Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Mar 1972, p. 9

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PJBIIC lldtiRY WK iii idihrdotrtr Examiner as NEWS mblmAt mm gm Negligence cases On Court Docket Miassosolcsimtssioagtladiotooryunlnpanhantisry maultbuoraosinsdosih to robbing an aldasty will be heard twist the spring at bolt assistaolihottnlaro Supreme Dourtiaiisrrialbsdnolnghion stair museum oi distrusted murdaaaduoaolrohhaywhiia with 0st sit tog Alusnderbtarhwiilalso race armed with an olimsivs wrap inclsutlng damages ins ucwmhspohenioibeclsu breach cl lntolva ltlssean Dailida who was declared mill to stand trial In Samoa and Stuart Bap nnod English who was seoteoo lendeddisoroesctions Mitch to volcalciintniltllsobaha boleratbaciossoi Info Evaluation In Near An evaluation at late or will take blocs in ths near tutter to dciormlns what could have been lmprovcd ubst wrat over well and whcthcr into has been worked out itsv Kan Pardon prcsidaot oi tha Barria branch at gas Cam adiso liratat licaith Association which and title on ioee day today he is planed with the reaction le tha exhibits am is sstlrilcd it was worthw realm he said its was especially pleased with the stitches oi school children tvlho lilcadedddir the say were re show were bate exhibitor some Ilsa interviewing ulti bitora The layout oi the exhibits aorrta oh the main oor and oth era In the huwnaat grnmasium oral Iasucei1cal ha sold The warmest was well plan ned and were no serious outs one atta warmers hits the evening crowd wts not saisrge as he had aspects ed Iist thsrdoo said this could Future poultry have been becstsso oi the weather cmdltieos lba smaller and did sits the ax hibiiors better chance to talk to interested however on very stated to sea lni lot at conversationm as he said At the leg display there always seemed to he someorsl talking to soa oi the lawyers Although any pistol lot an to 13 would be premature ha said the reaction at the peopla involved he has patted to In very tsvorshie the exposition this yea twice as Iarfe as last yaara an hsspoieotls to be twlca as large again be said Itr hrrdoo uid he was con ideal the ioiormstlon had reach ed the right people Its slid once the cornmtnsity lab at sergica stati eras poop coo poll the iolormaiioo along any oi the visitors were connected with voimtsor agencies such as lsie ssra and were lotaxssted to knowing oi services which could halpkpeopia with whom they wor Sitiyner Ilrea Painters iigree To Let Hydro On Their land Negotiations between Ontario liydro and three St or area tsgmcrhbalvs so point are arottra va to allow iiydro to camp coorttuctitss at horn Stayoer to admins iits use era the lsst oi slvsn owners whemue tor all was obtained through Ibathraaaratbalutotsas property owners where else We the Igdugl ssprop sva showed Ilydro access illtytlva properch slon thalioawersln voivad Boyd lot the owners have sriti wth liydro white the others have granted llvdro cccsstothclrlsrtdloths the line coutd be built No or settlement has been reach though Combustion oi the line was hroughttoahattlnAu twhcrs area isrmars picket the slit becauseso agreement had been reached lsiic Iliiier vice president oi the ltioaai Farmsra Uoiort and minutes tor the NW members involved said No rest progress was made mill we that directly with the lide El ectric Power commission oi On lsrie While we here not reach an ad iinat tlgure tor settlement we bsvs agreed on the proce dura to be weird and Ontario liydsohaa agreed topaysliao praisal legal and other coats to January liydro altered to suist tha property owners to an reaching thalaod Connema oniioardas artoitheie tloo dlating lh starts slius ens POWER DEMAND Increasing poser demands in the Dottioguood srsa made it nactsxuy to build therww it 000 rvoit tins lion ids an arist tog ttsooovott liydrn patterned said At present one as server the coiilnswood ares li los any reason the line was isulied the Coilingwood area would be without power until the iauit was cloned the second line wotmd not only serve as an slicmativa route but would rellcva overloading on the present line bloat oi the line hu been cont plated and Ontario llydro plans compista the balance tbs work in March The City llntl Pollution Topic the and program at Pollution Probe at Barrie entitled The City and Pollution will be at the iisrrle public library on tires dsy atspm mmmwmwmmmmxmmn sawmmzcmnmzsxmsa his so Guest speakers at tin snoot lng will be Aid ltoas Archer and lily Allen