LI In All moronum IAN IL IOHELPWAN1ID SIMCOE COUNTY NEVIS In DTOPIA ATJNACJNTH Soy AntolecAnoio won ml pyttmhrueommiu odbythoomnIILM Ne ninmteeonloroderoirnn thethruehtnmhlbl In Iieednmeeitoytin thy Arthuriteunmeo Orvnlhrrnddleewdhdbl RUSSIAN Hm Thornton Wernmo lnntituto wilt IoIdInl their North to In meettnn It the home tin iynn Oohiweli ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES tmnnmunrniloulnrdnkpuud Mdltzwll CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 31M DRY WALL TAPERS mndmmnmummh Ztumiqndihdatnlmmmwilhe CEWMWWHW Thunderian Lmypryhehzhndwrhodnhttihnnllmmror nnlndtttrtnrdngputbh mommahum learned ttrot rotted tor Mr totemm Inelkotrd hownn by woo or re John Ind tiontteI Bell John ttvod In omit homo on tho tho membero on torttlny their unhdionitboutley hmbnndttonttendibo rotl tnntnrrehomotnthoollto roll out be Norm not In now completely repented your order Ind tell how you owned by III on Ranrd no control nnvrrr Autumn to north oldo oi the rnlley thero Gilbert Ind nIuyntetrnn Smooth extended to the III now lino AM there the Bell Wm Mono oi Gnvln inmtiy at term rm nun millow Ilium my June linrold Roy Ind one III Mnll llome nintrr VrrI titre Alien Miller umiitzllahggg were born Strum to Iny nono Much mm oi the be nero tntereotod tn lwn tIIvIIiI III tb turning tho ninth one no P1 Pr no mo Introom extent or who on It homo ImtII he died sumo PART oi dinbetentn hlt eIrIIIOI LI The poet ed ntntiny pnrty or In torn when trend return or my nItod Chureh Sundry Irom tour end boll enrl 5cm wnt held Iinrtb Ihrn nervieooverms howrt III ererynno enloyed In hour run on the too In Thornton II TINT WIN TN en nrenn Follewlrtn the ntntl In m1 ho took 01 don Ind hot ehoeoteto TONY buotneso Ind moved Into bl red by thotrnrherolnthe Sun dny oehool room inthern new home on tho north FAMILY NIGIII oldo oi the bill John Bell hnd Slide oi tho Maritime will snrunnnv moon to It In VALLEY GARAGE inIe Are men from tho Grny Cold tiin AQUARIUM CLUB MEET ING rhesoay Mord It pnr hi cannons rnrusu Illtu AuANDALE llIl 5T PATRICKS DANCE BEASY NAIL FRIDAY MARCH II no pm In lrrL Sponsored I7 MOP SotIII Out It Iolrn Itlwtnnurn CWTIIIID VIIHIIIO III Diem IIII Int ll DIM uyw one no on DWI MM Mil Ion In III wanton tutor It III we one who not nun MI 50 vol tea to umltohen norrnt WIT lm Inor thin It won horn on lu MIMI MAM when rte oouwt on memo new Ion iI II It 23 III ii is it MONDAY Inon non eonnmtortn Insertion norm on met to two whorl 1mm I4 MIMIC AMI WM Inl no newton to limp eh mnlunnl tmmoolototy IN Irnr IIIrio In order mt why our on minim noy he reported hem llnhlmtumlmh MINI IN MIMI ml who the lurlr Inmwor II IonnIIhto ta onto an tweet VIII Immloit hi lMIUm IM It only II no TIN QUICKIE By ANN ADAM Into Fl W01 to Dan Ion Mend ol HOLIDAY QUAIttEr RAND FRIDAY non WEDNESDAY yTHURSDAY IWmWTnACCone mggg SATURDAY EVERY MONDAY ii if Mr lento oor mm tore moo on may or Into nnd in WWI who Inter MII no inmtiy but hinnuei tell And inmtiy eI eI ht tour boyn Ind tour nlrln Wilton Rob Stephen One mnln pattern It plun nnuey