Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1972, p. 1

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WHEN TILPHONES mutation more moulded Adrertltlu mat in our Deuterium row rtl ow lolth Yul No 60 Mdrchand Backs Barrio with club Sltvrdoy Motels trim Industrial Grant It Program In House UIIAWA CPI Iteptooal Espattttoo Iltnlstor Jean tiar ehard tired hitter counterat IIcl It the Common opposition nun coiling some attach on NI loduttrtal grants program hartboeneither out or undo gotta titan mu IpII on banrod series ot instills It the pro sad meted to tie mitt tcra ech by asylns he was thiot ed and Irutliny the issues Debate eInte on New Derrws erIIIc oppositiondsy motion eallinl ttto Lhrecyuroid prrr mm at rertortnt expansion grants disastrous tatture Iir ItIrchIntI IIid that bu been Italted oI lInUnx to detotop Quebec at the expense oi Ontario Ind other province by Iurtru Industry to Quebec trout other Ireao nlih dovrlop ment mots lte climbed the charge Ind Iaid that in tho tuturo he wont mu stoop to Inswtotny Iuprrsttoru rot tIvortttsm or lion hDP has not It nrtrd tho prnyram on lIl basis but othera halo OonIervoltva Ito raid tormer prime mlnis ler John Dietertbatrr had been It whiny lasinuatinnt ml in We nuendoes Ill his tile and rot rid at tot nt people IIoII heI not going to get rid ot mI bytbeso means Plan Opponents Are Reassured CALG RY lCIl Opponents their utrn policy is it it landomwntedmitdmlhutl lotto InnInnI teen ltlcomme were reassured twice It or ten ot interned Ind eothplelel mm 5mm Independent western CInarI thIIehrrno Int hlr Gordon renlor usisltlnt public hearinl Into tho plIn deputy nunbtor oi the depart told tho audience an astronaut rrteni ot northern davrlo meat on tho proth we not In In and lndtnn atlatrs to the burial there wns no punIto David Ettrln alternate Im lch normal and Iain told Intranet for theAmritsar to doreloprnent ptIn at Lake thIt they were not usiinl their time in pmiettinl it Gordon nhalrmon oi compllsbed Ind mortal LIw Association do that lhopsrerurnont retest ttI contracts with tho developerl ykeI appeIled its surren alon in tcteprIm to Prime liltntater nwucau thoboerlnp being condutitd by Jury ot toutmlttrd civil servants Iiilltl tn iudrment on Sonte Robbery Loot Recovered Four Charged With Conspiracy IIIAlll AP lltrro Cuntt cl Tbruutn turd Jottch Cut try it lltontl bartoltlvr toptlry told tierrlttutun was ldrntltird In tho corpplnlnt tiled ntnlrbt trim or one ut the bank concert part at the lit nttt rubbrru Only about WM til the in million Iiulttt trons tho bunk Dre II has been rocuvcrtd Tho money was stolen when you at nitn posing rtr Janitors thnt secondary atrnienls moss held up ttInlt employees as they were riding up rouoipts trotn position in provincial govern ttto Wiruttcr ttacuway chrtt perturb wcrc urrtuttrt tart llccrtttber to toruntu nnrt ltlsrlssoupn Out In connection with the robbery dtans and liiantt rwan ar rostnt when agents rnltird motel here have been charred with cortsptrncy to rccctvn In lion toot IItIu In lirttieot out bank robbery on Copley on attor ney with the US Justice depart menlI Organized Crime Strike Force III moo ot the ttotrn money was touno iIld out on tho bed in wool plirs when Innis burst into room It the ChIrued libidoy worn iltotttns liarriraa In his brother ltruo thy II Nell IiIrrinltott Ill BRRRIE AREA PRTROLLIIRS OFF TO KITCRRNER or their annual trip to tho to model in Kitchen tha group will return only vmroxlrmtrty bit rIlety mar uroboardeduhuselthil or 1m tram the liento JEAN MANCIIANI IttIrtI mht Indmested lto ertlictrrd CoMttIttlitI Antler itobertibtoaitetd on the rtd that thel lender hurt ed to disassoeinlo hinrreli trorn pally membcra who had made raelat Ittaclu ltr llIrehInd acid lighting in the arena oi Pullo mrnt and unit to be Ittnrtrd honestly and not in roetrt hols also told that on members should too to re rrIrvlt tundt provided by the rovernmrnt to yet their tarts IirIILht noutiooor tent opinion waited at the beetle would Indeed nundrd at the moraine Iltllnx barnanettoct Aa the