an 9qu ImmedrnIIohsrdssatnst it wuss Ionian who to Mo tom Ilumentev to wrest rs that even worss that bone However doctors told on thIt Ith mid rt him In which er did Id otrrutchor ease or told me that would oer muesli lint tre bee on en to net in Missed this mne wts setrrrlrty to en toiury that he received some years ego when diet In his th was merely demoted Nine tnutthe later net book in the rtns Another one oi lane other then wresti here Itelt tale 117mm even months crippled children oi Ontario women NATION rst bt rents Involved with hsndierppod children in mi when he rerritd Timmy on his slmlders Into the tlrst Cellbrltlt dinner It the yel York Iiolei nlst wasnt mom tor Watson this dsy he walked Into ntspio test Gardens then the Ontario to rieiy or Crippled mildrens hetd oIIIee entrier oi Conny myths and uid he wanted to be oI stealer bets Ive esr riod Tumor at the dimer but its not enourh Who can talk to about unit It led rhlldrenl mw North vCage Sis Whip Park St The Berrls North Cotiedeto Seniors downed visiting Orilile Port St sort Tuesday In the tint some ol imems totsl poinls series to determine the tone representative to the Oeor zisn Bey Seenndsry 5eth Asi societlon hsshelbell champion thlo tournament In Illinois Dave Chnntler led North with it points while Dave llld wood hooped it ltoberieen sunlr it tor York St Tho Itmrld name In the ser ies will he plsyod Thurwa in tirilllo MINOR HOCKEY lNNllL LITTLE NIIL Week endtns Feb to son NIIL Montreal itoetort Toronto cluesxo MIL lrutldtnen Baltimore Sorioultetd lIershey With Duster Inrtisnd Phoenix Seattle Jr tension Hamilton Pctorboro Nielsen Falls Othews Kitchener Stats Rent With Rivals To The Punch MINNEAPOLIS iAll hiin nerota North Stars have runs two up on Iiinnesotn IIuhtiny Sulnts In the hocitey war to sign plsters The North Sim oi the Hill Ilehud Notional ttoetey tenyue announced the stpnlnss luesdo ut elsr riyht winner lllll Gal sworihy and US Olympian Iim hieritmur ltoth yoyers hsd horn drstied try the lnhliny Eolnis Irom tit Poul Hi the new World tloetoy Mweintlon Gntdsworthy hendiny Ior his third strnlr rotor season has been pursued Ior two monthsh Ihs Soinle who said lltesdn werowlthdrsutny lrorni III Ins cant underttend why they would try to make me look bad by snylny they heel withdrawn eir oi er last week slid Goideworthy the otter they medo me was still road at term Tuesday They otlorod mo more mono but their ieit Itrrt dbllghlittrt one the North liters llo aimed weeyear con tract llAllhlLESS VARIETY The two trlsrest shorts the WATSON AM nest surest with shtdente stter tsik Ins to thernvebout summer essrtpe he show them wrestlins techniques and holds no tide lose It tie bed become very int wlth the camps opersta ed by the Onurlu Society in particular our on district cam on Gear in Bay where the wInls ub ct Barrie built ill ntehod Ind rrtsinlelnod lsro tsrlo erIns or yotms earn rs This is th lilus IlountIn Camp lust west at Collin and Now Aiberts British CouranI Ind Neva denilI hsrs their own esmpe Ilter hesrtns about On rtnrlo trons Rhipper Dilly Ind Timmy wtrson now resides on the other side ut Lotte Slmeoe near Dearerton where he has his own macro term which he teeyw rrwle tor knowledre than print to taet the term In supported by hie wrsttllnr Income tits in terui In the term It purer that at understsndioy termers prob lerru KIWANIANI OI MIIIIIE not their Euler Seals into the mail this week When you set ottte think at In hilly steon tireneoncrntra onheployerlo pied children at this dietrlet to