbcrr ol Iluwes Iamily Inclihltnr his wits and three ol our children were pro seat when Agnew read letter trons President Nixon which sIld In part When lilitst men retire hockey In in America who wpuhinl want to pill you on ice min to rrdoy your wizardry MORE SPORTS theyre put on tea but there isnt ORLANDO in MRI The minutlon tout plan not the lib tnlmy drain Sundaya out most oi the libm Flor ida Clint open roll Inuruttttcl When won It Akron loose and easyrrolu Jerry Ileard nil in lle Trevino tbhll what wanted lewut It was the tint one This time want the my It was more than limple IvI riremthepartolthebutdnr atIr lrvrttt tssiia Codi III was In debt and pressiea Ind Itmu led thI Iinaneinl prohlenu had bothered bit serve that more while he arrl Trevino waited to hit their second shots in the green on the islet hole It lilo Piotr Cottotry Tub Ileard used that pldutw swing to tilt his shot to within about nine Ieet oi the tiny Dy Till CANADIAN PRESS With ae renrcs under their heirs Nova ScotlI royeaeurs have trnatly made it to the top at the American Hockey teayuea Dalem Division They share the honor with the powerlul Boston Braves but cnon game in Tire oyI curs rcIchrd their lolly plunrca Sunday by turn lnr bark BaltimorI Clippers leaders in the west or alter the Braves were held to tie by the lowly Tidewater Wines in In alteraoon contest In other ruIiches Richmond linohu uounccd llethoy hears rr ine their huh ihnsecutite vlctory Cincinnati Swords Izod rrrovlicnce tied it are Rochester American Mind Cleveland Dunn In Saturdays Ictloa Tidewa tcr dropped llrrshey so while tiIllimorI Ind Sprlnrtleld tilted to tlr Ahhrrurh the top three tcarm In the kjaslem Division Ire tor ahead at their Illels the race on race rs ih Price is 588 TIRE ROTATION their reva 88 88 Drum Type Drakra tor playolt pprillvrt in the west Is so light only tour poian sept Chaneea are your ear nIvdI one or more at an ear rervleee tle bed control lead at ard Tho mmmmnosoarsauraum Win Solves His stroll delay St Aral be picked up in toe int placea We solved the maon aorrlea ma arl do it the year old uirt Im that even ll tell you its big but oil It aural Dohby illicililL who hit out ol the pack with strip 01 tile commune birdies on back nine closed with SI and careers er In the llablly bunched Deg thrta Dioctrr who lead at the end ot three rwnda and Illwrwd to 11 are no III III tied with Grover Archer Niscth Dob tluryby and All trailers Dulce Lknrrrpton Nova Scotia Finally Shares Division Lead With Boston rate the Ilrst oral littleple tratru Three rolls in the amend pr rlori turned the ayIrrurI ta vlmory over the tipperr Seep Inr tor Nora Scoiia were Ozark Arnason thuck Dolley Joe lIIrdy amt tiny tvmciu hlarc lhllur aruilrsl oyarrur calla Wayne Thorrrsss bill or that out by petting italthnores on pool nitriwa in the third pert Iapauese Skier Wins Races RUSSIAN DC It Sller hlrsrrrrl lchlmtttlerl lIyan Irrural Inadlaa slopes in his lrtinu during Canadian alpine championsh on Ilrd ilounlaln dorm weekend He took the mens slant All iorvr Saturday and the Ilaiorri Sunday The two dal ol ruling were held In todrprre temperatures and vairHollcn weather In any aaaaaa Iklcra lrnauare lip and SAVE this till wnrrL BALANCE srrcm DYNAMIC BALANCE Wheel and upset Ind grease Well also Insult new urease tests Price or drum brake ears DRAKE RELINE lncludcs new lining on Ill tour wheels We Idiots brakes and hoped complete brake system Drum typo brokes REPACK GREASE SEALS Well venture and clean your trout wheel bearings $2488 88 van unut St Lou Philadelphlol tiIme tloodey limo Barry Boyd ol kitnrontorr it loci rots inches to Canadian record Sunday ht three inches In brrlhitd the national morti oi as DISC BRAKE SERVICE Ttlonio Oshawa Ottawa Philadelphia It tlontreal OIIA Jr LI Ti ll II 11 Id Ii TS in ll 250 lot as 1211 SllO Ill 2012 Ill All at Falls 23 20 ml cos it 22 Kid 71 Ti 2129 121225th llih 002ml ltd Silliltl ltrrulhi buaday Oshawa lnndon Toronto Nissan Falls tlontrcal tiarnllton St Catharines Nllchrnar Ottawa letcrborourh Games Tuesday Ottawa at London hlontreat at Toronto St Catharlnrs at llanxillon Pborouih Ixltchcncc Niagara St Clilh Ihmlun Montreal Ilulutllon Ill BRADFORD Tllrllll leel ilk inches The other record broken Sul urday was to the junior womene too metres SALES OPPORTUNITY with melee Ute lIIoraare Company REBTUNEMTION level one 00500 month Level Two 00le monthly Level Three ueoroe moulth level Vonr eroosro monthly FOR lNTRRVllIIViV CALL TMle IIIIRTETlto No little aCar Company have rrioval to new Ind larcer quarlora at it Fast ltd that next to Kentucky Fried Chicken lowest In Bush WEEKEND FAMILY PLAN tun elro Catrilna or impair eytlerdcr automatic DS and IDr radio s1343 krldIy Icon to tin htoadiy plue tic per rnlle plaI as We Install new hoot brake pads repaek metre lront machined cailpcrr Irte avert Chevy Ponllarr Dodrcs Darla Olds IIyrmuthv etc Tlreeioo CASH ll month titannnlce Sally weyeto buy at JD DAV CHARGE EXTENDEDTIRMS dlotoasttblklleziriast heallan Itll inspect calipers rotors and rear brakes Discs rebuilt at extra cost GUARANTEED USED ROCKET BATTERY $1549 ar anaraaaaaaaaaar VOLKSWAGEN RELINE lnrludis new llnrrrt on Iii wheels Vrr adjust brakes rcpsrk trout wheel bcxtrtliys and hoped brake lyrtcm Drum type brakes SHOCK ABSORBERS Buy at the Regular Price Got the 4th BRAKE ADJUSTMENT Well Idliut your broker her tail drtlln contact and Inspect corn lcle eyrtrm Price excl es disc brakes and come loreirrr care Streetcar or HARGEX as humor 51 wrsr aannrr rzsosls

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