city engineer The public It invited to attend some braochotthsan adisn Brd Cross Society tieds icdltstmoiilcerl litholo ouai meeting last night tt ION LllIt Ills by Ald hank litrssy president it Bowman second vice ers putwidest Campbell tint vicsprcsideot Aid Hersey Heads Red Cross Aid irsnk litrsey was elected president at the Bands Branch oi the Canadian Red dross So ciety Ontario Division at the societys somsal meeting last night Mr licrsey attended thanks tor the vote oi confidence to some to members and directors oi the society who attended the meeting at Grace United Cburcb Following iiim on the Can sdian lied Cross Society and short speech by him Joy lic hamsrs chairman oi the tie meos Work committee Ontario division the local committees tabled their reports and the to clot presented its annual awards sstd certiticaics oi merit IIMD bosons the blood donor corrustittas rhsind by Iirs ll Nathan on sdstoisiotimun its at land collected at the reg ular cilolrs Inia Included blood irom its new donors during the year in her report hits Marianna noted that lasga number at the new toners were in the in to in year old bracket and that to donors responded to emergency caiiut Royal Victoria lioepitoi tha water ssisty committee called mt va busy asr wltbrhsngeslnl lssnd Islam cos at all levels and tha start at probe inner program Plans or the condo year In dicste more round program tor swimming and betterprepar ed leader rsonncL total 1111 persons emoti rd in the society pupil train ing program Oi these tlti took the examination amt mot were successful Evelyn blaster chairman oi the water snieiy committee thank ed the earcttiiva and dircctorr ior their assistance during her ears as chairman llrs blotter issuccacded by dirt Joanne tic Wily CIVILIAN lhQUIltK the civilian inquiry commi ico took on seven new stist dur ing the your sad continued to work on two carts it began us MW in one instance the commit lca was able to locate tors tosidentl dauuttrr who was it ing to Uisods She was to get home in time tor hcr isiltrrs Nomi the homemaker service com mittee had busy year owing to lbs beginning at new home care rogram The branch be gan prolch last spring it involves the trestmrrtt at home oi psilcols recently released irom the hospital The horns care program is non in eoohtactlon with its societh ulntissg horrtemsklng servch tn the provincial government raven the cost at service provided the patith is released under the horns cm program BOMB bira Peg Woodgcr chairman said there were its home also cases throughout Simeon Cotme during the year with in cases iroru the Barrie area More than to per rent oi the was treated by its to home owners were senior ritissns The emergency aid committee helped in thrre tlsI disasters during the year and provided eight adults Itll eight children with bedding Dario the year the services tor so are committee was ra sctlvsted and steps were taken to initiate lrleodly visiting pro rsrn to lead irieooshlp and are tsoco successful training session tor persons interested in irisndly visiting wss held in the tail un drr tits direction at lira Dora Sutherland iha comrniltra is washing with the Simeon Osuaiy lieaith Unit ior most at its rcicrrsls LOAN CUPBOARD The loan cupboard loaned ill lirsos during the year including wllhcrs sciehnlrs crutches and tastes is also purchased two more wheelchairs to pair ol crutrhcs and other supplies During the year the womcns wark committee with so over sge oi right Iowan in the work room was able to ship to trop icsl Isyetles and ti picces oi childrens clothing to lied Cross bcsdquariers slllllili Campbell past chain man oi public relations exprcsa rd his thanks to the media irt Dorrie ior their support sod tor the Issisiliica oi the United Ap ell Ille also gave special thsnh to tho students at Barrie schools the ladies organizations and the many volunteers who give so willingly oi their time EXECUTIVE At the close oi the meeting the society elected its new axesvb tive presroicd awards tor blood donors cortiilcstrs ot merit and watcr sslciy citations no new cxlciitive ls lrank llsrxcy president Camp hctl ilrst vice president airs Impressive Exciting Concert or stunrrt turrets Arr irupresriva and exciting cancer took place last night at Cenlra Auditorium th halt tilted to clpltil with L000 people reverberav ed to excellent vocal work and at times glorious sound llsttvlsw Secondary school concert choir sponsored Spec iron 11 At this concert the audience was clearly