Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1972, p. 9

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GamblePays Off IorJ no Ip Ind only mark It Im mo III Iorll hu it Jun with MilIv rrrr to Iur sIId IhoI lbs bore In hurl yrrr In Ii at or Ihr For to Ihr to NIV hrrr Ilre In to rnd IAllll MEN HIDTY ulnar it In onudroo ililr ml my IIIthin limoout pro ol 4M no Ioiiul Iere in bumrt oi th dmitnx VII today In Iho Mound ol the ilsoooo Iloridr iirur Open rail IoummenL Iliithrll Ibo Int Ilwodrr III pursuing htrdio Iiih hole Ii Iho lindrvr Pun wintry Club course In turnerround or gt iri upIor the We III in tiellno no lull in In hrcl Ii not er Iho pullr Irerirrtio to Iril In Citrus Open plan brie Candy In In Mr hm II II Arnold Print the Mending chIm Mil or Bloch ooollo IIInI MAI no Florida In sloor In mood Iith II Ibri Included only Li Iio rollethde Nuhlhomooirlnn In Irloslnxboluiosnontoio contention Ind roomitd Iour oi IbI Int II QnsdIr lineman rootin ml III III out It roulth Ind needed pod moods Iodrr lo Irrnivo Iho NIL rot or in money roundr Srlurdxy Ind Ilol the rim opted not Im Sunday photo to Instr rotor lust IuIdilsould Plryer oi South Alrier another strotr but to olIhIlIdosroIttmo IIIqu Tummy lolI It Niriirus loyurold Snood Ind llrrirn chom mold Palmer or Spectacles IILANDO rtI iAPl old IIlrorr to syI ltr turt sometth hIppeus uhrn you laid the oeIrsIIhiId Iltrr be shot rt Iy in in Item ltiiI int lloridr at roll lournrrnrni out the slum mmrr but huni worn in competition Ito rrld rni Irrl corniorirbls in II ItIrIo to the motor II on tho Ind rrni rlwryr III II at yl hI rllrd Iilll rnrhr rrrI born rnulr Inyhosr lli llocluslrno loud oi Northern Ohio to ism hrother Joell irldpl hand ariitoba Two Wins Away rom Canadian Curl Title lollNl mill or It lieloschult uI linulpel to lt In wilh nrhrion indry Ito Ill to ruin the Canodlun rurl rllrrnplonshllt Our two more III Iwo IIIIII to win yrrruld rlvtl lilillliiitltl IIIor iIIIIliIOIill llhk InovIsI nlo II pluru Iilurrli hut ihryso ho lilllltd iii the ro both lourh umrs mi ilrillsh Culuxu II in elmorhin IIII Alhrrlu III the trlnoun Roro homo Irro IIIII thri hielcrchulr hrd furl come oil to otter rllop no hit rinls Iu hlrd win at tho dry It IIIIIIIYII ovrr Dally Wyatt ot rsir oon Ihrl rlrtory put hillnltobs nl Irrt liiiil In the Itrlulr ouhdrobln sumpclilhln Ind irirscbuls you It the hind wry wllhouliunt rorll Vo mrnofed to yet rnou rrrbo out It hunt the llh to rnr screen ho raid Iliyrll tried cold drulv to win with III rock but he rrekrd on Iurrd Tho rhot wor there Ior him huthr didnthova muchot ro oprolnr the Ice chonrrd or the eve tor rroyrosrrd Ind It was her to IIII druw weight illerrhukrthd ihr porno in tho IIIh with one null iyntt hnd IrsI rorh coming home IJII the ice urr htur Iroubh llinnlpexr will liumoouih but It elybt strokes oil the ow Ioilored by Torqu loti crs GIry Bowman II It Ind lien rim or II DIII Dooll Tommy Arron BIbI lItIroy Ind Jerry ALsolI hid in rirotr but In tho rim Ior now int prls RangersPurchose Phii Goyetto NEW YORK IAII New York lirnrm rnoouoerd Thuro dIy ihr purehu ol rrlrrsn NI tioorl loellsy errus hire Phil Ooyril Irons BullIo Sabres Go rite II hId retired In mid Inurryrodrelumodtohil ositro MonImL Timur en Irrl mruryrrcokh Em II nrocir Wrohuld his oooirlri In horn boton IhI Nlih irIdI deIdlInI Sundry roll