UP TO SEVEN PER CENT City Firemen To Get Raises Barrie llrenienwilt reeclrsnh logieaea with or cash eons sea of between tour and seven to half his sic pay accittmrtar eeot with no incense in st for any llrellghtar tearing the amount paid to prohntimers the force with over till years Gains Approval ftarries too sorter at the in Trenton and Port rib rm or during their tirstaix months in caruns our cumin It IWJIIIE lo latte for leirrth ciasa reghter and uid for first class drum The cap rain will receive tttieo and firs prerentioomtllcera will get MINA At present fourth class hrs men get canoe first class get A1700 captain and fire preveo tion office at item The Isiarie for in were negotiated by the city and have been preseloted for Mom the genera ovemmcnt ice at cosmeIL included in the contract will be clause guaranteeing tum mrr vacation and clause riv irimtt or cent of the cost alphas Hill surgical and grow ante and guarantees to been the firemen harmless bom datum suits arising from their pater mm of their duties Fire prevention ottlcers will lth the atria hours they 61 now and an llrernan lSelim clothing sail while on in will have his clothes cleaned It deputmmt er use at the dis cretion at the chiel The committee report notes the firemen dropped their ce manda for an improved pension pita extra Itch holidays for fire prevention olllccrs and toe pay while attending conventions Innisiil Okoivs Interim Billing Innlaiil Council gate iblnl and lint reading thLi week in an in terirn tax levy bylaw that pro ables tor the collection of turn trorn ratepayers on thrieeyearc ly basis lhnican Green township tren urer said the bylaw represents that for the township and will beanasaetbotbtothsadrnlois trallon and the ratepayers it is another indication ot how lastibatownshipta ingha raid ltesidmts will Asked tor three payments beginning on April It The tint payment will be an pron tely 35 per cent of last years taxes fly the end of June tlte town ship will determined the 1m tax rate and the second and industrial Development Vote lit Mondays couttcii Meeting team iruiusirlal dese meat on St Vincent street wil be hetero city council for so proval llersiay City development committee worked out an agreement with the developer tor service road third paymean will come due on Jilly and Oct It Many people find it easier in rmta titres payments rather than one lump sum early in the year said ltr Green The nevi method will also rn Ihia the township to male pay hull Miltowbeoliirltdutlilon Students at Charlies ltelmta without borrowing as much goat wantm gnumen at money as It in in the lust the roe iir lent they pretend The township mates quarterly ed they were at the too meats in be board and in The pantomime was part at past bu been iorced to her theatre workshop presented at par menrvlurliimai his rare the school by actors in the tear lm Hi eaellonnerG on carried by the ratepayers mill rm lit Greenestd thttaomeohoo and mg in nu tax bills are being matted and in fig pyorgmim Wmmiiii vaimw received tiller giant item the Ontario Local initiatives Plan to introduce program do algned to augment the tionat value oi theatre The program aimed at ttlrtv dailrt lly EILIIA Rhiniti reboots and amateur theatre Europe in central Ontario with weeks the compenya agenda was full until the end oi hlay This west the program start ed roblenv since the city want it in go straight across parallel to Cynthia Court ltarrla developer lach Stellar owns piece of land on St vln cent Street where this road would end and the city toiled to oi three actors touring element IIItherle anion studeo while removing some their inhibitions was ollersd to GUY BANNERMAN SHOWS HOW TO PLAY PART yet 1011 rd in barrio with two groups ring with warmingup axerclaca Then the children pretended eluted off the halfhour ses Terry explained that they were at the too not the circus cuts the actors read story Grandtan General Electric Co nets on little out local Ila plant along with sport other when of the United metric cal Radio DI Machine Worters oi America last night Ipprov ad tweyeal contract Itarotd Graham resident of the Barrie local be In its appalntni that the Barrie wrat erg did not receive anything to vrard parity Workers received increases we train to if cents hoarrly in the first year Aral ll rents in the second We didnt even get the min mum two cent parity Increase which we got last con tract he But Ila settled new and the final ti ion teas made by the routers DIETARY PLEASE Ctilterd hfaclayden employee rtloticns manager at the Barns plant said that the company iaas pleased to team that ttsrile had hm averted lln