nnttor eoiiIr Sn ihroupb in United Chord are m2 TIMI PAPER ROUTES MAVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Do you lire Iii the It or on one or II on no mm outed my our Untot nun Ohnpy hurl woo met new new no on own In our mum on mu me till toory mm or vuntrr llLLV in too my one mono Kntry pom my Math It hone mm no Ion on or eight mm out he nine my Iro mum In two more at me my won porno Int no IN In on All om one on hr on All em Mm In mrt no more IIMIM mm Int moored ey Ito Int unity IIIITII do NM ill IN ottvooototron oy wonderlot won In Ivol mood our IN MEMORIAMS IllbIn we INN Me IIJII CANADIAN LEGION boot II no mm eh II IN WWI DII JACKPOT $400 mNSOLtTION III Maw 61 It 113 NIL THE BUSINESS AND PROFISSIONAL WOMENS CLUB OF DANRIE inviteo Pros mite ow tombcrn ot rmr don too INT IAII PAR It the HOLIDAY INN TUESDAY IIAIICII II worry or our mirror rt om Math II lrrI lnlhor end In St Vincent St Ind Cundien Rd Im bun nervieo irnrn Vntleyn to WINE AND CHEESE or not tween two nltulnl WI INK do Ml hlll IN nomrtrormo In MI minim D1 mm Inrrto lrnmmr ronom no out Intellllltr min or you My net COIIPIBIIIVIAL IO IIILIII Awe dIIMIMIMIwW II III nemlltoi Number III In It IIJI inf DWI MIMI DI Ion Iivmhol moot II nuletlr corn oorrrrnt Innikn Io Lotto om will bl hold only II Ilyl Itll lllt MIL other we try endooyw IAII he IMO Io tullll III oi MI rum been to the moment to noon II Wllhto In Idol no ltlbllitr III in eoet oi torn or demo Input to nlino romeo ohm Imo or dolor enunod wotth by nonlipowoo no moer CLASSIFIED USERS Beioro you roll In AdVisor to pinch youro Constderlhir You Ire Ibout to lnmt money lot on Id Ind we not you to or mini thin tlpiront IIJmmer then oounter out on sunny dnyt lietter rend nowI Printed Pottern toot New Mind Siren II II It ll It slro II but It tntrt ynrdn tItneh tlo slumnow clrtIo til min in colon no ItompoJ piIIIo tor eoeb pnttern Id it cent ior oneh potiem ior tlrnt elm mollldn Ind npeeint bondilnl Ontorio retiirotn ndi teentn oIlro in Print plIInly SIZE NAME ADDRERT ATYLE NUM th Send orter to ANNE ADAIIS eore oi ibo Borrto Examiner Pnttem Dept on Front Street Went Toronto Ontnrlo FREEI unoono one now letern Irom the nylon In new hit Winter Pnttere Cotion Ind Itniph who Im twlnI Ind Ilse ltob Ind taint Ilt decen rd now thero Iro Invent frnndthlidren Itlit IltLn In the entity clnude In Arden Hell Barrio litre IIIrtin itnil tin Lorne him ttrnmplon Vernon Iennet Ibomton Ind Ednn INpllil Priddle oi lion eywood 0i It ehnrd helin inm tiy only tiro Allen Miller nun vvro Ind rlpht Indchlldred Gordon Ilell Sud ury iinroid Spmutn Bell Sontntoon htrI hemleo Corirr iinnnn Alberto lteotrieo Mn It Popper Toronto Ind Dorothy Ind ttrueo Elwood tillier Ind Aileen hpeern In the early tiny heltn Iii woo thrivtny bun era when lit tormero with lano tuition to amino tor land to to tho mill tntod homemndn brood It no inmillnr dntiy nlnht to Joe or chop end our or oreryono than tn hintl bonement tor No next anlly hlrhl Iinrrh ii irom to who ptn Everyone will be weiromr LOI No II will be holding mother