Ith Irrrtiiod to hIoutrorI to irik to Goyeltr Io exRrour ltser dry Ovyrits mood to come Irk Ihursdry Goyrlio rlich rrnire is retrrsn oI Ir mlom in tho NIIL III ol them with tho Room is best Imon wrs Nolan Tirhgh I11 Ileer our but in the Irrxuo Iweeptno rock Into the house durinl tho Crurdioo Curling Iho ltrollohr victory uirlml Iho picture III in tho compell bil Wysit llitl Rout oi liooirrrl Ind list errhorn oI FIIrviow AIII lollow hirirrrhuk rllrh with or mark while Eldon Coomho vi Oltswr is il Dove sutllvun ol IIrderIlIun nnd llcrnto sorlios oI Iuncuu lcr huld li mold Ind Jork Ilu orlono oi lnult lilo linrto II lrrIl Durrnt oi St Johns Ind hlp ltrIdy oI thrriotirlolrn III to and harry Shearer IIIII Irx Is wiulru In nlno rInIcr NINDsUT TODAY The Itnrl two rounds are Irhcduted Iodry in tho not NSI morulur drIu Newtoundlrnll urni hyrhut Albrrlo archer oloyrd Ichowrn orthrrn 0n Iwrlo loud New Ilrllnsr Novr Swill ploycdlrtnto lht turd blunt and British Colum biI mri llollitoho Oniurlo hid the bye Wslrhorn rot rode stllrn Iur Thursdry nt ht In the nlnlh round II his At III Ilni went down to Coomhor Onlrrio Iourrome Kent meonwhiis we watch in tho Iroderr Ir ho shipped his Quebec riot to In III orrr Sulllvro We brvo to writ Ior rolnrons III to do rrmrthtor rrld railroad 11m 51 iouin ttluor Iur Itoppod In their Iilrm to score durin iholtrylpos oi Iropped by CIordIrnr mile lhurodIy osbln some IInsI lien Dryden Blue hllio llur IhI Monlserl Culdttiil Si phy llil mud to to try Ior touts The lilies Irsry Llo gr III tool hrrd shot Irom Irool ol the net Out the rebound but ho too on Ilopprd Crnodlron Guy II II III rod Prlrr llrhurlielr It more In to bark up Dry den IAI Photo Cowboy Flett Rides Herd On SaggingLos Angeles In iAN Islander rode bent on or non Ior um iurdlrn Im lull Writer or Ind lrunrhrd Phlirdriphlo Lo mm loIHNIlioorlllocIry Idol had my question Ibout why ltwrrtbo Itroi Irony bIrIln our r1ng Ly mo mm In Ior Arnie Ior ilrtt one II III were wiped Isids lhundr illMI Kim INN II II hlxbl uhrn the ouottrns him WWII WM Myers In In lliipilill deli ion to Tho vid moved Philsdel oblI Into Irdpiror III with St IouiI BiuII In tbs West Dltl don the hirer dropped nor to llootml Curdlror In tho other IIIIO Thursdry olrht lbnlrbtl only Iclloo hu Vrn router Crouch II humI lo liul irio lIhrII Roth cluborro In tho Errt Dltirioo cellrr with the Srbror in rirth plrcr hy Ihroo oolnu lIheo Irom Toronto lirpto but In the June 1m expro rton dull Flatt In one oi Iho Kluu molt populnr olryerI rod our oI their coanlicot Ioor Irr Iur two IIIIonr PIIODUCIION DROPPED Iho Iusrrrl nIIle oi Vrrmll lion Alir stored to rod ii roots more two run but trtlrd oil to It rod Li orlr durlno the next two ermprluu whlte nllsstn 1va ol Iho molt srhcdutovwith pulled knee llrrmrnu Firtt bod been rirumio since the injury rod Kiols hI hlrII ruin the bench which prompted the shoot but moody wlnyer to chum erriirr Ibis yrrr It hurt not to plry to um an oiry brllcr Ihsn more who hm been playing We tried not In romolsln do my but Mahoviich Bumps The Golden let By THE CANADIAN PRESS lrrull hishoviich took over rlrih plm In tho Notionrt iloerr tor rcorior rrro Thurs ry II olortrd 5t Loulr CIIrdlcnr Bluer llrhovltch errorrt only one II III but Ihrt Inmrrod his told to foinir our more Ihln Ilohhy IIII oI thirrro lllarll llrwtr himInst szn Cour