Thoioiiowship oitho Church ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LiSSONByAHrodLBueschor tsiv church was marl ed by harmony and sharia owing members and the dad pies powertul witness brought many converts Arts toast Nous ot the wrotwtthott hiea necesri er as those who had possessions provided tor WEEKLY MEDITATION those who had not Acts lsttl For Its growth and good at the entire church early hrtatlsos behavior set Churothoses Influence When Dogma Avoided By WAYNE TITth Barrio Alliance Church loo oi the ideas that to ac eeptad today is that at all costs we must avoid being dogmatic Ibout soothing especally about Icllsioitr laith Yet as we see trderst election brewing or read abort the upcomio provincial election in Newioiutd and we see the great spirit oi do Ittsrn that permeates the psttornts Here are some toils who believe with heart soul and strength Ioii mind in their pssticutsr party lmsgioo Premier Print or Prime Minister Trudeau standing at the podium proclaim Moore or Prime iitnistrr Tru dsIu Itsadlu otthe podium pro claiming Allonna oi govern most are digitally good the one Is thsother mm to lean towards coosemilrm but rero to that all political phli asap es uiumaleiy lead to tho Iorns eod and so rather than be dogmatic lrol we should lrt each at you drcide tor yourseil which is best tor you hir hloorea toss not saying that hot or was Iod ls declaring that lrogrcaelvo Conecnstism Ls no ulvocatly the only kind or it all phiosophy that merits oilowtog Tho Chrinian Church loses out in her influence over the minds oi men when she cents to be doaoatie about truth study re vealed to Scripture Certainly thcsI Is diiiereoeo between dogmatism and polar iog begotism When ooo reads the gov IJorlotsIrnIsodIttbs loving ltItn oi iesud Gilli liI sI Im the way the truth and the tile no msn comes to tire Father but by me Now this is about as narrow mlodcd and dogmatic state nirot Is you would had and where Yet at the saute time its was gentle and meet and lull oi love So there no contrsdto tion between betog dogmatic Ind loving all men sunbcrtnore Christians have no right to be do mile and the Father has soc en in us in Jesus Christ and through the inspired Scripture tile iier not stand in judgment upon the word at the living God Where God lacingmtlc WI must sure with One recognises oi course that we must not be dogmatic in mat tcrI not clearly revealed Within the christian lailh then is room tor diileriog opinions to nuns her oi areas One only need read St Pauls letter to the Romans Otapter it to discover this rrloclrio But there are cssrntia Inst era that evangelical Christians believe are not open to debate in lfiiiI oi love theretoro dermal catty state that Is the Scripiarrs isittly there exists pmoosl Ind toiioito God that Jesus Christ Lt HLl Son who was born oi virgo sullcrrd under Pontitls Pilate was eructiird dead and buried and the third day rose Iino irom the dead its is alive today and will come again to lodge the living and the ago In tho note irtt oi otcd loved lor moo where dogmsticsily assert that our only hope oi eternal tile is to know God personally through Jesus Otnst 1th lender comm dogmat ieIily Illirrrt that eternal trio is conditional upon rrpenianee iailh in Jesus Chain the Saviour and Lord lgaot to story man his right to oose his own view at lite and his own way oi bring and gcoulnri love all those who do not be era as too But thrtstisnliy is not In ldcsi but on idrniiileatioo lath per son The Christian tIIth rightly understood is the out world and his view thIt prov es consist rnt Ind sItislyln answers to trios motor our one in the love at Christ in spirit ol tender compassion and with score oi dogmatic usur snco Iod authority whether men believe us or not irtatians in this end ol tho 20th century rntut speak up WorldWide Fund Appeal Launched For Cathedral TIIRKWALII Scotland lCPl li worldwide spoilt hss been launched tor 500000 to restore St hiognur Cathedral here In myearoid edillco sire cd in history but beset by Image and deer Vikingbuilt St hialntlJ known so the Westminster Abbey oi the bleak crime to isods ott Scotlands oor err tip is not only In litiiitlt turIi treasure but direct ilnlr with the era when the Norwegians ruled the region IlIskon 1V 1in at the Nor wcgiIn senkings was laid out Return the altar oi the rsthe that alter ha died here on his way home ioiiowing deleot by the Scots in an invasion oi the mainland in Hot There is tradition that tho sotenycor old Held at Nonvuy who dint It III to true while on her way to be married to Prince Edward oi England was iil tcrrrd temporarily there The Vikings