shown the development at choir irom the rear young voices liapts Grove schoo choir Swough challenging sroup sort by the Elstvlsw Concert Char to the Bolbhed and it send work at srrlas King worst Choir The happy relationship dist pia rd among ths groups the interest in to sriistle develop cot ot vocal art was apparel to all this was per hops the best part at the pro gram lltn rapport among its too voices representing the very young to the mature singer wss marvellous II WAI FBLI And this happy relationship was tail through ihs audience it all added up to la lustrous Important progress in music in our community it also distinct It Whttod out the reasons tor In important place tor music at good musical trslsisg tor our young children the solo mans oi the art at singing with slow singers ios merit yea sttcr school has been cit bob the delifhltui opening by the young ling and cicsnvoicrd youngsters irom its is Grove school woo lmm sis and wholehearted plauso item the listeners The net work oi this group Id likato Teach the World to sing had everyone loiniug the youlhhtl wires It was chsrntiag and lighthurt ed beginnin Ilrs Bon Ichie director Sharon Elvis ac companist shared in the so plauss Till WINNLttI SUNO ihe Eastvlew Secondary School Concert Choir opened with the pcriormonca ol hergers Speak to One Another ot Psalms that brought them that prisa and mark at 00 at the Toron to Klwanls lluslc Festival The welidlsclpiitted choir hsd good balance oi tone For the rrost the soyranol had an appca nudity and the siren tenors and blues were oiisc with some lovely coniraito slr ins Eartview hrs good not one that should develop rap lily and sharp and one irom which sduit else will avenue ally stop the tortilla Their ert oi the program lit our schools and tits trrcrslity caiuvc vltv iltimnl Email sa hKhDriticn 01d Abram Brown wsscievcrly put across and good contrast to Thomp sons the Future and uh Upon the Itoustslo by it by both Illil the boys chair the girls ir then took over the pro ram slit log ilsy rtaver sssiois Vay Again by liclsher arvl Dont Know tiow to love llira by litre SOLDIIT in this last piece Eileen Smith eontrslto sang as soloist with the girls choir as accostv tpssist the arrangerrwnt was eiiectiva and her musicianship hrought warm applause irom the audience The choir wss loloed in strumcntailsts ietrr IicA llstar John liartin and Ken artiilth in log guitars and percussion innovation gsvs interest to the last group Cruel liar an ex citing interpretation at bay Dowab lielsstle and one oi to days hits SXrCtlill lyrical vocatilatlon the titeroo irom Love Story brought out the line legato sinqu ot the choir David Witt ck is director oi the choh Bertram Katee as sociate conductor and lloiiy Ill rosirrr is accompanist DYNAMIC TONE iho Kin EdwardCItoIrurtdcr the dinner at John Dobson ousncd ilc prcgrttss isllawlrg In tormttsion with an authority and dynamic toneroior that immed iately communicated to the and trace iisadels Mock the Priest was memorable and ccrv tainly some oi the credit mttst to the briiiisnt accompanist ieica Goodhsnd ouchtrrlonys arrsogemrnt oi the soirltual Peter on do Sol Sen Sea was delighitui and tho rou or is who sang Ash Grove alsh ioik long arranged by Smith asad lionly Wlillns iiiso Up lip love gave good coa trsst the sound at the large choir oi ti voices ONE IIIUIILIGIII Ono oi the hlgtdighis oi the evening was the Chants oi the lioltrew Slaves by crdl the choir has sung this hctors but never with the lowly isgato round that they produced last night Coacludiof their port at the routers be men song the liram lng Song end the women song ismous llom log iiocksily Soul and blast oi La lisochs rourtdod out the pro ltrs bi Sutherland irra suscr other ottlcers are lira Ills tiLiA Black tell to celtrd cerililcslo oi merit lot to years Work with the Itch Cross youth movement the Barrie branch annual inciting lira Joy tlcNarnlra guest It Bowman second vice provident ltoword tirati artro tmy lira It Sutherland liiilili Directors at therocietyx Hilts It llctiron Iirs In IlcOnnn liirs John Sell It lhiitirk Ii DIiowlit Wallace Cortliirotcs ot rnrrit were presented to Iilss hirta Block tor to years service with 00s youlh ia the Barrie nrcn Joseph Owen and list Irslslgh Crows lllood donor crrlillrslrs were presented to pcseous who have donaicd it or to units at blood Aid ll liluclarsn cited the rrclpicnis or their continued 1999 Those receiving tsih utilith rltcs were Allsn liorlcy Norman iiruncr nion Chsrtcs