noyer scored one poolht ilst oi the leHlId rlrilned rolo porrenlon oI riphih roller with into lerdcrr in do liriiu NY orr Gilhcri NY liodlield NY Ilrhovileh hi it III Crumoyer It blurtleld Redmond ll lilieyl It our NY Chrmplunrhipv It Johhl Nowlounrllrod Photo Ill SI IIIIT it 0103 I0 Tim SJ Ki III II i1 82 It It IO II it ll 70 it It 97 TI to 61 II It 01 Kent lhrro Iro rlI kinds oi poolhllllies lhrro rounds were plryrrl Thursday rod in the elrntn other gantry it so iI rII thumped sllrrror lid to tho Noun hroiir team lost proo in the lourhomcnl Ind Durrnt upset Spnrhcr IIT much to the delight oI Iho mud at 1500 that roaml its approval with each Nowluundlrud shot kl iiiwlll any Fill Up Rorslor Nomi Cor Worh xorlu olllv 7am to II 307 loyiloill SI BAYIIELD HWY 400 Phil Ilonr Illhriou Irlrod Eddie Joyrl Roda Imubrrry rod rootir lesn IollIn mated to rm in the III to trade Ihrt rrni Seer Ileroler Jim Johnson Bill haul Ind minor trrruI plryrr to tho lilnu IIolt It oIoott rod to pounds had Inrnrrsd only tour roots tor the llyerr in the out it errors unlll ruin into too hustler till Ilrsi out II 1091 nl third period rd tho score Within id reeondr Phiildol phis hut added two moro rroiro iloh Cluter second oI ibruruundilrtt oeoodIo lend the Firm tuio lrrd nslph hschiromr mood ml or the Isms Ior tor Aortic hslred Iho rroso ll lIIII but CIIrko who drew mist or III iirlls roots Irot tho win or in Ior his third nose It Ibr phi minute trier Iitb LOG IN II it mutrd ihr ilth tors in It names Ior Iho Fred Glover rorrhcd Nlou doep In the West Division bosrmrni to point be bind rlslhoiou Pittsburgh Peu rotor lrlr ilrhovtlrh Ind Iooiir Guy Lrlteur broke up close Wile at St Loulr rroriox it month Iport eorly In the third period to send licnimi into lord Poles Beat Hawks Gain Third Place PETERIIOIIOUOII ltll Prt crbolouph Petrs moved hllo third plm In tho Onlrrto lioe try Arsoeiriloo Junior rorlor wIIhrn or victory oirr St Cl thrrloes Birth irwhs brim mu Ions Thurrdoy night the Prior tho or points our more than Kitchener Rmcr rnd two name In hlllO The loss Icli 5t Catharine In sovcnth piece in tho lIsI Iour lorses In III lbs Ilswtu rl towed to ostr Doll Gihton Bob Grinry Ind Irvl oynlrr Need the Poles with two posts erch it use Iho eighth time this you Gibron bu violet two goals unto Slnrlrr crmI Irom Drouy Iiioor Ind Nell Norrrrlr Dore Gorrnro mrrd twice tor the iianI whilr Itili Desi IoII Jacques Ind Rob IiIeGutrIo nrldrd rinrirr Snunosohuotl Probably not yet if iyouro tort moved II Iorhopl your Weh romu Wagon hostess no help to pose the confusion Colt her iodoyl or 72M FreeSkating Ability CMth Prelh rim to the stalls III oi Irm In Ilium hr deeidtsi on title ud bu let the sure Ior victory second event Ii the world Iirun shriinx rhuupiombips 0ndrel Nrprlr oi uubmaw III sully defeated hid Iorid eron nundry ntxht pining torrihr wild tree Ihlin Mormon iilh III rlorn loo ulubiiloo II timer And two NWMIIQI leinnldhin Ind Vladimir Ito IIIIho mo Ilirr the drum took the other Ind henna Minis rismIIr titration ir shaping up In tho womror sLoIiro Ibirb will hI derided ionirhi IIixil SibubI oi Airstril has 999 To Compete In Wheelchair Olympics lIEIITIZLREIIO IRruIrrl ier soclrnr West Grrrnnn Inslrerrily city will piry host to unique rporilny event to Airport only three who he IoIe the lluldrh Olympic Grmrl None oi the competitors