the Morris Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company LlnJtsd it Iayttald Street Barrie Ontario James Robb Pubilaheranasat Manager It McPherson Managing Editor SATURDAY MAW IL am EAGII It Walls Editor Emeritus Childrens Aid Society Deserves Community Help Slmcoe County Childrens Aid Society may not know until May or June yibclher iviit have sutilcieot menus to cover estimated expenditures oi 3792805 tor itll In last It could be 0100000 short This possibility developed this week when Slmcoo Count Council declined to Increase In its share oigthe societys budget Council agreed toan increase oi 010522 over the pay ment at 0110tl01 it made last year Unfortunately tor the CA5 dror in Emir coundl contributions would iect amounts paid by others Including approve $41000 Ontario government and the cities Barrle and Oriltla Each pays per tags oi the total rather than spe amount he situation Is iar irons desperate Eoncially at the moment The CAS has right to appeal to review board up by the minister oi social and lly services Iiowevcr ior purposes oi maintaining good relations with the var Ila governments concerned stench preter to settle dittcreaces be Sic resorting to action before the so low board As nonprofit organization CA5 is concerned basically with the wellaro oi oung children but it is also involved trinity matters Control is in the hands oi board oi directors recruited trom all walls of tile CA5 Ir good example oi ritlscna involved and not at the directors level alone Scores oi volunteers otter their services in varier of capacities Includ ing babysitting and drivln It Is not conceivable tat the CAS would told because oi temporary tack oi iunds but It is not beyond the bounds oi possibility There are 50 Ioclcties in Ontario and the are closely related In their worlr Gill care has no boundaries and one society is often called upon to help another But they must get ade quaie ilnancial support to survive Tito worlt oi such bodies as the CAS cannot be complimented too highly at time when there Is growing trend towards greater government Invorvement in our daytoday stialrs It the Ontario CA5 would government were to talie over the work oi the society child care costs would probany rise substantially And com munity nvolvcment and the willing work oi volunteers would be lost DOWN MEMORY LANE ada Nation Rev II tteginald YEARS AGO IN TOWN tlsrrie Examiner March arrie Collegiate Band made outstand showing at this years Ittwanis blur Festival in Toronto In solo classes so their were taken Edward Match 10 1047 Houston rrclor Trinity Church was in Calgary to deliver series noonday len icn addresses in ProCsthedrai Darrin Flyers ended Junior hoe key reason losing to Gait Wings 03 Ter bcria gs oboe lionatd Armstrong Iron Sawchuk was goalie tor Gall pone Cameron Stewart clarinet lists to Johnson sax hone James Robert lsher clarinet Oi or awards won Iisrt toy Thick baritone horn Donald liar oll iiutc itonald Diarirstocit euphon in van liayor cornet ltlss Florence same was accompanist on piano Alt IV Alton Meadows gambit were instructed isiaer band director blaantag was lrodutura ot town this year Board at Education tied Town Councillor Intuit ouncil discussed 010000 dailcit Victoria liespiiai saith trustees glad Cross opened canvass tor $7500 sihen 100 ladies met tor luncheon at rlnily Parish Ilall and heard address lies Emest Mill oi Collier St lied Ohiarcl rnxm mum Charles Parsons Kiwanis llcutenan governor made oiile jal visit to his home club Barrie Dr Jack Todd oi Barrie IICAF veteran gurohasrd Ilradiord medical racttce at 111 Sinclair lliss Iora Ross CGE imcoa County oratoricai winner ad dressed Lions Club on subject la Gan at salesman be to Ema 00 statutes orgo Wilson tormer accounts oi tires at Armoured Corps Sdiooi Camp Dorden joined Barrie Tent and Atvnln At Midland bonspleI Barrie rInIt Jack Kennedy strip John ny Johnson Tony Saso and Oharl soy won Canada Steampshipa Lino iro phy prender award ior second straight mini mum year Gerald Smith elected pre sident EITTIDTHCIIOIA Council that time the Metal govern titaset gardeners In Barrie vicinity WI ML year load prices assured adcordlillwmmwammdpmwa ndTTbTIIIwMwdT to Goldles tederai horilcuilurla 22 more acres than last year Smart Pros at Cottingwood provide ready canning market will take ovarythin tn district up to 200 acres Tlipcya iamous Believe It Or Not cartoon this week in more than one thousand news sport oi North America teatured skech at Grant it Mayor Ila shore Hotel with caption Grant lIA Oil is liIAYOit oi Barrie Ontario Canada John lllitch inson general manager Barrie Works oscn