In umn summon ALAIN rm EAYFIELD MALL GRAND OPENING Indoor Gardeningi Speakers Topic PdtrdPIutIIndIhurtsl modularInlt rusud IIIhI turd mun mournqu mm It IonndI Ills It mlth ho counted IIIh In Alrkln EIIIIT IhI Pot TIIInI on Iroohy hon hour IeA BIr rte III Ozltln LI unknown but Its common huwlrdro IhIt II ANN LANDERS Not Up To Caller ToEndTheChatter Dear All modem In IIrnI wIII Iho unnot IlIord IhI lrlrndsltlp oI our man III II why II who Llth In In spurt rnIIt qud In an mo ovary IIIoIIIlnl moon hu Ihlldren IeII Tor ROOT told our room edIy thII Mud to to II no drn mtIIhlu or In tho do In IIlII on them shI who on Ind an Iotclrod wIIIod vero thch Ittn com IIlned Out muld hoyr the try orolert In hetIuII IhI Ieodor an empty but she talked on Ind on 11111 that run mu IIII nook IhI cost no thus cow sad out Iho cow III alrIrr hlrth IhIIrd tho moolnI Ind In tht an no oath IlollI tho con Ind tho dlod hecnusolot unlomeen counqu Ilonn III IrtInd wouldnt III mo oIIl tho ohonl Io could IIII YE IhlI mornlnz than IhI tolo srars um remarrna TROPHY hu Boon Irwnd tho BInlo Oulhu Cloh EU Iona Urns IIII mm Is not IlnLIIod to on mnoouuon Ind II IIIIyI IVIIIIhII lot hrn Int WLnnIrl cl tho trophy IIIo rr rIIrIrrI AIJO ulsd mo tho IIIIIo ques on fr dont hm In Inn NNIII luto IhI word IIhItnI Iur Illl IhII um am at Iomo oIIhIIuonrnyIIcI It EARLS GALE Dun All LudIrII WAIT would you do It you molvod In InvllIIlon to only In honor zorrplII ILIIIr woddln not many sort by rnIrrIod ohlldrzn nlcsly mound IlonI wlth hnnderIIIn cud whkh nsdx Plus do not loud IIII WI would orator cult donltlon whloh wIII halo us not our Emu on Itryly to Dr th hurhInd Ind wer Ip nIIIId WI hm nIIIr hunt nt Suspend Chapter Alter Warning IIund IhI party hy III Olrllnx Cluh do would IhI trophy er htnrl Arm Ind Mrs KIyNIIIrI Iuhhtru Ior lsobsl OolnIIIL lEIImln Ir Photo IIIdI tod Inhnlpu on thou LIoR Mrs Della TIITI Um Lube 5m hln Yvosno Arm ITIIIIL poaldent oI IhI Ind kI Seonn at tho IIIrIII uythln III III Ind dont undl anhILIooAIIor how 1th to do WIII you IhI III ruxrutlon tht Ilndly IdIIII nutho Cornst you ronlrthuto to food In how kahuna rod thllrmnll to Balsam Del hour II you not to inlay gymgg zloty Th1 Iran In Roman GII Iho rhlmun Itsh toys mmutohshuuu mun dommummwm asylum hm been out to hormIIIIn OumnIIod to SIIIIIy hulOlutln 49 lb NH 59 IS ram 11 lb PROMO Io LI TIAMEURO PATTI mo III hm II Blra BUYI COLORED PARCHMENT IILII Parks MARGARINE eClrolmastor Sayvette PERM SPECIAL Rogulnr SIO SPECIAL $995 RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR PERM SPECIAL Trent yourself to beautilul new coilluro during our perm special daysr Let our expert hair slyllsts give you look thats as trash and young as Spring herself and Inlay the great savings at tho some time BEAUTY SALON AIIIrtId hutrIIrI 599 FROlEN FOOD FIATURESI 93 son rum iMORWNS POT PIES lnltrrnum YIOIIFIITVITIIIdwhml NIIpLIowllh MN dAOI Jnr ATLMER JAMS 49c FEATURE TOO JAR NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE 55s run 73 It Pull SI ROCHESTER NYr IPI Iho Rochqu Joyous chIoIII Wltrnrgm In tho Ulad Iu II Impendod IhI nIIIonIl orrInluIIonI lor Ir mm In slot to ho ro Idmltunr norIon rude hIto monII tor It WIII IIuhorI Dunhlr of MI you plush prlnt IhI lulu Io Okla nutlonI uooutlvo Ilco othor oIIy vau VIII undon mold IITJIH ILT Iorvtou