Stvphcnsun liu gcne in the tour liliiorn Ulynyk ilcrosrd Cooke itsorgo s5 oounrtoss pmidritl sod iiowsrd Grail secretary tEsamlner Phalat lgcahrr tor the strain and nlsrrtna ot the Ontario IJivl slots at the Womens Work Couturittee shade the presch iulrsu lmamiuer thotol lthyruburgcr iioy Dark iAiI iisru White John ltyon IL liitchle and John Tyson Those receiving doth rcrtltt calcs were Isroaa Geiriord Iischrnslr Ludger GIBIDD It Iloichttss ti Iiuir liay lyatt itoss Lynch Wolcr sslciy citations were wotdrd to hirs Joyce lloisey hlsry Astn tihclan lisrk tiii llnms Carol Ann Corrtgsil Brands licCsuicy Peter hullh Jinx thclhouso Ann Smith lultltio lililams lrcorgo liosier sin Jitkip Taylor Lisa Smith Iurucln Ilosicr IIiircn Smith trams Balgmsur Graham lab lsrsvu Sondra Couturn tisry IrirtsIIl John hchtlisttr Jun litrrrisY liosrtnsry liurumorc Ills Juunnu ilctttrdy liondy lterrclnl Justirc Cooks llursivu rrncr Cuurgo ltutitr Chartered Buses iirranged For Georgian Open House special bus service has bccn arruogtdhy Grorgtart Coilsgo to transport phssuugtts irom downtown Ilnrris to the meta college campus during Open Home Friday and Saturday the bus will leave irom the ilopio Alttiiii cuirarco oi the bus icrrnioel on Friday at grant iiasivlew and Edward choirs lolned In No tan is an island and the loo voices gsvs dc th and climax in an ex ctt avcnla oi vocal art with its ela tisicluish Lloyd lili iord played the electrode argon to accompany the ismous chor LMZALZ if was almosta lamin st talrI wind the King Edward choir Eastvlew scoooiory school their and its to trove school rhoirloiacd Airc es tut Spectrum last night at Central collegiate and pm it will tutors to the bus depot turn the college rant pus grounds at bi0 030 730 and was Bill 0n Saiurtiuy the bus will loose this bus terminal at in and it IiiL 12 noon ands um and return to the terminal iroirs lilo sampth grounds hall an hour later choirs cried concert to help so iunds tor the East vlew cholrs trip to Ashisrtdp Kcrttucly IItohl LEFls Steve licNic number at Eastvicw choir his mother Spending by the Simon ton ty hurrah Cstboit Separate Swimi bosrd In it In ill Tii less than this tissues bud gated in in its rm nancial report the board indicated spending in the roman hind amniotni to only whilst in liosocisl report also about rsrplss oi lilm In or mentions irons misnch es comparative revrcuo hunt balance sheet arrowsI hr tha Ordiia iirm oi Greer Hamming Rolland and company rhinos ed monsoon wss presented to the board Int night Lest years surpitn compares to surplus at mots tor ma Dining tho past year the walla capital hind at 6000 estsh rd in in was increas ad by mm in sumo Corbirre business administrator lilla the board and link Rhi lsnd the lctutmisnL ssplslned the Dilution Act allows boards to maintain working capital ot cur rent at the boards run rent erprrsillum law the what rspzlai could be encased to maximum oi tioomo UWBOVEMKM Sigollicsot improvement was shown In tho boards bank in debtedness As at Dec ii the board showed an isaiebitdncss oi $0 rumpled to tilt to Accounts receivable tor the sat year amounted to While lull Irss than In ten Broken down this laclwird tim irom municipalities straw irom other school boards 90317 irom the provincial forecome and lists born the nicest gov lromeot other sources at revroua were tiliil duo irom the capital load can to prepaid sxpeosu which lociuies areas such as in laminae tisrm in accused tenchera astsrles ss oi Jan nos and decits assumed trusts other boards Drill assets uure 71709 composed to $91261 to 1m ilnne Street Reconstruction lilayBeStartedInliarlylune it iha proposed data tor starting the reconstruction on Anna St irom Falgrhiil Driva to Osmich lined West is June the public watts committee decided at public hearing Wrdsscaday The construction will begin with sanitary sewers then alorm sewers and ilstlliy road was Iitshslbraoolld emulation data at Nov so Actual dates cannot be sri hi the committee until last approv lLs oi the plan are granted by the Department oi Trampolin tion and Communications the Ontario Water lituouscrs Corn mission and tha Ontario Munich pol iloosd lly special sgrscrncnt with the use the 00000 rust oi the protest will be partially subsi stide by the province SUDSIUIES the iir sttls000 tor road work will be it or rent stsNislircd the arch steam will be 50 ac cunt suhsidirrvig the Jim tor storm sewers will be 50 per csut subsidised and the 50000 tor sanitary sewers will not he subsidized