chairman at special com mittee to proceed with plans tor crec lion taubed hospital to scrve district Kearv saw AMEtAia an 97172 Grants To Business Will Amount To $429 Million Ilorravva ICPl During current tiscat year ending arch 31 the Iedsrsi ovrrn mom will have allott more on till million in grants to Incaacs During the same period ag culturs will have received million tram the epart enta oi agriculture and ado plus Bart at tho tilt mil Ilott spent the department regional economic expan is and rural economic de pigment figures do not include cost at govcmmml arrvr Icts Ivr Iarmera and businesv men such as government ve ararrh or counselling agen rIt Nor do the drum ralleei the need Inr Iubsidlea lssm rra Isa nulsi to point out that ahunlilio Isuvlnersmcn they cannot increase their prices to meet rising resin Last Ialt iar example Iian IItoba Iarmssa wers gelling at par cant at the averags pr car they received tor their prod utta In 1001 white Saskatche wan iarmcra melted ass for nt1 according to Statis ics as ITO MAINTAIN INCOIII prims component in tha asteni oi agricultural subat des to title million budgeted the agriculture department iar tarsn Income mal rice ricultusal adjustment and teiann groups stlrants In caioguries Iciude the shed deiiv ncyp men hlrhcumv rpansa isrmcrs tor tow lieu ems products Also ncludod ars thingl like corn pftt to iarmcra uhasa Ic so damaged by real eg to pesticides Other mglor Iubaidler ara sill mlltto spenttopa star aga coils oI shoot an tilt million allotted to tha live tsioci teed board tor grants lsndcnuallsatian at eight valet Another It million is Isp helping it at sales shits Farm Credit Corp and crop ilnruraitcl delicita take up tint million The rural economic develop mast program la aimed not only at helping iarmers but but dtn up the rural economy smera and Improving rural employment opportunities Individual Iarmevs can build dugoula and drainaru ditches with the icderal gov ernment paying part at the cost tinder the Prairie Pann Rehabilitation Act IIEIYAIID EFFICIENCY The largest budgeted auto aliir ptttfmtt ior private bust ncascs the trade depart menta collection at general Incentives to industry Iur dc algning new products and Im prnvlng eiilrlrney That totals Iitit million this your The trada tic artmcnt re cently amount it will ay halt the rest at lttomtlllen research irregram to be car ried out In Canada during the neat iivs years by the Na llonui Cash Register Co at Canada lid The program is to develop new electronic equipment tor the banking in duatry About it milllun Ia going in the Iiantrrat tncumullva Works Dominion Foundries and Steel and Alcoa tor devol apmenl at lightweight loco motive Coming up last behind the trade departments incentives piomm Is the regional cro nomtc expansion departments prorrten oi Inerniivcs tor Iirms locating in depressed press that gets tilts million In tho ItllII budget The largest grant caller to data has been tits million to the Procter and Gambia Co at Canada ltd tor bleached liralt pulls mill In Grande Prairie is Other subsidies to Industry includs tilt million tram the National Research Counril tar research by industry and 1300000 Irvni eairrnal aliairs tor export icsalbliity stutter EIIAIIR FLIGHT COST small businessman wish lag is lnaEcct potential or sign ninr It can even have its government help pay his air tars to that country and barir Tha transport department gich 0711 million to trans port companies excluding the Wit to lipr down Iselght rates in the Atlantic pruv Inrcs The energy department hands out till million to gold mines under the times my told Illinlng AssialnnruKArtn the manpower department grants tvs million In iirms providing ottiholebIralnlng and the driean department provides ltd million tor dr ience research by companies The lleivnrc ltcaaarcli board does not release the amounts given to individual items but grants this ear have helped Cnnnduir Lt ui Iiontreal dsvelop plane tor vartlcai tslsootiv and tannin and assisted da liavliiand Ah sralt at Canada Ltd In waits on aharbialrooli alrerait Ii brrglua Canada at Earnla DnI has received grant iar its attempts to produce high strength composio materials using glass Iibse lilaceilsnoous subsidies abound gavrmmrnt calla mater The ltlnlng Associa tion at Itritlsh Columbia Iar example is getting 0000 Irom th energy department to help produce three Illius about the mining Industry Iroapectora and mining chambers gct tattoo in grants Government grants to non protit organizations such at universities and recreation clubs are on smaller scale totalling about rial million plus the social lieumillion