eurhro tn Thornton no Ilm linli North It the noun time the on torture Ior whlnh the roeeedr no mlhrn irrr rile er ItomidortJt ervnn on nuil Oorbett Eimrnlo vinlted ono Ironing loot week with Emert nnd Iierr rieil Metuteheon lino Ito Ind Clan Goodiellow oi StrourI enli od on George Ind an my ottneo ltoit MRS II PEARSON Thnoo who roiled It Pethtelt Ftrrtorol iiome Ilnrtte to pny their renpeein to tire iio rry Amy Pontoon were Min Irnn tin Wietium honein and Mel CrnnI iho deemed who pun Mgnly It Geornlnn thinner In Iunt tPeIInon Crone Nam ItIrIuei lie with hln my teom oI borter delivering our to oil tho ntorer nenrby It llIrrle Ihornto Coolutown Ind Anyur At thot Irnn there won tnrno rIln Ihed It the CNN truth where on In nvernro at once In two weekn mind at west ern wheht Ind onto wnn uniondv ed Ind drnwn down to the mill Around two the mill wnn burn rd Ind think thnt mutt hnvo been tho yenr Utopln not It hnmn tor ood no thhortlnenn Everyonn to it won tuelr per oonnl loer they went to work drnwlrtn ol the niche III III ber etc the mill won binned on tiny It Ind on ion the Bell hrothern turned tho wnter wheel to let the mnehlnery In motion Innin Ind thin to the mill which ntood tho rIlehen ni llur ot the nlrretn titted below ELMVALE hot to or oround tho otnrernenhenod nroon pleeu All out ppRIIIIen below Ind return It to run unnntn murwnn one who won holler God royee mode warm wur Iwot IM tor Inhoorly tototull Illhto you your hot to your odeow Illlyl It met no Ioorel om wlotrr two or III III nrtno my euro PM In tn WM norm Veil Ivot Immune by wt Innlo JIII Md lruetr dlvwhtlr Mor enrol wuroeortoorr orrnprorro thlldrnh mt CARD 0iI THANK AWNWI llth It Inpolll doll Ionrorlnlwt to IotllleI ttlohdn AM Allan tor thew Ilrtd prrutlortl oi Iymnnlwy lot two then bolnued huohnhd tnlhor ornnotntror mt ton Awqul loom nprrlnl lh II to II orumhnm two lmto honol or no Jlmu tym Furr ornl Mouton Ltd IM Ito mnmalnl dmrom In In chruto wnIrI room on rrnnowtrto Ian mt tnmlly we need em mm Itnwrr MII Ir PUBLIC honor in IO pm For further port union phuno AM Stewart MIMI II BINGO IICAI ASSOCIATION It tumor MONDAY 800 PM FREE Eorly hlrd Comet hi NUMBERS SPECIAL $25 GAME tin linirnhee Cerdn Jackpot $300 40 Numboro Consointion $75 SIF QUILTING REE About to ulltn bnvo been rom ieted by othornton Iln group nineo tho new yeanVi inrenrd In hrlpth Iuet come Ilrn Iron Cnhierin Iny itren dny or Wednetdny Record Itirn dnneo It any one timo win name oi whom were vtnitorn enrono MR3 MWYIIR EUCIIIIE PARTY the Anti board hnvo been hoidlnr tholr ttnuni eurhro pnr tie eorh Friday evenlnn in hnll On Feb 15 Ilnltor Roy Devin oi Leiroy who yet renuitv to leenmpltnh thn III mung Ior you to 11111 ALL nbout dttnltn oi your otter Bo nuro you dont mote Iny oi the Ioliowlnl errorn that prevent renuttn Dont Omit Iho Addrrnn Ilony outonitown renderI will write you but will not npond honey toy lorry dittnher entl Dont Omit The Phone Number tinny rendern will roll you but do not rind it convenient to come to your home Dont Content The Price Denired Surveyn