here no run hlrup or use his test Enrh tr purlysrd Irom the unlit down Yet they III sporilul riiiI hut Ir south In tho worldr ion Ithlrlu who meet It Munich The to competitors will he islioy per II the italInd IIrreItIlhrriehrir OI plcr olttririty know the mid Grmrs Ior Iho DOI bird Tho errors will rub Aug IO Ind will be under Iho oIiv soorrr oi West Grnrlrrr Presi dent GusiIv lteiorrnrun lho ioortrmeo Ind women IrlIoI orri come imm ll countries Ind every eoniiornt The other were Iouodrd by Prol ulwl Gullmsnn Iho recopnlred the therapeutic oiuo oI wall when he re up ortloosl rentro Ior Irutlny prrspleylcr to toil It Stole ilrndmllo our Model STARTED IN ill Tho tint runes loci rim It Sloto IIrodorlllr In toll with only to competitors to iii they bernmr inirrnrs Iloorl tor the tint time rod Iitrrrlrd I10 pririrlponts Tboy III held Iruluslly II to due Stole ll Olympic yIrrI when looo they hrvo bern held In the srlrlo country tho hort III the Olvmoie Gums Due to untororublo sllmrIIc rondh Iions thee urrr hrld In lsrrrl insicrd oi licxlru in 1998 an IuyrIrhtr ind rnrr mpsuosy run Iilh hm mm oi Vrnrorsrrr Ind Just you It Rochiord iii mun it out Ior wood pinto Ill SKATING ll DrloI third elm Thundry oixhi bsiiiinei trmhiiu hip gird th mr slIndnp John Prilesirh oi the United Sirlrsnlilth Iitrr It rompul wry puss moved to Iourih Tolier Onosgin II Toronto both or relies srulird III the wry to filthI mlomuneo Ihirh Iiil Illo CIoIdI IoIIl rt iwa mIII mien Ior ibr rm Iorhl rhInr piorohitn in lirriirlrvr who Ilorrhlr II mimicI us lllh Iur your mustuu uld IItrr hi1 peslorrrlnnrrr Neptir II more reticent well think did my bu Ihtl could do III Irid ho Isnt made no plans Ior Iho Iuiluo but out yrs Io hrro Iho IortdI In my home town dont rerlly hnoI hui lm yelling rind Cbrlvrmehbtn Irrced Nov iru brm lltd III IirrdI ii III the my but It my rhiin rm IIII III Kosrlev In tho hit oi ihr retester In tho Cslury rorr tuiy to his prions ho moi Ioross the he to sour ldx rlop Inches Iur Irom tudro No Solho Uoiird Stairs sumo MHIILIVIIM rmil PLAYOFF HOCKEY ACTION Imperial In It her In Iho mod ptruded 1ho promn hnr MI tint ny ho rIId Iain nl III rehtisriy arrow II rune my toe Namath duol mm rbsr Did In Hoochily pier out rho US Myer pmrioo Ind irebniroi merit srpclr thrirrnrrlhin hid Nolnrv rub oomolrtrd trio Hith red triple loo loop do ulyl Irioo loop eoe renrrrliy better hm Ilrum ihrn In Ireerhrtiop Iho periorrurd rimms doom not going into his Iiui spin KlBA TAKE IZAD In tho mnenr two met Ihumlny Ills Schohr mini to L5 lend she uid sh would Lord Ior summit de luxe oi her world idle Should priorloihoe series that Ibo mid Irrd cl in to III to irel Islo Sho rsluo through with m1 Ito oi ml ilirs Lynn rImo bark on her IIliII two Iime to trio third plm oIrr ltuurrrys leun Ai hurry by nsrrovr mrrxtn Iurorisirl irIn Scott oI Greet thirin Iu Iiilh liLII Iirnuurn roll Iho us peeled little prrsouro pep IorminI belvro Conrdlnn rudi run in thr iiilli llut hometown hm hnll their Iood Ind bod points to Irrerhsliny the plume oI Ihl Iudieoee plies me hit TONIGHT OHA SEMIFINAL Game Time 830 pm BARRIE FIYERS VS KINGSTON ACES ATTHE BARRIEARENA One sip will convince you olitsmajcs ImpsI ili lrIIIllrul IIIVLI Illrllllgllhilsli Ir its lllIIlli Illlilllll llI iilIlil lnII Ilgililltrr

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