Program to grants in coma muniiy groups ior wlnlrr Jobs creating pro rsla OTTAWA started to write Capital Comment last October and say very iirst eliott at una dltry bad to do with the cral governments regional develop This is past at what stints at gpri msnta regional development Iounded oi hsn out gobs oi money tor stopgap measures on has causing us much damn in one atcrt Industry um llIAlTIIlI OIl NUIIDEIIU in portion oi saying told ahnnd delivered his major do the tlirans speech dcbate lIr Isa IicGrath was not In the Corr Opposition In the Senate mans as he was ill at home men at ll Interest In the argii number ML rnlniaillliltlltdWltill tints Ihst in hisrrhandl do have helped to set all tho accurate as they dont ilh into mound and avssesla his critics should talk to the people in three wlvo men at 100$ is quiet rather rcllccnt but likable attainindividual tonal Ilavcloment iir have been rrcated homo pravlnca oi or mm Quebec and is certainly one titaso closest in iir Trudeau party In department as he might be Lao As Lei131 hits rnrrlrr we wceily 03120 year ly Einga copira 10c Dy mall ttsrslc t11t0 yearly blsneoe County titoo yearly Balance Willi mm mm my and bngllahapeailngcanadians my wu the political learn at air mth mm allwlii The weroita mugImlhlhlll 0M remasitlbla example at ActotUnlonlnltttand worked Mum Mm two leaders HIM tn ltti when together to bring about rcaponai mom illetegrtod ll his cons uenc erre nno 11 mm mm naidwtn thyen arranged tor La Iontaina to be candidats in hyelsctlan in York County and bolllon losses sun which frayed it 01 It lather surmirirr italic yeast llotar throw all 02100 year 05 Queen St Wrsl Toronto till1H0 0I0 Clilttlti 5L Montreal and Audit threw at Circula his government lions lvrly entitled to the usa let to puhiirutlun oi all news dispatch hm mm mm rs In this paper credited to it or The Associates turn or lteuter and also the local news publirty ed therein Co yrigbt in all original adver Ited by its employee and re produced In ihii newspaper crusts relister vi trons tIruoIa dosi WHEN TAKE OVER AS MANAGER YOULLPULL YOUR WEIGHT NOT EATITI WWWEW CAPITAL COMMENT Regional Programs Come Under Attack Its IAIIIIEN TIESINGTDN Ottawa bureau at Tbs Itsrrta Examines years iir Item has Ilwsy ilclcs are coming under to 1mm Nth aIIe IIIOIII Its still criticism am mmwach own milllcnl philosophy DIII It III IIeGitIiIt and others do unwarranicd and exagger saw geographical hosts can eat ii WI body titlrlrd with lead to trouble tor industry asd irllns lo usan arms out at mg Wm whats It could In tact and Ir Cape tirctona tolling roll and ggwmm Iwmw did it Mi am sacs osrcaiy if llritrllh is burn turbed lt tantrum tactical Willi outspoken NGWIWM considerations were allowed to on so but It hnppcns um an it PM thrill cast doubt on terrorism Iona on WWW um mm Mr Stonilclds choice as cabl Dmh Jun whiny my art ttilttlaler trons that rovlnrb is in iii rim or Mimi mm km should the roster win neat arms which luv mm pg the past tow months largely as limiti tho result at the slum nu Itelds steal ml at DillCO as it provides hop to an Naiuraliy dont want to be provlnca lie was tirst elected in So It was somewhat ironic and III has served as parliamen ths roanlid cl Illa itll has rams down to matter at tics which paint rosy pielurs list there RAH been susplv will Ill went bankrupt iiiir Iiarrtr fatalities It tlsytletd Street Dorris Ontario Telephone nsasir Second Class Mail Itcglstrallun Iluahcr oini Ilcurn postage guaranteed Ilaity butdaya and Stamtory llaitdnva excepted Subscription rates daily by CANADAS STORY Political Team Dy DOII llOIIIiAN An outstanding exempts oht rsnc Ioutslttpolyto Latontatns and ltobtrt Iurrn leaders in war and Upper Canada at the time at the National Advertising litters hlemhcr at the Canadian Press try was Iorsnod on Iiarrh It The Canadian Press II esclua 1m 1m wm Mm that tlrllatn wua Ilnrcra sup anada Latontatno was considered to Copyright ltagisiruiton Nuln Iooperated Well llrlilsh It It only tour to exp tail deiested in trot but no regrettable that when his Itur turned to the Commons III II Ddfzglhuwl learn at the department during tar secretary and as executive em mm In it it no it amylmyuvgeigup llio dcbals between the two WI lie goes on to list tha protects IieGrath which his departments granis 60 1M if Ithatlser this is true part oi do not reilect the lobe lost in the reason tar this teetag In other industries in other parts that in Its esrilrr stages the ot the country It the depart department was run byastrong meat hands out several thou deputy Toni Kent who has sands oi dollars to help one new been baclrroom