who the IIIIII pereeo All Illell Cntnle In rentt INSTANT EEWI BOOK euL til new modern wny It INSTANT FASHION DOOR whnt to weer nnnwerny Iron Onllt Book II pnlterru eentn Muleunn Onltt hook to troll Rock OIIlii ten Iodnyn III III pnttnrnr eehInr PATTERNS Ago Addrett ottooetoeootnnnnn Telephone rumours TENDERS FOR SUBTRADES Tendern will be reelred by the undenlmrd until pm on tht oinon etoolni ior nit nubetrndo prices required In the torwlntctlun oi thI lotionIny preteen iAieonn Itond Public School Strotrd March 15 Fttionn ilond lubiin School Orititn ertIt II twirliltn SI Public School llnrrto Itnreh i7 STEWART and IIINANCONSTRUCIION LIl 70 Box 203 IIIONH iiotodhbtit TENDERS FOII CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE RDX STORM SHIVIIII Tlrtdrrn will he receiver the IlitiTCtIIKittU in tender rnvrI open pmvlded up to 500 pm on Monday North 13 Mi tor Contrnet 7tIt whleh In the tort nlnrctloh oi poured In pinto relniorred rortetote hex rtnrm newer Tho Iertyth II hppmllm ntely two IIneIl trot lit rhniiow deplhn In ntzen vnrylnp gener nlly In Internet dlntentlnnr imm II wldrl high to rO wide high and It ioenied an huplrln hlreut Root between ilnyllrtd Street And Peel Street In the City at Rur rte Approxlmnlely 1300 ouirte write ol concrete ln Involved lnnn arid npoolilontlnrtn Ind terder doeurrtenln nro Ivnllnhlo int the City Cleoltn Diiiee City Iintl ltIrrle nn pnymehl hi nowrelurvtnhle ire trI tutor owed or any trruirr not new ooeortly litClltII hIllhIitiIIAN Clly Clerlt thriller Mrrnt IIARRIE Onlnrio Il3Idilll 5BOX REPLIES lllrllr eiuiy errrtrrrrrrr will lie trrrde Io iurunrrl rrylrrt lrr lerr trurntvrrn to tho ndtrrheer or JOIN no IroInltrlo wt ratrent no llnblllty In much ut ion or dImIII Ilioyeit to urine throuyh elther thiturn or delay In tor wnrdtnw nueh replten however tIrutrtl whether Ity negligence or oilrrrwlref St Catharine l3 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE ill ENTERPRISES AUCTION BARN CtIUKSTIIWN on line It hurt at Hwy MONDAY EVENINGS nt pm the lullowinq 100 your old New Home truartle rewinu murhlne Irrern IIro tony not pine ruptmnni pine Itutrh Itlnrr wntlIIIIrIwI IIIII tnhlen prenn Inrrlt writer wood Ituvr toiortinl roelrrr npurn nuver ntneJr tnhlu rotten tnhle lnrnp table rrrrnlrlnnltrm lwrtrnnm olrnlrn winter and Itnortnd thnlrn trrdrmrrr nulto dteoznrn Ind IIrIII TV Iilornr Inhlr Wrellnyhnuln tuner TIM rrntur iinnlrld 301 title Itll rulntlnyr nrwi plrturo trurneI inert luwrtr tran ltttrlren ulerrnlln lure nrlrillrm glen tIlIlIiI and horny Home tort numeruut In lint IIIJRIIK tihiltlllNIi auctioneer Outrinwn tilHIMillh Nimcoo lleehre No lh Arterial Inthue note on Thuroio Itorrh ii run Ire Ilemlm Iltt Wed More II MII TELL MORE SELL MORE iten you Illte your Artlrlun For tin not in The tinrrio Ex Iminer NEW there pntntn In mind ntnio WIIII litIII Ilrund name Aotrhrnrlrn Irml ntlurlnnttrll Nrwwliltullrrnt trrllilillltll Ihrtrhwhrv Iirrolt Ago Cuinr Mnltrr tt enntrr tor the protprel In buy Remember the Artielrr torhnlo Ilhhltlttlllvll In the ion north Mint