attend three weeks or camp at Blue Itounteln nhsio thesis and the beating shorts are toothless pisntton coders with mild tentsrs on the heels oi sort by his ten tre Ken hannerrnsn Bennet mnrl libel wee ledbhleehll so IIiedIy Indnowhitiehsd blown was sure the push bed one In the net Bennermen ssld had two Owen liotnad players tell me sure the same but settled end all the reterre saw was the mile outing the poet out oi the net lteleree Frank Slode later use Ilerrlee John Devtaon elbow sn Owen Sound plsyer Consequent ly Detlson us In the penalty box when the Greys sensed the winnlny goal the Barrie eesth Paul Ilezrr Isa dissetittled with some the referees eetls III was etty test with the whistle to hill the pier hlerer said thwth he sIIlrd some chenp pennlt es end let some big ones so but Im not mmpleln Ins We sore Owen Sound their Ilrsl three rosls so sent Ierl too bad tho way our boys Iousht hark DIDNT QUIT they dtdn quit out there once lent told Iecl we outyleyed them to the lost two per ode Ilrser end llsnnerman were not tho only ones to comment on the nIIlelIlIn Cnlla on tray ttyen who was mat or split dttdlld lltel in tho test two periods tell the teat sott wet hard one tllohl Welton was being he or elbowed all around our net REtillthS IIUNTZ hes the hits It Iensntlonel eavlnstl ltOCIttNI by tho Glttdl llho IILIGILE by its Pictures oi In Exhibition Zettersolt rrer MUSIC by Carole King Team and tho Ilreeat Cot Stevens ltrende liohy lnrannt You Paul Simon Ileort Sense and Volume ol John ny Coshe Oreotest ltite Ill It too low prlel test and that Irliis Shit can some This compost unit hss nor to spore Equipped with recess tUlIi mutnutin cnhnner selsutu twin ernplltlers lien It plus Instnlln lion and speakers It rent buy at only $4995 til lhurslh wheel ml Iwe speIlrers na IILN liennermnn ill the Barrie Colts hnd Ouen Sound oelie Dare Itlpyln heat on this ploy tor sure eonl firm said The entered was rlshtonio oltlto pley Ind rwldnl he but see it The clubs seerrttryiteetur er Olesr Itselhrrson was equally disappointed We were nt supposed to set this its end the way the term cams book Its herd to lots to the otttelals listed to eomment on the tin nl series between Owen Sound end Coillnswood Iteser said he lhousht his club would put up better showing urinal Cellini wood than Owen Sound will the Colts inst dont quit Theyre like thosouuhhreds hie rr said The better tho rom pettion the better they ploy Coiliner advenced In the finals by oustins tho Orlllia Tro velwnys In Iour tomes id APOLOGIES Dovison who could hnto been CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE ursrntlrd by tho rsleree eilt thoush no whistle hsd blown llennrrmnn had gotten by tho root In liorrles lust sins rainy around alter the name up otocsln ior helps in the pen Ilty hos when the winner was stored but he was turned slow The enersl teellny ot the sin both tsennpernent and pinyers won that the reletio wet the poet The other Barrio tools were scored by Grey ltubberl on Eloy set up by Date IinyerIIt Gerry itsyrrntt who scored on is power ay end titero hie Grnth Gerry proved to bo tho Csllt roost versatile piltr lilyan on delenec rlsllt st or eentro hllllnr penalties and ptaylnr on power piers tilll Iirnwts nstd hillto Ilnlt wrro tho top scorers tor Owen bound with two pools oath Slnsles wero scored by Grrl Conn Norm Ihlt and lttll orelny THE ol ludeesirnellrdsieorebotwts Oreytdelrneemsnliantnwle lit to mete hli tho We were robbed rt Lost Colt rnen SUMIIANYI Tint Period Owen Sound Conn Drown Whitby SIS