In marmun Tl mu tho Inlet hut bun IquInded mu tIrroIrIrIIy Ind thnt In no IIonII loud or dIrIcIorI would Du Irouhtor Your only rnly vote mt month on whothIr Io III In In not educnllnu your rovolro tho Rochester chmsr tlty IrlInd Ioonnr InIoIIr II II the Rochester IhIotIr Is our IoIIII Iro concerned Iho anrnmod out ohnptzr not to Mom You No Kalil IIII ho formed than person oIrI Into Idvnntuo oI IIId Inothcr otrIon About hlI con ItnI TIECIIO IIOIBY DIII Ann hndmr III mysIJIlId by your rson to No Nuns LIdy IhI TIT wlIh two loom who rIIdnI know Ibout EECTI olhor she ran Mr on Ilrhdoy Wodnesdly Ind IIldhy Ind III on ItIIIdIy lms and Sunday sno Ilprrd gMgtoIthr III bury Ind germ wood hudhhnnd II vm con AEPLM Ammo II In snL rm all Im holy AM no IIIn FRENCH TOAST Inch SIII McCAIN SHORTCAKES IInIIdIy IIrm ROAST BEEF GRAVY BAKERY FEATURESI Itrd Ind Alto APPLE PIES 39c ChoeIIIto To Ill WESTON SWISS ROLLS 39c IIIIanI Colored Ilno lnnol Morgarlno H93 IrIImI EIIIII Printlun IIILhr Canned Hams I58 IIIIurII soulml IIrIIIE IP01 II Peanut Butter Iutmt MEIAll Dhyolmrr sunnmo IIrInd For STEAK ALWAYS TENDER WELL IIIIMMED our Illa 123 SWIFT PREMIUM MILD SEASONED NITIINSS Sausage SWIFT PREMIUM OVEN ROASTINO CORNET EEEE TO9 TTI OPENING Tull PREMITTM MILD smart lb MARCH 9th SKINLESS WIENERS 91 lb $173 FIATUREI my cur Rolund on now OrdIrI I1 TIDE DETERGENT STAT FEATUREI WlIII ChIm In Town Sluto leI IlnI LIBBTS SPAOIIETTI or 39 rIIIurII dutch tun InIIuI Nor Iqu Pu Quaker Oats 57c III Bhlnn OrnnII But nIyI INOL Pol III Crystals for 19 FIIlurII 1va lIthnrn TIIInI Royals rolls Garbage Bugs loIIuroI mrlo dontnor rrIIunI IIouronI duct IIIIIIA OI Floocy IlOI BTIO ha letter varr On Sundry try did you IIII her rou thn Ilh yours could IIII gm IIoroovrr IN All rIIIIy LEAN noununsscusn srrtr oI Tomorrow DOM Et FIT torn IE IIIry It ECONOMY FEATURESI SWIFT PREMIUM BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA LEAN MEATY BEEF HEARTS FRESH SLICED 45 lb BEEF LIVER 696 NI rnozsu IMPORTED suoutnrn Sell MINIIIAllunl Onrlllon Pickles PIATUIIEI nor rm Shortonlng 35s PREM LUNCHEON MEAT 49c IIIruIIIoomou ll Irlotlut BEST BUY FINEST ORANGE PEKOE 60 T0 PKG Id ELIE Pix SALAOA TEA BAGS 79c lollylllallows 49c BEST nuvl lhOl JAR man rm to In KRAFT CHEEZWHIZ 84 Roasting IIIm 59c FEATURE HOUSEHOLD PAPER IIPLY rolls 59c lb lIIIIroI This VIVA TOWELS onSonr Dobonturo Inmtmont ConllloIIII You urn hlghut InIeroII or III ol IM mm MM FRESH PRODUCE GOLDEN RIPE LARGE STEI ll5 359 BANANAS 13 lb Interest pnyuhII umlumtully or Ten to Ill WW no okana raromn WASHED IIIMMIo ruon nu IIsIorIne $109 spmacn as Tormu Ono Io Ftvo Yum mm CALIF NOIORADII cmsn rnsrr AScllI AmounIII AIM to $20000 Chocolate Chlps 59 RED GRAPES IMPORTED no GRADE rosrv CLEAN mount Mum TOl III 390 BRUSSELS SPROUTS V05 HaIr Spray IT9 on US NO GRADE SWEET MILD 49 shouts IIPEI ONIONS An ART MASTERPIECES TN FAHWI All REPRODUCTION IIOIIOI ruk Ill Allll Io Inmro ur horns WIIo oIIIIIH on Ill royouwomwthl couponuonouroroc mnth loyou moauy MI ourmoool II 00 or morn Thllwooko pIcIuro Ilro 12x24 SavoupIoSWoonqualltyframes Ior Iurther lnlonrutlon rho IIunloIoII EAVTIIII Ind Insn Corporltlon IO IloI III II nunlo Street But IIIrrIo nIIrlo TOE norm the munlclpal savings loan corporation AIENUIJII CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION