in In on is Ihcro sharp lsjlgi there st as rants whirls our the turn about britti as tha some colo called for this car to abandon lts ab NEWS ROUNDIIP Shopping Plaza Waits On Court Decision OTTAWA CPI The St mmdd the geologist prom but at heads rs saved him Mr mun mussel piss saunas was urged by our to no NIOKIHIKIM II Dion 0o liudwua bull Cornell University said the the U1 and Sillabtrtl changes in Use timber FaJlg abodbibohabmodtabulidlu aluminabwtlbvvyem mi Hal nI We in Anwrlraia Pails could MOW N999 WP drynp In as little as soon years The titreI cramming unis am Ira Ioglstaaldlslcosasi Can mi WI tiered TI history is the tails mm 1000 on th orokci during the int coon years the Inca In In the wieg as the Niagara scrim corsets br Limb Iting UtttIW pudndul tbs undorl rock merit Ltd company atsata tbuatrr otths troUod by Casnpeau Corp blesses River tiareb ltldgr which operates Its are shopping tire to Ot tawa about mile nsr Irons tba meant More outed argued that Nman MalNP bylaas do not permit shawl centres Iiareb Isidro argued that mo niprII soolng bylaws must to elude iba words shopping centres to allow their revenue lion The Room Tnrsnship or laws do not use the loads under tbs beading pcmtlttrd strue lures Tbs Sspruna Court at Ontario agreed with Ilartb Ridge and barabors then appealed Is the Supreme Court at Canada It said that tbomatter was at In Ins ortaaco slim undreds or shopping centre were built and now are being built under bylaws similar to Nepeana DAVID LEWIS Pli spoiled brai Accuses Trudeau Cattle Aachen WWR 533 RONTO CPI Some Demorra er as the heel and dairy cattle In the Ilttll Friday night accused herds attached to government Prime Itinlater Triadcauot act correctional tasdiuttanr will be tng tits spoiled brat in the sold at public auctloru It all Coimmonv mlnhir pi tr rws was VI rosnydctdllddsal mum told Ill Pariya hirsiaoo Ilkrrvilia IIIrry Worton iLlhrlIiagtan auntsum mirth which sonar In the Ontario legislatutio nguirmhiesrawfrmaHl TIIIIMT Antihihlld rg TIJIHIgIdliJiaMrosilcslhz to Idodtdyn WNW mm Iilctlulsan in the neat tcdrrsl election mm mm lIr Trudeaus outburst atrial Iha auditorgeneral and Nara PIN Ill Wit rm only the llitst example ol lllicmpcr that Iarm sternum betrays government learn about the outcome at the election ers Heads For Home prised this year Mr lewia SALISBURY Neuter The Air Titalcau acts like British Pearce Commission let spoiled brat or home today after tutu Wbcnavrrythin Isgolnglais oglplugi mg the WWW XIV way be can be clvll enough but modssian Independence settlo when anything goes wrong iar my ism Tbu gencrll Ireiinl him he turns nasty hero is that thourommlasion ts clarrytos real It Aeruridot about so tact AI Envoy Named stem at Mimi orrawa icri Cannda has thlill dccldad against appointing tern WI ll WW separate ambassador to the new tbelDrlIIah WUPII state oI Bangladesh II II Instead the ovrsnrucnt has 10 hum lmm nominated Co on Car its at IIVMII All WRIIEVEIW earold ansbassadur to Thai touuirl itll WPII WW lard Io aervoroneurrenlly as an Mobil 3113 envoon Bangladesh ovcm flu III deals to settle tbs dispute over Augylmmlry 151 claim sibuii um MM years war between India and 00 lldflim Pakistan have not yet accepted thallaolmlnaltion l1lavt thb nor may as arms IIPPIOVGS Stahon The name oi his car vrloran OTTAWA CPI The Cana Iorelsn aervlro otilcer who has attan lIsdIoTrlsvislon Commls been ambassador In Bangkok aim has approved CIIC orptlv tor nrarly two cars was pro eIIion to set up the only sound by Carla shortly alter Frenchlanguage television star Iiawa oliiclatly recognirrd sign in 1nronto CIITC chairman Ilanglsdcsh Felt It pimp jgaeau aaldhlrldayi nis Its an we wait car It milder to build would reach Ban Proposed about 100000 Frenchaltfahiul WASHINGTON IAI Citing Toronto residents Accidental human axpmura to The station will be an ultra cuiiict cousins aobatsrue the high tendency outlet on than Its hood and Drug Administra ate Toronto lion Friday ed ban on tho liquid toimt