hearth browsed throurh ItI Iueo White the beIrinn was In new Irpumrntl were atlrunetd grape Calgary htnyor ltod or dry inner either to port tho Itttttco Intoitmtso td plan or to up your Alter ilvc oi oi ite laid puarartres tndieolo melons too ruhmunionthuto been hcuni with it in Invor ilIltL It opposed More then wrll ten brlrts also have been tiled hl planned Airport Security Tighter hticrII Aviation AritttinlotrItlon today turrenst molest In prurcrnmt In tho pullout tor ltny arrurity ior tho wtetroi to air orta Ind airliner MM tho ntlrd States stepped up meusures to combat bomb threaiI it looks like the trouble my be winding down In FAA apotromon sold it iiy spin EST Friday tho IM had registered about telephone threats ot litlfililt or bi artinyr Ierou tho U5 toe the This com rod wtthett ctyht Nerday operators moved to lnuoicrneat Itrlctor molly meomrel no derrd by President Nixon Ind bets dulled in the term at re slices by tho PM its an crampto ot the tixhler airport Iocnrttt boiled It litntnt IntornItirtatIl Airport irl plcd patrols ot the am where passengers dlacmbark and re cl to dirt rnrry ldrnli cation Teachers Gain Student iliiies ltillllNTO ttll million to Ontario movem mettt pressures to reduce rdu ruliott cuts put another wily Iridny ntphtatudrnts David Johnson 11 Grotto It strident It ltIrburti Colteplolo told 1500 ehcerinz students at II University oi toronta meeltuu lcuuhrr the city may no on strike In ob mrrtt ocillnid on odueutton rpontiirtlt Ilr rolled on tuuchcrs who to tor have shunned who them return to to out with studeuh Aprtl Friday lbnltiti Ind will be trotted to retrethtnrnts provided by WASHINGTON lAPl The Thu Iy at nrsday and In tho meantime airport in are PRIME Itiaioter Pierre The tiqu postorms hit oi politi cIt horrilwort II he Ll met ed by enihtIIIIsiic high school students in Dnnnmonrltir Quebec IrtdIy htr truiraps visit was port at tehour ill in tour oi southeastern Que CANADA ts WillOFF IGH Friday night that the titleTlpin rnent urination in mind Is not southeastern Quebec Ihieh also nettord httnes thought unemployment tintmoi there are thuttrttndr trt jolts ie mm mum lr Trudeau nrrittri in Itntlttlrltuuittliu by lurcrs helicopter tridny morn lnp utcunrpanird by Jennlate Pepin tntturtry trade and corn tnrrrr minister who is hit or DntmmundAthnboxka able in biwrttrul he said Ilr ihudenu how the return ntcnt could export Quebec without work to more to other bee Iio Ibo visited lletoritr villa and Iltrtiuni htlncs tCI lhoiol CFTO Gets Leafs Tonight Louta lur tuwrra on tho Ltico Ontarlo network tnntdrt CiiC opokcsnun told today amoycnirttta have been lttttdu with the National Associltiun oi broadcast tinttlncers und Theb nicluns and ltnclorrn Advertise inr rnsurltru that the national network will too the tehedulrd uJuanwatuIrumspu it will to linetoy nun in or tNontrcnt between tho Cona rltrns and Chicano iJluvIt ltnwks lint tito Toronto rottw ho tneen tltu Iisplo hots rind Culi iornio Golden Scots orlpinnlly Irheduied tor the CDC titrtorlu nrtuurit will be cnrrltd only by lIIO The Monte outlet tor the CTV network Cilt Unturiu Indian Brotherbocd President Says Must Warir Illnurl president at the No on lttdlnn brotherhood warned on ttttiitrn youthlrldpy that Intiiulll print work utith the system to gain mumbled oi their clnitru ltr ttanucl hurl told the toundlnu tuttvcttttntt ol titu Nu ttve Youth ol Qtlbbt Mmiiioll that indtonsinudl noeotIItowlth lnvornntrhu in Canuda Abtnli thetrptdrtubeturu inking any other tie Jlm liter limitwilt youth trunr the Grttphntworo rercrvr anr Itoutrent whittled that it no up in thrtn the on in Why cant we govern utIr orlvrr ho noted 1b the white people are trtrndr but thcyro not going to tell trio wbuttn tin Within System ltlr llatturl replied ihut do dont kid uursrltrswore ntl twrity ro kidding pundits it we think up unit not it rcttlo ntent so easily ltEIOILTl UN AFIIIIA Eurtior Ito tutti about lttl young Indiana Ind Eskimos ut the contuntlon that trip to iti rlrn inst Docerltber ohowrd blur how nntlvo peoples eIn bu tliltttl