wero still reti teg irom Orkney harbors in spring and autumn raids on the adjacent British isics wbrn St Stagnus was ioiinded Is Roman Catholic institu tion it was dedicated to Norwegian holy mIn who was martyred tor reasons uncles now on the Orkney isle oi Egtlsay SKULL GASIIED ltis bones with on axo wound in the skull irc thcrc So do those oi his nephew Rngnvnhi who built the origi not church as shrine dedi rated to hilgnils Rognvoid had mcn quarry red and yellow sandstone irom tho Orkney ciiiis lie 1an to Durham J00 miles away ior masons who created rwlyshsvnio eiiccis that to this 1in glow with warmth and it on summer evening MIT belonging to Norway to obouttis centuries tho Orhncys were ceded to Scot land to lists Ind the cathedral hecamo the private proferty oi Scottish King James it escaped the lury at those who destroyed Catholic churches during the Retorrne tion at tho lath centur Build ing went on through Nor man snd Gothic periods but though the Norman touch rsrtirutorty strong it remains ho mightiest monument in tho United lilnsdoro to the Scandinavian inuence ROYALTY VIORSIIITS Since the Retormation St itsgnus its been the Church oi Scotlands parish church lor Kirkwaii srd the central shrine ot the Islands On occa ilon members at the Royal Family have worshipped in it Over the centuries ltlrkwsii with population oi only Lido has strained its Holmes to maintain the building Money irom many rooms has been ilciirtrd to its Iecp As isr back Is till male Inctors had been sentenced to bring sandstone irom another triarwt ior repairs wealthy shcrlii rt ortiey in his lor iuno to iionoeo tuitocsie restoration early this century But the ravages at time not nature continue to take toil Tho thtootAiMIg rathidrat hurl its spirit dcsiroyocl hyv iighltiino in lots serious earth trctnor wcakcncii tho structure in 1917 URGENT NEED it will cost moon tor ur gent repairs to stop move ment and distortion ol the vaulting and other parts The second priority target Is In the decay oi ago on tho exte edditionsi alsoooo to arrest THE HAKAMU SPONSORED BYt WESTMINSTER PRESEYTERIAN YOUTH FELLOWSHIP AT EASTVIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL 421 GROVE STREET EAST BARRIE MARCH 111912 not PM SINGING REFRESHMENTS SOLD DIALOGUE N0 ADMISSION CHARGE and Sunday 10 am Westminster Proshyiorlon Church I70 Stool St Youth Sorvico star and restore this to its tori rnrr rharnt Because the cathedral is the property at lilrkwaii it is not eligibia tor British urem meot grant That is the Society at the Friends at St ilsgous is Iimtns wido spreod appeal to Orcodisns as Orkney natives am called Norsemert Ind Scots with over they are hiany Canadians particu iori in the West have links wit the Orkneys There has been some migration irom here this century but remap the greatest cootribuion to this movement was made by the Hudson Bay Company in in early days when it was coionirln the Prairies slid the Nor The company ships last oi call beioro crossing to Atlantic wu Strontocss in Orkney whrro thug took on water Orcadisna whhky The most authoritative voice to Bible Turkey on todays scene Seen each Sunday It 100 pto Channel All Welcome BURTON AVE United Chureh lilatsicv Rev ii Pardon Sir it Gagrows it lll tiornlug Vrrohip THE lltiSlS OI GUILT PrIiso God trons whom all biesriogI How ALL ARE WELCOME tho example ter their west retro each olIIr La tbs brethren Banana HM As church Romans 1551 Goi Chrst had received both not de Teri Roman ts1 and rims so tho must RUN RABBIT RUN COMPLETE OUTTTT DONCASTETI Elllhd lCPt An unlucky rabbit accidesr tally no data tract to To re 11 us to minty Itich by dos to Tell sit and killed The race was bound rso JERSEY Channel isam CF Extract hour the solo oi annel Islands evening newspaper 1seivo bore Ibetyim oho wedding dvcsssttatt docisrrd vvid mVVVVWVVV FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH muted Stead NS am Sunday School 1100 am Morning Sorvlco 700 pm Evonlng Service Rev Codi Bron laterioa Pollot Church Secretary TMSII ALL WELCOME RUN BABY RUN by Nicky Crux CROSSROADS CHRISTIAN CENTRE Opel Bill Wet Than TIL Closed Tuesday sad Sunday tailed north BilrLblarII Iiwy Ti MIT ITillillANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH1 in St Vincent 51 Barrio 330 AM TALPACT CKED dial 950 945 AM FAMILY EIDLE SCHOOL 00 AM FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR Ontario Bible College Chorale 700 PM EVENING SERVICE Guasl Sposiior MR DON SMITH Special Music ALL WELCOME ECT CHRISTIANS sror PRAYING Whois Rssliy wrong with tho Churehi Why Chrlrllsnily to losing ground Gods Directive to the Church Today Do we really