the cost at the sanitary saw rrs will be insured by issue at debcsture over 15year per iod and the balance at the other units will come out oi taxes The committee said the asul tsry rowers now in use on Area Street irom Letllls Street to Lnxtio Drive will be itKutWt sud Into the mimics lho siorns leacrs will be tha typical design with the propoo rd outlet In the lilghwsy till dich on the east side oi Anal Street the road which is to be pavv ed will he to tcci tldc the hollow on Anna Street lust amount listed as thirties were rooms psyshia in tho mold use sows not osarl than in mo other ushanles list rd no book todebtnua at Ihi debt charges due had paid oi muss current oi mu sxooo trust hand and tin mono wortlng lentil Its Corhicrw explained IIO debt charges were stable which hstn not yet been orhsdootbeenpaldbny It During in the board opal total at MAN tur balm Almiohbalimt inshocton rscstlonsi services plant opens Con transportation tuition Md consist aspeohium shut term bans debt charges and oonoperatiog expenditures lint areas were within budget Millions with the cxapil plant operation torsion tel am the item listed as other sparing expenditure The increase to plant operation MU were piety to the its at St Johl isrsaay stat increased cost RENIIIIED The board recovered till from other school boards the Fmvlsrili ptmr and are rdcral government incl insurance proceeds and lntzsaar or nebulous liit rdhunldhsr otherlrem capiia tiled uscts recorded at the ab tginal asst lrsmuttd to All nr this thatth tteomtior land titular in building BtLdlt tor iurrsilusa an totem ior pro in progress Gum it lies lockido bank loan at moor sssd Him this to the revenue mod Long term liabilities are ssrsosoo ha vastrncot la iissd assstsn mortals to $1371 Unex oihsminthabsiids in tun at the sad at llli ware Mist NI amount debtors turs proceeds which had not been spent by the sod oi the ar Dorbltra slid the are since beco used tor scboo smiects The board sdeptot the accola tlnts resort north oi Cattle Drive all be built tsp sir last at the lowest Mint and isvrlicd oil um lost at the north end the corststaittaa said in response to questions at titgearing to was concern verse by residents that thlawhollw should ha further lavciltd Wis because the mm tbiiiy was dangerous to or Data puhlln worls they would look tier DA MAIN The poor visibility on Anna Street at Shirley Street CIDDN be changed slguiticsstb the hearing was told because at ttinch gas main underlying the road at that point which main would be vcry ditilcult and ex pensive to latest Gary Also at the Strncoa Coho iy School Board was present at the meeting to rocoruioend slde wllka be placed on the west side oi Anna Street irom iatitls Strut to tha new school lie sold this would ho necessity when no Mtila Street whogi opms to September III was told than was on plan toe sidewalls lo the existing pro tect but they could be incorporg stsd into the moastnsctlm Ansso Street will be closed to through trailinhoro Ddgrhlll Driva in Grades Bond West during tha raeoostructlon pen iod and stickers may be provid ed by the public works comaiit ice ior those residents who have to Kpails their vehicles on the roa ilii liun Accident Damogolsdtil Dorris city police an iuvrlti gating number in attics oi hit nagHID motor vehicle said as vehicle owned by Sidney IL Pearce oi Owen Sound was parked on the parking lot at no Bayilctd iisii yesterday sitar noon when it was struck by an unidcotliled vehicle itrs lion hicNIa oi the King detnrd choir IDli Debbie licory ot tinpia Grove school nlrl IlcNia Is also director at the bugle Grove chain In arrtirrcct otoi MuLonWJYHUJQAJ WW Damage to Pearcsl vehicle was estimated at i200 and wu tomotratad around the tail rear leader and tail light Anyone having knowledge at this accident is asked to call the Barrie City Police Deput merit toast Gillililiiil TIIBEE CAB ihrcocsr collision iota Wod nesday attemooss caused an as timsted MAW damage to the vehicles involved but the oils ers escaped the mills maddest alotcrscctlon Blur Ilound Driva end Grove Street at to pin the drivers oi the vehicles were times bioVelsh barrio James Kid er oi Lists and Graham IicCai Iutn oi Shanty lily BATIIFJD UBOVB Damage was astlssssiad at was to two vehicles Involved in coil listen Wednesday sticrrtoon near the intersection oi Daytieid and Gsov streets the drivers oi the letters were itsrel tl Bowman dauonhssedbitiissnbi ahsallsrria

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