tinted by EDItOpeattHMii when tho uhltra are minoritybe cause the whites hold the cow nvntlc power Paris Is China Cdntdcts WASHINGTON AP the United hitter and China itovo acted to ituplcntrut port oi the rrprocntrnt ported out during lrtrltlcut Nixons trtutd the tint aprcrlnt on Inrtwit the site at runltnulny tilpltutlalic oorttutts tho prirrutry purposes ut titlt ta II prcsdcntlnt prm secretary ttottnld litpier ruld Friday will be to humln trutrl untl trndn ntntlrrI lIto rotoctn will be in tile hnrwlr ut the countrer IIIlIlet outlet to Iruurr Aliiliil Vlitltil tor the thllltii hitiirs IrIl llunrtp Ihcn tor birth Ilte pinto department Initl Friday no data has been Iti tor ihp Ilrri mtctinp in Polls hwr is there speculative time tromo Zlutemdded that the ombussadorr will meet when over there is ll liteonl butl nm to he tonduc rd the choice at tho Iteneh cuul tnI was something oi to surprise slnou tttost itiitliilililtlil by lil ttllrttrtrnllon uitirtulr was on tlt tnwn 100 MULTI tlllK StntrI dcpnrtrnrut tllitrinir ill dicstod Polio may re re toed tlto Cans an city euttso liI embast II not equipped tor the volume at work the eontatla are expected to crnerate tlo underatond thoy the tholtot Ciubatlh Barrio Armory Exomiaertotol Chinetol are already inundated rVinvorrxltttrti tuecn Pbilndelyhil ttyrrs nrui CBC To Show Blues Gctme St Louis lituca lleunwbilc uttlon nrrvtlutur Itnbcrt lloutitarti Isid trttdiutton tulirt Lil llnnlrutll between the Cttt uttd NAtitfl wrru messed lrtdctltttttty ullrr iitt iirtiurt re tested to ptruitupc prupmt hy the publicly uwrtttl uvtwnrir to settle the tango illslltttt with us Illl tutht Ittu hippie Lu Illlt rus ltllltlttily turn nights with tuhrn oil Lllu CttL titrtnrln network by lttrclhrun trtvrttit lug which until rights In ttottty Nichl itt Ctrrttttlu uttd switched in CiTtl burtine tltu ttvliultlutts would not uuurrmtct turwrtlu yulwur irrtnttrutty troutI itr rcritr ut rottltu strikes ll rpokts tor the Lnlu titull Ituttiolututlxlutt lttllltttlu stun rttltl ltl Uiltttva there is nothing tr stop the utiturlutng nuther itthtt turning over lhc ltutht tailstot trout tltu th to tilt LtV network which ultcsdy turrits tetlnvttlny night ponies htr bunthunt tho utilott nepo ttttor raid lultn were recessed in Montreal bvvuuso the move rtrcnl tirt trotti prulxitttltl was very marrow and stitnti Site Of libittd Sluice one state ite pttrlnttltt otilrlut ititlti llc added th is inn with be null one at htthliitl cities we would turn ucucpttd The pretence til tlutt rte ports tut the toil In lurlu ruby born be it inrtur ill the Anterlt uccvptupvu ot lilo Returns Indicate Ghandi Party Win NlIlr lIiIiiil ltll itltln llitttitvr Ittdirn titrtttlltis Cull press putty tool on NILE lrtttl toduy as cuuuliurt ut ottuto irtpnn In this wcvks sluio rice tluns It won pit it at ltto ttrtt ru rutta ntrrtountrd tor the til lntttttwr Andrtt lrudtnh ttttto antthirty ti oi it Will in tho titttnvrulnr llrtlr II ut ortulriy iillti the the do clotrd trout tltu thrill Withlilltil uticrttltly oupmr hurl tuuhtrltirs in the previous Itsbttlibiiil iiI thvrlt stolen itut it live prrreul lruud tpniinues the trlmh tttinistrrI party would nrroaro its Itreneth and win in landslide proportions oompietlnr hirI Gnndhta consoltdutlon at power in the country lollowllt her vlo with eorrospopd nco no wide trons about lb toryin last earIt eral lltmeotaryabetlons VICIDRIAVIIJL Que tCPi Innto Minister mum ssid IJ ind hs nlhlitlin intiltIlr dont want to Itiiltiiilill the urvllltm be told ILIruI lat ptr wtu lsnmtni Into hull hull but unemployment isnt as bad utbolslbomristtasbadin allIii In It is in other euurr on er the Canadian people Ire only nellott becutroe oterIil there is bettrr standard oi tlt inz here then In most other countries The meeting here was the no nod to tlyirtz hour visit to su included Dnurtrnundvtbe and Asked by quh II he tho prtrno minister raylint thutr there orr toooo lotto atntl nro young man Ibo ntktd IIIJR he lud ltlJ Ihrntitstvnhirt tlirm tr tines out scarab Inc that irrron trvrn Quebec