poser tn the Industry start up or one estabi chrai party Inc number at Ilslacd Industry to expand it sometimes has the eiiect oi held some pretty strong Ilsw shutting down or curtailing the IquI the owns the govern activities at another Industry In nicniahould into and It pilgr tho sams maaulacturing iteld sneer at various thlnism ronv wnleubm tilts been examined um mu term objectives and In doing rlodlcally during our history to This would be based partly on burn deeply and dangerously Conservative pariys oIIIriaI the tart lir Ithsath hu thr into the scan at Canadian critic on is lanai development snort political experience Imnng unity James lilr rails Iiil Ior St the Conservatives Item that taims Iast toting out the ob that car oi the jobs saved by the iedessl ilnan iis claims the Iirurcs are not rial assistant It is In Inlsrestlng ar meat mm mmmnmuan srtotlni the numhsroi lncrnilva and one that will loom ldIlgo In his strong suit and testing mm thin RE is not us Iconvvrsant ashy airman It MG an an era can dultry whkh got the grant later to ether tor sthorhugh MIMI talet debate on the suit Ito also contends the Ilgures tore the election Milling the coming campaign its just on bad that Itessra illarehand tainnialas trained on sprak lag French in Parliament It was largely due to him that tha vernnient repeated the the Art at Union that haltProtestant Torts had Irenchsncalslng itoman CIIIIO mfg mmm man llc membrr oi Parilamenti IJionIaln was bl The uarrla Eumiucr claim be rebel drains the rebellion the lover tanylarhrtbtudd in lower Canada in Italta but Italdvdn was deieatod In To Ilsnp and editorial material are went to live to London and route and Laiontatns liiAII iarla ior Ilvs months In order tar hint to become the mem to keep out at it Ilowever he tor ltlrnousld So on English vas arrested on his return and apostrng Protestant trans to hat to give bail labs released ronio represented trench llamas Catholic ttiniouatu MSSESKW Eu QUEENS PARK Party Philosophies May Be Clariiied DON OTIEAIIN Queens Park Dorcas It The Examiner In this speech with runia Th neat three or tour years should see more distinct Ilnca mm mi treasurer advocated more IIIM 13 II hm volaemcnl by private rnlrrpssts Lahwhulondatr an in the present public min mwnm hm mu ltllatldlgtgmsoclal cntcsyrua suds been at alirlrar WI NW It has generally been Inihmnospcrtl pied shit in NW my leader Stephen Icwlrpronis ratrd to public Mum Is touryear conironlatiinonthe soclaltym muting mg my social philosophy at the goirn the Puritans In private snirr it WWI prise IOUII11DilhOtIOIhTOrIIIDIT tlut through polllirt and ctr wet it vial to runattanro exactly when my bmmu Iiirevs 5rd rm party glands rm tourth dollned as sea grey politics in that the subs IN political realities emrsg ias been leeron lacln labelled Out at this some clarity seriant and has sthd away positions should dcvrlopthough Iron saying how tar and rst realistically the some where It would torvrard pig lie about all that is to bsespectrd mlva 00 tvuitail titrum Ono cant tararce that stance in that shangan suclal ever will be little and and economic conditions have boundarlgg up most meant that like it or not the rat parties anymore Iovrrnmrnt has bccn torcrd Historically oI course more and more lists the public hardly ever have been the gotten lIeln natlanfhes as IRE CONPIIONTATION car It Is unlikely that even up When specialInterest groups Fm mmth such as the Communists coders though tinnwlng their uutiIopolIIIralarena mpg philosophy hm But some at the to any clear their In their minds mam 13 missing all ur ICs could land in at position where they are strongly iii eflvaia enterprise and know they are And NDP should know and in We should know more lust what in philosophical liovv precious also as rs it public tnterprlso actually thoughts unto me Until how dd lo mat is the suns at them is ilivvsii this Is promised mm um um my direct controntatian between more in another than the sump IC nd the NDI Ihc Uberals in at course will also be involved ibre rsrsmsisain is 10 have to so through me We mm on sandstearing bruise instead oi petition will mymm and Wm probably no more oI your pray era answered Lrta thsnlt IIIllI that Its has spared us has on olher day Ind than rnlllo the lost at It tor lllm You will never rcilvo today man It good one with Gods hrlpt coma through February speech at Treasurrr DArcy ilclirough Inglis ow some claritlcatlon may FRENCH IIIIST Nova scotta was ltrst nitsit by the French who it Acadic my madman1 IT HAPPENED IN CANAD Awesome measures Willisth AliEl AIDS sur lilMABIli OIAIIT EUPI This AiriE Widely siucstraiaii