In Rome IlIune vlhtlrm IMtylrln MnrttrI lllhrr It ttllilllS iur Elltlr oilditliornl word Iiliii ltAtI on PUBLIC MEETING VILII be held on MAIICII It WIT In tho WUNCII CIIAMIIIJIIS III CITV IIAII AT 130 pm to dlncuII tn thel IIwltllll in Service Cormrtterelnl OI oi nlI extttlnn Residen tialtoned property utrutlinn tluyileld Slrret irurn ilighwny No CUIIIMEA ilnud end Ill tho upotnglrtg oi the Chen tleile property worth ri orrwtlrt Itonrtl Iwri went lluyiitld Street to permit ronlttentinl dr Ielrrptttrnl IIXJK at llunnlny nrtd Development All tore oi rehtittl will not nnlwer In on union the price to elven Dont leave Rome on tho dnyn you ndvertlne tinny wood proopeetn will not en the mood time It your phone In unnnowerrd Dont Omit lmporttnt Words To Snvo hionoy Render ennt ruenn orI Import Int detIIIn Remember well when inlormntivo Id will let renulln Inntor Ind out much ten the dnyn you Interline Dont Overlook Our low Weekly Rnto ihono TIEtilt FOR QUICK ACTION TRY TIIIS MAI SE EXAMINER Classied Advertising ittIIlI IIIIANK Tito ilorrlo iirnmlner Home or phone Itoitlt Allilittl CIvarTuwnrrmurnmmumu lhte him three IImrn tilt ilrurn lltI Itenro rnelntn rheuuo or money order liur rlrnryo ndditlmtnl tron II town out ol to ilo IIIImltTH or phone RLliltIttll rount In one word lieeh word Inllln ityurtn or nhbro tAIIIlt In one word With your or turn ttho word in with npnrw ALL ADS MUST RUN CONSECUTIVE itun IIIva II dIIyn bollnnllll It true lie to wn itw no ALICIIIIIIOOKI MITTS TO KNIT Plennty ol cold weather Ihood youhutlrrn need thtnol linti mitten rntrupol Knit enrh rhlid uiiirrent rotor ntirome with rltevrr ltrritlirty wanted lIteth IIItt dltnuloru Am It Ittrl llVIINIIIIVII CtiNil taint ior enrh poilern trio otnmpn pionto Add to ronln tor lltli poltorh ior tirnt elm InIlltrtn IIAI outwit hlhtlllitl to Allen lirouitw Into oi riho tlorrio tirmnlrrrr Neertlrrrnlt Unit to Front lltIrrt Wlol Toronto Onturlo Unlrrto re nidentn nod ioor rrolo Intro in Ill lIlAIy IAITAIIN NIIMR III AMI Alittltlil NIIVI toil Nnotlrernlt tolnlon motn Inrthnt tonhlono Inlinhrtorirttl ryrIIII umlrrulrlrri IIlllI irno Ittturno to tent New tootPt trrrIIrt hoot Ittrp Ilytlft lltltltrt tqu on how to trrwlvrl lrrrlrrnlly LIut uowrrl ltntlrtlu trot tunrplrto Ihrtnni Itllt ttoolr volo then too ulltn tor III on Inn on not tied Cornyteto Aiyhnl IIIIII ILW lHIIi ltn olilnoir Morntl lloolt eT lilltrtlo Allhnnn to thryre thriIty my wnrml turn rurnlrtlnw Irwt rtrrrrelttur eelebrnllnr hln 77th hlrthdny ilo entertained the nudlthoo with lit ereemRnhlei tho plnho by NIH uth Stre rue 11w 1th eonduelrti Ihn rhurrh norvlee It tilliord on Sundry March eonttnilny oi nlnnlnp Ind reoilnro by oil the memberr Mr Ind IIIt Pnul Runnnll hIIo Ieturnrd Irom monthn vnrotton et loiteworth Florian WORLD DAV The World Dwy oi Irnyer vlee were held ot Leiroy United Chuth Ind Inido nttonded Irom Churchill ehurrhrn Ind Giltont Unltrd Iirn Meyer noiolrt IIINI who nrrumpnnled Itrn llluito Conttnblo It term IIII Roy Coodiellow truud won the mentor CRIIIOIIIIRST IIIIM NIGIITR