synthctle growth hormone ted to cattle Protest March and Ibsen WA Ctl Forty unl IDA Commissioner Charles vogleyAsluvlebtsirom nintqu Edward also witm uni the IDII Is prepared to ban units In Irlttlatvtlt use at all dict Lvtllbrstarls handtut oi are Indians trout uszvi in anitualhlreds it edi nortbesa 0M miiibd rrnt regulaihry eltorts do not Parliament Iilll Istday Um prevent residura Irons showing tag the usasalto Wu up In animal livers proposed for James llay Election Deaths The students studying lndian Ittatrs at That protested the CALCUIIA itteutrri least three persons were third negIIlvs cilacts they said the and 20 were in used in election uebee rajch will have on In glen IndEatIma survilval so pans se erhlndrilrersetIthd Into James itldyh uligalt lienral slammed Ill ur ucn state WM it In the rolls on the Iinal till indios weeklong stats Tails Threatened Milli man not urrrwisri may cavllrr loll at is dead in West UNirrslly geologist said Friday Itcngal and it in other parts ot that unless man intervenes no the country durlaslbo tut week urai erosion will cause the PI WIN ilmtllil llarseshoo Falls In the Niagara More than senor soldiers and River to retreat upstream and 1001000 police wero on duty In divids this three separate wat Will tulll ivdli III III tllort erialls to curb the election violence The American Iutls may dry Nine other indian states and OIL PAINTINGS NOW ON DISPLAY AT BAIIIIIII nan OPEN SUNDAY DROP iN AND SEE US In Oarhsoo police said The two trains tantariuarras ad udnisiend by Ila central gov ernment to New Delhiarse Ibo vattog today but nose at tastloo us toward on West Rural Iba ilrat rroulla are exported tonight Duke Dies LONDON tiiruicsl The Thai oi tlaslborwgh Il bead oi Ina at llriinlsaa oldest ariato entic Iamilles and relative oi Sir Winston hmcbdl died In bessital today The duke who lived at tho iasnity home at Alrnhclm Pair l1 near Oslord lu hurried tor the second time In January Ills bride was Laura Canticld Isl Ill American widow Charges Laid IIISSISSAUGA Oat CPI Polico have laid tour charges at kidnapping and other charges against John Graham at Port Credit This ilrysarold mists Ittlrhr hltrrs reported December 21 they last ride irom mannho vethemtoadump girls said they were held shut their will and the man Is ed to rip all their clothes On Feb is police said IWu Ityeareld girls were plcied up and driven to park area In Clarbson where they were turned to remove their clothes Ind hdmnuy maum Iiclln down there there there Seven Seas trslncr ton Inadequate Police Charge Is Denied TORONTO lilil botuslur Genrrsl Jvhn Tarrnito Friday denied apposition charm that the Ontario Provincial Iullce is notproviding adequate Prater lion to the Cult Ilay Indsn rc acrve on the west share at taste Niplgon lie was replying tn the tin Iarlo legislature to charges Thursday by Jack States INDI Thunder art that inadequate lice protection on the reserve as iorrcd closure at school ard that group at hoodluma is IIITCIIIELII NIAIIP Report To Dliior Montgomery reports there Is uhalc Neath Is the star It terrorizing the reserve etmtdlhrsbtmGIIdyd debunk his liaremko said paan roi lh sri gnn cotton tsprovldrdb the Ps Ielahcd Itothey press Mimi ch me to External AIIairs Itinislrr Itlitv WI PI Willi iii dulll Illur ehell Sharp said rridsy trots are madcb attcvrs In In According to the last rs Thunder Itay etarhmnu no post the gavcrnment intrnilad to the south when to Icreen and petth block wrath estrus burrowed Wm mater llr Slates aald outside the CMdlnmms house Thursday that Lllc rr 5All II Imlilil servea 100 residents Ilqu tscvn Nixons rutcctlve ernmmlc impde measures tied new dlitlrultirs ixh mm hm Plum lunar Iii 05 tired rtilc shots limits the and Canada However he said my imp my up he mzhlgihlialulml ltd Eztnrtpaivlhogrgtcnlr Hulgncdnnd atrn ans ro onrnnagar The US dollar havent altered as the Hudsons Day Co slaro oi the class Irlendshlp between the um mm in aaemlio suit the nor has altered to train on Indian