want God to Moro Tisls Is not sermon but massage Nor borrowed trcrudbook hut II Frazer the grostosr sin oi tods Christ 95 am Sunday School and dull Claim 00 am Famii Worshi Sorvico iChIl em to years All Weieomo Ray Tanks Parlor IllWAY CHURCH PERTEOOSTAL ANNE 51 400 HWY MR PROPHECY Tues Wed March 14 is i5 Hoor In Person DOUG CLARK Comes To Battle CENTRAL COLLEGIATE CENTRAL outrun launch 54 Ross Strooi hitalticr ilov Donald Relay SA BJJ AIIoclIto Tiloialse Evsritt Ash Organist Choir Director ILD illr David lititicl AJICT 1100 srvt SACRAMENT OF tNFANT DAPTISM Meditation BE YOUR WHOLE SELF tliChriIIisnForfivonessls Numry Fact iiIIo Avstisbio 000 am Mans Brosltlost Ouoti Sposksri Dr John Posintkoii Russia The Church Schools will most It 910 saw and ii am WELCOME TO LIIRISTCENTIIED FELLOWSHIPI Tl Mull MIT1 GATEWAY AMI Us Church Director homeowner it FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLIPPERTON II WOPJLEY 10 It IS IIBLE M11001 Claaoea isr all ages It Lisa Worship BE TilLSD WITH Till SPIRIT lerlo saith Spchli Mute by ladies TriI irons Ontario Bible College Alliance Church INMSL ELEMPaolo Ml 4111 Tully lulu School 1100 us Family Worship Tim 1100 11 min AHIeiInr Service Guest Sorskrr BHsI Jsu Biriier niisaieaary Ie Chad Akita Iaior TEAM Nursery facilities is Sinclair House Everyone Vietnam All church copy chen gos must be at The Ex aminer cities by Thurs FREE METHODIST CHURCH IAYFIELD IT EV Illl IA ID Pastor ST JOHN VIANNEY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Loom mm Iris us Growing MLDWLT LAN School Coniosoionii Sol 71 to MS part Starch II 1100 up iionisl Service 100 or Iullmk Holy Masses Sunday S10Irn TO 30 Plane rooster Wednesday Isl libiI Shady and Pam Fellowship Serving Drill and Your Community ottntsrtntt science it TRUTH SOCIETY In Collin Street tbureb Senles Lb tIa bcteocw II Wangs coco trio In SIturdIy and Testimony hiretial oven on m1 sits pun Tuesday Mi FIRST cwvtsrtsrtf RIFORMIO cwuscn 1aeel Pastor Rsv IL Rollin All Cadmnal IL Plua 230 was Aiteruool Sent Evrrysos Vicious earn so one noun is us Saslay Sinha Tmato CTEY == ST MARYS CHURm Roman Catholic DUNDONALD AMELIA no mass sunowv MASSES 000 am130 MI ttoo am 500 part Saturday Mass 700 puma wauurautv EVENLYOSI nis inst ransom IT NOVENA DETOIIONI IN HONOR Ol OUR LADY or PERPETUAL ITELP FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 730 am 710 pm NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL Cool Feel Sta SUNDAY SERVICES us Rroseoahruco Servleo into Lita Family Bible lldtlt Waller irriaod Sunday School 100 p111 Evening Senleo Don Valley Trio Tllolil Wrdsrraday 000 p111 Three and Ribla Studs The Anglican Church of Canada ST GEORGES Burton Groovtllo Street Rev David Raye Realtor ST GILES CHURCH IS Cook Street Ros Ilasii Toots 000 In lloty eroroauloa s1s lll Holy Communion II100 am binning Prayer Church School Nursery 00 am iioroilg lrayrr Church School and Nursery Everyone Sincerer Welcome lvgsvoiil tl wsieowl THE PRESBYTIRIAN CHURCH WESTMINSTER ST ANDREWS ensrovsanran CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN 11s serous NEAR PUGRI CHURCH MINISTERX REV tutu Career ol 0ch and Worsicy Sis ltUaIItrr Rev ltea lievon Director oi Praise lIse Vao lientcrt 00 am Storolug Worship TUE BARRIER AliE DOWN Guest Orgsaitt hlr Dsdea Grtiilo Church School Senior Church scint m0 Iro lstoiary Church School ilrsJ am Como Warship With Us TO00 AM MORNING WORSHIP Church School and Nursery All Woieoms COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH Carlee Glitter and Toyota hiioistert REV PHOCTOII DA Associate hiialslrrt REV it FINLAY ILD Descoocut bliss Sharon Davis Organist Ind commuters Sir Lloyd Tulicrd ltoo am Morning Worship derision Dialogue WINGS BUT sto FLYINGI Guest Mr Richard Henderson pun Bible Study Tussds Noonds Lonlsn Sorvies 30 pan it run Luncheon served noon Ind 100 pen cams Schools mo am it years and over 11100 am it years And Ioder Warns Welcome To All TRINITY CHURCH ll CotUer Sines Next To Post Oiiirw Iawow vi llavwsv 1so am titty tsmmunion Ill Ml IAMILV IIIVICI 11th Chilean mull Norwy lIwiIrI 710 Mn VINIDNC nt rs Meioth tvctarev all wireno IN CANADA ESSA ROAD FILESBYTERIAN CHURCH t0ppoilts Burton Avesttel hUulItsrr Rov it lIttlerrI Me OrgIolst hire ii iii Morton ONCE 00 not ttvrolog Worship ARE YOU READY Church Schools Ml Talerioediste Senior Drpartosruia it years and up tltlltl Manny and Junior up to it ycIrIt Hunery Facilities provided Visitors iiricooro 3m Grrvolt East liorIiog Servleeu Secular Morale Worship ION II SuadIy Schoolt Grs had older ti lusts Over Grade Ins us tuition hot list sures SA on The Mesdty fellowship sum in