expressed the companys concern that so many oi the COD workers would hate laten stnko action despite the econo Iiiic implications The main lob now he said is to collectively get down to the business of meeting the cus tumcm demands Top union piiiciais in Toronto prior to the vote recommended that the settlement terms be re levies on the grounds that the monetary natures at the ottcr uere interior to many recent settlements in comparable com parties The vote had been held up nearly three weeks while employ THE PACKAGE The train features of the etnclwie rage Licrcues from to cents an hour cl the first year reI1 rice is and tlccnlain ll scrotal yegr partial corrallieu years as Athiiiiunal onehail rig psid helllsy tithlntT at waiting prrih ch bencfiLv ant the rind ot coinsurance pay for rennin items not goth tiloe Ontario hupilal lasting pan improth pensions by in cresszng earned pensions to 1900 by to per cent increased allowance tit wort done at curiomers sites except those not presently covered all employees in the bargaining Unit will he to pay union dues ichectolit as condition of employment uii lsyetls increased ieh famiii iraiion period to allow employees to ouaitty based on length of service in Barrie some at woolen will benefit from still asliiatl mcnts ot betan and tt fill an hour The highcsi paid employees the toolmatcrs will get the cent increase phi it cent shill adiustment to put their wage at was the first your and Hill the ltwni Siudenls Dream Could Provide Commuter Train Service More commuter train to serve Darrin and points south this summer will be established if the dream of eight Dr Williams secontlary school atuc dents is realised The Toronto av rats have ap rurii for stood up rtunil es For Youth grant so er can the lIiLl all summer Donald lleCollum to spotesiitnn for the mull aid In an interview lriday they want to rent train tom ta Tl in in Wills Indian National llativluys tor thcatns group at Waterloo truth commuter run during the With the Grade and Atutl erart university in run he turn lumlner months ed prolcmionol and trained for lie said the rental will be The scheme was prompted by the Co North Committee group which has lobbied tor several years for commuter rail service between here Iril Darcie Toronto lauycr John lied col who last summer open sled an experimental cem muler train to Barrie lor rev erel daya to prev it wrote pay for ltselt became thorn were enough potential passen gers iriisl earlier this winter to get federal Local lnltia ttvct irogram grant to try again its was refined The high school groups they were hells elephants and kangaroos Finally individual oointtatohirsttatvdrotsbe war on living not atstiotia whero the train would step llsrric lord Newmnrtet Aurora City and liaple outtlob return loDIiie lain government they got the the scheme on and Terry returned item mama Citizen 0i Year Nominations Now Being Received By Legion play The Sun and The linen and another play Aiito in the the president oi the Canadian Legion and one woman from looking Glass womens urociation in the city The llnrrle Planting board at the northwest corner 0m sgrcertreot must now he rattled the road straight throu it mm my uhm 01M tirmlt Aliiancoftsrrle charges connecttd with water ilth The thidcrgadcn class leotlrtchnnnelilngihachli rens mm the service road has preatnt lhs land the agreerrient states Guy Mm cm ho worked in summer alert at you Borden gym 11I will discuss rezoning all residen dies load and unyileld Street Ar and secondar schools Inth and plymmm mm mu mam and the chilidreo sslgnrd two reasons It Strolibfd lie has pm my up different to re The tend trotted At inure by council will curve north aroupd Stet mmmmumn mm amp1 ms elects fxglglslxgclmhgmmll riiladeidTemidrouns iaynd eut mwem Win MW 01 mm 0m mum mud Tdrrl and Guy were two of of Si vlncent hheet ard ilance nrrio on WWW lid limbc whkh mm the original members of the his loprncrti Developments whero the services abut other at throttles lieighLv school actors energlce and when one lyeunp ml mm its his not announced what industrial land Thrry Judd and Guy Banncrman ster wanted to whip the lion mm mm wmvw will behultt on therlto butelty The city will to approve Although both scion are only officials aay he has dcilolta in tile plates of any development is an old they havealrriglhy rrslurisurniurvuhwtdruur stair clubs nit individual child actor in Toronto iihile Icslivll at Eostricw secondary ruin my to guhmlt i0 studying at Carleton University school in April and worlt with mum pie William ii Base Borden Little Theatre eet gotr to your in lh on an amine Easter break mm Wild