constable tread the reserve but his States said this would tats tlero or tour months unit that Immediate action Ls needed ltlr Yaseirito said their hair lIiOIITA SOAII IONDON iAPt tlas Alt trn chairman oi Eratrrbrook Newspaper Ltd announced Pri day the groups publications and Incidents but tho Oli ivlt ELMO ULTIPAZDI that the situation did not war the airmonth rriod ended the at tilt thop group pub rant establishment ot drtarh Ilshrs nu Dally Ex ear and merit spcctttcally tor the re Evening Standard in ndon serve IIIIEOIIDITIOIIALLY GUARANTEES TI GIVE YARD 0E IIROA LDDIA ITITII EVERY GO YAIIU IUIICIIARIID UNUIIII OIJII UNIQUE TORI OFFER Choose Irons hundreds oi bales Itlt urtodsts solovs Deep Pluahrs Paitesaa Scrolls Vrlrria Twists bbagr Ilasl Oaalttlrs Iterislar Liars bubs Ilprclal Designs iaIr WAEIIIDIISI TD SIIVI YOU MIMI It IllTAMI isusssrar illlillliliil II IlIIMdIISWlIII No osiaoanow tasuwoen IIIMS ND EAIIIINO cutlets tea was to oarsnusotiowwcati courts aiiudw mmmi awurea have duubcil proiils beioro been number at convictions HAVING WHALE Ol TIME dcilnilcly an echo inside lluvIIuII at the scaille park Illier uhsles math The which will open later this yrar tAP lhctul EARLY EEIIVIIII Canada was Iirsi Introduced Ill iuslal service to Western lbw Cheinsomniac laketraew l85 Dunlop TZliSISI FAMILY DINING OUT NIGHTS gv Mendoon Friday sum or sun Stuilnd wills Crab Moot OR SAVORY MEAT iOAF Spanish Sousa $175 Children under 12 $ll0 Complota moot includes Dessert and Beverage MONEY BACII GUARANTEE Methodcom UMWWIAIIVOUAIANIIIS IO double the diltme In nah it ysvtsnvsvasilvs um outta the anus carpet Iu rm during so lsooda Ms Tammi lot still PRICES RANGE FROM 495 to l699 sq yd Obufont sol tirloni as mlsnsa in 11le Visaia sa as llhltr alt so you son ova meg or sa va now as Low as coal Othsr gualltws Ivailllil at law loss sitar liltiiltlt UDIAWIIW on Call Collect TitsTrill within 100 miles ITO DAYVIEW DR mwr mhmviggilscbul an him atartisd the Ontario Iqilllhln Friday by using alter istitng to ob tain conundrum HI provisos dal bslp In an Olin nu tiara project alter ensuevim pdot protect Ibicla para an Income single ssaesst to those as Line on gaged in mahmb prvr grains sir anaelle raid in Inner In savrnl oi Mr Cassidys maestloes that his department was hauling into Iha snatler 0MB Head Sinks TORONTO The Oasr Iario Municipal Itoarai chairman has vetoed tillsealiion item to Metropolitan Torontos btadgst tor construction at the sislane Scarborough litmu vv at least until he is nib tield the city really nrevis lbc road Kenmst told Ilrtro inI Friday that ho torbidn council to spend the money tor the espresswa at this time The city had tanned to begin construction July and run sldcrs the road essential tori tsaiciicrs wishing In use the new lrtport to be built In iic ertng IIsIItaItle 50 miles north east at here Tm and working as it IIi iir Casidy III III bit when he uaouted II cost you Warm 05rd to IiLslsIl the mast was in lits mops NDP Leader 8rd iir Cassidy drrlarvd Although the was hell touodtd this Lite wording Itr Cassidy agreedDr have Ina lord atrsrcl lianaatd oIIlriaI mating house prmvbara alibwa the instant modded copy the ward and sentence in IJYY LOISTERS Available New at IAIIIITE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Air Misuse Open it to Buday to Itllu It tel 105m MON In mmllhnabm an new same an no on man sumac MM III Mm It Idsenbanlosmmllilrgatlgm LAST ti DUNLUI ST EST WI BOIZlNIT TITO ttliillt TONIIIIIT as in mom imam kahuna 20th EINILilYIOX NESENIS Hill DAIIIDNI WWII TIII IRIIIIII CCIIIIICTIM sum GENE IIALIIIMII liRiAtiW All RAY SOADSR IOIIYLII GiAIvGO Mill SPECIAL CHILDRENS PROGRAM Sat 130 pm Sun pm All boots DAYS DAYS ONLY IMPERIAL THEATRE Imiid TIMES Iterlsdaysr 100 500 Sat and Sun nos 00 me noo tlm NOMINATED FOR EIGHT ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING REST PICTURE Its nlttiost ohasa saiuanoaslnca Paut Zimmerman ttssiaaiaah nu av DOOR RY DE LUXL DUNLOP SEW DARRIE ONT res MT 02 Gr anmasii