mini tttute to Ontario tor Air lnoiuu also INtdIied iiy name throw Lttrmplo ottrn dwelling he told be count suur twptc the not want to work unit rovirr to bio on no entpiuiittrnt imuroncr which is thrtr rltht The prime minister was given thtnm when there in ruse barrier lltrrr are settled Irentb unudbrm tn rlntorlo Irr tin it more phiiusophlrli note that ntttns Iultllimrttt Is bl motes rlusrr Ind closer to loin re Iuciriy may not memb work rtguno re warnr reception by tho Iudi re tturinttlle is in Loihiuim riding huh try Antlrn Fortitx ll lrtwltl purlturttrntttry wlrr tnnsdiun Bomb Shutters Ireland Truce UELIASE iAPl ll Iltc Tth sittywnolutl cl duy truro proclaimed throuuh rucrrill upcrotiotts and tho om Northent Irrislttl by enter Ihn Io It ltcpubltean Amty was only on ttour old when rttlno erupth my ruttltu upon mode troop that the govern pnatt tlctnnnds tor VIb tn the tlritilh capital It was road near the city at Nrwry on ntent would not deal with mun tho burtlcrwlththn trish ttcpub dorm or dignity the IRA tlc There were no onsuotttcs with reply rltl1 damnation wu ahaton salon trnm tho BLLNI good It Irbrrunlmlmb tmmcnt were rectal Itthwwt lliupk on tlrttlth Anny patrol lentpltltm thdWittertec in Shulman Charges Ontario Is Being Sold To Americans TUIlthlU tCli tltr Utt Iurlo yoturnmvnl Lt grinc to woltr up svmttiuv rtth Iiudl lite ptptitrcrs northlund its btctr rtuttu Ittylt Irtrtrl Torontu cutnpsuv he ititllli lied on Itriti mt rumm buying up trtttrtuc claims north ol Itntrttltts ut Cuthrurtc fur It rtrl um and pulling the band In told the Ontario ictisinturn dur any throne tomb debate Frl ll rintrr bearinp Icyltiutttt buildings tlltlt will Alrtrrlvltrts nt lntlulcl prices he it it you buy our titty utl Llil uiloit North and sell it to rttrtuticuus llr Shulututr told the turn my door but titttlll under told to American through on government Ngulutiuilt brvnute ndtltlioln courpulun my tiny ltottou shutntatt tNlttTo it ortlu tu notttnnutliunr tlo tutti tltu potvrrtnrcnt lu up llmdlltl tutrrpurty tro ittrtrt oi the tin rulti lilt lutlti is dcwrilred or bring rtertlt ot Turutttu but the only nevus Is by porn Those crooks are point to ethnic CAPSULE NEWS Says Wage Prico Controls Will Work WASHINGTON lilt Trtsidt risrr my be now is more rmour nt Nixons clrlot littllitld all used that ttupopriec tonirod will slurred than he was tow months app but thresut tortsto Ituutuntlul dewntroi hi the United Stuttr bounty this your US Prisoners in Caves OI Laos VIENTULNII Loot tllti Llilti taro pttvrritlttn bore told an Aluithllitll irrvinuue pturtppropttcr thttt as marry us run Uniinl btutcs prisoners urn living In rum Richmond Hill Dynes MANIIA lAIi IIili Uretlnnn and tunnels ill norlhrrn lune into Semis pitched to Miller tonight Conatin hinntoi Singapore id and tluishrd tint In the elimination round ot the third wurld mens suit littttlirrvllp In the lust cbunrptomhi ttntl thumptumhlp tournament ps tn ttkthlwmu City in that touurlu curs tutu Su tnyr sctrtllittns with tan ttt rtxorti ltuttl tho tittcurn Ntititiitlblli ulirrtlnuilon tpurrmrrtettt tuuutlu Itlltyttlitti by lltvlrtnuud Lilii Uni layan loot its only nutnu on to Ilrtlw ltgnow To Attend Gordie Liowo Day DbtttOll lAIi VlceIreoldtitt Splrn Aunew will Ily to Detroit sutidry to urtlciphlti in to rdto ttowu tiny ecrenwmlrs he tore the Iter at Detroit lied Vinpt Chicago iilucir llnwts Notional ttocitey lauruc game the tihtta ltuuso wntlrtnol trlduy GM Negotiations ilro Deadlocked IlltlSiOltN Ohio tllll Negotiations to end It tlrtle It tienrrnl liotttt Perths plant to rdttuwtt pinpt upptttrully oro drutltocted on Iettlorlty und shop trnruirr hpucs Public Servants May Siriltc Monday fj QUEBEC CPI Union the provinciot pavement trulieotea change ot attitude hoot oi Quebecs tic Iervnuis will be notittrd ltondIy oi Itrtko Iettort planned their nuon tendon mg mp instant oi the Quebec Federation oi tarot mi ML quire such wtttpnuirs to tune Ptlhttttlltlt3 MI they would llllltt tltuict Uttliltitl littt

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