Ilctlrsth IBIIII tlerrio IenIIliet Owen Sound Ilolr tehttilel 017 Seeond Period Owen Sound brown ilrhit Iry Count MI Owen Sound Wsll ltlrettt lleidi sst tt Sound Fish ther it llrrrie IItePherron tllsn nermsni ttarrle tl llaycrnlt tilin nermsn Moelhersonl 01 Twitter Onrrie llenr illehtt Owen Sound Grant thl stlcir rouyht hurls lite Orelh it to wen Soilltti link the IO Ierh elbow Muntz Story Were Irrondoew store In it brood new mail end we ullcr Cemdes iinest selection at otrorir slrrso tune nioyers tor the out not tor the home In nilli tlon it tho stunts Centre youll llnd tutuye greatest rnoele Ior terry latte un otrneir ourlrtrtpe cossette Iillii Ii recording es well utlerro components nnu nevetsoriul The ituotr nnrno tlsrots Ior quality reliability and veins tie in itnuw us Wttl like in set to know yout Teach Stereo Combination For the ear or tor the home heros unit thats renlly sensible Enloy otrorit tupel butitvln Ill Ilstlio or use the unit to record iron the rtdlo or through twin millet its sense IElmvale Starts Ptayolis Soon The Emreit meets linth until MW tilts bun day with deiut It IlndI ol 1ch hosts Little Brit lsrun los erpeir poets toe the lterdtents with best Jameson eddies static The Iletchsnts operai ham rem anterto lloetey Associates Intermediate Central seer tilIuriee tlerdden said alter the game Colts lost 14 tEseminer Photos Saunders Ihiph sticltl Owen Sound Buthton iblsil stleht Owen Sound Ilerrner tel how its Third Period Owen Sound Barclay it mer Iteldl HI ilerrle Itlherson titslli ltetherton tttstt II it ilerrlo Bennermenl 51 ll Barrio tlubbert tDsti is Ituchlonl not llllO Penslllee Owen Sound till yyrt tdetey ol sam serreu by hltby IIt tlsrrie Detlson thlyh sIlehi Iris Barrie Darl eon telbowl ltm shots On noel liy berets By Owen Sound Illtl Illlldt Isr Owen Sound Welt Fist tqu awn rinst madly who they host Oreltenhlm Game time Is pro The winner oi the series renter to meet Petrolie Tbs remeiader or the pleyoll schedule Tuesday Starch Boonie doeltenhsm Sundey iterch Deltenharn et lerlle madly Marsh It Zionists st Qellenhsna httraiey Iisrch ls Clleitrnhsrn st mvsle lit necusoryt hteedey Starch ll Erntale st mellenhent ill neeuraryt Silndtt March as Chelienhem at nmveie it necessary Ellis Novices Blank Borden thirdperiod ml by Shem Saunders wet the dllterenre the hurls Ellis Construction sires blanked Bess horden It an exhibition same pisan Sunday In iiarrle Dean Resvlo was credited with In esslst eh not at the lit mart the libel irIrno Borden drew tour penalties Btrrtss Inn Cougars Begin Playoil Series The ltlrrlo Itoilstt tierntry Novices begin beaterthree onertertlnel series In the cnle tllnor itottey term nirht when they not Elmvals It the EIsIrIel Irene Osnte time is pm PIIONE mitlt dTrueit Certrliiyes by top slersl Cat Stevens Tesrer and the Finest Carole lttns Too tstrr Gold Ile curds by Elvis Presley lletl oi Charlie lritle sand The entire Abbey hood all at one low PTA $598 Conn Treasury oI sy this it Nell Diamonds irrelrrt lllts It SERVICE Your new eor Itsred will only be as good as Its lmlellntlon and your ltuntr Cen tre hes the trained service personnel to rnntru sure you It the snow enjoyment yotrlbis Irunt your new unit We spools ts in Indoor custom installation tr neslty llnishcd oil with mnlehhts IlitII uroperound stereo sound you yet with Ilunls Inrtuiv otlon done while you well When you deal with Iluntr you can count on service on tho spot on tho MUNTZ STEREO CENTRE EBAYFIELD MALL BARRIE STORE HOURS 10 to 104m toss my Ixnnrrton WANT