an of palrtzprtlhh ally to the citircrti to nto Strattord Alter graduation he 12123 rendered the must Duldillhtllil if im iolricd Theatre Toronto aitd WWII Ii ttai land along llaytlold Street gt All Air min log the past year UPRTAOINO accepting nominations for the mp5niglegrpho Irmritiiirieiiirrmn hetueenliiritvtlyiwm Mr Peek an no uyitiyiii theatre in the out ll noon is the director in ltlll mewuhtspiaopguapycix not up to limit it at nio why when mun Severin is company rnanngrr mimvm night review at the Astral ineatre mm 01 mm Iltsltics touting schools they einsteur lhcslte groups in ii iright Dorrie citizen or the Judges will vote by secret but mummy Bi senior to the community our Pubiit viiitir Tho announcement will she local improvements and this to agree on some way at gutting can south oiillghwayetofhoname thy iocnlintotovemerit tag The actors were cairemci pat mm mMrImmdm dim in Willi beiora construction can start on bactg rid in theatre will provide adjudication tor the Georgian titty region during tho yeririrophy lot and will dccido en the basis theatre groups in tilt and that Presents Saiue 0n Military The judging committee will be Evans and Unds John Brien bu les lload at public meeting mm mm MN mum my made April The winner will The rAtlrehss been two months int mm lrtprcpsratlort lm mmwmlm ommendatlorts ot the dis WWW In previous years the comp any prepnrod reviews and plays tor szeeerttetiou but transfers and pot gt of stall members At the art minute torccd cancellation The conrpany ol it will pre sent the satirical revue Beyond the Fringe llrltiih satire on military life by Jonathan Illiier sargesnt its Wood is in Iiteahowisdealgncdto speed of the board said the more is to In adult audience and is veer being later became rezoning tricted Tickets sre still available can go completh in about three out reservations can be etude mom guy will go mom by calling the her other at to plump mud to doll in ate on the Residential moot Orttliirtl expect there will Plan for the area would take bovomotlcltets AiAiiAhleoniha mm tie to rerun months at nights of the about Price of the your till id 75 The rezoning Is consistent with charge at direction and lint loot iii mnmmendeilons of the oi ed Alter getting the show or genited Cap illtlo theatra group has been going concern every year and etaro Christmas had been re hearslng three oneact plays Two of too plays lid to he drop nod hevovrr become members were required to go on leave or attendsoeciu courses to Marry down said the liclat plan Ilnchdmertl for tie sidcntial Diitrlct which will be processed by the city develop menl committee and sent to council tor approval in two EMERGENCY NUMBERS IINIII TIMI Fire Dept lty Police at cots Also to be tlisgtlsditl at the herring is the uprtuging el ill APPPIP PM um Acres of residential land owned OPP IIULII by Chet Della Ltd Thti land ls trlct plan and again is being tiono to save time tor the limb oper Once the land is upstaged servicing the land can begin Arid constnrctlon commence Gist Bells will leave strip see last wile along Dayileid direct item handles Road to the city limits in holding Atege because the developer thins this may eventual bedosignst ed for commetdo uses and it will not be included in the rub til sion board is recommending rescuing the land south of un dlcs ltuod to Cl designation that would permit uses his hotels tiietels restaurants and gas alntium but prohibit retort ilotn development RADIO CLLII The battle Amateur Radio Club is holding an organization al meeting at the Hill oilices on orsivy Street Wednesday at All licenced amateur todia operators nod interested persons are invited to attend Costs School Construction Major Challenges SWEAT BLOOD DIFBNSIVEDRIVIII Forty Public Utilities Com mission cmpluyrea were pre sented with defensive drivhig certlileates yesterdly alter tioen As eomrrtluiener Claude not ioired that no mil tiled tor their sweet titan their blood during donor ellnc last and new that the get to work safely FROM In hlr llAtt resents certificates to GoorgoMinterbum the old ctt driver and Tom tlyhorn the youngest Examiner Photo Education Week officially end otl today although school board otllrialn item both the Simeon County heard of Education and the Simeon County lloman Cattv pile Separate School board have said every out Is education neck in all county schools Stencil lisher chairman of the been at education said this ueclr that among the greet rtt challenges in education in the county are the control oi costs and the construction of new schools lie raid the necessity of tsu lion in this regard cannot be ttmlctcotlttiutcii