tlld brunt brnrrr nnd rlrn In illmn Ilrllyhtrtl an enro oi 21 at tho vtrnlyhurot Community ilnlI Irldny hinreh Iho next Iueir yrnm will be held It March III tho boll Ihit new community venture in at particular lnterert to ren with nuhioet motter ronrlhl trom enttouru to nature otudleo Our Country IIittIilbIIO or thin won Jvnrliurlur with lrtduyn uu Irneo North AlllCIItlIlt hlitclt hour ptohnhly NCIIIO mute hurtrnn rurloelly Inuyttlor and renpert thIn Iny other nnIrnIt and illm pretrntod remnrttobie toyrophlo eovernro oi thin at tho ltoelty htountnlrr reylon tho bury better It nhown IteudlnI lur troublo when rienno iintel when the down won domollnhrd Ind in now In In terentlhy Inndmhrlt oi the Utopia community Ind the eoruervnl on Iron Donnie Ilehluter Ilm IieCIno nod irlehdn oro en ylnu oton dny motor hoildny it Florldlo Sympathy oi the tommun ty to extended to Am tilyfinnon Ind inmtiy in their torn It the donth It iovlny hutbnnd ond intiter The honrd oi Utopia Commun ity Itnll hove rhnd the Interior redecorated Ind hnd lnnned builotdnneo iur Antu nutty Iron which And to row toiled win to tho wenther it won portportrd to leb Ii Utoptn ioilte were entry to hear thrill turnbutt And iIli Irwt hrolro nheulder bone nloo Lorry Miller In In hoopllnl In Toronto tor the rhlidren the villnro Ire enloyinp the winter wenther with tobounrro rtr on tho hillr nurruurrdint tho ItIIII pond THORNTON It MILL It 0er the Mnrrh mrotlrrr It the homo oi Mrn Ivon Cnldweti will be In rhnm at the Arrlruiluro eommltloe when lion Sloern will rive In lituntrntert talk on tile Irriculluro tour oi the Sov Iet tlnluh Ilomhrrn hutlnnnrlr nlo Intlnird to nttrnd thin motto ill thorium 12 Iponrored by the tintvenlly Wemnrtn Club at Iitrrlo wnn entofvod by coup Io oi enrioodo to teen pItronI Tel it and II in Control Cut to tote All Oimttll ru tawnrdn ti rd in un no dam he built Ilwlrtl ihrrrwrn he vlllu rt titty Iltltl No ttuyo yuuiul ANINMTINIUNN NTIAIIIIIII VII tttltrr irorrrdrullr or Injury Nlrrrroo with lter hrutlrerinlnw dloturhiny tlIu hum mu ruler llr out ltrr turn the third turn wun Curhl twidwtllr lire Dooloortuu nIo by Jilttltiu Lhurteeu tllrnnlo Iinnlor oi Edmonton my mum mum Alhortn with her IIIitI Mu Art mm mm um mm iteQuny while with her mother tirn ihrrhnro Iiunlrr RIrrlr tin lrlr t1 Itrn it Mower oreomlonrtlril ML not hire LII turd toorwy oi Ruler to Wood trrlrlrr whom they Ilrllrvi lut tlthti IUIIIIFIIEII ltittlltlt ilrhrii tAIt Itlduo quuitlett trnvoiliny lttIIIllltltlt RtItItttI rri wiurnllrtu Into It nlulrtrluh iIittI tlItItIIIIlL Itlittll lItiltltilllIl with rultrr IlttAtltt ll Int dlntrIrttIt hlt oleru ilro tuilyu Inlrt than did what lot oi Lu ymr gum lilto to rioriettroylny In chum In Hum In Itul morhlno where nultt tunrtlon elurllnr Itolly In tho two lornt Ilu drive pronto orniy TRY EXAMINER WANT htr uttl lire IlrIrrr IlrttllrhrheI rnrt titrlr linlry noII DAV IV IIIAYltiI the World III oi Irnyer lop oi IAIO ntewn nrldrroreri the tort All runyroyntlunn ltev lnul lnritln Ire rm Atl tny Ito Yollrn thut IIIONti ithtiit