Ilc raid the board is living Mfidilib vlaiy return which provide robots for eitru students and assists in rentnving the dinner of build ing on speculation rmuuiuo uoiittns lie said involvement with plan ntog boards from committee and townships in the county chic and deputy chief Location Rogue Fireball Discussed Iii Meeting Today Essa Toumhi Council the Angus Council township tire and road superintendent were to yrteci to day at to am to discuss the location for the now Angus The ball No the township council moved to set up the meeting at its regular session Tuesday In other business the council agreed to set three day deer season this fall on Nov and Shotguns only are allowed it brings prohibited council agreed to continue warble lly spraying program and nontoth tender ot Gare ilehi Kerr to supply warble ily powder at it cents per pound on the condition the township would buy only what it no ltead accounts lvi lobrua helps the board with its ticcl aions about school sites Ill Iishcr arid the board tries to provide the best pet Ilblo education in students III the county while torping tests In line Transportation is one area iil which costs can he alter cd he raid For years the transportation el children to school was sur al matter Today with the dc velopman of commercial and industrial areas around long ahllshed rchooll especially in the wntown areas of cities and lot hcro has been drastic decrease in the number ot chil virvn on the attendance rolls llr Fiahcr said it voulrlroporar the board will soon be considering the but ing ot children in newly dairi oped Irena within the city to downtown school or school that is experiencing dinilnvalng population ilir Fisher said the transpor My mu moi occupation without monetary my in or he rising insert rcmurieratien amounting to vicious were up moved for payment as were lrhnrsry outcoan oi for salaries tiled for gcncr al expenses and $230993 for An ccntlvo program wogcs The road superintendent was Attiltertlcd to evil trailers for hail teit lruct 23000 ions tII gravel and various other birth Jutigci include the publish er ot the Barrie Einrrtiner the manager of titllli tho chair rnun of the Dorrie htinisteria on the trophy and replicaoi the trophy will he presents Anyone wishing to submit Airi nilnnlierts is Invt ed to pick terms and copy ot the re lions oi the Canadian Lag llnll til St Vincent St Th ward of increase of the Sinwoo Milly Health Diet lrl written granting rotary inctctince at three per ccot villimuiiltliimt utviviei for registered uurscrwood tilt pct or at sit the St John The wording of con oc its ll Ambitions lirlgnde lit to tho tillpmlnl by the nurses now In the hands at Itruco Digclaiv th Canadian llrrttal litrillh Atvovin health units lawyer visa is rushing minor adjustments in werdin and iii to the Salvation toy to signing ditto to IpvwW llurrny iioblnoon chairnun oi the beard congratulated liottttvatm Maurice and dill Glohtris evolution and coeheircnan ot the negotiating tormniteo tor their ttlotts lit Rohimon polntcd out tint the button is ucil within the guidelines it down by the Ontario Dennis of Health surfacing liiuli is subject to departtitcnt ot trtttivportutiott IlhtI ONIH OUNTV lrstciittlvy Now llrurtstvlrlt was once county at hovtt how its lotion costs tvouhi be on ecoue their in the suittobulldlngwhould lltIlIlll move vOlfliAlilttIIWIiti htne receive carctul study budlnrolnewscooswe UhDIJt ONI IlODf hm mm MW llp raid the Itltttlnirtrntiurt nl tic IIaltcr llltiliilllllti lh iris beard mono and recep aiiili hitvliiii hill ii tiort aicsi at the location ttllv coils and UitllttTthily tchtnl yprgci my root it votiilrutilvn might be the cviitr aging in on More on cotton oi bulb Public and reuur tircri should be able to learn ate students under one roof mic on my Tbo motor concern ldr the lir Fisher told he is in lull aepntnto athool buanl It to pro summit of grunt ceilings impos scrvu that portion of the train vtl by the department at edu ing program considered to be ration it no is trustees were necessity for their children it slow to remove iritls front the would appear that lhh concern operation helore we are new is respected by our board he forced to set our priorities and said itiCtI out those things that are it hit rot Rlio spohr Allottt mm it is in title rcgurtl the hean new school tlcslgn ltt suit the present design consists el tour WWW um mm Mn With from rlnclpels and teachers in We lm detemilnlng that which II are WWW essery to provide an acceptable devoiovint hull iii PM raid meaningful learning prog log of separate and public chil rain IfllletlT rtsurri rtibretpnsaihiaeda its